Fan Wen Daquan > Speech Edition > Speech

Excellent party member speech

This article directory 1 excellent party members speeches 2 outstanding party members speeches 3 outstanding party members speeches first: excellent party members speech

Dear leaders and comrades:

Hello everyone!

On the day of the 89th birthday of the party, I was entrusted by the party general branch of the company. I am very honored to stand here on behalf of the party workers.

First, I am grateful. The achievements we have made today cannot be separated from the training, guidance and assistance of the leadership of the Party branch of the company. We cannot do without the strong support and cooperation of the leaders and comrades. You have created space and conditions for our growth. It is that you have created a harmonious environment and atmosphere for our work. Therefore, I know from the heart that every bit of progress we have made, every honor is inseparable from the cultivation of the party, the care of the leaders and the help of the comrades. Therefore, we believe that this honor should belong to everyone and belong to you.

The party building work is first of all ideological and political work, and the pure motive depends on the sober mind. In this regard, I often remind myself that I work in Xiangtung Company. I simply say that I am a party member of Xiangtung Company. I have to fulfill the duties and obligations of my party members in Xiangtung Company, and I have to serve the company, the key moment. It is necessary to stand at the forefront of protecting the interests of the company. Only by thinking this way can we demonstrate the exemplary role of party members. This is also the duty and responsibility of our party members.

Party members are paying attention to seeking truth from facts. If they leave the reality, they will become empty talk. Therefore, party members must remember that they are the identity of a party member and do it at work: start from me, start from me, work diligently and conscientiously, especially When faced with problems in the work, do not be discouraged, not discouraged, do not evade, do not blame, do not make excuses, actively identify deficiencies, sum up experience and lessons, solve problems, constantly improve and improve the work, make our work Do it better.

Second, hey, there is still a certain gap in his work.

First of all, the determination to persist in learning is not big enough, and the perseverance is not enough;

Second, some work does not meet the requirements of the leadership;

Thinking of this, my heart is always uneasy

The party building work seems to be simple and ordinary, but in reality it is trivial and complex. As a party worker, we must consciously strengthen party spirit and self-cultivation. We must always maintain our study of theoretical knowledge, and at the same time, we must deepen our social practice, do not care about personal gains and losses, obey the law, be honest and honest, unite and help each other, and be decent. Do things conscientiously, be honest and honest, be a good party worker, be good at getting out of trivial and complicated affairs, and not participate in anything that harms the interests of the party, the people and the company.

The third is to work hard. "Today's work is not working hard, and tomorrow I will work hard to find a job." This is the propaganda slogan of the three-choice factory. I have always regarded it as my own name.

We must work tirelessly in our own work, and at the same time, we must work hard to help other people's work. Only by working together and helping each other can we play the role of the party's leadership core and improve the overall combat effectiveness.

I can stand here to receive the prize today. I am very excited. It seems that the drums have been shaken. The horn of the advance has already blown. At this time, I feel that the burden on my shoulder is heavy and the pressure is so great. I must change this pressure into The motivation of work, put the infinite loyalty and love of the party into my own work, and strive to do better in my work. I am willing to do my best to perform duties with the comrades of the branch and play the battle of the party branch. Fortress role, I am willing to do my best to contribute everything to the company's healthy development.

Zhuxiang Tungsten Company will be more brilliant tomorrow!

My speech is finished

thank you all

Part 2: Excellent Party Member's Speech

Dear leaders, dear colleagues, dear students:

Hello everyone!

The theme of my speech today is: "The confession of an outstanding Communist Party member."

I am very rare in this kind of grand scene, and it is extremely exciting to speak as a representative of outstanding party members. I don't have a gorgeous language expression, only sincerely confess to the party:

1, mood expression

I don't think it's so glorious, but I feel very happy. I have been growing up in care since I came to this school. It was the school that taught me, the school leader gave me, from a student to a counselor. The opportunity for transformation is that the party organization has trained me to become a member of the Communist Party. I have a lot of touches, let me say it sincerely: "Thank you."

2. Communists should be like this

I was rated as an outstanding party member. It is not because I am excellent. The work I have done is actually my own job. Some achievements have been the result of the concern of the leaders and the help of my colleagues. It is a Communist Party member. A little bit of achievement has been recognized by the organization, giving me the motivation to work in the future. What touched me even more is: the high winds and bright festivals on other Communist Party members. In this selection, I attached great importance to the Party branch, and in the process of summing up the work, we conducted a serious and harmonious selection. Dean Chen Hualong first proposed to give honor to ordinary party members. Comrade Guo Wenhua, our department head, said plainly: "We Even if these old men are, let them be given to young people." I deeply understand that the awareness of these old party members is so high, and a warmth and gratitude are born, this is their education and care for young party members.

3. Sublimation of thought

Influenced by the party's education and training, influenced by other party members, I have changed my ideology. Frankly speaking, when I chose to stay as a counselor, I was not an ideal. I was not so ideology. It was just for a variety of reasons. I was looking for something to do now. I can see things as a career and an idea today. Sublimation.

I don't have more confession. Everything must be carried out in the future work. Thanks again to the leadership's care, the help of my colleagues, and the support of my classmates. I will definitely turn this kind of care, help and support into motivation for work. Want to be a thousand miles, go one step further!

Part 3: Excellent Party Member's Speech

Dear leaders and students:

Hello everyone! Today, I am very honored to be on this stage to tell you about the ordinary and honest little things of the outstanding party members around me. The topic of my speech is: see the spirit in detail.

A seed can rot in the mud silently, or grow into a towering tree;

A piece of uranium can sleep in the stone in a mediocre way, and it can also produce earth-shattering power;

A person can slumber in the world, and can make life shine brightly.

He, an ordinary and simple grassroots cadre, is not tall, but has a high level of thinking for the sake of the people; but his eyes are not big, but he can see the urgent needs of the people. He is the protagonist and director of the Comprehensive Management Office that I want to tell today. He never showed off the honor of receiving the award of the county people's government for six consecutive years, and never showed the fruitful results of years of hard work. Ten years of hard work, in exchange for the four years of the Red Flag Township, in exchange for a stable livelihood. It’s only been a month since I contacted Director Yin. I have been thinking about why he is so good. It is attitude, responsibility, and dedication.

In 2000, he ended his life in the army and devoted himself to the grassroots construction. In the second year of his arrival, he served as the head of the agency, and was also a member of the organization. The kitchen and the food court were often the place where his figure flickered. He was accompanied by fire and sweat all day, always with enthusiasm to lead the anecdote. The personnel worked quietly on the side of the three-foot stove. Every time I talked about it, my colleagues first thought of his signature smile and his professionalism in his face. His strict management of anecdotes is a very "stubborn" person, and his "stubbornness" lies in meticulous and meticulous work on the work of the perpetrators. "I am very happy to see my colleagues eating well and eating well." This was the words of the secretary at that time. Every colleague who was still in the cafeteria after dinner found that the chief of staff had a habit of “weird”. After each meal, he always wandered around the dinner tables and seriously studied which dishes were “selling” and which dishes were “slow-selling”. Then, combined with book knowledge, colleagues' opinions and suggestions, guide the perpetrators to improve cooking methods. "Dayu, people's fish are fresher than you, and the price is affordable. I think it is a regular customer who bought it with you. You can sell it to me cheaper." In the past, in the farmer's market, people often saw and sold vegetables. Daxie is fiercely "bargaining." When I mentioned the secretary of the department, the vegetable grower at the time had the feeling and experience: "This is the chief of the clerk, it is really a farmer's market, 'bargaining', although it is the money of the public, he is not letting go. A lot of expenses are a good example for everyone to learn. "Get up early, sleep late, have no holidays, and have no normal rest. This is the life of the chief of staff and the perpetrators. However, there has never been any complaints, and I have remained firmly on the job as always, because of his due diligence and selfless dedication, he saved more than 20,000 yuan for the government. This selfless spirit is deeply imprinted in my heart and will be my eternal pursuit!

"When you have a hundred flowers into honey, who is hard for who is sweet." This is a true portrayal of?

In 2005, he was elected as the director of the Comprehensive Management Office. He obtained a broader platform to serve the public. Under his efforts, the comprehensive management of social security in my hometown has achieved excellent results. There have been no cases of commutation of prisoners for five consecutive years, no criminal cases of reinterpretation of teaching personnel, no major mass incidents, no major accidents in production safety. The comprehensive management of social security in our township was rated as Hongqi Township by the county people's government for four consecutive years. These outstanding achievements are not accidental, they are hard work, selfless dedication, and the result of accumulation.

In the third week of the Comprehensive Management Office, I was fortunate enough to participate in the work of Director Yin to mediate contradictions. In a traffic accident, the injured family was in poverty. Because the injured party's appeal was not satisfied, the mediator Zhong Yin was not only paying attention to the principle, but also talking about the facts. At the same time, he also paid attention to humanistic care and properly resolved the contradictions. Afterwards, Director Yin also bought. The fruit went to see the injured. When the injured person learned the intention, he said with tears: "Director Yin, you are a good public servant of the people!" Yes, it is this bit of dedication that made him an extraordinary person.

A grassroots cadre, he did not have a vigorous feat, no loud rhetoric, but he used his actual actions to interpret "dedication" and "responsibility."

Happy to do things, not tired of work,

Good friends accompany, and the road is far away.

I know that there are many outstanding party members around me waiting for me to discover that I am proud of having these outstanding party members around me. I am proud of the strength of each contribution around me. I want to use this opportunity to call on all party members to pay attention to society and care for the people. I hope that every member of the Communist Party of China will have a avenue, and the world will be a public mind; there will be a yellow sand and a golden armor, and we will not break the lofty pride of Loulan. A firm belief in doing things. This is the call of the heart, this is the dedication of love, this is the common pursuit of every Communist Party member!

thank you all

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