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Fire Fighting Forces Double Struggle Implementation Plan

According to the implementation rules of the “double competition” of the corps, the party committee of the detachment decided to carry out the activities of “strive for creating advanced units and striving for outstanding soldiers” in the city's firefighting units to promote the overall development of fire protection work and army building in XXXXX, in order to make “double competition” The activities were carried out in an orderly manner, and the plan was formulated in conjunction with the actual situation of the detachment:
First, the guiding ideology of "double struggle" activities adhered to the "xxxx" important thinking as the guidance, and thoroughly implemented the "CPC Central Committee's decision on further strengthening and improving public security work" and the 20th National Public Security Conference, the province's 24th time The spirit of the public security conference is based on the "Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Advancing XXXXX", "Standards for the Construction of Public Security Fire Brigade", "Standards for the Construction of Public Security Fire Squadrons" and ××××. In accordance with the requirements of focusing on construction, paying attention to regular, scientific organization, and seeking practical results, we must adhere to the usual efforts to combine with the annual comprehensive assessment, extensively carry out "double competition" activities, and continuously promote army building and All work will create a new situation in the construction of fire protection work and fire fighting forces.
Second, the guiding principle
1. Adhere to the principles of fairness, justice and justice. All units and individuals can actively participate in the selection of "advanced units" and "excellent fire guards", and have the right to be elected and elected; adhere to the standards of advancedness, equality before the standards, equal treatment; fair selection procedures, implementation The publicity system accepts the supervision of the majority of officers and men and maintains the transparency of the selection process.
2. Adhere to the principle of combining daily work with evaluation results. Strive to create "advanced units" and strive to be "excellent fire guards", not only pay attention to the basic situation and basic evaluation at the time of assessment, but also pay attention to the usual performance and situational reflections, and insist on arguing in peacetime and in peacetime. The “contention” activity runs through the whole year.
3. Adhere to the participation of all members and fully incorporate the principles. Every unit and every officer of the city's firefighting units must actively participate in the "double struggle" activities and become the main body of the "double competition" activities. Striving for "advanced units" and striving for "excellent fire guards" with outstanding achievements and outstanding performance. ". All construction and work of the city's fire brigade should be uniformly included in the "double disputes" activities, using a unified standard to measure the work of the unit and the performance of individuals, in addition to the separate regulations and public security organs to carry out a single evaluation, the first In addition to excellent activities, we do not engage in other individual work evaluations.
4. Adhere to the principle of focusing on construction and promoting work. The starting point and the foothold of the "double competition" activities are to speed up the construction and development of the fire brigade, promote various tasks, and achieve the goal of three years of struggle. In carrying out the "double struggle" activities, we must combine the actual construction of the troops and the actual work, and pay attention to the actual results, so that the "double disputes" activities can effectively play the role of promoting army building and various tasks.
Third, the "double competition" activity leading group to ensure that the "double dispute" activities achieved effectiveness, the detachment set up xxxx as a member of the leadership group, set up an office, xxx office members. The leading group is responsible for the guidance, supervision, inspection and coordination of the “double dispute” activities of the city's firefighting forces.
4. The goal of "Double Struggle" activities is to learn "xxx" as the driving force, vigorously implement ××××, promote grassroots construction in accordance with the "two standards", pay close attention to the implementation of ××××, and ensure the year by the efforts of all officers and men. 85% and 100% of the grassroots units have reached the grassroots construction standards, and the construction results have been consolidated in the year of the year. A large number of advanced units, pacesetters and excellent fire guards have emerged.
V. “Double Struggle” Activity Evaluation Content The main content of the “Double Struggle” activity assessment is divided into four aspects, namely, basic work, annual work, temporary important work, and reward and punishment work. Basic work refers to the work that the troops must carry out every year, such as the construction of military party groups, ideological and political education, daily management training, fire prevention and fire fighting work, basic logistics support, basic materials and basic construction. Annual work refers to the special work deployed this year, which stipulates the tasks to be completed during the year. Temporary important work means that the annual work has not been deployed, and it is scheduled to be arranged according to the needs of the situation and tasks and the instructions of the superiors. Reward and punishment work means that the unit or individual has been awarded various honors and awards by the military and local party and government organs, relevant departments, and mass organizations in the past year, and has been criticized, dealt with, or in various situations in the army and in society for various reasons. Disputes, accidents, cases, etc.

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