Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Possibility teaching reflection

Part 1: Reflection on Possibility Teaching

My class is the content of the fifth volume of the People's Education Edition, "Possibility", which is mainly to let students initially perceive the uncertainty of things happening in our normal life. Knowing that something is possible is possible, some are impossible, and some are certain.
I want to reflect the following characteristics in this lesson:
First, the teaching ideas of playing middle school.
Because the students are young and know things more intuitively, I arrange very vivid and intuitive teaching activities to make students participate, feel fun, and learn knowledge. In this lesson, you can see that the students in the whole class are almost always playing, playing very happy, constantly discovering and constantly thinking during the game. Although the teacher did not have more explanations, the understanding of knowledge and the teaching objectives of this lesson have been achieved.
Second, create a situation, so that the situation runs through.
In the teaching, it is necessary to design a lively and interesting teaching situation, let students participate and stimulate students' interest in learning.
In this lesson, I started from the actual life of the students, and introduced new lessons with the playing cards that students usually like to play, which greatly stimulated the students' enthusiasm for learning, and then followed the TV programs that students usually like. The golden egg link attracts the attention of the students, allowing the students to understand the possibility and possibility of the event in the activity of the guessing box, and then let the students take the ball with the request to further consolidate the "certain" and "not" Possible "may" understanding.
Three pay attention to the thoughts of learning.
Learning useful mathematics is the requirement of the new curriculum standard, so that students can apply the knowledge learned in the classroom to the reality, so that students can feel that the knowledge they have learned can be applied in real life to stimulate students' learning enthusiasm and cultivate children. Consciously learn the interest of mathematics. So I chose a few things in my life for the students to judge.
The gradient of teaching is not obvious. The second game will be better if it is placed at the end, because the purpose of designing this game is to play a role in laying the foundation for the possibility of learning the next lesson. The inadequacy of this lesson is the teacher. It may be that my experience is limited, my ability to respond is poor, and the students perform so well. The teacher praises the encouragement and is not in place. There is no prize reward for them. This is what I will learn later. The place to pay attention.

Part 2: Reflection on Possibility Teaching

The eighth unit of the third grade mathematics book "Possibility" belongs to the content of probability knowledge. It aims to guide students to observe and analyze the phenomena in life, and to experience the uncertainties in real life and to recognize the certainty and uncertainty of events. The teaching of Example 1 and Case 2 on page 105 of this booklet will enable students to initially experience the occurrence of some events, some of which are uncertain; and can use words such as “certain”, “possible” and “impossible”. Describe these phenomena. According to the content of the textbook and the characteristics of the students, I designed a series of game activities and familiar life situations with the interest of students to touch the ball, put the ball, guess the ball, and help students understand the mathematics. Guide students to experience the process of doing mathematics, let students experience the phenomenon of “certain”, “impossible” and “possible” in mathematics activities. This lesson has the following characteristics:
First, let students experience the concept of mathematics in a realistic situation
I reorganized the textbooks in teaching, starting with the "guessing ball" game that everyone is interested in, so that students can understand the mathematical concepts of "certain", "possible" and "impossible" in the real situation. All of a sudden caught the interest of students to learn. Make abstract mathematical concepts such as "possibility" easy for students to accept.
2. Return the initiative of learning to the students
In this lesson, I returned the initiative to the students and let the students let the students understand the "possibility" of the situation and the possibility through the practice, self-exploration, cooperation and communication. fact. Through cooperation and communication, students' understanding of what they have learned is deepened.
Third, the classroom atmosphere is harmonious and the students are in a good mood.
In the classroom teaching, students learn cooperatively in the game. The teachers are both the students' instructors and their collaborators. The students are happy in such a classroom environment. They are willing to learn, to learn, to taste the joy of success, and to build self-confidence.
Fourth, organizational regulation is not in place
The first experience of "guessing the ball" and re-experiencing the "touching the ball" because of group cooperation and teacher-student interaction, the student's enthusiasm is so high that the activity time is too long, so that the entire class is a bit top-heavy in the grasp of time, the first link The significance of group cooperation can be changed to the second link and changed into teacher-student interaction. As a situation that only allows students to initially perceive the possibility, it is not difficult to teach. The time schedule can be more compact. If more time can be put It is more scientific and reasonable to understand the "possibility" in life and to explore the "probability" size.

Part 3: Reflection on Possibility Teaching

Mathematics teaching is the teaching of mathematics activities. It is the process of teacher-student interaction, interaction and common development. Teachers should re-create the teaching materials according to the specific conditions of the students, and provide students with opportunities to fully engage in mathematics activities and exchanges, and promote their independence. Really understand and master mathematical knowledge skills in the process of exploration. In the "Possibility" lesson, I designed the main line of conjecture-practice-validation-speculative student learning activities, providing students with space for independent exploration and cooperation.
For example, there are 5 red balls and 5 yellow balls in the bag. Guess which ball to touch. Through guessing, students have a preliminary perception. Then I let the student team work together to play the ball game and experience the possibilities in specific operational activities. This kind of conclusion is obtained by the students' active brain research through their own hands, which is much more important than the teacher directly giving a conclusion. In the new course design process, I did the following:
1. Creating problem situations and guiding students to encounter phenomena often encountered in mathematics activities is also a matter of special interest to students. This phenomenon is closely related to the possibility problem. Therefore, after the introduction of the topic, I will Designed a lottery game, let the students personally participate in the sweepstakes, found two lucky draw boxes in the touch ball, one is the yellow ball, one is not the yellow ball, the students have a "suspicious" on the lottery box , thus accumulating experience on the possibility of prediction. At the same time, students have a preliminary perception of the possibilities in the ball and guess. The enthusiasm and initiative of students' learning possibilities are fully mobilized.
2. Design a rich teaching activity to provide students with time and space for exploration and communication. In this class, I arranged such several levels of activities. The first activity is to touch the ball. Let the students predict that the ball that is touched must be yellow? Use “certain”, “impossible” and “possible” to describe the results, and then let the students personally touch and experience the certainty and uncertainty of the event, and pay attention to the intuitive feeling of uncertainty and possibility. . The second activity is to say, show the ball already in the bag, let the students say what it would be like to feel a ball in the bag, so that the students can further perceive the possibility and impossibility of the event. . The third activity is to toss a coin, let the students guess whether the upward side is positive or negative, and truly feel the possibility of happening. The fourth activity is to put the ball in the pocket according to the requirements. The teacher first asks the students to try to judge "what color ball should be placed in each pocket in order to achieve the desired result." Let the students practice the experience and experience their own ideas. Through such four activities, the students really feel that some events are certain, and some events are uncertain, which leads to a preliminary understanding of the possibility of the event.
3. Focus on thinking and experience success. In the practice design, through the phenomena around the courseware, you can open up the students' thinking, promote the transfer of knowledge, and enable students to further experience the uncertain and uncertain events in life in “doing one thing”. Trained students to listen to opinions, learn from experience and communicate with each other. Let students experience the joy of success and add confidence to learn mathematics.
In short, through the teaching of this lesson, students are trained to observe the world with a mathematical perspective. Many things about the world are related to mathematics. Learning mathematics can solve many problems, and also cultivate students how to use mathematics to analyze problems and make students Know how to describe things in a more accurate mathematical language. Classroom teaching must be a purposeful, efficiency-oriented activity, and effectiveness is the life of teaching. Remove the slick flowers in the classroom, let the group cooperate, and let the multimedia teaching methods be truly used. Achieved the expected teaching effect.
The class I teach is a second-grade class. Students are more active and active in the game, and classroom activities are more interested. Some students have a certain understanding of the possibilities. I created a situation where Father's Day chose a gift for my father, and finally solved the situation with a coin-throwing method, which stimulated the students' interest and made the students feel the learning interest and interest. Finally, let the students talk about their own gains, summarize the learning activities, and encourage students to continue to explore after class, learn mathematics in life, and students experience the joy of learning.
However, there are still many shortcomings in this lesson. For example, there are fewer opportunities for a small number of children to participate in the game, and there is no concern for the whole. In the future teaching, I will pay more attention to the whole, pay attention to all children, and improve. Your own classroom control ability.

Part 4: Reflection on Possibility Teaching

[teaching design and intention]
First, review the possibility
Through the question "Is the red ball in four pockets?", three keywords that indicate the possibility: "certain", "possible", and "impossible" are drawn to lay the foundation for the teaching of this lesson.
Second, a fraction
First of all, through the question “Where do you want to touch in the 2nd and 3rd bags?”, let the students use the scores to express the possibility, and then use the analogy of “ ” and “ ” to make the students realize the possibility of using the scores. The method of size, how the "denominator" is related to what.
Third, a few points
First of all, by touching the cards, from “ ” to “ ” and “ ”, let the students experience the “molecular” related to what, and then through the change of cards and cards, highlight the main points, and initially summarize the possibility of using the scores. How is the method, numerator, and denominator determined separately.
Fourth, practice application
1. Through the training of two targeted exercises, further consolidate the method of expressing the likelihood by the score.
2, teaching two special cases, improve the "certain", "impossible" representation, the probability of occurrence is 1, the possibility of occurrence is 0.
Five, counterexamples highlight
Through the teaching of "one time and two touches", the method of expressing the possibility of the score is further clearly defined, and the misunderstanding of "simple reading of the number" is corrected.
Sixth, life application
Judging the fairness of the rules of the game, because the specific number is used to represent the size of the possibility, it is more accurate and scientific than the previous judgment.
Seven, comprehensive development
Through the discussion and analysis of the question of "Liu Xing is swaying", the method of representation is further strengthened, and the discussion is further extended to extend the classroom to the extracurricular.
[Highlight analysis]
First, carefully on-demand, naturally generated.
By cleverly asking questions, first judge the possibility of touching the red ball in 4 pockets, two of which are possible. Then ask what you want to touch, and use the number to indicate that the students basically understand how the denominator is. definite.
Second, appropriate changes, highlighting points
By changing cards and adding cards, students are allowed to recognize the numerator and denominator respectively, which is in line with the requirements of constructive learning theory modeling to deepen the understanding of the appropriate changes in the concepts.
Third, practice pay attention to the value of thinking
Odd, even, prime, and composite old and new connections not only consolidate old knowledge, but also consolidate new knowledge; using today's knowledge to judge the fairness of game rules can be more precise and scientific.
Fourth, meaningful creative adaptation of textbooks.
The content of this lesson is not difficult according to the teaching objectives of the textbook. What is more important is that students can easily equate the question of “representing the probability of using a score” to the question of “seeking a number as a fraction of another number”. . In order to prevent and correct this deviation of students, the teaching design, reorganization and adaptation of the textbooks in this lesson have increased the type of "one time and two touches", which not only increases the depth of the lesson, but also passes this "countermeasure". "Correct the deviation of students' simple reading of the number of sheets."
1. Students have a single learning style, and students lack the time and opportunity for independent practice;
2. Is the “counter-example” teaching position appropriate? If the “thirds” of the third link is advanced, the student's deviation can be corrected immediately, but the student has not carried out basic exercises to consolidate, and it is difficult to teach the content. Whether there is a "top-heavy" suspicion.

Part V: Reflection on Possibility Teaching

First, it is derived from the introduction of life, so that students can feel close to the mathematical knowledge. This course is the first time that students are exposed to uncertainty. The teaching goal of this lesson is to “feel the uncertainty in simple guessing activities. The initial experience of some events is certain, and some are uncertain.” Initial feelings, experience and probability of knowledge exist in our daily lives. For the second-grade children, the probability of knowledge is too abstract. How to make this knowledge deep into the life of students and make our teaching process more intuitive? At the beginning of this class, I designed teachers and students to play the game of “guessing cards”, simply and effectively highlighting “possible, impossible, and certain”, and even guiding students to go straight to the theme of this lesson. .
Second, create a teaching situation, let students feel the mathematics in the teaching process, the teacher provides students with the opportunity to engage in teaching activities, create a situation, let the students through the "guess card", "touch the ball game" "little designer" In the teaching activities, let the students play middle school in the game, enjoy the knowledge, gain an intuitive sense of certainty and uncertainty, and obtain useful basic knowledge of the probability, and explain the phenomenon of life, analyze the problem more comprehensively, and make Some simple judgments and reasoning.
Third, strengthen the activity guidance, and guide the students to explore independently. Before the "touch ball game", the teacher first carries out a demonstration touch ball and the "friendship reminder" presentation, so that the students can smoothly start the next group cooperation "touch ball game". The effect of the work to the merits. At the same time, we apply knowledge in the activities, show the results of the group cooperation, and through the full communication between teachers and students, students, and deeper feelings, the knowledge of the probability of existence exists in our daily life. Enable students to experience the joy of mathematics and gain extensive experience in mathematics activities.

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