Work Report > Winter Holiday Social Practice Report

2012 Winter Holiday Social Practice Report

Recently, college students have returned to school. Many college students told reporters that this is a "winter leave homework" for social integration. In social practice, some students in the class have had fraudulent behaviors. Some students said that it is better to go to travel during the holidays. Points, the trustee can handle it."

Student voice

For the award, it is "the net copy"

Nowadays, social practice has become an essential "subject" for many colleges and universities. In addition to regularly organizing students to participate in social practice such as “three to the countryside”, some colleges and universities have also encouraged more students to participate in practice in the winter and summer vacations through comprehensive bonus points and bonuses. These systems have indeed encouraged more students to participate in social practice, but according to interviews, many students also pay for the extra points in order to make extra points.

A food professional student told reporters that for the comprehensive assessment of the school year, it is possible to add points and win prizes. The “technical household project” must be done in proportion to a certain percentage, but he lacks professional knowledge in agriculture and can only do it in a formal way. , with a chapter, and the research report written can only rely on the Internet to search for information, and patchwork.

Tan, a Chinese teacher, revealed that the social practice of school holidays is mainly carried out in the form of social surveys. But from the questionnaire to the investigation report, they are almost all downloaded online, and the patchwork has become a patchwork, and the questionnaire is just a few copies on the Internet. This situation also exists in other universities in Guangzhou.

No relationship, no social practice?

"The social practice of collective arrangement of schools requires the students' associations and the Youth League committees to have the ability to go. It is not that our 'civilian people' are eligible to enjoy." A college student complained to reporters. "To have a good relationship with the teacher, or else you don't know what social practice activities are, often passing through the teacher's office and seeing photos of internships."

A male student from a college in a university town complained to reporters that some of the practical papers that students have made are just copied. "School social practice is a slap in the face. It is no different from going to travel. It is better to spend money on training courses. At least you can learn some skills and help you in your future work."

Rural students said

Sealed to prove that it is easy to do things from the village

Before the winter vacation, some colleges and universities distributed letters of introduction and forms to students for the seal of the practice unit. However, the reporter found that some students did not participate in the practice, but the form still bears the seal of the practice unit.

The reporter's investigation found that many social practices of college students from rural areas were “completed” in their own villages, and then they were stamped with the chapter of the village committee. A university student from the countryside revealed, "Who really wants to do it? When you go to the village committee to ask someone to stamp a chapter, anyway, it’s your own village, you are a college student, they should be convenient. ""

City student said

Lack of professional knowledge, difficult to practice units

The reporters found that the main force participating in social practice is almost all of the students. In Guangzhou, some agricultural colleges and universities will arrange students to do "technical household projects" during the summer and winter vacations, but they have not yet studied for the lower grades. It is difficult for students with professional knowledge, even for non-agricultural students.

“A lot of classmates are not rural, not very good,” said a local university student. Some colleges and universities require students to promote the school's research results to their hometowns, or to do some research to carry out "technical household projects." But for students living in the city, it is not easy to find a practice unit, and many people are not willing to go to the countryside to do a research. Therefore, some people choose to give up, even if they do, they still have to rely on the Internet to write a thesis.

College teacher

There are advantages and disadvantages to reward practice

A counselor from a university revealed that since the beginning of the school, it has been said that there are practitioners' falsifications in practice, but because this behavior is relatively hidden, there are as many details as it is impossible to count. "Social practice is to improve the overall quality of college students. Some students' social practice has not achieved their goals and can be understood, but it is meaningless to falsify," said a college counselor. More teachers said that the social practice of winter and summer vacations is voluntary. The reward system implemented by some colleges and universities is of course beneficial. On the one hand, it increases the initiative of students to participate, but on the other hand, there are certain blind spots. Just like in order to add points to not "practice", only compile practical reports, find a chapter to cover. The limitations of the work, the school can not be verified.

A village party secretary who has assisted college students in social practice said that the summer social practice of college students should not be in a formal form. They should really go deeper and combine their professional knowledge so that they can really help farmers solve problems.

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