Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Looking at the reflection of circus teaching

Part 1: Looking at the reflection of circus teaching

Through teaching, the predetermined teaching objectives are completed, and the enthusiasm of students to learn in the classroom is very high. The teaching process of the whole class has capacity, but it is not the accumulation of knowledge content. The entire teaching process can be closely linked to the goal, and the links of conversation introduction, overall perception, literacy, and review and consolidation are connected to each other. The links between literacy and reading are properly arranged, which reflects the guiding role of teachers, and the interaction between teachers and students is naturally effective. There are two points that I feel more rewarding in the teaching process: the game-based teaching method works well. Because the students are younger, in order to meet their psychological needs of playing and playing, I use the game method in the literacy teaching and literacy activities. The students actively participate and the classroom atmosphere is active and relaxed, which greatly stimulates the children's enthusiasm for literacy. They learn to be happy and relaxed. I think that especially when the child just entered the stage of Chinese language learning, the teacher only gradually cultivated the interest of students in the teaching, and the students will be more devoted to the study of the language in the future. In teaching, I attach great importance to the cultivation of the norms, attitudes and habits of students' speech, and attach importance to the cultivation of students' language perception ability. It is very important to train students to make their words clear and complete in the teaching process. Therefore, I fully pay attention to this in teaching, listen carefully to the students' speeches, promptly remind students and guide students to correct problems. Students can pay attention to the completeness and clarity of their language after many trainings. At the same time, guiding students to read aloud is also very helpful in cultivating their sense of language. In reading aloud, teachers should organize students to read and follow in a variety of forms. At this stage, it is not necessary to be too eager to do so. Students are not required to read aloud. They can read and listen to the recordings. The teacher’s training will focus on reading one or two sentences, laying the foundation for reading aloud, and guiding students to develop good reading habits. Let students consolidate literacy in a specific language environment.
Through teaching, there are gains and confusion. Nowadays, students have different foundations for admission. Some students have more literacy and some are illiterate. Therefore, in the classroom teaching at the beginning stage, there will be problems of easy and difficult learning. Students with more literacy have learned about the new words they want to learn in the text, and there will be self-satisfaction and unsatisfactory listening. Those students who do not have a literate foundation are struggling to learn the words of a day. It is often the case that a single word will be read and the word will not be read in a sentence or text. Therefore, how do teachers pay attention to the individual differences of students in the classroom teaching, so that the teaching enables students of different levels to develop? This is also the question I want to explore and study with my peers.

Part 2: Looking at the reflection of circus teaching

"Looking at the Circus" is a children's song filled with children's fun in the second unit of the first semester of the new Chinese language teaching materials. The children's song vividly depicts the performances of the small animals in the circus city. The little animals in the children's songs are lively and lovely, and students can easily love them.
In the process of reading children's songs, the words and words are read, the words are read, the words are not added, and the requirements of the words are not missed. In terms of writing, learn strokes “vertical fold hook”, book empty “yes”, review strokes “cross-hook hook. This class requires reading the flat tongue and the overall syllable, the first contact of the student, so it It is a difficult point in teaching.
I also have a lot of deficiencies in this class. First of all, after revealing the subject, the learning of the "Ma" word by the subject is too long and the teaching activities are not compact. Secondly, my own negligence, when the students were spelling the fourth sound, the initials had a tone, and I did not correct them in time. Finally, the form of activity is not rich enough, although I tried to think a lot of ways to mobilize the atmosphere. For example, when learning "eight", let students use gestures to distinguish between "eight" and "person". When reading aloud, arrange teacher-student cooperation. Various ways such as men’s and women’s competitions. In the process of spelling Pinyin to find the baby, the classroom atmosphere is not active enough. This part is like letting students find their good friends to spell together, so that their interest will be higher, and each student will have the opportunity to exercise.

Part 3: Looking at the reflection of circus teaching

In teaching, I attach great importance to the cultivation of the norms, attitudes and habits of students' speech, and attach importance to the cultivation of students' language perception ability. It is very important to train students to make their words clear and complete in the teaching process. Therefore, I fully pay attention to this in teaching, listen carefully to the students' speeches, promptly remind students and guide students to correct problems. Students can pay attention to the completeness and clarity of their language after many trainings. At the same time, guiding students to read aloud is also very helpful in cultivating their sense of language. In reading aloud, teachers should organize students to read and follow in a variety of forms. At this stage, it is not necessary to be too eager to do so. Students are not required to read aloud. They can read and listen to the recordings. The teacher’s training will focus on reading one or two sentences, laying the foundation for reading aloud, and guiding students to develop good reading habits. Let students consolidate literacy in a specific language environment. Through teaching, there are gains and confusion. Nowadays, students have different foundations for admission. Some students have more literacy and some are illiterate. Therefore, in the classroom teaching at the beginning stage, there will be problems of easy and difficult learning. Students with more literacy have learned about the new words they want to learn in the text, and there will be self-satisfaction and unsatisfactory listening. Those students who do not have a literate foundation are struggling to learn the words of a day. It is often the case that a single word will be read and the word will not be read in a sentence or text. Therefore, how do teachers pay attention to the individual differences of students in the classroom teaching, so that the teaching enables students of different levels to develop? This is also the question I want to explore and study with my peers.

Part 4: Looking at the reflection of circus teaching

The school has a group of Jiaozuo teachers who have the honor to teach them a language class. The Chinese textbook for the second phase of the curriculum reform has grown from small to large, and the content of the text is nearly three times that of the original. For the first time teaching new textbooks, I was a bit confused at first, so that the children who just entered the school can easily It’s not easy to learn happily and learn language and text in just 35 minutes.
This time I went to the 21st lesson "Looking at the Circus". Under the guidance and guidance of Sun Xueqi and Deng Weihong, I have further understanding and understanding of the teaching of this lesson.
One. Success
1. The circus is very popular among children. It should be said that most children have experience in watching circus. So at the beginning I used the form of conversation: Children, have you seen the circus, can talk about the performances of small animals you have seen. All of a sudden, the child’s interest is motivated. Let them quickly devote themselves to the study of the text.
2. In the language textbook of the second phase of the curriculum reform, a very interesting little story or a children's song is used to cross the words and pinyin to the students. According to my existing teaching experience, Pinyin teaching is very important for first-year students. Therefore, in the teaching design, I pay great attention to the teaching of Pinyin. In the children, I learned z, c, s, these three initials. Later, in order to help the students remember these three initials, I asked the students to make songs for the new school's initials, and edited the songs from these three letters and the children's songs:
My sister recognizes z, z, z, my sister writes z, z, z, like a 2 word z, z, z,
Hedgehog long thorn c, c, c, hedgehog hedgehog c, c, c, like crescent c, c, c,
Silkworm baby silk s, s, s, half 8 words s, s, s,
Through the design of this teaching link, it not only stimulates students' interest in learning, but also easily learns Pinyin.
3. Another teaching difficulty in this text is the study of the overall syllable. How to help students master this knowledge point, after repeated thinking, I designed such a teaching link: first show three syllables: za, sa, ca, let the children spell, this is easy for students, as long as the initials You can read the syllables in conjunction with the finals, and then present three overall syllables: zi, ci, si,
And tell the students that these three syllables don't have to be spelled, they can only read the whole, so they are called the whole syllable. The "i" in the syllable is not the single-final "i", it is an extended sound, the initials z, c , s, the sound is read longer, is the pronunciation of the syllable zi, ci, si. Then let the students read z-----zi, c-------ci s------si. The actual teaching results are really good.
4. Of course, the teaching of words is also very important. There are four new words in this text: dog, couple, child, stand. I did not use the teacher to teach, the method of student learning, but let the students become the masters of learning, because many students are familiar with these four characters, I will let the students be small teachers, lead other students to read, and let Students talk about these words to remember, and use the children's thinking to learn from each other, which effectively stimulates students' interest in learning and makes students become passive learners.
2. Inadequacies
Chinese teaching should pay attention to the understanding of language and characters. In this link, I am a little negligent. For example, the words in the text: the press, salute, in the teaching should help the students understand the words by letting the children play.

Part 5: Looking at the reflection of circus teaching

I combine the introduction of the classroom with the interest of mobilizing students to create an easy learning situation in the initial stages of the classroom. Because "interest" is the best learning driver, students have the enthusiasm for learning, they will have the desire to explore, and they can enter a good learning state. "Have you seen the circus? Tell us about it." The circus is of interest to children, so students also like to learn.
The curriculum standard points out that language is a very practical course and should focus on cultivating students' language practice ability. Therefore, in the classroom, I will create as much as possible a relaxed learning atmosphere, so that students can boldly express their opinions and speeches.
In reading aloud, I have read aloud guidance in a variety of ways, such as: reading, reading and reading, to achieve the purpose of reading.

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