Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Reflection on the teaching of Chinese Pinyin 4

Part 1: Reflection on the teaching of Chinese Pinyin 4

Chinese Pinyin is an important tool to help students read Chinese characters and learn Mandarin. The Chinese Language Curriculum Standard puts forward in the goal of the first syllabus: “Can read the initial consonants, finals, tones and the overall syllables. It can accurately spell the syllables, correctly write the initials, finals and syllables. Know the uppercase letters, familiar Remember "Chinese Pinyin Alphabet." To achieve this goal, it is an important part of the Chinese Pinyin Review Class. Pinyin review class is a consolidation, practice and application of Chinese Pinyin. Therefore, in the seminar of this month, we chose the Chinese Pinyin Review 4, which was taught by Fu Qin, the teacher of this grade. When I finished the first lesson of Review 4, I heard my own point of view.
1. Reviewing the Pinyin game in the game is a favorite activity for children. The game can make the boring and repetitive review class vivid and interesting, so that the students can consolidate the knowledge and deepen the impression during the game. There are many ways to play the game, as long as it is suitable for the age of the students.
Second, reviewing Pinyin in practice activities In view of the abstract and boring characteristics of Pinyin symbols, teachers should build a bridge between abstract symbols and concrete things in the mind for first-year children who have just entered the school. Therefore, I believe that the teaching of Pinyin should be made alive, that is, students should learn from the familiar living environment to recognize and understand Pinyin symbols. For example, when reviewing the near-initial “b”, “d”, “p”, “q”, let the child extend his left and right hands and observe that when the left and right hands are close together, the thumbs are extended and the thumbs are changed upwards and downwards. In the direction, the children were surprised to find out how similar their hands were to the four initials. They could remember the four initials through their own children's songs. It can be seen that when a syllable exists only as a symbol alone, it is meaningless to the student, and meaningless memorization is very difficult. Once the syllable is placed in a specific environment and closely linked to life, it can cause children's attention and interest in learning.
Third, the study of the initiative to return the students to the new class is still the case, and should be released in the review class. It is necessary to cultivate students' self-awareness and autonomy in the review class, to stimulate and encourage students' self-confidence, and to let students experience the joy of learning success. Improve learning efficiency, make learning from passive to active, and learn to be relaxed and happy.
First, highlight the subjectivity. Students are the masters of learning. Teachers are like directors, students are all protagonists on the stage, and each is in a state of active activity.
Second, it reflects the taste. Using the Shaoguan games that students like to see and enjoy, they practiced in the game, which greatly stimulated students' interest in learning, not only enabled them to learn and consolidate Chinese Pinyin in a fun atmosphere, but also cultivated their active inquiry, unity and cooperation, and independent innovation. ability.
Third, it reflects the hierarchy. This kind of arrangement is in line with the cognitive law of the first-year students learning the language from easy to difficult, from shallow to deep.

Part 2: Reflection on the teaching of Chinese Pinyin 4

For children who have just entered the country for a short time, Hanyu Pinyin is like a string of boring characters. In order to let children love learning and learning, the teaching of Chinese Pinyin should be as interesting as possible, with activities and games as the mainstay, combined with the teaching of Mandarin and literacy teaching. Therefore, in the course of teaching "dtnl", based on the characteristics of the lower grade students who like to learn in the game and in the activities, I have a purposeful choice and create a suitable teaching environment to stimulate the students' curiosity and make full use of the textbooks. Visualization, highlighting key points, difficulties, and using various methods to mobilize the enthusiasm of students to seek knowledge, so that the classroom has a sense of relaxation, static and dynamic, there is talk and practice, there is a desire to say ... colorful, create a happy world of learning, through These induce students' interest and improve the psychological quality of students' attention and curiosity.
When teaching the initials d and t, because some children have already learned in advance, I asked him to introduce these two friends to everyone, that is, let the children learn to be a small teacher. Using the existing foundation of the students, let them teach the students as a small teacher, and the teachers carefully organize, guide, and dial. Then there will be more “little teachers” who are actively involved in learning in order to show themselves.
In order to let the children read the accent, I designed the activity of looking at the mouth and guessing the letters. Create a learning opportunity for teachers and students, students and students to interact, so that every child can read the pronunciation in the activity.
b and d are confusing. This is related to children's cognitive development. Around 7 years old is the turning point of concept development. Children of this age often make mistakes when distinguishing the relationship between things. If the glyphs are compared, the abstract summaries can be kept in mind, but once they are used, they often make mistakes. So I first let the students make the game - magic, is to use the prepared half ring and a pencil, cooperate with the table, "you become my guess, I change you guess" swing the mother b and d. In this way, through the combination of reading, listening, reading, speaking, thinking, doing, pendulum, guessing, and the practice of language practice, students can feel more fun. Followed by, I told the story again to help the child further distinguish. "The little bear Mimi and Ding Dang in the forest came home from school and saw a red and big apple on the table, and they got a drool. But there is only one apple, what should I do? Children" the children will help them soon. The idea - equal division. So I clicked on the courseware and showed it: a large apple with a handle up, divided by a knife; two halves, b and d. Little bear Mimi and Ding Dang each picked up half of the apples to eat with gusto, how happy. At this time, the students will be guided to edit the slogan memory: an apple handle is facing upwards, and it is divided into two halves by one knife, the left d, the right b, db, and db are divided into flat fruits. In this way, students can better understand the memory to distinguish between b and d.
And after teaching Dtnl's pronunciation, I asked the students to look at the pictures and remember how to remember their pronunciation and shape. When students can listen to it, they can actively use their brains. Some can remember their pronunciation by jingles and children's songs, while others can remember the pronunciation by connecting with life experience. For example, the "l" student is like this: small wooden stick lll; clown amused lll; small pencil lll and so on.
Children's learning Chinese Pinyin is a process from speech practice to speech practice. It is a process of establishing a new connection between existing life experience and learning objects. Therefore, in the teaching, create a situation related to the learning of the lesson, adopt a game-centered simultaneous learning mode, which can make children love to learn to play, and make the teaching of pinyin more lively.

Part 3: Reflection on the Teaching of Chinese Pinyin 4

After teaching dtnl, I checked and spelled it as usual, and found that there was still no fight, even the simplest ba could not be spelled out. It is not beautiful to see her now. Anxious, get angry. I spent a class between me and her imitation. Seeing that I am going to class soon, and then letting her read the sounds, she will still not be angry. I wrote in her book "Li Meiting has a problem with spelling, please ask the parents for help." In the afternoon class, spelling the dtnl syllable, I watched her very carefully, watching her read it with great care, let her stand up and read da I finally read it out with my help. I walked over and praised her, and told everyone why she was praised. She also posted a small sticker on her book. Her eyes flashed with confidence, and the next lesson was read more seriously.
Judging from the teaching requirements of Chinese Pinyin in the Standards of Chinese Courses, the full realization of the teaching objectives of Chinese Pinyin should be the requirement of the whole lower age. That is to say, Chinese Pinyin is not a requirement of the first grade, nor is it the requirement of the first semester of the first grade, nor is it the requirement of the first semester of the first semester of the first grade. Therefore, we should not be too hasty about the problems that children are not able to spell well at this stage, or slowly. In the following studies of recognition, literacy, texts, exercises, etc., students will have to use the Chinese Pinyin tool in large numbers every day, and they will be more familiar. The idea of ​​"being a good job in one battle" must be awkward! Looking forward to it, everything will be fine. Not only teachers, but parents also know this. I have great patience and great expectations for my children. I am not eager to seek success. The children need more encouragement, care and expectation, and praise him in time. Give more encouragement and care to students, and give more patience to their expectations.

Part 4: Reflection on the Teaching of Chinese Pinyin 4

The first-year students who have just entered the school have obvious characteristics of pre-school children, and their attention duration is short. According to expert research, the concentration time of students in this period is generally kept at about ten minutes. Therefore, it is their nature and commonality. Their favorite is games and activities. However, as soon as they enter the country, they will transfer from the relatively free game-based learning of children to the system of national planning and learning, with multiple subject knowledge and various abilities, and the first thing to learn is Very abstract Chinese pinyin, Chinese Pinyin as a tool for literacy itself has no meaning, it is boring and tedious for first-year freshmen who are good at intuitive image thinking. How to stimulate students' interest in learning Chinese Pinyin, improve the efficiency of Chinese Pinyin learning, and let students develop good study habits while playing Pinyin teaching, and spend more than a month in the young connection? This is what I have been thinking about and exploring in the low-level language teaching for many years. I also continued to think and explore after implementing the new curriculum.
Considering the characteristics of Chinese Pinyin itself and the age characteristics of lower grade students, I have taken the following measures to teach, and the practice has proved to be more effective.
First, create a situation to learn Chinese Pinyin 1. Learn Pinyin in listening to stories and telling stories:
For example, when learning the finals "a, o, e" and four sounds, I used the situation map in the book as a material to guide students to make stories: In the morning, the sun father came out, and the children and small animals all got up. The new day begins and everyone is happy! Hey, the little girl came to the grass on the river and practiced the scorpion, aa aa a-aa aa a showed a on the blackboard. The big cock also practiced the scorpion on the grass, listen! Oo o—oo o. The big white goose swims happily in the water, watching his beautiful reflection in the water, can't help but sing a song, e-e, how white my body, how red my mouth, I am a happy white goose. The early morning of the river is so lively!
After reading the aoe, listen to the teacher and write the story. The duck aunt came with two little ducks and heard the sound. The duck aunt said while the air was fresh and the duckling did not hear it. He asked: "Ah, what do you say?", the duck aunt said again. The ducklings nodded and said, "Oh, I heard it, the air here is so good, we like to swim here." The little girl found the ducks and stopped singing and called: "Oh, three ducks came in front." In this story-telling language environment, the students unwittingly mastered the four-sound reading. Let the students know the four hats on the head and concentrate on four. In the process of listening to the lectures, the students mastered the aoe and its four-sound readings. They learned actively and have a strong interest. At the same time, they not only trained the language expression ability and obedience, but also developed good obedience and speaking habits.
2. Design a living situation to learn Pinyin:
When teaching the squeaky voice zh ch sh r, considering that the pronunciation of these four initials is a difficult point for students to learn, I specially arranged a situation of “entertaining guests”. Today, four guests came to us as guests, and they showed us the guests in turn. We have to say hello. Today, the names of these guests are very special. When you call, you have to turn your tongue into the door. Please enter the door again. Consolidated the recognition of zh ch sh r). Then move the chair to entertain guests. In the process of hospitality, both the oral communicative ability and the recognition of zh ch sh r were strengthened. Students read and practice more in the context of life, and easily and interestingly break through the difficulty of reading the tongue.
Second, learn a variety of games and interesting activities in a variety of game activities to organize the learning of Chinese Pinyin, such as "guess guess, pass one pass, change, play, tug-of-war, little white pigeons Send a letter, giraffes, and take a test. Through fun games and activities, students have a stronger grasp of the sound and shape of the letters, more enthusiasm for syllables, easy learning, and solid practice.
Third, the hands and brains and intimate contact with Chinese Pinyin in the process of learning Pinyin, you can also let students use the body to play letters, use small hands to do letters, use the things available around to put letters, use plasticine to pinch Pinching letters, using paper to make pinyin pictures, etc., so that the abstract pinyin letters become so intuitive and touchable, so that students feel that the pinyin letters are so close, it is on us, just in our around. This combination of hands and brains not only cultivates hands-on ability, but also develops thinking and develops students' observation, imagination and creativity. It is a comprehensive teaching method.
Fourth, contact life multi-channel learning Chinese Pinyin language learning extension is equivalent to the extension of life, curriculum source life, life is the curriculum, the course is life. Chinese Pinyin itself is a tool for learning Chinese characters, so Chinese Pinyin learning should be used. After learning all the initials, I asked the students to put some syllables on the items around them, and then put them on the cards, which were posted on the home, and also posted in the classroom and in the bedroom to create a pinyin learning for the students. The atmosphere allows students to see pinyin at all times, and master the syllable spelling in reading more. After learning the complete letter, send the students a poem every day, let them go to spell and read the poems themselves; and let the students try to use the syllables to record what they have heard or thought of, and write well. The wall newspaper was on display; a pinyin reading was placed on the corner of the book for students to read outside.
5. Learning by group, excellent and poor way to learn Pinyin Due to the differences in personality such as intellectual development and thinking ability, some children accept very fast when learning Chinese Pinyin, while some children accept it very slowly, how to do it. Excellent and poor? In the classroom, I usually use the learning method of mutual learning and mutual learning among students. There are four people reading each other in the same class. In the process of mutual reading, we guide eugenic students to teach poor students, poor students learn eugenics, and cultivate students' sense of cooperation. . After class, he also gave eugenic students a bad reading of the phonetic reading materials, which not only improved the phonics ability of eugenics, but also increased their channels for learning extracurricular knowledge, and also promoted poor students, which improved the enthusiasm of poor students.
Teaching is a regrettable art, she always has imperfections. The new textbooks are almost simultaneous in pinyin and literacy. After more than a month of teaching, it is found that many students who recognize the words will not recognize them. It is undoubtedly an effective means to repeat them, but where is the time for children to read and read? ? I read the language three mornings a week, and the children did not read pinyin when the teacher was not instructed by the language teacher at night. How to make full use of time to improve students' literacy efficiency while teaching Pinyin? This is a question worthy of further exploration.

Chapter 5: Reflection on the Teaching of Chinese Pinyin 4

When teaching the fourth lesson of Chinese Pinyin, the initials t and f are easily confused. Let the students first think of their own solutions and solve the problems themselves. Maybe it was because I had just entered school for a few days. Only Sun Qizhen stood up and said loudly: "The small umbrella puts ttt, a stick ff f." cites the jingle that teaches them when teaching. Ever since, everyone shook their heads and sang together: "The little umbrella puts ttt, a stick ff f."
Since everyone knows, let's move the pen. When I was on tour, I was dumbfounded: some students "t f" mixed up. It seems that it is just hanging on the mouth. Elementary school students who have just entered school need an intuitive understanding. So I took a cane and an umbrella and let the students look closely and find similarities. Students look at it seriously and say it at the same table, it is easy to find. On this basis, let the students start again and say "I remember t f".
"I remembered t!" Wang Lexin took the umbrella. "The small umbrella is to be held in the hand. Hey, this is a small umbrella!"
Chen Guohao took the crutches and pointed at it while explaining to everyone: "The grandfather must use his right hand to hold the crutches, and the right hand is holding the right direction, so it is a vertical right bend." So I quickly took the opportunity to let the children read the book. Vertical right bend. At the same time, he added: "The grandfather is very tall, and his crutches are long. So, the vertical and right bends are long. Otherwise, you have to leave!" The students understood, and laughed. "Come, grandfather, grandmother, pick up your crutches!" In the haha, the little guys remembered the "f" shape.
After the class bell rang, the little guys learned how the old man had a cane, and some did the action of playing an umbrella. Haha smiled and walked out of the classroom.

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