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Experience Exchange Seminar 2019

This article directory 1 experience exchange meeting speech 2 experience exchange meeting speech 3 experience exchange meeting speech first 1: experience exchange meeting speech

Hello everyone! I am a student of the 19th class of economic and trade e-commerce. I am very grateful to the hospital leaders for hosting this learning experience exchange meeting to give me such an opportunity. I am also honored to participate in this learning experience seminar, so I can also express my views!

Let me tell you a story that you may have heard before: There was a scorpion in the past, and I was grinding in the mill since I was a child. I walked around the circle of stone grinding day after day, and I worked diligently for more than ten years. One day, he was finally too old to pull the stone, and the master felt that he worked hard and decided to stock it in the wilderness, let him spend the rest of his life freely in the green grass. But this blind man has never enjoyed the free life under the blue sky and white clouds. He has lost the nature of being an animal into nature. In such a vast world, the only thing he can do is to circle around a tree after eating, until he finally dies under the tree.

I don't want to compare us to a scorpion. It seems that I don't take myself too seriously. But in fact, the truth is this. From a young age, we have developed a variety of habits, and we are influenced by these habits. The habit of doing things. For example, we have been studying on campus all the time. Maybe school life is a habit for us. Therefore, after 15 or 6 years in our cold window, when we can choose to change a lifestyle or continue the habit we have adapted, we are likely to follow the inertia. Maybe it’s just because I want a diploma, or I think I want to be a big name. I admit that I am such a big person, and there is nothing wrong with social reality, but as far as my personal feelings are concerned, This is the only way, then you are likely to become a craftsman in this field, it is difficult to become an artist, and may even sink in boredom. This is not an alarmist. Many friends around me are now experiencing. This kind of pain, therefore, the first point I want to say is that, now that you have time, please ask the students to find a quiet night, sit down and sum up the sum of your life. Lose, and must be based on your current wishes and the surrounding objective environment, think about what you want to do, what kind of plan you can do, and give yourself a clear future plan after weighing, which can be short-term. It can also be medium to long term, but it is recommended to at least cover the university for four years, and then follow the plan, no matter what you achieve. How kind of way, as long as you have been toward the goal, certainly there will be a great harvest.

Everything is forewarned. If you really have an idea to make yourself a good character, then cultivate yourself to develop good habits, because I have always believed that habit is the key to determining fate.

With the intention of cultivating good habits and how to implement them, this should be the most important. I think, through the previous thinking, if you have determined that your direction is that there are enough reasons for you to continue your studies, then this is actually a very ideal road, which can satisfy your own ambitions and is generally popular in society. trend. What should I do?

Below I will give you a rough study of the arrangements for everyone to listen to, for reference only. When I was a freshman, I made a plan for my life for the next three years. I was a freshman who learned the basics and laid the foundation. What I thought at the time was that after all, university life was very different from previous life. There was a lot of work to be done in both study and life. Therefore, I would like to take classes and study in Anan, and I would basically give it to the study room during my spare time. It is. It may be that the method of study at that time was not very good. The results were not particularly satisfactory in one semester. However, I was glad that it was a good attitude at the time, and I didn’t feel particularly frustrated. I just wanted to stick to the end of the school year. What happened? The first year The results basically meet their own requirements, although not good, but basically can be worthy of their own efforts. In addition to my studies, I also participated in some student work. It is not very interesting to say that I did not do well in this respect. It is also a direction that I have failed in college, although I regret that I may not have a chance to come again. I work in a class of students, but I believe these are future wealth. When I was a freshman, I might be affected by the big environment, so I was a little relaxed in my studies. This is also a point I regret later. According to my current opinion, if I can learn more, I will dress my life more. Enriched, I believe that the help for me now will be even greater. From the experience of the previous three years, I summed up one sentence a year: 1, learning knowledge should be focused on the big, small to start, honest, practical reading knowledge is very necessary, I think, if you really recognize Seriously and thoroughly understand the contents of the basic textbooks and the textbooks. The knowledge may be enough to let you accept new knowledge easily and easily. It is worth the effort. 2, you can make appropriate adjustments after learning. After all, university life should be rich, not to mention that monotonous life seems to be too cruel for our age, but one thing must be clear, that is, we must know ourselves. What to do, as long as there are goals in the heart, there will be hope; 3, when you face a few things to do at the same time, according to their importance, prioritize, grasp the key points, so that you harvest It will be bigger. The days of the last semester of the senior year are the most difficult. I will arrange for my study at that time for everyone to talk about....... In fact, I think it’s still early to talk to you about this, let alone every Personal learning methods are different, but in fact, I think that time is also my most memorable time in college, because it allows me to find the learning state that I struggle for my own goals, especially When I paid for the fruits I received, I really wanted to congratulate myself on my heart, because I always believed that if a person can do something seriously, he must be successful!

Concluding remarks: After saying so much, maybe the students are a little impatient, huh, huh. Then I will finish quickly. Finally, I will share with you in Aristotle’s words: excellence is a habit! Everyone here is very good, then, in order for you to continue better, please develop excellent Habits, let the good habits guide us to a new milestone in life.

I wish all of you here will have a rich, rich and wonderful time in the fertile soil of Southwest University, which is worthy of a lifetime of three years.

Part 2: Speech of the experience exchange meeting

Good morning, leaders and teachers. I have just listened to the work experience introduced by several class teachers. I have benefited a lot. Their advanced management and rich experience are worth learning by each of our teachers. I haven't been a class teacher for a long time. I don't know what experience I have. I will say something about my experience here.

First, the theory is linked to reality, drawing on the experience of others

To do a good job in the work of the class teacher, learn more from the experience of others, constantly improve the working methods in practice, and constantly improve the class management system. For example, at the class teacher's experience exchange meeting in the last school year, the lectures of the class teachers benefited me a lot, especially from the speech of Mr. Chen Baozhu. After that, I borrowed and studied Mr. Chen's “flowing red flag curve”. And put it into practice according to the actual situation of my class. Every week, students can see the class performance in the school rankings. After each Monday rally, the class teacher will give a summary of the overall performance of the class last week. In addition to the usual emphasis on class discipline, timely correction education is given to students who do not meet the discipline requirements and cause class discipline to affect class discipline. In the high school year, the class style of my class has been greatly improved. In the second year of high school, even in the last few weeks, the top three are in the top three, and the number of mobile red flags obtained is also the highest in the second year. The students are very proud to see that chart. The class teacher pays attention to creating the atmosphere of "we are a good class group", establishes the students' confidence, increases the class sense of honor of the students, and actively contributes to the class and receives good results.

2. To be "three diligence"

After receiving a class, the teacher in charge of the class should do "footwork, diligence, and eyesight." The footwork is to go to the classmates frequently, and to contact with the students. When the habits have not yet been developed, they should supervise and check the class; "eyes", always observe the situation of the students, so as to grasp the situation in time. First-hand materials. "The mouth is still diligent", we must find more students to talk about, understand their inner world, communicate with parents, master the situation of students at home, know their family background, so that your education of students can get twice the result with half the effort .

3. Respect students and care for students

Students who have difficulty in many aspects such as ideology, study, and life should be cared for and helped. The performance of the class teacher in these aspects makes it easier for students to see the other side behind the teacher's majesty. This kind of care and help from the teacher, even one or two warm words, is more likely to impress the students. Our class is a liberal arts class with a lot of girls. Most of the students are relatively weak in constitution. I usually prepare some medicines in the class in case I don't need them. At the same time, if the students are not feeling well, I will take them to see a doctor, and always care about them until they are good. So many students in my class will have fun with me and tell me about it.

My class Xu Yayi is a single-parent family. My family is not very good, but I am strong. His brother is a student who graduated from Pingshan, and is admitted to a fine arts university. Because the tuition is more expensive, she often tells me the idea of ​​dropping out of school to work for his brother. The method I took was to affirm her starting point, to deny her practice, to keep talking with her for a long time, to continue to encourage her and to help her establish. Continue to study the confidence. Through long hours of hard work, she is still sitting in the classroom and fighting for the third year. But she will still have a hard time going in the future.

4. Be good at discovering the bright spots of students.

People like to be praised. Excellent students need to be praised, and students with learning difficulties need more praise. In fact, there are many advantages in the students who are learning difficulties. We need to discover and explore. As a class teacher, we must be good at discovering the shining points on them. We must be good at giving them trust, guiding them to consciously carry forward their strengths, overcome shortcomings, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, and develop towards good ones. My class, Xie Fengjiao, did not study well, and the spirit of class was not concentrated. By observing and from his high school teacher, I learned that his high school score is good, and the English score is good until now. Starting from here, I affirmed her cleverness in learning, established her confidence, pointed out her current problems, the direction of her efforts, and through continuous encouragement, her current state of mind has changed a lot. Also concentrated. However, in the future, we must continue to urge us to continue to make progress.

5. Allow students to make mistakes

As a teacher, I feel that we should look at each student with a developmental perspective when teaching and educating people. We should establish an educational concept that allows students to make mistakes. But tolerance is not to condone the laissez-faire, not to lack the necessary criticism and guidance, and to be strict with each other. I feel that when students make small mistakes, we must calmly deal with them; for big mistakes, we must rely on the school's rules and regulations, first get in touch with parents, and strive for the cooperation of parents, so as to achieve school and family. The purpose of co-management. When I deal with student problems, I often pay attention to empathy. When a student is frustrated and slaps his shoulder, these silent body language may sometimes be more urging and correcting than the critical words. When the students' thoughts are derailed, I basically give them the correct guidance, instead of arrogant and indiscriminate approval, and there is no extreme behavior.

6. The class teacher will continue to motivate students.

In the usual class meetings, I often use the people or things around me, or the role models in the students to motivate the students. I often write words of praise and encouragement on the student's homework book, trying to make him feel that this is the teacher's special concern and trust for him. For some students who have faults, I also wrote down my expectations. After each mid-term final exam, I will set some awards. Although the prizes are not many, the students are very happy. For those students who have made progress in each exam, I will give them timely recognition in class classes to encourage them to make greater progress. Form your style of study in the class. Cai Lijun, a classmate of my class, has excellent academic performance, but her self-confidence is lacking. After each exam, I will talk to her and encourage her to find out her strengths and help her build confidence. She won the first place in the liberal arts in the discipline training competition and the final exam under the second year of high school. For my class, Hong Yanhong, self-confidence, I usually focus on letting her feel that I value her, help her find out the shortcomings of each exam, encourage her to continue her efforts, and she also obtained in the final exam. Good grades in the third place of the year.

I have a short time as a class teacher. There are still many things I don’t understand. I need to learn from our teachers and all the teachers in the school. These are some of my views on the work of the class teacher. They are not comprehensive enough. It is everyone's exchange, and we will explore the experience in the management of the class teacher and make continuous progress.

Part 3: Speech of the experience exchange meeting

Dear leaders, dear teachers:

Hello everyone! I am very happy to have this opportunity to exchange ideas with everyone. The topic I want to share with you today is: learn to praise and grow up happily. All along, I especially admire the famous contemporary educator, Wei Shusheng. I long for myself to be like him, to keep the peace of mind, to enjoy the happiness of education happily, and to guide children to learn to learn. Although I know that I can't reach the lofty realm of the master, I think that by learning, by guiding the practice with the master's theory of thought, at least you can make yourself a happy teacher.

Teacher Wei once taught us that everyone should develop their strengths in the classroom. Teachers who are good at speaking should speak boldly, speak more vividly, image, science, and system. It is more interesting, more attractive, and more attractive. Teachers who are good at writing should continue to develop the strengths of “writing” and write more scientifically, more artistically and more fascinatingly; teachers who are good at individual counseling may become experts in counseling; teachers who are good at singing can also sing in class. . . . . . . I don't have any special skills, nor a diligent teacher, so I will find ways to mobilize the child's enthusiasm. To this end, the method I use is more praise and encouragement. In class, the one sentence I use the most is “I praise....”; in each lesson, I add stars to the good performance group according to the children’s performance, and write the name of the well-behaved child on the right side of the blackboard. Usually pay attention to find the child's shining point, praise in time, such as Wang Pengfei and Zhang Jinxi, who praised the enthusiasm for helping me to raise water, Gong Haonan and Hou Yanxia who praised the work seriously, and praised Yu Hongrui, Wang Yaping, and He Xinyi who have made great progress in learning. Xue Jiao and so on. Not only that, but every Friday I also organized the children to carry out the "Knowledge My Classmates" activity, let the team leader speak, and talk about the biggest progress of the classmates in the week, teach the children to discover the advantages and progress of other students, and inspire each The child is up.

In fact, this is not to show how noble I am. Just in teaching, I found that criticizing the children, they are more naughty and more angry. On the contrary, the praise of the children, not only did not lose anything, but it is easier to "uniform" them, and they also realized the joy of being a teacher. Why not?

Teacher Wei said that “the best study is self-study.” Why does Teacher Wei teach so easily and effectively? It is because he gives the right to study to the child and gives each child a chance to play. In his class, the management method of "everyone has something to do" has been implemented. Therefore, in teaching, in order to better liberate myself, I also try to use this method. For example, before each class, I guide the children to carry out small English display activities. According to the differences in the basic level of the children, they are divided into the third team, the runner-up team and the champion team. Let the children in the third runner-up group say one word, each of the runner-up group will take everyone to say a sentence, and the champion group will perform a dialogue. In this way, every child has an opportunity to show themselves. Practice has proved that they like this kind of activity very much. Through this activity, it also stimulated the interest and confidence of some potential students. For example, Hou Chunyang, Nie Xulong, Wang Yaping, Yu Hongrui, Wu Xiaomei, etc. in the fourth grade have become more and more interested in learning English, and their self-confidence is getting stronger. . In particular, Yu Hongrui made the most progress in the last semester, not only remembering the words, but also actively performing dialogues.

The above is some very imperfect practices in my work. I welcome everyone to give more valuable comments. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the leaders of Sihe for their trust and concern for me, for the enthusiasm and help of my colleagues, and for the solidarity and friendship that Mr. Su Shuimiao and Fu Juanli, who have taught me to teach me. It is you who have created a warm, harmonious and comfortable work and learning environment for me, so that I have enjoyed the happiness of education and the joy of growth. Thank you.

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