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2019 psychological counseling room work plan

First, the guiding ideology:

Conscientiously implement the relevant spirit of the 1+1 action, and take advantage of the characteristics of the national primary education and the psychological development of primary school students, give full play to the advantages of 1+1, and continue to carry out various mental health education activities and guidance through various channels to help students acquire psychological The initial knowledge of health promotes the sound development of students' personality.

Through mental health education, we constantly change the teaching philosophy of teachers, improve education and teaching methods, improve the methods of class teachers, improve the pertinence, discipline and effectiveness of moral education, and create a good psychological atmosphere for the implementation of quality education in schools.

Second, the specific goals

1. Pay attention to students' psychological counseling and do a good job in psychological counseling for students. Make good use of the sandbox game to do individual and group counseling for students

2. Pay attention to the routine construction of the psychological counseling room, and strive to play the role of the psychological counseling room, and further do a good job in propaganda, mobilization, popularization, education, etc. in the whole school.

3. Constantly enrich the teaching strategies of teachers and effectively improve the level of education and teaching

4. Seriously carry out the curriculum activities of mental health education in each class.

5. Do a good job in mental health knowledge lectures for parents' counseling schools.

6. Make full use of the team will strengthen the mental health education for students.

7. Strive to obtain the title of Mianzhu City Mental Health Education Model School.

Third, the specific work plan of mental health education

Specific approaches to mental health education:

1. Student section

Course setting: class mental health activity class, reference topic

First grade: 1. I am a primary school student - the cultivation of student role consciousness

2, the collective life is really happy - the school environment, the adaptation of school life

Second grade: 1. Do your own things yourself - cultivate self-reliance

2, interest is the best teacher - the cultivation of learning interests

Third grade: 1, making friends with good habits - good study habits

2, set a good study schedule

Fourth grade: 1. First impression in interpersonal communication - communication etiquette skills

2, learn to cooperate

3, learn to be grateful

4, make yourself happier - emotional regulation

Fifth grade: 1, my attention, I am the master - attention training

2, I am the best - self-confidence training

3. Know your own strengths and weaknesses

4, kiss test anxiety - test skills training

Sixth grade:

1. I have also failed - to cope with the ability to frustrate

2. What is competition?

3. How to communicate with others

4, Mom and Dad and me

Psychological lecture

a, open the happy channel of the soul

b. A lecture on adolescent mental health education for sixth graders

2, the teacher section

Conduct a mental health education symposium

Emotional and stress group training for teachers, follow the principle of voluntary registration of teachers, emotional group training once a week for five weeks; stress group training once a week for six weeks, in the school group counseling room.

Conduct mental health education demonstration class activities, teachers observe each other's learning.

The counseling room is open to teachers, allowing each teacher to relax and relax.

3. Parents section

Teaching parents mental health knowledge and parent-child education in the form of parent schools and parent conferences

Psychological counseling room work plan

1. Further design the consultation room to be more scientific and reasonable, such as indoor layout, the formulation of various rules and regulations of the psychological counseling room, and so on.

2, psychological counseling room opening hours: Monday to Friday 12:30 - 1:20, 16:30 - 17:30. The counseling room is open to all teachers and students.

Establish and organize student psychological files and improve students' psychological file system

1. Establish a psychological file system and formulate a code of conduct and a borrowing rule. Cooperate with the mind watch program to do a good psychological test for students. .

2. Collect case records and analysis.

3. Collect student diaries or excellent works.

Do a good job in the evaluation of the Xinlian Lodge and website and the Municipal Mental Health Education Model School.

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