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Investigation report on the living conditions of the elderly in Zhuzhai Village, Weiqiu Township, Yanjin County

Author: Huanglian Fu to promote social responsibility, experience rural life, improving their quality, to better serve the socialist new countryside construction, to show a good style of contemporary college students, we went to Xinxiang Yanjin County Wei Qiu village "450 Action Plan The Science and Technology Supporting Agriculture Service Group has an understanding of the living conditions of rural elderly in Zhuzhai Village, and explored a suitable rural old-age care model based on local conditions.
First, the social practice background
In 2002, the fifth national census data showed that China’s population over 60 years old has exceeded 132 million, accounting for more than 10% of the current total population, and continues to grow at a rate of 3.2% per year. According to international common standards, China is completely Stepping into the threshold of an aging society. With the aging process in China, the problems of the elderly have emerged in an endless stream, especially in rural areas, where living conditions are uncomfortable, medical diseases are plagued, and spiritual culture is lacking. Such problems seriously affect the living comfort and satisfaction of the elderly, and the problems of rural elderly are related to rural stability and long-term social stability, which is related to the quality of new rural construction. Therefore, timely and effectively find and solve the problem of middle-aged and elderly people, establish a rural old-age model suitable for local conditions, gradually improve the conditions of life, health and social development of the elderly, and realize that “the old, the old, the old, the old, the old "Being old, learning, and having fun" is the responsibility and obligation of our national society.
Second, the living conditions of the elderly in Zhuzhai Village Through the visit of nearly 300 families in Zhuzhai Village, we have a preliminary understanding of the living conditions, medical and health conditions, cultural entertainment and leisure conditions of the elderly in the village. There are good aspects, but there are some situations that are not optimistic.
living condition
1. Living environment: Most of the villages are tile houses, and many families have better conditions to live in buildings or bungalows. For the elderly, especially those whose children are separated and whose children go out to work, most of them live in ancient tile houses. Due to the unique living habits of the rural people, the objects in the courtyard are more messy; nowadays most TVs in the home have become popular, but by visiting, it is found that some elderly people do not have TV in their homes, so their spiritual life can be said to be blank. . The “village village pass” implemented by the village has repaired the cement road to each household, which can protect the villagers from the difficulties of taking the mud road in the rainy days. However, during the visit, some remote places have not been repaired. In general, the living conditions of the elderly in the village are still ok.
2. Income and Expenditure: For the elderly over 60 years old, their income mainly comes from labor income. According to the survey, the per capita cultivated land of the village is about 1 mu. Corn and wheat are the main food crops. Except for rations, tax foods and livestock food, they are sold at market prices. The annual household income is about 3,000 yuan, which is average to everyone. It is only a few hundred yuan in the elderly, which is the capital used by most elderly people to support their old age. For those who are still in good health or have skills, they will go out to work as young people to increase their income. In addition to labor income, the source of funds for the elderly is also the supply of children and policy support. However, these are conditional. For example, whether the relationship between the children and the elderly is harmonious, the children's economic conditions, whether the children have the respect for the elderly and the old people are willing to pay; the five guarantees, the minimum living allowance, the childbirth allowance for the only child must meet certain conditions, and the selection process is objective and fair.
At present, farmers spend relatively little, especially for the elderly, whose spending is mainly used for living production and consumption and health care expenditure. The main consumption expenditures are for clothing, food, biogas, tap water, electricity and so on. The main use in production and consumption is the purchase of grain, machinery, pesticides, etc. With the rise in prices, these aspects of spending have become a heavy burden. In the medical expenditure section, according to the investigation, a small clinic in the village, the villagers have a headache, a fever, a small cold, and other small diseases usually go to the small clinic in the village, and some even do not care, let it develop. In addition, there are also standing medicines in the farmer's home. Therefore, the impact of minor illnesses on the villagers' burden is still light. However, once a major illness has occurred, especially when the elderly are in a period of frequent disease, the expenditure on medical treatment still accounts for a considerable proportion of household expenditure. Although rural new medical cooperation is more popular in rural areas, according to the villagers, due to institutional reasons, the proportion of reimbursement has certain restrictions, and different hospitals, the proportion of different disease intelligence sales is not the same, coupled with the high drug prices, the tension between doctors and patients, etc. The benefits that farmers receive from the new rural cooperative medical system are not many.
Health Status A person's health includes not only physical health, but also mental health, diet health, lifestyle health, etc., which is still applicable to the elderly.
1. Good health. Blood pressure is an important indicator of your health. Medical team members used the electronic sphygmomanometer that they carried with them to make free measurements for the villagers. In a few days of blood pressure measurement, they measured a total of 238 people. Statistics show that as the age continues to increase, the rate of hypertension continues to rise, followed by 12.6%, 16.3%, 23.8%, and 54.8%. It can be seen that hypertension is highly prevalent in the elderly population. Of course, the blood pressure is affected by factors such as time, season, exercise, temperature, environment, and spirit. Therefore, we try our best to ensure the scientific and reliable measurement data. But from this data analysis, it can also reflect certain problems. In addition, through the visit, it is found that there are other chronic diseases in the middle-aged and elderly population, such as cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, rheumatoid rheumatism, etc. These diseases are all problems that affect the health of the elderly. Of course, with the improvement of living conditions, the health of most elderly people is still healthy. The life expectancy of people is about 75-80 years old, but the above-mentioned problems still need to be highly valued.
2, mental health The psychological problems of the elderly come from two aspects. First, the external environment of the society, with the acceleration of the frequency of life in modern society and the degradation of the social old-age pension in some areas, some people see that the elderly will not greet and turn a blind eye, which has cast a shadow over the old people’s psychology. The society no longer respects the idea of ​​the elderly, and the psychology that it thinks is old and useless, which further burdens its psychological burden, makes its life relatively closed, and lacks communication with the outside world. This is especially true for people over 80 years old. Second, it comes from within the family. The relationship between the elderly and the children is not harmonious. The children’s martial arts are lack of concern for the elderly. The children’s busy work is not enough for the elderly to make the elderly feel thankful. At the same time, the younger generation does not understand the behavior of the elderly and it is very easy to cause trauma to the psychology of the elderly. Correspondingly, the elderly are also confused about the behavior of young people.
3, diet health through visits found that the diet of villagers, especially the elderly, is not scientific, which has some impact on the health of the elderly. For rural people, most of the vegetables they eat are grown by themselves. Although food safety is guaranteed, it is basically a kind of eating and drinking, rather than focusing on the wide mix of food. Due to rising prices and reduced sources of meat, farmers are discouraged from it, and farmers’ lives are relatively simple, and there are relatively few improvements in their lives. According to the survey and analysis, about 50% of the improvement in January, about 25% per week, about 14% of people usually do not improve their life at all, and the food mix is ​​not diversified, it is difficult to guarantee the supply of nutrition. In terms of fruits, the daily intake of fruit by the villagers is relatively small, with 3.4% of people eating every day, 34.4% of them eat regularly, and 24.1% of them eat occasionally. 37.9% of the people generally do not eat, and often the fruits are not really in the countryside. achieve. In addition, through interviews, it was found that the villagers, especially the elderly, often eat too much salt, which has long been a cause of high blood pressure and endangers health.
4, lifestyle through the visit found that the villagers' lifestyle is relatively scientific, but there are also some unscientific habits flooding them, affecting the health of the people. From the point of view of sleep, villagers generally have the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, and most villagers can guarantee 7 hours of sleep every day. Individuals can sleep for 8 hours and sleep more adequately. The reason is that during the day, work is more tiring, and second, there is nothing to do. In terms of physical exercise, 70% of the villagers can perform physical activities, while the remaining 30% are mostly elderly people who rarely exercise or never exercise. In terms of external communication, most of the villagers maintain the living route of the house-farm-residence. The outside communication is limited to the inside of the group. The elderly between the neighbors, especially those over the age of 80, are basically at home rather than going out. The bad performance is mainly due to unhealthy diet and drinking and smoking. Due to the relatively limited living conditions in rural areas, there are more flies and it is difficult to ensure food hygiene. Among the male population visited, 50% of the people smoked, and the smoke age is longer, and the amount of smoking is larger. This is particularly prominent in the elderly and causes harm to the body. Drinking is not too serious, about 60% of people do not drink, and the amount is appropriate. These habits are not conducive to health, but due to long-term living habits and economic factors, health concepts and other constraints, the formation of a healthy lifestyle takes a long time and requires active guidance.
Cultural and recreational conditions Due to the reasons of rural material living conditions, villagers' ideological concepts, and government organization support, rural culture and entertainment, especially the cultural and recreational life of the elderly, are relatively boring, and places with better conditions still have the ability to improve. Zhuzhai Village belongs to the latter, but there are still many places to improve.
1. The status quo According to the hardware facilities, the village has no cultural courtyard and cultural stage, billiard table, basketball stand, sports fitness equipment and other supporting facilities. From the software point of view, through the villagers' reflection, the village used to have a literary team such as a waist drum team and a lion dance team. Some of them have people who have the ability to sing and sing songs, but as time progresses, the literary team is in a state of disintegration, and the equipment is unknown. Where to go, coupled with no one to guide, the cultural activities in the village are not active and rich. During slack farming, people who live closer will usually gather and chat, play mahjong, and play cards. Although these activities are not harmful, they waste a lot of time, and sitting for a long time is not good for the body, and it is not conducive to good formation. Social atmosphere. There are still some people who stay at home all day and are not willing to participate in any entertainment activities.
This can easily lead to closed minds.
2. Analysis of the causes Through analysis, the reasons why the village's literary activities cannot be done are as follows:
1 lack of reasonable guidance. As a government, the emphasis on villagers' cultural activities is relatively insufficient. They have not done well in terms of capital, technology, talent development and training, and have not fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the villagers. According to the villagers, after the dissolution of the literary and art team, the equipment was owned by the individual, and the villagers had a greater opinion. As villagers, the enthusiasm for public welfare has been reduced, people have taken into account economic interests, and the relationship between the villagers has undergone subtle changes. No one is willing to come forward to organize activities to carry out activities, even if there are, it is a small fight, not a climate, and some The content is not healthy.
2 talent faults. Most people who are enthusiastic about public welfare are elderly people. They have members of the original art team, and some will sing and sing songs. But as they grow older, they can no longer reproduce the glory of youth. They can no longer carry out violent activities such as drums and lion dances. The younger generation is not interested in these traditional activities, they are not willing to learn, and most of them are working outside the home, rarely at home, so even if there are organizations, no one will participate in these activities.
3 limited energy. The village is mainly planted. The cultivation of corn and peanuts requires human energy and more farm work. There is no time and energy to organize and participate in the study of cultural activities. For the elderly, there are more children at home and no energy to do.
4 limitations of cognition and conditions. The information of people living in rural areas is relatively closed, and the traditional cultural morality of feudalism has existed for a long time, which greatly affects the acceptance and understanding of new things and new cultures by villagers, especially the elderly, and more or less gives rural entertainment. The cause brings resistance.
Third, the rural pension model analysis of the theory of rural pension is one of the problems highlighted in China after the aging of the population, at present, the main models of rural pension are: family pension and community pension, social pension.
As the main form of traditional old-age care, family pension is a model of old-age care for the elderly who provide clothing, food, shelter, medical treatment, and burial after death.
As a form of transition from family pension to socialized pension, community pension is a form of old-age support for the elderly. It is a social security system with social relief as the main feature. Rural pension insurance is an integral part of social insurance. It refers to the non-urban households in rural China paying certain labor income, and getting help from the state and society when they lose their ability to work. A social insurance system that enjoys pensions to protect the basic needs of clothing, food, etc. is a socialized pension model.
Analysis of the differences between these forms and existing problems, and the proposed solution is the common goal of most scholars.
Since most of China's rural areas are still relatively backward and poor, the status of the family pension model is very strong. Combined with the actual situation of Zhuzhai Village, I believe that family pension is suitable for the village's old-age care. This is mainly due to the fact that at this stage, the rural people have rich human resources. Although the family planning policy has been formulated and implemented for many years, due to the limitations of traditional concepts, in rural areas, families with many children are still the mainstream. At the same time, the elderly in rural China are lacking in mental care in their later years, and it is difficult for socialized pensions to achieve this goal. Therefore, family pension is the first choice. In addition, due to financial constraints, China's rural pension institutions are mostly in the primary stage, and it is difficult to get the same fine care as family pensions. Family pension is still the best way to provide economic resources for rural elderly in China and to compensate for mental vacancies. In addition, the majority of the elderly will choose to support the elderly at home, which is influenced by traditional culture, that is, the concept of “home”, and the pursuit of spiritual comfort and life care. Therefore, objectively, family pension is superior to socialized pension in rural China.
Of course, family pension is more suitable for families with children, but for those who are lonely, they need everyone's strength to carry out community pension.
(2) The actual operation has found the answer theoretically, and the following points need to be done in the specific operation:
First of all, as the two committees of the village, one must increase publicity and form an atmosphere. It is necessary to increase the education of the villagers through various forms of activities, especially the dramas, essays and cross talks that the villagers like to see and hear, and form a good atmosphere of respecting the old and loving the old in the village, so that the villagers can form a sense of respect for the elderly. It is necessary to increase the propaganda of respecting the old and the old, and establish a typical example. The village's "good in-laws", "good wife" and "five good civilized families" selection activities are a good form. We must continue to carry out, but we must be more open, fair and fair, so that their effects can be truly brought into play. Second, we must be honest and effective. It is necessary to strengthen the funds and technology investment in caring for the elderly, and set up an organization for the elderly to arrange appliances and books suitable for the elderly, so that the various facilities can be fully utilized, and the elderly can be organized to carry out rich and colorful activities to enrich the lives of the elderly. If possible, continue to support the elderly art team and train folk art heirs such as singers, bronzes, lion dances, dry boats, and Tai Chi, to train villagers. Encourage villagers to carry out cultural activities. Third, we must be targeted and highlight the key points. It is necessary to strengthen the care for the elderly, the five-guarantee households, and the low-income households, to help solve their daily difficulties, and to visit the condolences frequently to make them feel the warmth of society. Criticize and educate family disharmony.
Secondly, as a villager, we must work hard to establish a sense of gratitude, develop an old-aged and old-age habit, and give the elderly a meticulous care in life. Second, we must arrange three meals a day, pay close attention to the four hours of warmth and provide a comfortable living environment for the elderly. It is necessary to carefully serve the daily life, provide a safe living environment, and strive to solve the difficulties in the life and spirit of the elderly. Third, we must fully respect the characteristics of nature, not impatient, and listen carefully to the voices of the elderly and the elderly. Fourth, we must fully enrich our spiritual life, chat with the elderly, encourage the elderly to participate in recreational activities, and strive to achieve old age. Fifth, we must get along with the villagers and see the old people's enthusiasm and initiative, help the elderly, properly handle the relationship with the elderly, and must not disregard the elderly. Sixth, we must learn from each other and look at the advanced models.
Of course, this is only a personal opinion, and the specific implementation needs to be combined with local realities. It is believed that through the joint efforts of all of you, the life of the elderly will no longer be difficult, and the relationship between young people and the elderly will be improved. The problem of old-age care for the elderly in rural areas will be solved reasonably.

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