Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Flower clock teaching reflection

Part 1: Reflections on Flower Clock Teaching

"Flower Clock" reminds the little white rabbit to get up, eat lunch, and sleep by morning glory, noon flower, and night scent, telling us that different flowers have different flowering time. The text captures the demeanor and language of each flower, and vividly writes the characteristics of each flower, so that readers can see these lovely flowers in front of them, thus inspiring readers to further understand the interest of plants.
In the literacy teaching of this lesson, students have mastered some literacy methods in the knowledge of Chinese characters, such as: using pinyin, connecting with life, finding sisters, slogans, etc. These good methods can help students accumulate Chinese characters and improve Literacy efficiency. In terms of reading, the students showed great interest and enthusiasm. Under the careful guidance of the teacher, they have been able to read the text correctly, read it smoothly, not to read or read, and to experience the happiness brought by reading.

Chapter 2: Reflections on Flower Clock Teaching

"Flower Clock" is the content of the 13th class of the third grade language. I am teaching the first lesson, combined with the teaching mode of "learning after school, training", taking students as the main body, I completed the teaching tasks of this lesson. Flower clock teaching reflection. There are two reflections after class:
First, the guidance of the long sentence reading After the literacy teaching session, the teacher pays attention to the three difficult sentences, and gives the students a reading instruction. Judging from the performance of the students on the spot, the reading of long sentences is difficult for them to read aloud. And I think that from the third grade, I should pay attention to the cultivation of students' reading ability. From reading a long sentence to reading aloud to the full text, this should be a gradual process. This teaching concept can be used for students' future reading. Good foundation.
Second, let students choose "like" and form a unique learning experience text that describes nine different flowers that are open at different times. I turned the flower-like appearance into a "small poem", letting students choose their own texts to interpret the description of flowers and flowers, and students "simply vivid" and "anthropomorphic image" "After the angle to complete your favorite elaboration. Teachers do not have to work hard to explain the rhetorical methods such as metaphors and anthropomorphisms. Students can already comprehend themselves and achieve the effect of teaching. There is no feeling that teachers will take students away. I want to form a unique learning experience for my students.

Chapter 3: Reflections on Flower Clock Teaching

"Flower Clock" is an intensive reading text in the fourth unit of the third grade of the National Language. According to the idea of ​​"inductive phenomenon--- revealing the reason---actual application", the text explains that different flowers will be open at different times and their reasons. Due to the renovation of the school building, there is no multimedia equipment in the classroom. It is impossible to show the students pictures of flowers and different information about the opening hours of the flowers in the classroom. Before teaching "Flower Clock", I intend to let students collect information about flower clocks and various flowers during the preparation process to help them understand the content of the text.
In the process of teaching, I broke the sequential teaching mode, learned from the most interesting paragraphs, and made a choice between the contents of the text, highlighting the key section - the teaching of the first natural section.
First of all, I started with the last part of the text and asked questions: What is the flower clock introduced in the text? The student’s interest has been mobilized, and soon I will think about the flowers that make the flower clock. My camera asks "What are the flowers that make up the flower clock? Do you know?" The students raised their hands and then learned the first natural paragraph of the text.
The language described in the first paragraph is particularly vivid, and the same is written in "Flower Blossoms". The text uses a variety of language expressions: for example, a small purple speaker is blown up, and a smile is opened. Woke up in a dream, happy to bloom, wake up in the twilight, stretch your own petals, etc., the words are very beautiful. Therefore, in the classroom teaching, I will take the opportunity to guide students to read the beauty of the words through reading, let the students develop rich imagination to imagine the beautiful scene when the flowers are open, let the students compare, understand and feel the various sentence expressions, and Guide the students to learn this writing in writing, and to describe things in the language of the image.
Finally, learn the second natural section, understand the reasons for the different flowering time, and expand the reasons for imagining other flowers. Encourage students to consult different flowers and open materials at different times, and imitate botanists to do a flower clock.
This class has a high level of enthusiasm for learning and shows a strong desire for knowledge. This shows that this lesson is more successful. However, there are also many deficiencies. Originally, I designed the first natural section to complete the study. I mimicked the author's description of the open flower writing method. Because I was eager to catch up with the class, I simply said it and did not implement it.

Chapter 4: Reflections on Flower Clock Teaching

"Flower Clock" is a very beautiful article. The first paragraph introduces the different opening times of different flowers. The second section introduces the reasons why different plants have different flowering time. The third paragraph describes the botanists using flowers. This feature makes an interesting flower clock. According to the content of the textbook, I have such a "positioning" for the teaching goal. Through the study of the lesson, students will recognize 8 characters and write 14 characters. The correct reading and writing is "competitive, fragrant, flamboyant, awake, "Fine" and other words; read the text correctly, fluently, and emotionally, recite the parts that you like; read the contents of the text, stimulate students' interest in observation, and initially cultivate the habits of students to pay attention to things around and to observe and think carefully. Among them, the difficulty is that "under the understanding of the content of the text, learning to express the same meaning in different terms."
Therefore, according to the idea of ​​"induction phenomenon - revealing the reason - practical use", I explained that different flowers will be open at different times, and the flowering time of nine different flowers such as morning glory is illustrated to illustrate this discovery. Then the analysis answers two reasons why different plants have different flowering time. Finally, it is extended to talk about the botanist's construction of the "flower clock", which is very wonderful.
The reading teaching is based on "reading". The course is clear in thinking and the language is beautiful. The classroom reads the contents of the text through various forms of reading. From the reading, I understand the beauty of the words. In the classroom, I strive to let the students freely and fully read. Such as free reading, reading at the same table, reading at the same time, reading silently, reading, reading, listening to music, reading exercises, etc., and then enjoying the vivid and intuitive situation through the multimedia courseware of flowers, let the students feel the nature. The wonderful flowers and blossoming flowers spurred the students' love for flowers, cultivated their sense of language, and strengthened their emotions and beauty.
There are many shortcomings in this lesson. When the questions raised are difficult, the students look at me with wide eyes. At that time, I am also anxious, so I am anxious to give some inspiration to the students, eager to see When the students raise their hands, they will grow up without knowing it. So the time for students to think is relatively small. They just turn around my thoughts, and the space for thinking is much less, so the answer is There is a lot of single, this is a very big regret, and there is a fourth link to guide students to build a flower clock. The enthusiasm of students to answer questions is not as high as the first three links, the quality of answering questions is not high, and the enthusiasm for learning The first three links formed a large gap. The reason is that the life of primary school students is shallow, and little is known about the time of opening different flowers. If I ask students to check the information online before class, understand the different flower opening hours, and then expand the flower in the second part of the flower, and expand: "Do you know which flowers are open in life?" The fourth step is to build a flower clock to make a foreshadowing. I think that in the fourth step of teaching, I will not leave regrets. This regret made me learn a lesson: we must understand the characteristics of children and pay attention to pre-class preparation.

Chapter 5: Reflections on Flower Clock Teaching

One is to use a variety of means to stimulate students' interest in learning. At the beginning of class, I first let students appreciate the beautiful flowers and feel the beauty of flowers. Let the students carry out guessing and stimulate the students' interest in learning. It is preliminary to understand that the "flower clock" is different from the general clock. In addition, I designed the clock face to allow students to fill the clock face according to the different time of flower opening and learn from the most interesting flowers according to the students' reading expectations, breaking the sequential teaching mode.
The second is to highlight the focus of the Chinese language teaching. Therefore, when I was teaching the first natural section of Hua Hua, I used various forms of reading to let students compare, understand and feel the various ways of expressing sentences. It also cultivated and developed the students' language ability, especially for students. Learn to use image, vivid, and concrete description methods to combine reading and writing. In the process of understanding, reading, and understanding, the students are respected for their unique feelings. The teacher is only in the practice of reading, allowing students to construct themselves and learn to read.
First, in the study, the cultivation of students' language literacy and language expression is not enough. In the future teaching, we will pay attention to this aspect of the problem, so that students have a greater learning space, so that students can really learn to learn!
Second, due to the rush to progress, so the students' reading instruction is not enough, the students' reading level is low, and we must strengthen the guidance in this area.
Third, due to the large capacity of the course, the teaching content can not be completed, the students' small pen is too late, so there is no combination of reading and writing.

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