Work Plan > Department Work Plan

Teaching office work plan

One. The guiding ideology strictly implements the education and teaching principles and policies, combines the actual situation of the school, changes concepts, bases on student development, continues to deepen education reform, reforms teaching management, teaching methods, comprehensively promotes quality education, and constantly explores moral education as the core to cultivate innovative spirit and The quality education mode with emphasis on practical ability, correcting educational thoughts and concepts, and constantly promoting the steady development of teaching modes, educational methods, courses, teaching materials, etc., to improve the quality of education and teaching in schools to a higher level. two. According to the requirements of quality education, the specific work establishes the key points and difficulties of education in various disciplines, and explores the evaluation criteria of quality education. Starting from teaching management, strengthen the teaching method reform system, and use evaluation criteria to test the level of quality education and teaching quality. Classroom teaching is still the basic system and main form of school education and teaching. Therefore, education must be based on classroom teaching and basic channels, guided by quality education, give full play to the role of campus network, and gradually familiarize teachers with online education environment. Under the guidance of modern education concept, use modern educational technology to effectively improve classroom teaching efficiency, follow teaching principles, adjust classroom content and requirements, research and explore new classroom teaching models, teaching strategies and methods, and focus on knowledge development. The learning measures of the process combine the use of modern educational technology with quality education, establish specific strengthening measures for various disciplines, focus on the effectiveness of classroom teaching, and pay attention to preparations before class. The language subject will continue to study comprehensively throughout the semester, fully implement the standards of the Chinese curriculum, and actively carry out the study and research of education and teaching with the focus on “cultivating the spirit of innovation and practical ability”. Further improve the curriculum reform, focus on classroom teaching reform, study language comprehensive learning, study evaluation reform, and prepare for full entry into the new curriculum. The specific work is as follows: 1. Strengthen learning and promote the further renewal of educational concepts. With the concept of “learning society” deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, educators should bear the brunt of it, making “learning” a prerequisite for their survival and development. Through learning, teachers should fully understand the importance and arduousness of basic education reform; through learning and updating concepts, the advanced education and teaching concepts will be transformed into scientific and feasible education and teaching behaviors. The language teaching and research groups of the various languages ​​organize study groups to designate practical, effective and effective learning plans, set time, set content, and concentrate on centralized center speakers. The teaching office will organize special seminars around the period. Organize teaching and research groups and some teachers to concentrate on the "Chinese Language Curriculum Standards" and conduct research discussions in connection with teaching practice. Organize teachers to carry out the "Chinese language teaching style" exhibition activities, and discover a group of teachers with teaching characteristics. Actively organize participation in the activities of the district's teaching and research section, and recommend quality courses and articles to the school district in a timely manner. 2. Improve routines and promote the quality of teaching. The implementation of the new curriculum standards should be implemented in all aspects of teaching, and the teaching routines should also be based on the requirements of the curriculum standards. This semester is still centered on classroom teaching, focusing on learning habits, and taking the requirements of literacy and writing, oral communication, reading, assignment, and comprehensive learning as a routine practice. Further strengthen the teaching of writing. Organize teachers to carry out exchanges of writing teaching experience, so that teachers can pay more attention to writing teaching and improve the efficiency of writing teaching. Strengthen the study of oral communication and comprehensive Chinese learning. Teachers are encouraged to combine the relevant content of the current textbooks with school-based resources and practice boldly. This semester will organize research classes and conduct special seminars. Further emphasis on reading aloud, we must improve the overall reading level on the basis of re-experience and perception. At the same time, strengthen the accumulation of recitation, increase the reading capacity of students in each year, encourage students to choose reading materials independently, and strive to meet the requirements of the "Chinese Curriculum Standards". Paying more attention to the teaching of composition teaching, introducing a new concept of composition teaching, organizing teachers to learn and practice, and exploring a set of characteristic composition teaching methods. Continue to carry out and improve routine research, and carry out various forms of analytical testing from time to time to further standardize operations and play a monitoring role. 3. Attach importance to research and promote the improvement of scientific research capabilities. Continue to promote the small class Chinese language teaching method, change the learning style and improve the language quality. The teaching and research groups, based on the actual situation, focus on "classroom teaching" and conduct practical research. Attach importance to the study of comprehensive learning, focusing on the comprehensive study of Chinese language with "research-based learning". All teaching and research groups are required to seriously think, organize, and actively implement and form some valuable experiences. Continue to carry out the "Guide to the Teaching of the National Language and Literature Method", focusing on how to effectively guide the study. Participate in the research activities of the relevant teaching and research groups, and assist the better-educated teaching and research group to prepare and organize the exhibition. 4. Do a good job in training to promote the further growth of young teachers. Implement curriculum standards and enter the curriculum reform exchange. Cultivate a team of key teachers with advanced teaching concepts, strong teaching ability, and a certain theoretical level and teaching and research capabilities. Carefully organize the analysis of the textbooks at the beginning and the middle of the period, and ask the teachers to highlight the key points and difficulties in each lesson. Further strengthen the study of classroom teaching mode, organize teachers to participate in the school district, the new district young teachers to observe activities. Continue to do a good job in teaching and research of various teaching and research groups. It is required to give full play to the role of the teaching and research group, formulate research topics at the beginning of the period, and conduct regular seminars. Mathematics discipline Strengthen the construction of teaching and research groups, standardize teaching and research activities, establish a system of teaching and learning, and give full play to the role of key teachers, and actively carry out activities in the group. Make a good record of the lectures, evaluation records and teaching and research activities. In addition to the weekly teaching and research activities, each group will continue to do a good job of using the minutes before the class to make the difficulty, focus and discussion of the teaching content of the day. Carefully prepare the teaching courseware and carefully prepare for the class. Really make three preparations "prepare teaching materials, prepare teaching methods, prepare students." In addition to listening to classes within the group, the new teachers should learn from the old teachers and key teachers, enter the classroom to listen to the classroom, and improve the teaching level as soon as possible. Do a good job in the record of the lectures, the records of the assessments, and the records of the teaching and research activities. 2. Continue to do a good job in the teaching and research activities every Friday afternoon. The backbone teachers will take the lead in the multimedia demonstration class, combined with the teacher self-recommendation, the preparation group recommendation, to prepare carefully before the class, participate in the group, and take a good practice class. 3. Implement the training of teachers at all levels. Seriously organize the teachers to go out to attend classes. In the first week of the school year, the preparation team leader will hand over the lecture plan for the semester group to the mathematics team leader, and notify the empty class teachers of the preparation group to participate in the lectures and evaluation classes. Carefully train new teachers, with teachers, teaching and research team leaders, and teachers in the group to help, listen to each other and give more guidance. Regularly organize teachers to watch the excellent teachers' lecture videos, excellent courseware, and mathematics teaching lectures. 4. Grasp the teaching and research activities of mathematics and thinking classes, teachers should make full use of students' attention, memory, and thinking ability, strengthen the training of these aspects, and teach students to learn. In addition to earnestly participating in the teaching and research activities of the school district, the preparation team strengthened contact and discussion, exchanged teaching practice experience, wrote teaching experience, and completed monthly teaching essays. 5. All grades continue to implement the Olympic mathematics teaching of top students, and carry out activities in the form of interest classes. 6. Conduct various math competitions. Timely and unified standard book format and writing requirements, at least three times per semester, sampling and workbooks, workbook inspections. English subject Strive to improve their own quality and create a good language atmosphere for students. The teachers in the group develop the habit of reading English newspapers and English magazines. Do a weekly oral training. Studying together after school time

The correct classroom language, adhere to each class to organize teaching in English, to create a good language environment for students. 2. Design a lively teaching plan to stimulate students' interest, use it for 40 minutes, let students learn lively and effectively improve the quality of teaching for 40 minutes. Teaching adopts colorful games, active classroom atmosphere, and integrates knowledge and entertainment. Every two weeks, I sing an English song with action and dance steps. 4. Cultivate students' habit of “self-learning” and let them learn to learn. In the classroom, students are taught to use their knowledge to compose songs and songs to teach students how to accumulate knowledge. The lower grade students start with the letter teaching and teach the simple voice knowledge to let the students learn to learn new words. Senior students learn how to search English dictionaries, selectively read some English tabloids, and introduce the knowledge they have learned in simple English and communicate in the classroom. 5. While doing excellent teaching tasks, we should do more classes, think more, and improve. Each teacher in the group has at least one open class for one semester, and the teachers in the group discuss the lesson preparation. After the open class discussion, the instructor should sort out the lesson plans and post-teaching in a timely manner. Set up a stage for the young teachers in the group, and put out a few seminars with special features. 6. Take advantage of the English language specialty, select a group of students who have the ability to learn, and carry out English interest group activities, so that students can learn a skill in a pleasant and fun activity. 7. Actively cooperate with the computer group to produce English courseware and use modern educational technology to enrich the school electronic database. 8. Combine classroom teaching with the Young Pioneers' eagle eagle competition activities, carry out the examination activities of oral English chapters and writing chapters, and organize students to actively participate in the training and examination of the city's general English gold, silver and bronze medals. The sound, body, beauty, nature, and computer sciences combine the annual “Science and Technology Festival” and “Sports Festival” to provide students with a stage for all-round development. 1. Music disciplines should explore new modes of classroom education and cultivate students to appreciate beauty and create beauty. Pilot classroom practice research classes, and establish research and study topics tracking research. Actively collect teaching materials and study new teaching methods. Continue to carry out the lively and colorful second classroom activities of the school, and strengthen the effective management and regulation of the second classroom activities to ensure that the second classroom activities are of quality, level and effectiveness. 2. Physical education disciplines must effectively improve the physical fitness and health of students. Strengthen the study and implementation of the Regulations on School Sports Work. Pay attention to the teaching quality of school physical education disciplines, do a good job in the second class and second exercise activities, and strive to achieve a rate of over 97% for the body forging. On the basis of the first place in the new regional radio exercise competition in the last semester, continue to do a good job in broadcasting exercises. Strengthen the training of various sports teams, both for the whole and for the cultivation of seedlings. There are plans for body forging training activities, training a group of outstanding sports talents, and creating good results in the district and school district competitions. Grasp the quality and quantity of body forging, and ensure ~ time. Organize the "Southern Small Sports Festival". 3. Art disciplines must start with interest and meet the needs of students for beauty. Pay attention to individuality training and actively participate in the “painting” activities. Combine extracurricular activities in class to carry out extracurricular activities. 4. Natural sciences should develop students' ability to observe, think, and experiment. Classroom experiments are mainly students, which fully reflects quality education. Bring students to the society to inspect nature and cultivate the spirit of exploration and innovation. Conduct extra-curricular activities, conduct regular small-scale competitions, and carry out various activities such as ship model, model aircraft, and labor skills. Organize the Science and Technology Festival activities and conduct science and technology production exhibitions. 5. The computer science department is mainly student-oriented, paying attention to classroom effectiveness and continuing to carry out skills training such as webpage and tabloid design. Continue to develop multimedia teaching networks to assist classroom teaching. Conduct meaningful competitions. Organize outstanding students to participate in competitions at the city and district levels. In the competition, students' sense of honor and self-confidence will be cultivated to enhance the visibility of the school. School modern education technology work 1. Network facilities: Mission: The computer campus network has begun to take shape and the multimedia facilities are relatively complete. Make the best use of it and use it reasonably. Measures: Cooperate with Xinyuan Computer Company to maintain the computer and related facilities. Do a good job in the planning of the campus network, do a good job of hosting and self-management. Manage the campus webpage, do a good job of updating and perfecting the campus-color website, and let the campus network truly become the window of the school. Campus news and rolling bulletins are available in the campus network. Record historical information for easy management and query. Select the best class page and personal page. In the promotion of class honors, showcase the personal style and do a good job of contact and exchange between the class teacher and the parents. Do a good job of updating other columns of the campus network. Formulate reasonable and feasible rules and regulations for the use of information technology equipment to ensure the normal use of equipment. Specialized classrooms and office and classroom information technology equipment are responsible for daily maintenance, use and cleaning work, and timely repairs in case of failure. The management of multimedia facilities such as slide projectors and tape recorders, and the management of school cable TV. Audio-visual book management. Computer book management. 2. Information application: Task: Ingest all kinds of information through multiple channels, and combine it with the actual situation of the school to achieve results through application. Train students to make every student skilled in using information technology. Measures: Continue to improve and manage the campus network resource library. Make full use of students' online courses, organize their online search and inquiry activities, and do a good job in information technology training for students. Do a good job in the use of textbooks for information technology courses. Use the weekly IT section. Organize the establishment of various computer interest groups to train a group of small computer experts. In conjunction with school science and technology activities, students will participate in computer input contests, computer tabloid competitions, multimedia presentation design competitions and personal web competitions. Strengthen computer teaching and research activities, organize a seminar every week to improve the quality of computer classrooms. Actively contact the robot company, strive for teacher training, and train students to lead. 3. Courseware development: Task: Organize teachers to actively produce and use various types of courseware, and make efforts to realize basic education informationization. Measures: Organize the training of teachers in modern educational technology, with a focus on the application of modern educational technology to train teachers. Through the cooperation and mutual assistance within the teaching and research group, the overall improvement of the modern education technology application level between teachers is achieved. Organize research projects on modern educational technology. Do a good job in the topic of the modern educational technology experimental school. Cooperate with the subject teachers to complete the research work of the "four combinations" of the national Chinese small disciplines. Seriously completed the two topics of the National China Small Computer Research Center and the research topics of the Central Audio-visual Center.

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