Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Reflection on animal gathering teaching

Part 1: Reflection on animal gathering teaching

In the lesson of "Animal Party", the purpose is:
1. Through learning, students will feel the joy of success and cultivate their interest in learning mathematics, and develop a good habit of diligent brainstorming and earnest calculation. 2. Through the guidance of the teacher, the student can ask questions, list the multiplication formulas, and experience the simple application of multiplication. The key point is to cultivate students' ability to ask questions and solve problems, and to understand the simple application of multiplication. The difficulty is to deepen students' understanding of the meaning of "several couples" and multiplication. In a 40-minute event, some knowledge students mastered better, but there were also bad places. My reflection is as follows:
1. After presenting the theme of “Animal Party”, it is important to cultivate students' awareness and ability to carefully observe, select information, and propose and fully describe mathematical problems. Proposing mathematics is an important part of solving mathematics problems. The mathematics problem has its own structure. It consists of two parts: the known condition and the solution target. For example, "there are three branches on the map, three small birds are parked on each branch, and a few birds are coming to the party. "It is a complete description of a mathematical problem implied in the "animal party" situation. In this lesson, teachers and students have neglected the important part of describing mathematical problems when they ask mathematics - known conditions. Perhaps they thought that when describing a situational problem, the known condition can be omitted because it is obvious in the figure. In fact, the essence of the mathematical problem is to establish the correspondence between some known mathematical information and an unknown mathematical information in a specific situation. Describe the mathematical problem is the necessary means to reveal this relationship, and it is also an important process to cultivate the consciousness of mathematics.
2. This lesson has a tendency to “collective work” in the teaching process of solving problems. After a student asks a mathematics question, the teacher asks “who can solve this problem”, so a student stands up and accepts the challenge. Another student stood up and added that they successfully solved the problem and thought that the whole class would be. Suhomlinski pointed out sharply that this "collective work" teaching method is likely to cause the illusion of smooth classroom teaching. In fact, for most students, there is no successful experience to solve problems independently. It is a good practice to ask other students to take on the challenge of each of the valuable math problems that the students have put forward. Try each of the drafts in the draft; finally, organize group discussions, exchanges, feedback, and revisions.
3. Practical activities are a bright spot in the new curriculum of the National Primary Mathematics. In the course of the teaching of this lesson, the students have been better implemented. Students can find out which problems can be solved by multiplication and find out with their peers. In the process, you can feel the close connection between multiplication and life and get a good emotional experience. If this practice is arranged in advance, let the students do some small surveys before class, write a math diary, and then report to the classroom to communicate, the students may benefit more, and the experience will be more profound.
I introduced the food that the animals loved, which aroused the interest of the students. This plays a very important role in the later learning. Then I asked the students to observe the picture, find the information in the picture, and ask questions. Students are well placed to ask a variety of questions based on the picture, which is part of the focus. After the students finished the problem, I took out the example of the question “How many birds are there?” from the student’s question, and then guided the students to explain the ideas of solving the problem and list the multiplication formulas. Here, the students can say the multiplication formula and Say why it is such a column, experience the simple application of multiplication, and also train students' thinking. This easily reached the focus of this lesson and broke through. In the new curriculum standard, students are required to not only solve problems but also communicate their ideas with others. This is reflected in the classroom activities, and the effect is still ok. Throughout the classroom, students not only moved their brains, but also moved their hands and brains to coordinate their hands, so students' enthusiasm for learning was higher. The mastery of the knowledge is also in place.

Chapter 2: Reflections on Animal Party Teaching

The content of this lesson is the fifth lesson of the first unit of the second grade of the Beijing Normal University. The teaching goal of this lesson is to let students use multiplication to solve simple practical problems in life. In the process of solving the multiplication problem, the meaning of multiplication is further understood, and the close relationship between multiplication and life is realized. In teaching, I mainly design teaching from the following two aspects:
1. The choice of learning content is closely related to the actual life of the students. Pay attention to the life experience and knowledge level of the students, select some life scenes familiar to the students as the material, and consciously let the students mathematicalize the actual problems and apply what they have learned. Knowledge solves practical problems, and at the same time deeply experiences the value of learning mathematics, and realizes that there is mathematics everywhere in life.
2. In the classroom, let the students think about their own brains, do it by hand, and let the students say the answer, let the students get the answer through their own thinking. Students also accumulate direct experience through hands-on activities such as putting a pendulum and drawing a picture, thinking in the operation, innovating in the hands, and experiencing the joy of acquiring knowledge in the activity.

Part 3: Reflection on animal gathering teaching

The theme maps in the textbooks appear in the form of fairy tales that students love. The purpose is to make students feel lively and interesting, let students ask questions in vivid situations, list multiplication formulas, and experience the simple application of multiplication. In the textbook, "What math problems can you propose?" is an important teaching link. I use courseware to motivate students to find problems and ask questions. On this basis, one guides students to focus on the issue of “a few birds in total”. According to the problem formula, some are the formulas of column addition, and some are the formulas of column multiplication, which should be affirmed, but to guide students to understand that multiplication is a simple operation of addition, column multiplication is simpler! Then the important part is to understand the meaning of the multiplication formula. For example, 3*6 can represent 3 6 or 6 3, but in a specific situational problem, it can only mean one meaning. Let the students draw a circle. Understand a few.
In the teaching of this class, the time control is not good enough. Because it takes 5 to 10 minutes to do the homework for the students, there is another problem that the teacher talks too much, and the student's subject status has not yet been reflected. Through today's teaching, I understand that it is extremely important to train students to learn mathematics interest. This requires teachers to spend more time preparing lessons and learning.

Part 4: Reflection on Animal Party Teaching

First, clever use of animal image quotation.
During the activity, I skillfully used the introduction of the little monkey that my child liked, and I caught the child's heart all at once. The little monkey runs through the whole educational activity, just like a line pulling the child to explore and observe. In line with the child's age characteristics, they further stimulate their desire to explore.
Second, clever use of cover wall charts.
During the activity, the cover chart was designed, and a part of the wall chart was first displayed, which caused the interest of the child to observe, so that the layers were progressively and gradually guided to observe the child, which further stimulated the child's desire to observe.
Third, clever use of the art of questioning.
When the child observes each picture, he skillfully designs the question, just like a hand operating in the dark, guiding the child to observe the story one by one.
Fourth, clever use of teaching aids to mobilize the enthusiasm of young children to participate.
In the activity, the children send small animals to the party. The animals are attached to the wall chart. Even if the children remember the order of the animal gatherings, they add enthusiasm for the activities.
Language activity is an emotional and creative activity. Throughout the process, I start from the children's interests and needs, giving them an imaginary space, an operating platform, and an opportunity to create a story. When the children are attached to the small animals, I encourage the children with an appreciative look and a positive language to let the individual children come to the stage to tell. Finally, the children invited the teachers to listen to their own stories. Every child is boldly expressing and telling, and the children are pushed to the climax when they are engaged in the story. The listening and applause of the teachers also greatly encouraged the children.

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