Work Plan > Department Work Plan

Family Planning Work Plan for 2019

First, vigorously carry out publicity and consultation activities for family planning. Use the quarterly population theory school and the monthly report of the blackboard to enrich the publicity content, forming a public opinion atmosphere in the jurisdiction. Use the family planning festival to provide quality services for reproductive age people with reproductive health knowledge and information, and timely report the publicity and information briefings.

Second, improve quality service work. Mobilize women of childbearing age in the community to participate in the women's inspection activities organized by the community, and follow up after the marriage, pregnancy, postpartum, birth control, and gynecological diseases, and the follow-up rate is over 95%. Continue to carry out eugenics testing, reduce the incidence of birth defects in newborns, and ensure that pregnant women who make eugenics account for 35% of the number of births in the year.

Third, strengthen the service and management of contraceptives. Based on the principle of localized management, women of childbearing age in the community will be provided with contraceptives in a timely manner. In accordance with the principle of “guaranteeing supply, facilitating the public, preventing waste, and improving efficiency”, the drug service will be carried out in depth to help women of childbearing age choose to implement birth control measures. Active service, send medicines to the door, do a good job of drug testing, so that the rate of drug use, efficiency, follow-up rate of 98% or more, the follow-up rate of key population reached 100%.

Fourth, adhere to the regular work mechanism, increase the intensity of household registration, timely clean up the statistics of the accounting account, eliminate false negatives, false reports, misreported program birth statistics.

Fifth, carry out prevention and education on AIDS prevention among women of childbearing age through various forms. Use the summer vacation and winter vacation to organize adolescents to disseminate sexual and reproductive health knowledge, answer their questions about sexual problems, and provide services within their capabilities.

Sixth, adhere to the people-oriented, positive publicity and education-based, use the association to mobilize the community to participate in the activities of the association, strengthen the association's own construction, regularly hold association meetings, and popularize association knowledge. At the same time, it actively provides information on reemployment for laid-off women workers and opens up employment opportunities.

7. Establish and improve the management of the floating population. Provide them with services in production, life, and childbirth.

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