Fan Wen Daquan > Speech Edition > Speech

[Boutique] speech draft 400 words

This article directory 1 speech draft 400 words 2 speech draft 400 words 3 speech draft 400 words first: speech draft 400 words

Dear students,


The theme of my speech is: The motherland is in my heart, the great mother of the Chinese nation, you are the root of the hearts of Chinese children.

Turning over yesterday's history, our first five-star red flag in China rose on Tiananmen Square. The shameful "Sick Man of East Asia" hat was finally thrown away by us. Our great motherland began to realize the dream of reorganizing the rivers and mountains. . In 1964, the first nuclear bomb exploded, and our motherland began to prosper and flourish: To be tight, China’s land has risen another beautiful white cloud. In 1978, the Pearl of the Orient - Hong Kong returned; in 1998, the descendants of Macao also sang "The Song of the Seven Sons" and returned to the embrace of the motherland of the motherland; in 2001, our motherland successfully applied for the Olympics and joined the WTO since 2003; On October 15th, the first appearance of the Chinese in space, the success of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games; the 2019 Shanghai World Expo, the Guangzhou Asian Games... This is enough to prove that China is a soaring dragon.

The Chinese people can finally be excited. You see the profound Confucius, Zu Chongzhi, Sima Qian... You see the noble medical literary Li Shizhen, Sun Sizhen, Hua Wei... You see Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, who are dedicated to the country... They are the pride of the great mother.

Let us say with deep affection, the motherland. I love you!

Thank you for your speech.

Part 2: 400 words of speech

Dear teacher, dear classmate.

Hello everyone, I am very proud and very happy, I can stand here and speak. Today, the sky is high and the sky is cool, and the autumn wind is cool. As a representative, my heart is full of enthusiasm. The red scarf is the corner of the national flag. The martyrs exchanged their blood. They always encouraged us to be active and study hard.

I used to look forward to bringing you a bright red scarf and a glorious young pioneer. As I grew older, I slowly learned how to be a qualified young pioneer: we are in a young age. We should establish a great ambition, study hard, build our motherland in the future, live up to the expectations of the martyrs, and live up to the red scarf that flutters in the wind on our chests, and be a good student with good academic performance. We respect teachers and unite our classmates at school. We must strictly demand ourselves everywhere, speak civilized, polite, and actively help others. We respect our parents at home, do our homework carefully, and take the initiative to help our parents do what they can.

Classmates, from the moment you wear the red scarf, you are a young pioneer of Guan Rong. You will understand that you are the descendant of the dragon, the future of the motherland, and the actions of the motherland must be worthy of the red scarf that flies on our chests. We must remember the martyrs of the past and strictly demand ourselves to complete the mission of the red scarf to us!!

Fifth grade: Wang Zhiyao

Part 3: 400 words of speech

It’s almost sixty-one. I’m the host of the Children’s Day. It’s still a story. Let’s listen to it. Children’s Day is set after the Second World War. In June 1942, the German fascist More than 140 male citizens and all babies over the age of 16 were killed in the village of Lidice, Czech Republic, and women and 90 children were taken to concentration camps. The houses and buildings in the village were burnt down, and a good village was destroyed by the German fascists. In order to mourn the children of Lidice and all the children who died in the fascist war of aggression against the imperialist war-torn, killing and poisoning children and safeguarding children’s rights, the International Federation of Democratic Women held the Executive Committee in Moscow in November 1949. It is decided that June 1st of each year is a festival for children and adolescents around the world, namely International Children's Day. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Central People's Government Administrative Office made a decision on December 23, 1949, stipulating that June 1st was the Children's Day of New China, and announced the abolition of the old Chinese Kuomintang government's 1931 implementation of April 4th for Children's Day. Provisions.

There are still such tragic stories in Children's Day. You certainly don't know. From here, you know how cruel the German fascists are. They seem to be very kind, but how cruel their hearts are, it is really human. But now they will not be like that again, because this is just the fault of the past.

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