Work Plan > Department Work Plan

2019 Community Culture Work Project

First, standardize the collection of books in the community library and encode the books, expand the publicity of the reading room, and attract more residents to watch the books.

Second, continue to build a team of community dance teams, and strive to expand to a team of 20 people, mobilize 2-4 gay men to join the ranks.

3. In February, in a certain district or a certain building in the jurisdiction, organize a "Winter Spring Campfire" and put an open-air movie to create a festive atmosphere.

4. On March 8th, a “three-eighth” Women's Day representative symposium and a women's knowledge health lectures were held.

5. At the end of April, the first “Neighbourhood Festival” of the community was held in a commercial and residential building. The purpose was to set up a mutual understanding platform for the owners living in the community, building, and unit, and to communicate with each other through forms such as neighborhood exchanges and group meetings. To enhance friendship and completely change the embarrassing situation of the modern housing that has become popular in the modern residential quarters, such as “going to the door and closing the door, not knowing the neighbors, not being able to tell, and being unable to ask for it”.

6. From June to July, continue to carry out the “Reading Month” activity, and play the books in the community reading room.

The role of the magazine, vigorously promote the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party and the new trend of spiritual civilization, and lay a solid foundation for the learning community.

July, July-August to carry out summer school leave without education:

1, children's singing competition

2, small sports meeting

Cultural Week activities in August and September: 1. Adult aerobics competition

2, adult table tennis competition

3, Sichuan, chess game

4. Flower, calligraphy and painting exhibition

5. Community residents fishing competition

6. Arrange an outdoor movie.

7. Host a National Day performance.

Nine, do a good job in community cultural and sports activities, cooperate with community party committees to carry out "singing, reading and preaching" activities, promote community spiritual civilization construction and popular culture, square culture, holiday culture, building culture to deepen development, and maintain the work of cultural communities. Go one step further.

In December and December, the community selected advanced cultural and sports activities “active elements”, “civilized building” and “five good families”.

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