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University opening ceremony speech 2019

This article directory 1 university opening ceremony speech 2 university opening ceremony speech draft 3 university opening ceremony speech draft article 1: university opening ceremony speech

Leaders, experts, students:

Hello everyone!

Today, pedagogical experts and graduate students from all over the country gather here to hold a summer school for pedagogy. This is an important part of the graduate education innovation program launched by the Ministry of Education. It is to strengthen the cultivation of graduate students' innovative ability and improve graduate education. The important measures of quality are also an important platform for exchanges between graduate students. On behalf of East China Normal University, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the graduate students who participated in this summer school! I would like to express my heartfelt wishes to all leaders and experts. thank.

Last year, under the auspices of the Degree Office of the State Council and the Department of Degree Management and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education, East China Normal University successfully hosted the 2004 National Doctoral Academic Forum on Education, Geography and Chinese Language and Literature Sub-forum. It is also vivid. Today's summer school can be said to be another postgraduate academic event after last year's doctoral student forum. East China Normal University is deeply honored to be able to undertake such important academic activities continuously.

East China Normal University is one of the first socialist normal universities established in New China and one of the first batch of key universities in China. It is also one of the first universities in China to establish graduate schools and the first batch of universities with doctoral granting rights. Currently, the school has 9 first-level universities. Doctoral degree in disciplines, 73 doctoral programs in secondary disciplines. If you add a second-level doctoral degree under the authority of a doctoral degree in a first-level discipline, there are 94 doctoral programs that can be enrolled. In addition, there are 133 master's programs and 10 doctoral programs. Postdoctoral mobile station. There are 6 national key disciplines, 1 national key laboratory, 5 provincial and ministerial key laboratories, 6 key research bases for humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, and 5 national liberal arts foundations. Base. In recent years, in addition to its efforts to maintain its traditional advantages in education, geosciences, and liberal arts, it has accelerated the development of emerging, interdisciplinary, and has been in cognitive neuroscience, green chemistry, new drug development, and software. Outstanding achievements in modern high-tech fields such as engineering and theory, nanomaterials, ultra-fast and super-strong laser technology, and the construction of some liberal arts programs. All employees of East China Normal University Continue to forge forward and forge ahead, determined to build itself into the East China Normal University has several class-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary high-level coordinated development, teacher education leading comprehensive research universities.

In the postgraduate training, East China Normal University adheres to the motto of "seeking truth and creating, being a teacher", pursuing the realities of the times, and striving for excellence; stimulating innovation and pioneering and enterprising. We have a large-scale "graduate academic month", an indispensable academic lecture. And academic forums, rich social practices and cultural and sports activities, as well as the pioneering domestic visits and overseas training programs, all these measures have made our graduate students' knowledge system and training methods continue to innovate. So far, our school has There are 6 doctoral dissertations in the national 100 excellent doctoral thesis, and 4 nominations. In addition, East China Normal University has also taken a solid step in the international cooperation of postgraduate training: the project of cooperating with the French Teachers College to train doctoral students has been It has been carried out for 3 years. Recently, we have also established the Sino-French Joint Graduate School with our French partners, which has opened up a new model for international cooperation in postgraduate education. The project of cooperating with the University of Pennsylvania to train doctoral students has also started. All of these have laid a solid foundation for the future development of our graduate education.

The spark of wisdom will only bloom in the collision. This summer school is a gathering of young people, and it is a grand meeting of knowledge collision. I hope that students will take advantage of this precious opportunity, broaden their horizons, strengthen cooperation, strengthen communication, and broaden Make friends, promote each other, and improve together. As the organizer of this summer school, we will cherish this rare opportunity, humbly ask for advice, and sincerely serve, hope that under the common concern of all of you, the graduate education level of East China Normal University will be further improved. At the same time, I sincerely hope that the leaders, experts and students will have a happy, beautiful and unforgettable time in East China Normal University.

Finally, I wish this graduate summer school a complete success.

thank you all!

Part 2: Speech at the University Opening Ceremony

Golden Autumn is cool, in the feminine sunshine of September, another batch of fresh blood is injected into our campus - the new classmates of 2008, welcome to join the XXX Academy, a warm family! Just like when I first entered the campus two years ago The same, your mood must be very excited at this moment. Yes, because you are about to step into a flowery campus, a place that is fascinating, a hot land that is endless and vigorous. On behalf of all members of the Student Union of our school and all the students of our school, I would like to express my sincere congratulations and warm welcome!

As your senior, I want to tell you: after a short break, you will start a new journey with full of passion and enthusiasm. University is an important stage of life, but also a beautiful stage of life. A unique campus culture will make you move from childish to mature, from fantasy to ideal. I think this is what every student is looking forward to and pursue. From the ground up, the study at the university level is a high-level study with its own characteristics and laws. This requires us to start from scratch: first, we must do our first self-design and determine the university. The goal of the times, to adjust the mentality as soon as possible, to plan a perfect blueprint for their own university life, aiming at the goal and perseveringly pursue. Secondly, for the majors studied, the direction of university study is selected. Professional is the cornerstone of learning. Under the premise of learning the basic knowledge of related majors, we will master the methods of acquiring knowledge and cultivate and exercise our independent scientific thinking ability. Once again, start from every little thing in life, establish a good starting point for the university, don't take small things, and decide small things to succeed or lose. Listen to the first lesson, do your first homework, and learn the first course. Accumulate and grow up in small things, and spend the beautiful years of youth without regret in college.

At the same time, I hope that you can prepare in advance and use your self-confidence to meet the new starting point of university life. Of course, when I first entered the university, I was as ignorant as I am now, and I would ask myself two questions: "What am I going to do here?" "What kind of person will I be?" Yes, life Like a night boat, one problem that always keeps one's own police is the tower base, and our answer is to light up its own lighthouse. When thinking about this issue, we are building a beacon for the next three years of college life or a longer-term future. Although the road ahead is long and the navigation lights are fascinating, we will continue to correct the course and move towards that life. The coordinate origin advances. I firmly believe that as long as we firmly believe in and work hard, we will succeed and harvest the fruits we want. As your new friend and senior, I have to remind you that the campus life of a university is not as relaxed and unrestrained as some people imagine. Your face will be a new life independent of your parents. Here, there is no shelter of plump wings, more of a mutual concern and mutual understanding between the same roommates; here, no division commander scores "forced", you work hard and work harder, more is the friendly "fighting fight" between the students. You chase after me; here, no one will blame you for being in a daze with the cold walls, and more is that the surrounding environment invisibly drags you to explore the richness of campus culture. I dare say this because my classmates and I have already passed. Lazy life is destined to dissolve many passions, ideals, determinations and pursuits, and even make life just "living." Therefore, my new alumni, "busy" and "hard work" have always been the generalization of behaviors of outsiders, not the self-psychological feelings of busy people and hard-working people. Of course, as the president of the Student Union, I and my colleagues have been working hard to create a rich, positive, civilized and harmonious campus atmosphere. We open the door at any time to welcome your participation and participation, and are willing to help you solve problems. "When the wind and the waves break, there will be time to hang the clouds and sail the sea." Let us take a thousand volumes of anthology on this endless and vigorous land, smash the essence of civilization, take every step in a down-to-earth manner, and join hands. Together to create a beautiful, brilliant tomorrow!

Students should remember: Today I am proud of XXX Academy, and tomorrow XXX is proud of me! Finally, I wish all students can live a full and happy life in the future university life!

Part 3: Speech at the University Opening Ceremony

Dear new classmates, teachers and comrades:

Good morning! Today's wind and rain is not small. This wind has given us an unusual experience. This seems to be a spiritual bathing and spiritual washing for the students to enter the university and set foot on the new high ground of life. It also seems to indicate that no matter how hard the wind and rain can withstand the confidence and perseverance of the students who are determined to become talents and serve the motherland. On behalf of the school, I would like to extend a warm welcome to nearly 6,000 new students from 15 provinces and autonomous regions to join the family of Zhan Normal University! I would like to express my highest respect to the students who insisted on meeting in the storm!

This is a great era and an extremely important year. In the critical period when China has entered a comprehensive construction of a well-off society and building an innovative country, it is worth celebrating when it is a key year for China to focus on improving the quality of higher education and the innovative talent training model of our school. Your joining will bring new vitality, passion and wisdom to Zhanshi.

First, the university is the height of human civilization

To enter the university, you must first ask what kind of university is it? Specifically, the university is:

High responsibility. The university shoulders the important responsibility of cultivating talents, innovating knowledge and serving the society for economic and social development. The university is the highland of human civilization and the birthplace of human modern civilization. Italy had the University of Bologna before the Renaissance; Britain first had Oxford and Cambridge, and then it rose; Germany became the center of the world's science and technology culture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and had a great relationship with the establishment of the University of Berlin. The United States has Harvard first, followed by the country. The reason why the United States has today, we seem to see it is its powerful economy, military, politics, and in fact, it is the university that supports it, and it is its powerful education system. China has proposed a development strategy of "rejuvenating the country through science and education." At the National Education Work Conference held in July this year, Premier Wen Jiabao proposed that a strong country should be a strong teacher and a strong country must be a strong teacher. Cai Yuanpei said long ago that it is necessary to look at the society of tomorrow and look at today's campus.

The main responsibility of the university is also the vocation of the teacher: to train talents and to train talents that ultimately exceed the teacher. The teacher's duty is to guide and help the students to stand on their shoulders, to inherit the past and the future, to open up, to surpass themselves and realize the inheritance, innovation and development of culture. Only in this way can the university be able to stand out from the crowd and continue to prosper and cultivate new talents for economic and social development.

The vocation of college students is to study, that is, to strive to become a student beyond the teacher, to better serve the needs of the country and the great rejuvenation of the nation.

Talent highland. University students, including the grand code, networked. The university is the most intensive place for talents and the cradle of talent growth. There are many sculptures on Columbia University campus, including one sculpture, which left a deep impression on me. This sculpture is the "walker on the wire" of the Lavinson Square in Columbia. There are two people in this sculpture, one of them walking on the wire and the other standing on his shoulder. I think that if the person below is regarded as a teacher and the above person is regarded as a student, then this sculpture embodies the ideal of university education: training students beyond the teacher.

It is also the ideal and tradition of Chinese universities to cultivate students who surpass teachers. The Beijing University emblem designed by Lu Xun and the above-mentioned sculpture of Columbia University have the same meaning. It consists mainly of the words "Peking University". The following "big" characters, like a person, represent teachers; above are the words "North", like two people, representing students. The two students back to back, indicating that they are different and different gentlemen, have independent personality, only pursue the truth, do not depend on each other, do not pull the relationship; they stand on the shoulders of the teacher, indicating that the students stand higher with the teacher's selfless teaching and help Seeing further and doing more; these three people also constitute a pattern of pluralistic dialogue, embodying a teacher-student relationship with a strong teaching. Therefore, Peking University's school badge is the best to reflect the ideals of the university and the spirit of education. As early as 2,000 years ago, Confucius had sighed that "the future is awesome, and the unknown is not now?", sighing that young students are worthy of awe, how can they conclude that they will not catch up with the teacher in the future? Han Yu is in the "Speaker" In the middle, "the disciples don't have to be as good as the teachers, and the teachers don't have to be good at the disciples." Tao Xingzhi said: "The teacher's success is to create a person worthy of his own worship. The greatest happiness of the gentleman is to create a student worthy of his own worship. "This is actually entrusted to the educational ideals of students who have cultivated more than teachers.

The good news is that in the long history of the development of Zhanjiang Normal College, there have been many outstanding talents who are outstanding representatives of the world. For example, the predecessor of the school, Leiyang Academy, was one of the six colleges in Guangdong. Its three famous mountain leaders: Chen Yu, Chen Changqi, Chen Qiaosen. That is what we call "three Chen." Chen Hao and Chen Changqi are both scholars; Chen Qiaosen was named as a "Lingnan talented person" during the Xianfeng period. They are honest and honest, diligent and loving the people, and have outstanding merits; they are diligent and honest in their studies, and they are exemplary and scholars. Tan Pingshan, once the headmaster of Leizhou Middle School, was the earliest founder of the Guangdong Party Organization, and was known as “Nan Tanbei Li Zhongchen”. There are also outstanding representatives of the famous leader of the Guangdong Peasant Movement, Huang Xuezeng, the outstanding female Communist Party member of the South Road, Ou Yuying, and the deputy commander of the Guangdong-Guizhou Border Region.

Zhan has cultivated many outstanding students who are more than teachers. For example, some professors sitting on the podium today graduated from the predecessor of the school, Leizhou Teachers College, and there was no professor at the school. Many graduates have been admitted to graduate schools at Peking University, Fudan University, NPC, NTU, Beijing Normal University, and Zhongda University. Only 137 graduates have been admitted to graduate school this year.

Spiritual high ground. Secretary Liang Ying said that universities must not only have buildings, trees, but also masters and atmosphere. From the highest level, the real university is an invisible university, a spiritual university, a university that can unite and produce masters. With a high spiritual level, with first-class teachers, even if there are no high-rise buildings, it may become a high-level university. Therefore, the university must first have a high spiritual realm and become a spiritual highland. In order to make the university not only stay at the level of “shape” and “body”, but also enter the realm of “God” and “spirit”. In this spiritual high, we explore the secrets of human spiritual production, inheritance and innovation, meet the most outstanding human brains and the most touching souls, fight for the glory, illuminate their own lives, and then bring these secrets and brilliance Share with others, pass on and carry forward.

Students who are admitted to the Zhan Division do not have to feel inferior. The family economy is poor and there is no need to feel inferior. The university is a spiritual highland that pursues truth and advocates academics. Here, it is not bigger than the official, nor is it more than money, but it is more ambition, more work, and higher learning. Here, I have to live a lonely life that requires hard work. Humboldt said that loneliness is one of the qualities of the university spirit. Ibsen believes that "the most powerful person in the world is the most lonely person." In the highlands of the university, you can look at the world and look to the future. By engaging with high-ranking people, you know your own confidant and establish your own life mission. Pave the way for the best self. This is very lucky. As the Austrian writer Steven Zweig said: "The greatest fortune in a person's life is to find his life's mission in the middle of his life, that is, when he is strong and strong." People standing on this high ground can make everything change. It makes a lot of sense. Even poverty has precious value. Compared with youth and wisdom, money, status, wine, and food are insignificant. In this highland, even if you are penniless, you can give birth to hope!

Second, based on the university highland, strive to become a student beyond the teacher

How to strive to be a student beyond the teacher? I believe that the concept of “responsibility, ability, and innovation is the soul” is the key to putting it into action.


The sociologist Davis once said, “Abandoning your responsibility means giving up your own better chance of survival in this society.” I stand on this platform, the most real feeling, except for the joy of welcome. More is a responsibility. In the face of many students who are eager to seek knowledge and become determined, I feel the responsibility of being a principal. When students go to college, they have to learn a lot. First, they should learn to be responsible and become a responsible person. Everyone is responsible to himself and his relatives, to the work and the unit, to the country and the nation. Responsibility is to never give up the responsibility of being a person, doing things, and doing learning.

Responsibility, it also means tolerance and responsibility. The students have become official members of the Zhan Normal Family since today. It has an unshirkable responsibility for the peace, harmony and innovation of the school. It has the responsibility and obligation to help the school overcome various difficulties and jointly promote the development of the school. I once invited Luo Dongyuan, the national labor model and the chief technical expert of Handan Iron and Steel, to give lectures to university students. He said, “God has arranged for everyone to have a chance to be a man. You must experience the responsibility of being a person and enjoy the process. Love your work, I enjoy working. I have too many problems in my work, and sometimes I have no choice but to go. But I think that this time is not far from solving the problem. What is success? Success is persistence, success is to do your best, to do The biggest responsibility of oneself, accumulate energy, and then release it in a concentrated way."

There are also many examples of "responsibility to do" in the teachers and students of our school. In 1935, President Wu Bingsong of Leizhou Provincial Normal School linked the education cause to the destiny of the country and clearly pointed out that "the rise and fall of the nation, based on the rise and fall of education", I hope that "the popularization of teacher education will be high, and that the flow will be , diffuse throughout Guangdong." I was at the reception desk of the new student the day before yesterday. I met a family who sent my son to report, grandfather, parents and son. Grandfather and parents are small Chinese teachers, fathers and principals. Grandfather and father were once students of Zhanshi, and now his son has become a student of Zhanshi. I think this can be seen to some extent as a kind of sentiment of the family to Zhanshi and a responsibility for education. Professor Pang Tianyou of the School of Law and Politics, the New Year's Eve is as usual, and insists on studying and doing research. Dr. Gao Lijun from the School of Chemistry has never returned to his hometown since he came to work in 2008. He stayed at home almost every day, summer or Saturday. The laboratory conducted research and got the National Natural Science Foundation project at the age of 32. There are also Zheng Guanghua old teachers and Tan Xiao old teachers. We can often see them talking to students on campus, and selflessly dedicated their time and wisdom to students. Also, today is the general secretary of the Affiliated Party, the special teacher Liang Zhe, as a representative of the alumni, and so on. It is these teachers who are highly responsible for their careers and students, and they can cultivate many outstanding students.

Ability is heavy

If a person really has to take responsibility and truly can take responsibility, he must have the ability to have rich knowledge and strong skills. The “capacity” here is a “capability group” based on solid knowledge. It includes learning ability, thinking ability, practical ability, organizational ability and innovative ability. The capabilities required by different industries are different, and the specifications of different professional developments are also different. When students enter the university, the most important thing is that they can't relax, they can't relax, they can't relax. The formation of abilities depends on learning and practice. How should I learn?

1. Learn to learn in the "Three Worlds"

One is the book world. By reading books and other growth knowledge, especially intensive classics. The second is the world of experience. To develop ability, we must actively practice and actively exercise. The third is the virtual world. Now is the Internet age, E era, there is a huge amount of information on the Internet, providing us with a lot of materials for learning. The Internet has become a very important part of our study and life, affecting our cognitive style and knowledge structure. We must make full use of the convenience of modern information technology to promote learning and research.

2, to master three ways of learning

Self-learning. True education must be self-education. Compared with secondary schools, universities offer more freedom and choice. What I emphasize here is "I want to learn," not "I want to learn." Students should change their self-learning from passive learning; they should learn to analyze comprehensively, think independently, learn to choose, keep a part, and do something different. If you pursue a hot spot or fashion, people will lose their self and dignity. Don't let your brain become the "horse race" of others' thoughts.

Cooperative learning. "Single learning and no friends, you are ignorant." Today, it is difficult to meet the requirements of society and work. The students come from all over the country and have different growth backgrounds, personality characteristics, ways of thinking and behaviors. This is a rich spiritual and cultural resource. Students should fully explore and utilize the spiritual and cultural resources of their peers, learn from each other, and learn from each other, improve their learning efficiency, and cultivate the ability to cooperate and work together.

Experience learning. Practice the truth. The process of experience is a comprehensive process in which students acquire knowledge, generate abilities, learn to think, and learn to interact with the world of experience. It is an indispensable link in cultivating hands-on and innovation. Doing scientific experiments, participating in professional club activities, participating in social practice activities, professional internships, etc. are all experiential learning.

The above three ways of learning add up: read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, and make friends.

3, to grasp three key points to learn

The first is the basis for being a person, doing things, and doing learning. The profound revelation given by the famous educator Mr. Nan Guonong is that being a person and being a first-rate person for himself. be the best you can be. It is necessary to read more books, read good books, study hard, and lay a solid theoretical foundation to optimize the knowledge structure; to be more respectful and tolerant to others, less demanding and blaming; to give more dedication to society and less to ask for. The second focus is on the “frontier”. We need to understand the new achievements, new technologies and new methods of theory, especially at the forefront of practice. Constantly update knowledge and master new technologies. The third focus is on "features." If you have a special strength, you must develop your strengths and avoid weaknesses and develop your personality so that you can have innovation.

Innovation is the soul

Building an innovative country requires innovative talent. Students should continue to contribute strength and wisdom to the family, the alma mater, the society and the motherland with an innovative spirit, research attitude and responsible actions. At present, the school proposes a new goal of building a new high-level teacher college with distinctive characteristics, and a very important indicator of whether the school is of a high level is whether the students it cultivates have innovative spirit, outstanding ability and outstanding achievements.

Innovation is a difficult but interesting process of exploring the unknown, requiring diligence and specificity. We must regard innovation as the value orientation and work habits of doing things, doing learning.

As the Dean, I will work with my colleagues to provide more learning opportunities and resources for students. For example, we will build a teacher education innovation class, and focus on training a group of students who are determined to teach and learn outstandingly. We will focus on building a modern educational technology highland to provide a platform for students to learn in the virtual world; In order to attract the famous educators and small Chinese excellent principals and special teachers to the school to give lectures, let the students get close contact with famous teachers, understand the most cutting-edge ideas and information; create more opportunities for students to experience at home and abroad. Learn, broaden your horizons, grow your expertise and capabilities, and more. Let you be a highly qualified and talented person who is responsible, capable and innovative.

Dear students, you are the first students I have come to be the dean of Zhanshi, and will be the first students to train the innovative talent training model. I have high hopes for you and I am full of expectations. Whitman has a famous poem: "I am singing alone in the West and singing freely for the new world." I sincerely hope that the students will cherish the time, based on responsibility, talent and spirit during their studies in the western part of Guangdong. Highlands, using university spirit, youth ideals, life responsibilities, and life heat to fill every time and space of university life, make full use of resources inside and outside the school, go to every detail of wonderful life, make every day full of meaning, have a sound body, A noble mind and outstanding ability, serving as a social responsibility to serve the country and the nation, becoming a brand-name university student who is not a teacher at a prestigious university!

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