Work Plan > Department Work Plan

Red scarf radio station work plan

The Red Scarf Broadcasting is an important position for the Young Pioneers. By using this team's own propaganda position, you can play the role of self-education and active after-school life.

show time

Every day from 7:40 am to 8:00 am.

Every day from 11:50 to 12:20

working arrangement

1. Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

1) Music appreciation

2) 3. Jiawen shared rewards

2. Tuesday, Thursday:

1) Campus News

2) Knowledge window: Introducing safety knowledge, methods of learning, anecdotes

Play music every day from 11:50 to 12:20.

Activity planning

1. Set up an announcer every day, one class per week, and one announcer per class, for all students.

2. At 7:30 every day, the announcer goes to the radio room to prepare the broadcast content, and the announcer starts broadcasting at 7:40.

3. The announcer must broadcast in a fluent, clear, and loud Mandarin. The edited article must have no sick words or no wrong words.

4. The content broadcasted must be real and available for reference.

5. After the broadcast is completed, the announcer and the editor must pack the relevant equipment before leaving.

6. After the end of the semester, select outstanding announcers and the school will award them. Other members also have corresponding rewards.

Activity requirement

1. The contents of each column of the radio station are required to be open to all and all members.

2. Require positive and upward feelings that can express patriotism and love the school. It can cultivate students' good sentiments and study habits and promote all-round development.

3. Students are required to pay attention to the things around them, capture information inside and outside the school, and record reports.

4. The manuscript is scheduled to go out of school on Wednesday afternoon.

Reward method

1. Once the manuscript is used, add 0.5 points/person per article. Accumulated more than 10 points, the class adds one point.

2. Each year, the outstanding announcer, active contributor, and actively submitted class will be awarded a certificate of honor.

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