Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Reflection on the meaning of scores

Part 1: Reflection on the meaning of score teaching

“The meaning of the score” is based on the fact that the student has a preliminary understanding of the score. The purpose of the teaching is to enable the student to correctly understand the unit “1”, understand the meaning of the score, and be able to score the score in the specific situation. Explain the meaning and use the score knowledge in a structured way to analyze and think about the problems in life. The meaning of the score is a relatively abstract concept for the primary school students. How to make the students understand the meaning of the unit "1"? Leading students step by step from the concrete examples to gradually summarize the meaning of the score is the two key issues to be solved in this lesson. Therefore, in the class, I can firmly grasp the focus of this lesson, starting from the following two aspects, guiding students to understand the meaning of the unit "1" and understand the meaning of the score.
Pay attention to the students' existing knowledge and experience, grasp the growth point of new knowledge, and recognize and expand the unit "1" to deepen their understanding of the scores. At the beginning of the lesson, students are more familiar with the average score of an object, guiding the students to divide the average of an object into several parts, such one or several copies can be expressed by the score, and then try to solve the average of some objects. The new mathematical problem of using the score to represent the relationship between the part and the whole causes the students to pay attention to the number of objects to be divided. By thinking, observing, and comparing, the students can understand that many objects can be considered as a whole. The scores are expressed in one or more of the scores, thus completing the understanding and expansion of the unit "1", and also preparing for revealing the meaning of the scores.
Focus on allowing students to consolidate and deepen their understanding of the meaning of the scores. This lesson not only provides students with a wealth of learning materials, but also summarizes the meaning of the scores through observation, analysis, discussion, and induction. It also pays attention to the process of allowing students to experience the application of scores in life, such as dividing the class size into 6 groups. Each group of people accounted for a few of the number of the whole class, the two groups accounted for a few points, contact the common points of life in the scene, let the students talk about what scores used to represent the results, and scores The meaning of the explanation is explained. In this way, the students not only deepen their understanding of the meaning of the scores, but also raise the understanding of the scores to a new level, and also lay a foundation for the future study of the scores.
After finishing this lesson, I feel that there are still many shortcomings worth improving. For example, the teaching of mathematical concepts is not accurate enough. Teachers are afraid to let go, and there are not many opportunities for students to explore independently. In fact, students can create their own scores in the classroom. Let me first talk about the understanding of the scores. On this basis, the teacher will dial in time and summarize. In addition, when the students reported, the teachers were too eager to face the problems of the students, and failed to guide the students to solve the problems themselves, but the teachers replaced them. The arrangement of time was too average and loose, so that the subsequent expansion exercises could not be carried out. Secondly, the teachers' inspiring language is lacking in the classroom, the classroom atmosphere is not really mobilized, and so on, all of which need to be tempered in the future.

Part 2: Rethinking the meaning of scores

The focus of this lesson is the meaning of the score. Considering that if I let me summarize the meaning of the score, I will also include it in the "one copy" of the concept, so that it is almost impossible for students to summarize the concept independently and completely. Therefore, I mainly guide students to review the generation of each score, so that students can feel, understand, and extract the model of the score meaning in the process of review, and combine the teacher's blackboard supplement to gradually form the meaning of the score. For the teaching of fractional units, after the teaching of the meaning of the scores, let the students understand by reading the book and then trying to answer. After repeatedly answering “What is its score unit? Is there a few such score units in it?” After that, students are bound to have some discoveries, and then ask students to summarize the number of fraction units, fractional units, fractions, and denominators. The relationship that enables students to develop in math skills.
In the design exercise, I focused on the understanding of the meaning of the scores in this lesson, arranged the completion of the exercises in the book, and also designed a comprehensive, life-oriented, infiltration of mathematical ideas. The first two exercises are the "practice and practice" and the "practice six, the third question" in the book. The third "saw wood" problem has three design considerations: one is to moderately integrate the exercises in the book. 4 three questions. The first is to let the students understand which quantity is regarded as “unit 1” in the specific practical life problem, and deepen the understanding of the meaning of the score. Secondly, the students feel the same score, and the quantity of “unit 1” changes. The quantity also changes. And guide the students to observe and feel how the change in the quantity of “Unit 1” affects the change in the number corresponding to the score. The second is to develop students' sense of quantity and cultivate students' estimation ability. In fact, it also penetrates and deepens students' understanding of the meaning of scores. The third is to infiltrate the idea of ​​mathematics and the ultimate. Guide students in the real problem situation, through imagination, realize that "the day is half, the world is inexhaustible." The fourth is to infiltrate the mathematics culture. Through the final presentation of a paragraph in Zhuangzi's book, students are allowed to make initial contact with the mathematics story, broaden the knowledge of students, cultivate students' interest in learning, and make students feel the profound foundation of Chinese culture. The development of students' sense of quantity requires special training, but it requires more in-depth and timely infiltration of teachers' classroom teaching, especially in mathematics thinking and mathematics culture. This is not a glimpse, but a long-term, subtle process.
However, there are still some regrets in reviewing the teaching of the whole lesson. For example, some details are still not good enough. When the new part of the article presents a lot of items as a whole, it still needs some symbols to make the students feel deeply that they are regarded as a whole, and lack the necessary guidance and guidance in the process of students reading. There is still a small amount of practice, and students are not developing enough at the skill level.

Part 3: Rethinking the meaning of scores

The teaching of this lesson can be said to be a brand new attempt, each part focuses on the experience of the meaning of the score, and pay attention to the summary at any time in the experience.
1. Connect with the actual life and feel the mathematics.
Mathematics comes from life and is used in life. At the beginning of the class, in the relaxed chat environment, the score is introduced and the student's score is recognized. In the following series of examples, I always emphasize the average score of “in life”, and what can be regarded as “1” in “in life”. The abstract scores are materialized by the things familiar to the students.
2. Create an independent learning environment and promote effective learning.
Under the guidance of the teacher, it is clear that some objects can be regarded as the unit "1" for the average score to get the score, and the creation environment allows the students to average the points in their hands and get the scores from them. Through students' independent thinking, hands-on practice, cooperation and exchange, they have gone through the steps of guessing, experimenting, reasoning, and proof, so that students can take the initiative and individualized learning in sufficient time and space. The final conclusion of mathematics knowledge is not only to know, but to allow students to operate by themselves. In the specific experiment, they really know what they are, and they know why.
3. Based on the students' existing cognitive level.
The "Course Standard" states that the teaching of teachers should be based on the students' cognitive level and existing experience, and should be oriented to all students. Therefore, this lesson is open from the traditional book knowledge to the students' life mathematics. The individual knowledge and direct experience of the students are regarded as important curriculum resources. Starting from the students' existing life experience, the students can experience the actual problems into mathematics. Knowledge, and encourage students to think independently, start from the existing knowledge and experience, and strive to explore new knowledge, so that the preset teaching objectives are open to the direct experience of students in the implementation process.
After finishing this lesson, I feel that there are still some shortcomings worthy of improvement. My ability to control time in the classroom needs to be improved, so that I can't grasp the rhythm of classroom teaching as a whole. In addition, when the students report, the teachers are too eager to face the problems of the students, failing to guide the students to solve the problems themselves, but the teachers instead. From the above, I can see that my ability to control the classroom is still very scarce, and I need to constantly exercise and improve.
Some people say that classroom teaching is a science and an art. The art of classroom teaching runs through the whole process of classroom teaching. Every aspect of classroom teaching should pay attention to the art of teaching. In the future teaching, I will study harder, study, improve my business level, improve classroom teaching efficiency, and improve the quality of education and teaching. Efforts to create a harmonious classroom teaching structure, so that the freedom of learning is truly returned to the students, the right to learn is returned to the students, the time of study is returned to the students, and the joy of learning is brought to the students.

Part 4: Reflection on the meaning of score teaching

Since the score is a new number that students have just begun to understand, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the students in the teaching, to connect with the reality, to give more examples, to combine the existing knowledge base and life experience of the students, and to enrich the operation activities. Enhance perceptual knowledge, let students experience firsthand, actively explore, and experience the connection between old and new knowledge, and lay a good foundation for the students' understanding of scores in the future by sensibility and understanding of the leap of rational understanding.
Classroom is a place where students take the initiative to participate, practice, explore and exchange mathematics knowledge, and build their own effective mathematical understanding. Therefore, in this lesson, I strive to achieve the teacher-led, life-based, suspected spindle, and move to the main line. Pushing students to the forefront of learning, returning the power of learning to the students, giving the students the space and time for reflection and discovery, and giving the students the right to discover. For this reason, I have the following experience in the teaching of this lesson:
First, strengthen the connection between mathematics learning and life.
This lesson first creates a life scene of food at the time of picnic activities. Food is a common occurrence in students' life. I start from the students' life experience and existing knowledge, and make full use of modern teaching techniques to reproduce the "sub-cake" in life. The scene allows students to understand the "average score" from the sensibility, paving the way for the meaning of a few of the following teachings. And guide students to know one-half of the specific situation, the experience scores are generated in real life, knowing that one-half is a score.
Second, strengthen intuitive teaching and reduce cognitive difficulty
The knowledge of scores is the first contact of students, based on the recognition of integers, and is an extension of the concept of numbers. For students, understanding the meaning of scores has certain difficulties. Strengthening intuitive teaching can better help students master concepts and understand concepts. In the teaching of this lesson, I fully pay attention to the students' operation of the learning tools. Through the origami, students can have an intuitive understanding of the meaning of the scores, make full use of the demonstration of multimedia courseware to strengthen the intuitive teaching, and let the students deepen the meaning of the concept of the score. Understanding reduces the difficulty of understanding the concept of scores.
Third, independent learning, training innovation ability
After knowing one-half of the cake, I asked the students to use a rectangular fold, a coat, and a recognition, and further understand the meaning of one-half through communication. In the fold-off link, the students' different folds can represent one-half of the rectangle. Why is there a idea of ​​seeking homology in mathematics? Seeking common ground while reserving differences, it has different places, different ways of folding, and there is no similar place. The students think through thinking, they give answers, they are all folded in half, and they are divided into two on average.
Different scores are used to break out different scores, providing students with an open space for thinking, connecting them with existing experience and mathematics knowledge, proactively exploring the method of folding, getting more scores, and fully demonstrating students' thinking, exploration, and communication activities. . Communicate a variety of folding methods in the group, respecting the individual strategies of students to solve problems, and let students experience the diversity of problem-solving strategies, so that students' innovative ability can be released and developed, let students create their own scores, and respond to students' good performance. The psychological characteristics of the students highlight the individuality of the students. Through the activities, the students further deepen their understanding of a certain part, and cultivate the students' sense of innovation and self-confidence in learning. After the students finished the score, I took a quarter of the three different graphics. Why can different graphics represent a quarter? According to the children’s experience, they know that they all divide the graphics into four parts. It doesn't matter if the graphics are different, as long as the average is divided into four, each one is a quarter of it. Through two levels of comparison, at least give the students such an impression, to represent a fraction, how to fold the relationship, what graphics do not matter, as long as the average is divided into several parts, indicating that such a copy is its A fraction of a.
Through the discussion and cooperation between the groups, it is concluded that not only the purpose of emphasizing the “average score” is achieved, but also the process of thinking, fully respecting and exerting the main role of the students, promoting students' independent learning, and guiding them appropriately. The exploration process is further extended, so that the students can combine the operation, thinking and language, and profoundly understand the meaning of the scores. This design is also beneficial to the students' ability to master and generalize, and also enables students to experience and others. The power of cooperation and the strengths of others. I think that when children get a little bit of a preliminary understanding, if they can understand the essence of the score through this level of activities and comparisons, it will be of great help to the children's score learning in the future.

Part V: Rethinking the meaning of scores

The main characteristics of the teaching of the meaning of the scores are: on the basis of fully mobilizing the initiative and enthusiasm of the students, the teachers can organize the teaching activities by means of students' self-learning, asking questions, discussing communication and solving problems. Fully reflect the subjective status of students. The students learn vividly and lively, and the enthusiasm and initiative of independent learning are fully exerted. The re-recognition of the teaching objectives and the corresponding teaching strategies, methods and means adopted by them are as follows:
People-oriented development is the common philosophy of current education. In this lesson, teachers not only pay attention to let students master the knowledge, but also attach great importance to students' experience of the learning process and the penetration of learning methods, pay attention to the display of students' individualized thinking, let students through imagination, learning exchange, hands-on practice, etc. Mathematical learning activities to discover knowledge, to feel the exploratory nature of mathematics problems, and to promote students to learn. In the teaching process, students are always placed in the main position of learning, and efforts are made to improve students' self-learning ability and interest in learning.
Teachers make full use of the students' existing knowledge and experience, and propose the steps of self-exploration and learning. Students learn the content of self-selection, independent thinking, group discussion and mutual questioning, and acquire the happy mathematics knowledge. The students' initiative and potential ability are obtained. Excited. It is reflected in two major characteristics. First, it is bold to let go, and provides students with independent learning and cooperation and communication. It emphasizes intuitive teaching and abstracts the meaning of scores through observation, judgment, communication and hands-on operation. The second is to achieve the knowledge that students can explore on their own, and the teacher will never replace it. For example, let the students do their own methods to find a variety of average points; the denominator and the numerator appear at different times, that is, let the students see the denominator and think of the average score. When you see the numerator, you know that the number of copies is so that the students can feel in practice. I figure out the meaning of the denominator and the numerator, and can use the score to express it; if I don’t understand the place and find that it is different from others, I have the awareness to ask questions, and I am willing to discuss and exchange math problems. This gives students time to think independently, so that students have the space to create their own, have the opportunity to fully express themselves, but also let students experience the joy of learning success and promote their own development.
Equal teacher-student relationship and open learning style strongly support this positive atmosphere, form students' active acquisition of mathematics knowledge, and fully expose their thinking process. It is reflected in two aspects: First, teachers respect students, have equal dialogue, believe in students, and let students have the opportunity to express themselves. The second is to pay attention to the embodiment of the independent learning and cooperation spirit of the classroom. Under the guidance of the teachers, the students really know how to cooperate with others in a harmonious way, and truly understand the difficulties encountered in the exploration. Students face new knowledge and dare to propose a series of new problems that they want to know. Teachers organize students to discuss them extensively, so that the concept connotation can be fully revealed, allowing students to deepen their understanding of scores. The whole class learns mathematics and acquires knowledge in a democratic and relaxed learning environment.

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