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2019 Credit Union Business Site Work Plan

Stepping on the back of time, after the busy and tense 2019, standing at the end of time, looking back, Matou Credit Union has achieved good results in various businesses in the past year. The big change, the enthusiasm of employees' work has been significantly improved. These obvious changes have benefited from the correct leadership of the Party Group of the County Association and the active efforts of all employees of the Credit Union.

In 2019, we have come to us. At the end of the first year of the year, the leadership of the Party Group of the County Association has clear thinking and clear objectives, and all the businesses have been well planned. Especially in the 2019 work mobilization meeting held in the Yalong Bay Conference Hall, the important speeches of the leaders. Vivid and passionate, it injected a strong impetus to each participant, and also let the employees of rural credit cooperatives see the hope of the development of Xia'an rural credit cooperatives.

Looking back on the past year, although the Matou Township Credit Cooperative has made some achievements, it is far from the requirements of the county association. The interest collection and collection tasks are poorly completed, the deposit growth rate is slow, and the business environment is dirty. Chaos, poor phenomenon, the above points, all employees of Matou Credit Co., in the eyes, anxious, determined to comprehensively change the social image of the credit union, the development of the 2019 development of the staff of the credit union as follows:

First, improving the environment of the credit union business premises is an urgent task

Matou Town has a population of 47,000. It is a large population town. It is located at the junction of Henan and Anhui. The Liubai Highway passes through the street and connects the two provinces of Henan and Anhui. The Baimiao Set is a large market in Matou Town. It has gathered from ancient merchants and the south. It is bordered by Yanzhou. The economic income of the people in Matou Town is very rich. These Ma Tau people who have made money in other places have not saved the extra money to the Matou Credit Union, but chose to deposit it in the Ma Tau Postal Savings Bank with convenient transportation. The reason is that the business premises of Matou Credit Co., Ltd. is too bad and too inconvenient. Its performance is that the credit union is located in the narrowest central street, on both sides of the crowded streets and outside the credit union, there are messy fruit stalls, vegetable stalls, meat stalls, iron stalls, every market, so-called sound, machine sound The horn propaganda is endless. At the peak of the market, it is difficult to walk on the street. Matou Town has 15 fairs and 6 gatherings per month. These 21-day credit unions are surrounded by people, vehicles and vendors. When the rainy season arrived, the credit union outside the door really became a veritable "cement road." Around the Spring Festival is the golden season of deposits. Those wealthy deposit customers who drive to access cash are difficult to walk to the entrance of Matou Credit Union. Looking at the street in front of you, you can only "seek and sigh" and choose a postal bank that is smooth and convenient. Second, the store is small and worn. It is difficult to describe the specific situation. If you want to compare it with Ma Tau Post Bank, you can say that the gap is too big. One customer sincerely said: Credit unions for decades cannot be compared with the postal bank.

In this regard, Matou Credit Union has new ideas, and is waiting to report with the leaders of the county association. First, the credit union is auctioned at the current site, and the site is located in the golden prime location on both sides of the Liubai Highway. The original credit cooperatives are suitable for operating shops. If you can sell and sell high prices, the funds will be more than enough to build new credit unions. Second, leasing, rebuilding a new site is the best solution, but it is more difficult. I heard that the higher authorities have regulations, and the loss credit cooperatives will not approve the reconstruction project. Then consider renting, which is to re-lease the proceeds from the lease of the old site. The original credit union has 8 houses, each house can rent at least 4,000 yuan, a total of 3XX yuan. If you rent a facade in Liubai Road, each room will be at most 3,500 yuan.

If credit unions can relocate to new locations, optimize soft and hard environments, improve service quality, and improve business philosophy, credit unions can compete with postal banks! It is estimated that the deposit increment will definitely rise.

The reconstruction of the new site by Matou Credit Union requires the county association to pay great attention to the strong support. The leaders of the county associations are the leaders of the county association, and the employees of Matou Credit Union are looking forward to the day when they move to the new site.

Second, increase the efforts to collect and collect loans, and explore new high-quality creditors.

First, earnestly grasp the interest rate of old loans, the focus is on persistence. The idea is: to urge the non-performing loans over the years to be cleared, to make good records, and to take the necessary tough measures for those who have the ability to repay and the debts are not repaid. The second is marketing loans, which inject fresh blood into credit unions. The idea is to issue effective high-quality mortgages, pledges, and government and school employee salary card guarantee loans. In principle, credit loans are not issued. At present, the vegetable greenhouse in Daliulou Village, Matou Town has developed rapidly, the benefits are very good, and the risks are small. The leaders of the town government attach great importance to it. And agreed with the credit union: the town government finances to provide farmers with vegetable farmers to guarantee, if the credit card due to the repayment risk, it can be deducted from the account of the financial office. The development of vegetable greenhouses is the determination of the leaders of the Matou Town Government. It dares to guarantee the farmers, indicating that the risks are small and the credit cooperatives can also benefit. The above is just an immature idea and needs to be reported to the leaders of the association.

Third, the rules and regulations are still to be implemented, the quality of employees is waiting to be improved

It is the duty to keep the library in place, the dress should be adhered to, the quality service should be improved, the rules and regulations should be implemented, the social style should be reshaped, the income and interest should be adjusted, and the health environment should be changed. The above points focus on the implementation of the system. First, the internal staff must be dressed, and must be 3 people. If the counter is not dressed, the fine is 30 yuan. In the corresponding box of the Staff Regulations, hit “×” and deduct the salary at the end of the month. The penalty for the business of the counter is 30 yuan. Second, the field staff will attend the regular meeting of the duty guard, and also mark the “√” and “×” in the corresponding box of the “Employee Rules and Regulations”. The “×” is the absence of the post and the “√” is the post. Third, the credit union will send employees a "comprehensive assessment form" at each regular meeting. After the meeting, the scores will be judged according to the staff's normative standards. Most of them are excellent, and they are also candidates for the advanced workers at the year-end association.

The above is the work of the Ma Tau Credit Union. If it is not appropriate, please contact the leaders of the Associated Press.

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