Work Report > Winter Holiday Social Practice Report

Winter holiday social practice form

Time is really fast! Another full winter vacation has passed. Time is abundant for us young people, but it is lacking, so we must cherish every day so that it will not be idle. Perhaps the most important day in our lives is in front of our eyes.

I am a college student and I am fortunate to have a good time. With a great historical responsibility and mission, we must take all of this and keep up with the pace of the times. We must let us have no regrets every day. I don't want to waste my life. So in the winter vacation of 2019, I had a fulfilling and memorable experience of social practice. I spent an unforgettable, sunny day called "teacher."

I remember that when I was young, I had a dream. I hope to become a glorious people's teacher when I grow up. But after experiencing all kinds of life, I became a college student studying food science and engineering. The childhood dream was never gone.

The tall image of the teacher and the body of the stalwart, the beautiful melody of "a big tree" is still lingering in my mind, echoing around. Then there is such an experience of "one stone, three birds".

I can realize my childhood dreams; I can have a different life experience; I can finish my studies with my own hands. Later I discovered that I not only learned these things. And I have a clearer understanding of my own abilities and learned a lot of things that I can't learn outside the classroom.

I found a tutor job two or three weeks before the holiday. Although the place to do tutoring is far from home, the salary is very small, I still have problems with motion sickness, but for my ideals and pursuit, I am still happy to go.

The first day was a trial. I gave mathematics to two high school students. In order to do better, I read the textbooks of high school again several times and embarked on the first lecture of my life. Despite some tension, I passed the first pass. The only feeling in my heart at the time was that it was really not easy to be a teacher.

One time, two times cooked, so I started my "teacher". It may be the first time to teach tutors to students. I am very serious. On the night before each lecture, I worked very hard to prepare lessons, for fear of mistaking the same question. But this happened, and once I made a mistake, if there was a seam, I couldn't wait to get in.

In this way, I go out early and late every day. Although it is very hard and very tired, it is very fulfilling. It is a smooth completion of my tutoring task. The parents of the students also recognized me very much. The two students also respected me and we became good friends. Especially when they called me "Sun Teacher", my feelings seemed to be floating in the sky, very proud and very glorious. At that time, I really understood why people say that the teacher is the noblest profession in the sun.

I have learned a lot of things for a month of "soul engineer". My efforts were not in vain. My two students improved their math scores by more than 20 points during the exam. I was very happy to hear this message. I seem to think that I am really a people teacher, two students. Parents also let me continue to do tutoring for the next holiday, but I refused to say it, not that I don't want to, but I think I should experience more life experiences and enrich my life.

A month has passed. The practical experience of my life has only just begun. During this time, I got to know myself more clearly and have a better understanding of my abilities. I still have a lot of shortcomings and shortcomings in my body. I have to constantly improve myself so that I can adapt to the requirements of the times and become one. A high-quality talent. The talent that can overcome oneself is a true hero. This experience will inspire me to study harder and enrich myself from all aspects, and make myself a comprehensive and innovative social talent.

Three hundred and sixty lines, the line is the top pick. If you want to be a veritable champion, you have to work harder and you have to go through more than others. Because that is also the wealth of your life, and it is priceless.

So, work hard! As long as you work hard and work hard, everyone's life will be brilliant.

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