Work Plan > 2019 Work Plan

2019 Secondary School Academic Affairs Office Work Plan

Guided by the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we will thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development. Based on the relevant spirit of the school work plan, we will take the management of the new curriculum as an opportunity and take the opportunity of effective management. Focusing on the center of education, we strive to build a working atmosphere of "independence, easing, collaboration, and competition" and consolidate the process management of education and teaching. Highlight the advanced management ideas of the concept and ensure that the quality of school education and teaching will be more brilliant.

Second, the main work

1. Strive to accelerate the pace of education information and create a "digital campus"

Make full use of educational informatization means, strengthen leadership over the network of school education information, accelerate the construction of "digital campus", increase the development of school websites, and continuously enrich the school's web pages. Improve the construction of electronic reading classrooms, maintain the benefits room, teaching and research group computers, and provide logistics for the education informatization service for the new curriculum reform. Do a good job in logistics support and teaching services, so that the research on the integration of information technology and subject teaching can be carried out smoothly. In order to improve the use of teachers' modern educational technology, we will do a good job in assisting and counseling. Help the instructors learn to make courseware and personal homepages, and do all aspects of the school to create a "digital campus."

2. Pave the way for the study of “self-education” in all grades

The implementation of the new curriculum reform brings vitality and opportunity to the research of "self-education". "Self-construction education" is a research topic of moral education practice under the guidance of the new moral education concept. It is necessary to create characteristics and produce results for students. The development of mind and body creates a good space.

3. Teacher training

Consolidate the results of the class teacher's training, improve the quality and level of the class teacher, and work hard to better manage students.

Increase the promotion of Mandarin language to meet the needs of the new situation. Striving for the advanced unit of provincial language standard.

Further strengthen the theoretical study of the "Basic Education Curriculum Reform Outline", closely integrate training with teaching, teaching and research, and scientific research, and improve the pertinence of training. We must combine teachers' modern information technology training with new curriculum training, and strive to improve training efficiency. .

4. Use the time of extracurricular activities to organize various grades to actively explore science and technology education activities. Organize various interest groups, such as: painting art group, chess team, international checkers group, calligraphy interest group, and accordion interest group, etc., to cultivate students' practical ability and innovative spirit, and plan to organize the results of group interest activities and The competition promotes the development of the event.

5. Work together and work hard on the graduating class.

Do a good job in student management, mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning, and form a good class. Do a good job in coordination and comprehensively improve the quality of education in graduating classes.

6. Student Status File and Health File Management

Seriously implement the regulations on student status management, and improve the transfer of students to prevent the loss of students due to internal factors of the school. Once there is a loss of students, the class teacher and the class teacher should go to the door in time, do a good job of mobilizing, reduce the loss of students, and prevent the phenomenon of dropping out of school. In accordance with the spirit and requirements of the school's instructions, strict file management system, strict transfer of students, transfer procedures, students transfer and transfer procedures.

Efforts should be made to improve the management of student health records, and to do well in student infectious diseases and high-incidence prevention work and student health care.

7. Strict attendance management, in accordance with the principles of fairness and justice and people-oriented management ideas, work in strict accordance with the attendance management system formulated by the school, pay attention to, care for and respect the work of each teacher, and maintain the enthusiasm and work of the faculty. Enthusiasm and improve work efficiency.

8. Do a good job in all types of and all kinds of mid-term final exams.

9. Do a good job in the laboratory and reading room to serve the teaching

Laboratory staff should establish a sense of teaching service, love their job, study business, work hard, and actively cooperate with reasonable students to start the experimental class, ensure that the test rate is 100%, work together, standardize laboratory file management, financial management And regular management.

The staff of the reading room shall formulate a reading system, a management system, and maintain the equipment and facilities. In addition to the daily handling procedures, the library shall, at the end of each semester, go through the procedures for recycling or renewing books borrowed from the faculty, and press the lost books. Institutional compensation, introduce various books to students, especially recommend excellent extracurricular reading materials and related learning materials, standardize various management, give full play to the library resources advantages of our school, help teachers to develop reading plans, recommend bibliographies, Actively guide teachers to study quietly.

10. Strengthen the management of cultural and sports equipment to prevent the loss of materials. The management personnel should take care of the equipment, manage according to the requirements, strictly implement the loan repayment system, and give full play to the teaching function.

11. Strengthen physical education and continuously improve the physical fitness of students

Seriously implement the "Students' Health Standards" to standardize physical education and "two exercises" management, conscientiously organize students' sunshine activities and sports competitions during the major classes, ensure that one hour of exercise every day, continuously enhance the physical fitness of students, and organize the autumn games.

In short, in the new semester, under the new situation, the staff of the Academic Affairs Office should be united and dedicated. Dare to explore, to study the theory of management work in depth, and to serve the front line of teaching. The staff of the Academic Affairs Office must constantly improve their own quality, must have a high sense of responsibility, assist each other in their work, learn from each other's strengths, obey the school management, continuously improve work efficiency, ensure high-quality work results, and build our school into a first-class standardized school. Make your own contribution.

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