Work Plan > Department Work Plan

2019 District Party Work Plan

the first season:

1. Conducting the Spring Festival condolences. 2. Celebrate the New Year celebrations. 3. The two sessions will submit a collective proposal of the CPPCC. 4. Organize members to learn to convey the spirit of the "two sessions" of the country, city and district. 5. Assist the Women's Committee in doing a good job in the "March 8" celebration. 6. Organize an enlarged meeting of the district committee. 7. Improve Hechuan Minjian. 9. Complete the presentation materials for the February symposium. 10. Finishing and binding the 2019 file.

Second quarter:

1. Organize members to strengthen their own construction, deepen the "three true" theme activities, and carry out socialist core values. 2. Organize new member Chongqing training. 3. Carry out a tree planting activity. 4. Organize exchanges and study with the neighboring districts and counties. 5. Organize a seminar on participation in political discussion and conduct training. 6. Complete the organization development task for half a year. 7. Organize an enlarged meeting of the district committee. 8. Complete the presentation materials for the April and June symposium. 9. Hold a backbone member training. 10. Organize the branch director to convene a grassroots organization construction work seminar and collect relevant experience materials.

the third quater:

1. Carry out the "Institutional Construction Year" activities, establish and improve the work system of the district committee, further improve the branch life association system, participate in the political assessment system, and the district committee members contact the grassroots branch and member enterprise system. 2. Set up a research group on the research project issued by the Hechuan District Committee to complete the project. 3. Organize elderly members to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival. 4. Organize the opening of the district committee. 5. Complete the materials for the August issue. 6. Organize to participate in the “District County Work Seminar” and write theoretical articles.

Fourth quarter:

1. Collect materials and complete the materials for the symposium in October and December. 2. Carrying out the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the civil construction. 3. Further improve the research topics issued by the district committee and send them to the district committee for discussion and review. 4. Summarize the work throughout the year and complete the work summary for 2019. 5. Complete the 2019 work plan. 6. Organize a general meeting of members. 7. Organize an enlarged meeting of the district committee. 8. Complete the annual membership development task and submit the annual report. 9. Engage in a social service activity. 10. Representatives of the organization committee actively write proposals.

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