Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Intellectual Property Rights Contract Model

Patent transfer agreement

In view of the fact that JAMES SMITH has obtained a patent certificate for ___ improved in _______________, the patent certificate number is ____;

Whereas, JAMES SMITH is the sole holder of the ownership of the above patents and patents;

In view of the fact that the ____ country _ city of RICHARD ROE is determined to obtain the full rights of the patent, the RICHARD ROE has paid the total amount of ____ dollars to the monks, which is confirmed and acknowledged. The monks sold and transferred in public the possession of _____ improved patents, names, interests and patent certificates to the holder and enjoyment of RICHARD ROE. RICHARD ROE is a legal representative and is interested in all the terms of the patent certificate. All the terms and conditions listed in the patent certificate transferred are the same as those held before the sale.

In _____ years ___ month ___ day in ______ I signed and sealed the evidence.
Attendee witness JAMES SMITH
Signature: ___________ Signature: ____________

Note: The patent is based on the inventor's application and is reviewed by the competent government department. It is considered that the invention meets the conditions stipulated by the law, and the inventor is granted the exclusive right to use the invention within a certain period of time. This is the patent.

According to the provisions of national patent laws, a new invention must have novelty, advancement and practicality and have practical value. Anyone who does not have practical value cannot obtain a patent.

The patent protection period of each country's patent law is stipulated as 10-20 years. After the expiration date, anyone can use it for free.

In the international patent is a private property, so the patent is transferable, that is, the legal holder who obtains the patent certificate can sell the patent to others, and the purchaser becomes the legal owner.

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