Work Report > Winter Holiday Social Practice Report

2019 Winter Holiday Social Practice Plan

Practical purposes: First, work-study dropout; second, exercise your ability to interact with others and increase social experience.

Practical experience and gains:

This is my second winter vacation since I went to college, and of course I have to go home and reunite with my parents. However, as a contemporary college student, there should be no inaction at sunrise and sunrise. After returning home, I discussed with my parents and was ready to find a job. But the job has not found me but I am sick first. When I recovered, the holiday was halfway through. I thought that the work of the job was so ruined. Unexpectedly, Li Shu, who is next door, came to my house. He said that the original ticket seller, Li Jie, had something to do for two days. She wanted to find someone to work on behalf of the class and asked if I would like to go. Anyway, idle is also idle, I will agree.

In my impression, the ticket seller is not collecting money! This kind of work, as long as you know the money, you will do it. However, Li Shu still let me familiarize myself with the work content of Li Jie one day in advance, understand the situation, simply help to find the rest of the money, I did not want to go in advance, but still nodded.

Because it is the Spring Festival, everyone is busy walking relatives and friends, so there are a lot of passengers in the car. In a panic, I almost got the wrong money, but fortunately I responded promptly. At noon, I told Li Jie about this. She did not blame me, but said very seriously: "The most important thing for us to do is to be careful, serious, and have good memory. Although the car is up and down, it is too chaotic, it is easy to make mistakes, but this is also It is possible to test whether you can remain calm in the flustered scene. However, for the first time, a is already good." I began to think that my original thoughts were so superficial. Li Jie asked me again: "Along the way to the road, have you remembered a few this morning? This road you usually go by car often, should you remember it all?" I feel more ashamed at this time, because I am fundamentally I didn't pay attention to this, and there are not many that can be remembered at this time. Perhaps, Li Jie also realized my embarrassment, so she took out the road map and patiently identified each site one by one. I carefully remembered it in my heart, and then used the time after the meal to record it several times. In the afternoon, I began to repeatedly test whether I remembered it. Say the next site ahead of time and keep reminiscing about the sites that go through. Hard work pays off, and by the evening break, I can quickly tell the order of any site. At this time, I also began to understand the words of Li Jie slowly.

The new day started again. At this time, there is no help from Li Jie. I have to personally greet the passengers. I began to think back to my mind about the few things that Li Jie told me last night: First, we should arrange the seats reasonably so that the elderly can sit in the middle row, because the middle is relatively stable; of course, we must remember each new one. Passengers getting on the bus, because of this, will make fewer mistakes; the last is to remind passengers to get off before each station arrives, so that passengers can prepare in advance. Fortunately, all this is going smoothly. Even if I have some minor negligence, the driver Li Shu will remind me in time. Near noon, there was a white-haired grandmother getting on the bus, but there was no seat in the car. I asked other passengers if they were willing to give up a seat. I didn't expect the young people who had two students to stand up. At the time, I was really proud of them. Although small, it reflects the level of moral cultivation of our contemporary students.

In just three days, it quickly passed. For the passengers, they still got off the bus as usual; but for me, this was an unusual experience. When the car is crowded, I will remind passengers to look at their belongings in case they are mistaken or lost. When they encounter an impatient passenger, I will remind him to wait for the car to stop and then get off. Safety is the most important. When I saw the passengers getting off safely, my "fake" ticket sellers would feel a sense of satisfaction. The most profound feeling of my experience in these days is that no matter what happens only through personal experience, I will have a real feeling, and I can have a more realistic and profound understanding of this matter. Another point is that there is no easy world. Everything must be done with care.

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