Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Construction Engineering Contract Model

Construction project feasibility study contract

Enter into the contract:

__省__县__, hereinafter referred to as the principal;
__省__ Design Institute, hereinafter referred to as the contractor.

Upon negotiation between the two parties, the entrusting party entrusts the contractor to undertake the feasibility study of the __ project and concludes this contract.

Article 1 The entrusting party shall provide the contractor with all the materials and materials related to the research project within __ days from the date of signing the contract, and shall be responsible for the accuracy of the information.

1. The contents of the materials and materials provided are as follows: __.

2. During the contract period, the information and materials obtained by the entrusting party for discussion, inquiry, external negotiation, investigation and investigation related to the project shall be provided to the contractor in a timely manner, and if necessary, the contractor may be recruited to participate in the feasibility study of the project. participate.

Article 2 The contractor shall submit the feasibility report of the contract project to the entrusting party before __year __ __ _ day, and shall be responsible for it. The content of the feasibility report shall include:

1. Business evaluation indicators:

Internal rate of return on investment: ____.
Payback period: ____.

2. Analysis of loan repayment ability: ____.

3. Analysis of foreign exchange repayment ability: ____.

4. Break-even, sensitivity analysis and risk assessment: ____.

5. in conclusion:____.

The contractor shall submit a ____ report of the feasibility report to the entrusting party.

If the entrusting party makes major changes to the ____ project during the contract period, or even if the original materials and materials have significant changes, it may cause the contractor to modify or rework the feasibility report, and the contract must be revised or the task added. Change the attached file or make a separate contract.

Article 3 Payment Terms

1. The feasibility study fee for this project is RMB ____ yuan. On the date of the contract becoming effective, the entrusting party shall pay the contractor 20% of the above amount. The remaining amount will be paid in full upon the expiration of the contract.

2. When the entrusting party suspends the contract, it has no right to request the contractor to refund the deposit.

3. When the contractor fails to perform the duties and obligations stipulated in this contract, it shall double the deposit.

Article 4 Penalty for breach of contract

1. When the contractor fails to submit the feasibility study report according to the date stipulated in the contract, each day of the delay shall be deducted from the five-thousandth of the fees it deserves as a penalty for breach of contract.

2. If there is an error in the feasibility study report provided by the contractor, and such error is solely caused by the contractor, it shall be deducted 10-30% of the fee due, depending on the seriousness of the error.

3. If the feasibility study caused by the principal's responsibility is significantly revised, or reworked, the cost shall be increased separately, and the amount shall be agreed upon by both parties.

4. When the entrusting party pays more than the date specified in the contract, it shall reimburse the contractor for the penalty of overdue breach of contract, calculated at 5 ‰ of the contracted fee for each overdue one day.

Article 5 This contract shall become effective on the date of signing. If there are any unfinished matters in the contract, the two parties shall jointly negotiate and make amendments or supplementary provisions. Modifications or supplements have the same effect as this contract.

Article 6 The original form of this contract is __ share, and each party shall hold one copy. A copy of the contract __ copies, send __ one for each record.

Principal: ____
Contact: ____
Bank of deposit: ____
account number:____
telephone number:____
Telegraph registration: ____
Contact: ____
Bank of deposit: ____
account number:____
telephone number:____
Telegraph registration: ____
__Year __月__日成

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