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Youth symposium speech

This article directory 1 Youth symposium speech 2 Youth symposium speech 3 Youth symposium speech 1st: Youth symposium speech

I am very glad to have this opportunity today and speak here on behalf of the young cadres. I am sincerely happy and grateful for the meeting held in the Ministry. I think that the first message conveyed by this meeting is that the leadership attaches importance to and cares for this youth team in our organization department. In recent years, the organization department has come to a group of young people, just as comrades and teenagers. Our young people have added passion and vitality to the ministry, and the leaders have given us high hopes. The road to life is very long. I think, like many comrades here, I will leave the most beautiful youth in my life to the organization department. After a few years, I can remember this unforgettable time together. The growth of young people requires coordinates and direction. Fortunately, Minister Wang put forward the goal of “five zeros” for our work, combined with the goal of “five zeros”, and then put forward the requirements of “five Qin”, that is, to ask for requirements, to submit methods, to teach, to use good intentions. Suffering, following the good and tempting, just like being respectful. Since the leadership has already made a request and handed in the method, the key is to rely on us all to implement it. What is the implementation? I want to talk about the "five hearts" in light of my own experience.

Grateful heart

"Spirituals can be rewarded." Gratefulness is not just an emotion, a life attitude, but also a realm of life. We grew up, there are too many people who need us to thank us; we have grown up, there are too many people worthy of our gratitude. I thank the leaders, thank the parents, thank the teachers, thank the relatives, thank the friends, thank the colleagues, and thank everyone who helped me.

We often say that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. But I think that if you are a prepared person, you should be more grateful to those who give you opportunities. Currently, more than half of the cadres in the organization department are under 30 years of age. As an important work department of the municipal party committee, it is necessary to be discouraged and visionary to dare to activate so many young cadres. Not long ago, I and several comrades took part in a well-planned "show" in the ministry, and took out the middle-level job to openly compete for several young cadres. This kind of pioneering move requires courage and enthusiasm. For our group of young people, the organization department has given us too many, too good opportunities.

This reminds me of a story: the Buddha and the disciples came to the shore of the river, the rivers and rivers, and the surging. The Buddha first threw a small stone in the water and immediately sank. He asked the disciples: There is a stone with a three-foot square, placed on the river surface. Not only did it not sink, but went across the river. What happened? The disciples were thinking hard and could not understand. The Buddha said that this is very simple, because this big stone has a good relationship. What is its goodness? It is a boat. The big stone is placed in the boat and crosses the river, and naturally it will not sink. I think, maybe life is the same, only when you meet the good fortune, can you achieve your ideals and ambitions better. Today, our group of young people are fortunate to have such a good growth environment in the group of organizations, which is the biggest "goodness" in our lives. The organization of the ship, carrying our hopes, will take us to the other side of success.

"The grace of dripping water, the springs are reported." Think about the high hopes and help given by the organization in the process of growing up and progressing. We only have the feeling of knowing the good for the trip of retribution, and we will achieve our own career with a grateful heart, and will not be responsible for the cultivation and trust of the organization.

Enterprising heart

Darwin's theory of evolution is not only suitable for living things, but also for the society. It is the survival of the fittest of the society that promotes the continuous advancement of society. If young people do not have an enterprising spirit, they will not be more active and have more efforts. They can only be eliminated by the organization, eliminated by the society, and eliminated by the times.

Like bamboo, people often grow up in sections, and every time they are over, they are full of tension. Li Dazhao said: The dictionary of youth has no word "difficult", the voice of the youth, and there is no such thing as "obstacle"; I think that as long as we seize the opportunity and make progress, we will continue to climb to new heights. Even if you encounter setbacks and fail, it is not terrible, because we can also say that young people have not failed! What we need is to fall down and climb up, and to be more and more brave, to be brave, to move forward, not to abandon, not to Abandoning the spirit of enterprising.

I want to borrow a piece from Yu Minhong to share with you: Every river has its own different life curves, but each river has its own dream, that is, running towards the sea. Our lives, sometimes they will be sediments, and you may slowly settle down like sand. Once you have settled down, maybe you don't have to work hard to move forward, but you never see the sun. Therefore, I suggest that no matter what your life is, you must have the spirit of water, constantly accumulate your own strength like water, and constantly break through the obstacles. When you find that the time is not enough, give your own thickness. Accumulate, when one day comes, you can rush into the sea.

Normal heart

Life is like a smooth light music, from the beginning to the end, it is so natural and smooth. But to enjoy this kind of life requires a normal heart, otherwise it will become very uncommon. "There is no surprise in the humiliation. Look at the flowers before the court; go to the unintentional, look at the sky and cloud clouds." Only by maintaining a normal attitude that correctly looks at the changes in life and work can we enjoy the success and happiness that work and life bring to us.

Work in the organization department, surrounded by Bole. We don't have to worry about raising the ignorance of others, and some should be able to get the first month of the water. Believe in our efforts and ability to work, the leadership will give us an objective and fair evaluation. Kong Fansen has a famous saying: always use yourself as a pearl, and often have the pain of being buried. If you want to be yourself in the mud, let everyone put you on the road, you will never be buried. As long as we maintain the balance and harmony of the mind, we can achieve a high level of self-improvement, high-profile work, high-profile work, peace and retreat, and open-mindedness with open-mindedness, and we can realize our own life value step by step.


Responsibility is a person's attitude towards life, society, and career. Proactive, enterprising people, regardless of the circumstances, have a strong sense of responsibility and mission to work and self.

Responsibility is also a conscience. Organizing work is no small matter and requires us to have a stronger sense of responsibility. The leadership has transferred us to the organization department and handed over some important work to us. It is our trust and cultivation. Work is the responsibility, and responsibility must first be responsible. With a sense of responsibility, in order to do things, you will concentrate on pondering, asking for advice, and practicing, until you do things well, even if you don't have a level, you will become level, and if you don't have the ability, you will become capable. With a sense of responsibility, it will not be easy to do every simple thing. With a sense of responsibility, every ordinary thing will be done well and become extraordinary. Without responsibility, you will lack the passion and vitality for your work and career. If you have no sense of responsibility, you will become sloppy, become careless, and become slack. Even if you have the best ability and level, you can only say On the mouth, on the paper, staying on the look, will eventually be abandoned halfway, and even nothing can be done. If we do not have a strong sense of responsibility to treat our work, then we have the high hopes of losing our leadership and our own conscience.


Everyone wants to be respected. What do we young people rely on to win respect? We don't have much experience, we don't have too high a position, we can only continue to strengthen our self-cultivation, improve our personality, and win the respect of others. Introspection can be clear and right, knowing the gains and losses, can develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, and improve oneself. Introspection is a good medicine to cure mistakes. If you just use your own self, use your own treasures, and keep your grief, you will easily miss the opportunity to correct your shortcomings and mistakes.

Mr. Tao Xingzhi has a motto of four questions per day for himself: First question, has my body progressed? Second question, has my progress improved? Third question, has my work progressed? Fourth question Has my morality improved? Jiao Yulu has to "go through the movies" every day, thinking about what has been done, what is right, what has been done wrong, and what should be done. These are all examples of self-reflection.

It is inevitable for young people to make mistakes, and mistakes are also the costs we have to pay in the gradual maturity. But if we can "sit and think about ourselves", we will check it ourselves and find out that we are correct at any time to correct and learn lessons in a timely manner; we find that there are bad signs in our minds to stop and prevent development and spread. In this way, you can help yourself solve the problem in the bud.

Introspection is a process of self-dissection that requires courage. It is not difficult to recognize your mistakes, but it is not easy to be honest. Knowing introspection is great wisdom; if you dare to introspect, you will be brave. I believe that our comrades can be brave and brave, clean themselves up and make every day alive.

These days, our hearts are boiling together, boiling for the unparalleled Beijing Olympics, and boiling for the Seventh Heaven. Today, every young person here, we will be bloody, a road of forging ahead, spread out in front of us, with the ardent expectations of the leadership, will certainly write the wonderful life.

Part 2: Youth symposium speech

Every teacher:

good afternoon everyone!

First of all, I would like to thank the school for giving me the opportunity to speak like this. Here, I will open my heart and talk about the experience of living and working for four years.

For four years, the ball was thrown. Looking back on the past, I still remember the fear and uneasiness when I first came here four years ago. I still remember the joy and joy of the first teacher. At that time, I faced a child who was younger than me, but I didn’t see the maturity and steady. However, fortunately, in the past four years, under the care of the school leaders, with the enthusiastic help of my colleagues and my hard work, I have learned a lot of things that I can't learn in books. The education and teaching experience is constantly enriched, and my work ability has been Must improve. Today, I have said these experiences and hope to discuss them with you. I feel that as a young teacher, to grow and progress as soon as possible, you need to do the following:

First, develop a practical work target

This is the direction of growth. The goal is like a pointing light, and everyone has their own direction. As a young teacher, after adapting to my own work, I set myself a goal for work and the goal of struggle. My goal is to make myself a teacher with a sense of purpose, responsibility, positiveness, academic ability and professionalism, and become a scholar-type, research-oriented and intelligent teacher! Now, I am still moving towards this goal. !

Second, learn from old teachers and improve their business level as soon as possible

The old teacher has a long history, is knowledgeable, has rich teaching experience, and has a high level of lectures. For our young teachers, the old teachers are not only their own colleagues, but also the guides on their own teaching roads. Always communicate with colleagues around you, learn from others' successful experiences, and exchange teaching experiences. This will not only quickly make up for the shortcomings in their teaching, but also explore experiences, enhance confidence, enrich their teaching methods and methods, and achieve twice the result with half the effort in teaching. The “Teacher, Pairs” activity of the school for young teachers has built a more direct learning platform for us. I feel that the teacher-in-law pair is like an invisible bond between the mentor and the apprentice, which makes us intentionally or unintentionally. Increased opportunities for communication and mutual learning and thus improved. Therefore, we usually take the opportunity to listen to the master's lesson, learn more about the master's teaching methods, learn more about the master's attitude, learn more from the master's experience, and only learn from the master with humility, and constantly improve their own qualities, so that they can grow up as soon as possible. . I am also very grateful to the school for providing me with such an opportunity.

Third, read more, learn more, be a smart teacher.

This is the key to growth. First, we must deepen our expertise and broaden our knowledge. To give students a glass of water, the teacher must have a bucket of water. Although young teachers have more comprehensive professional knowledge, they should continue to deepen their professional knowledge and broaden their knowledge fields and knowledge. This requires us to read more, especially Read more education books and magazines. On the professional side, I feel that my theoretical foundation is limited, some teaching methods and educational methods are at the primary level, and some work experience and summary skills are not strong. Therefore, I try to read more books and magazines in teaching, and gradually raise the level of my business theory to a new level.

Fourth, study business, diligent thinking, good accumulation, be a reflective teacher.

This is the core of growth. Reflections should be constantly reflected in teaching. The so-called reflection means that we should be good at summing up the achievements and problems in learning and practice, constantly adjust our knowledge structure, and educate teaching methods to achieve sustainable development and achieve a qualitative leap in growth.

In terms of teaching methods: after each class or organization of student activities, we should conscientiously sum up, review the successes and failures, and develop better education and teaching methods in order to achieve greater progress in the future. "If you don't accumulate a small stream, you can't become a river." As long as you persist in the long-term, start from the subtleties, and after a long period of time, there will be an amazing qualitative leap.

In terms of knowledge: through the feedback of students in teaching practice, they can instantly supplement their own knowledge and grow and progress together with students. At the same time, it is necessary to update its knowledge structure and act on teaching according to the development of society and the progress of science.

Fifth, promote exchanges with students.

Mr. Xu Teli said: Teachers have two kinds of personality, one is "teacher" and the other is "personal teacher." The teacher only teaches the knowledge, and the teacher is not only teaching, but also the quality of the students, the style of the students, the life of the students, and the habits of the students. Therefore, we usually have to communicate with students and understand their thoughts and dynamics, and take the initiative to talk with them more and more, so that they will take the initiative to tell us the way they like teaching, tell us their interest in learning, etc., we can make us The teaching has been continuously improved and improved. At the same time, it is necessary to be good at observing the characteristics of each student and to teach them in accordance with their aptitude, making it easier for them to accept your teaching content.

Finally, I want to give this sentence to all the young teachers: everyone has a stage in their hearts - how big the heart is, how big the stage is. As long as you are a living seed, you can grow into a towering tree here!

Part 3: Youth symposium speech

Dear leaders and colleagues:

Hello everyone!

I am very grateful to share with you the glory and pride of being a young employee. At the same time, I am very grateful to the leaders for their concern and attention to our young employees. Give me this rare opportunity to study and communicate with you. .

I entered the agricultural distribution work in Shuyang County in 2006. In the past five years, I have exercised in the accounting department and the credit department. Under the care of the leaders, I have been in all aspects with the help of my colleagues and my own efforts. A certain improvement. Looking back over the past five years, I have been very touched. I have used four words to report to my leaders and colleagues about their experiences and feelings in their studies and work in recent years, as well as some suggestions for our business reform.

1. "If a person has no enthusiasm, he will accomplish nothing, and the basis of enthusiasm is the responsibility. - Leo Tolstoy"

Responsibility is the key to the success or failure of a person's career. A highly responsible person will regard work as pursuit and dedication, work with enthusiasm, achieve remarkable results, make outstanding contributions, and realize their own life value. A person who has no sense of responsibility, a person who loses his sense of responsibility or has a weak sense of responsibility, will regard his work as a burden, and naturally he will lose the joy of his work, accomplish nothing, spend his life, and repent for life. Responsibility is the foundation of each and every young employee, the premise of doing things for others, and the foundation of our revitalization.

In our work, our abilities are large and small, the profession has specializations, the positions are high and low, and the positions are different, but no matter what position you are engaged in, you must have a dedication to work. Dedication must first love the post, which is the starting point for our development. Aigang is full of enthusiasm for the work he is engaged in. He always maintains a positive and optimistic attitude. He loves his party and loves his party. He is a proactive, responsible and responsible attitude, obeying discipline, standardizing behavior, standardizing operations, quality and quantity. Complete the task quickly.

As a loan officer of a farmer's issue, in addition to the love of post and the sense of cherishing the post, it is also necessary to establish a position on the job and work hard on the ground in order to be truly dedicated. First, there must be hard work.

The task of credit work is arduous and complicated, and the responsibility is great. The three aspects of credit work, from lending, managing loans to collecting loans, require the loan officers to investigate and study in a realistic and pragmatic manner. If the work is unrealistic and walks through the scene, irresponsibility will cause huge losses to the policy credit funds, directly affecting the implementation of the policies of the “three rural issues”. Second, we must have the spirit of hard work. The post-loan supervision task is heavy and the work is very hard. In the face of heavy and hard work and a harsh working environment, it is absolutely impossible to not eat the spirit of hard work and hard work. The third is to be clever and clever. In addition to hard work and hard work, the management of acquisition funds also needs to pay attention to methods and methods, that is, to master the skill of skill. Skillful work at work tends to get twice the result with half the effort, not with methods and ruthlessness. Sometimes it can be counterproductive and runs counter to our wishes.

Second, "No one cares about your feelings before you do anything - Bill Gates" When you hear this, you are as deeply touched as I am. I have to admit that this sentence stings your heart, but to think about it, it is a real social reality. The value of life, the mediocrity is measured by pleasure, and the person can use creation to calculate. In the work, the difference in our job types and job divisions makes us pay differently. The mediocrity will complain that the salary is too low, the talents are not met, and so on, and all kinds of complaints about external factors, such people will complain no matter where they go; smart people will Rethinking the value of one's existence and the value it creates has brought positive and positive value to its survival and development. Saying that popular point is what it has done. I have been working for so many years. Before going to bed every day, I will ask myself two questions: What have I done today? What do I have to do tomorrow? Life should not be filled with remorse, life should not be bored, work should be loose and slow. response. Life must have goals and pursuits. With goals and the pursuit of life, there is a direction. The saddest thing for people is that they have no direction and goals. Youth is just a short-lived dream. When you wake up, it has disappeared without a trace. The most important thing in life is not where you are standing now, but where you are going.

A person, material wealth can not be rich, but the spiritual world can not be empty; intellectual knowledge can not be high, but can not be morally corrupt; social status can not be high, but can not have no value!

Third, "the line is better than words - Tsinghua school spirit"

"Being better than words" is not a word, but a word must be truthful, in order to testify. Guowen master Qian Wenzhong used to

This has been said: "It is not enough to regard career as a career. You must take your career as your career and have a professional spirit!" I very much agree with this point of view. If you only take your career as a family A means of living, your attitude towards the profession will be to cope with the task, complete the task, if you take it as a career! You will continue to pursue, constantly improve your professional skills, constantly enrich yourself Professional knowledge, enjoyment at work. How to achieve your own ideals?

The ancients said that "the wood of the hug is born in the end; the platform of the nine floors starts from the soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins with the footsteps" "There is no accumulation of steps, no more than a thousand miles; no accumulation of small streams, no rivers, riding You can't take ten steps, you can't take ten steps, you can't help yourself. Long life needs to go step by step. The realization of professional ideals needs to struggle bit by bit. The road to ideals is far away, but the starting point is at your feet. Whether your ideals are high or not, their realization requires a little bit of down-to-earth struggle. There is never a single thing in the world to go to heaven. If you want to realize your ideals, you must have the mental preparation to work hard, because doing things in a down-to-earth manner is the fundamental way to achieve your ideals!

Fourth, "fine soldiers and simple administration"

Being a simple soldier is the direction of enterprise reform and an important way to improve efficiency and reduce waste. First of all, the soldiers must be fine. Business reform and development require a large number of elites to enrich the grassroots and branch business units. We can not only adapt to the development needs of our bank, but also help to implement the work quickly. And doing business can not be overstaffed, otherwise it will increase the cost, but also lead to inefficient work, encounter benefits, all struggles, encounter problems, and talk about each other.

Second, the government is simple. For example, the new concept rating of Xiangyang has been reported to the city for more than a month. The materials have been added twice. Now it has not been to the provincial bank. I don’t mean what I mean. I just want the business department’s staff to think about it. Actually, take the grassroots behavior as your own business, don't give feedback, let the grassroots bank supplement things. The new concept is an old customer who has established a credit relationship with our bank for 4 years. The customer basic information has not known how many copies have been reported. Also need basic materials to send basic materials? I hope to really play the role of the city branch service platform.

thank you all!

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