Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Other Contract Model

Electricity supply contract (3)

Power supply number

Power supply party: business license number

Electricity supplier: business license number

In order to ensure the normal operation of electricity supply, coordinate the relationship, and clarify their respective responsibilities, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China", combined with the actual situation of the parties to the supply and use, the following terms are agreed upon and agreed upon.

First, the power supply side of the power supply, the electricity plan to use electricity, electricity time:

Electricity Availability │ Project Power Consumption │ Unit │ Amount │ Power Time
│ │ / yuan │ │
│ │ │ │
Electricity fee: Total RMB 10,000 佰 拾 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— ── ── ── ── ── ──

Second, the burden of equipment installation costs:

Third, the calculation and settlement method of electricity charges:

4. Other terms agreed by both parties:

V. Liability for breach of contract:

6. If there are any outstanding matters in the above terms, they shall be supplemented in writing as an attached file.

7. In the execution of this contract, disputes shall be settled by both parties in a timely manner. When the negotiation fails, either party may apply to the contract management authority for mediation and arbitration, or directly to the people's court.

8. The validity period of this contract: from the date of signing by both parties to the ___ year ___ month ____ day.

IX. This contract is in one form, and each of the supplier and the user shall hold one copy, and the copy shall be sent to the bank and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau for each record.

Power supply side: Power supply side:

Representative: Representative:

Bank of deposit: Bank of deposit:

Account number: Account number:

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