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Planning book for organizing corporate newspapers

First, the principle of running a journal

As an important carrier of corporate culture, enterprise magazines will put a colorful veil on corporate culture, inject fresh blood and vitality into enterprise development, enterprise management and corporate employees, and become a civilized window for propagating enterprises and establishing corporate image.

Newspaper name


Newspaper form

Based on the company's development scale, external image and propaganda effect, color printing with coated paper, the form should be four open tabloids, four editions per period, the publication cycle is in monthly units, monthly, first in the next month. The newspaper was sent to the readers within a week.

Report direction

1. Enterprise department communication, tools to enhance understanding and communication between employees.

2. Communicate the carrier of the upper-level policy ideas of the enterprise and establish a corporate culture.

3. Based on the height of the industry, publish industry-oriented views, influence the status quo of the industry, and establish a position as an industry leader.

Newspaper style

The manuscript and layout are fresh and pleasing, healthy and up-to-date, and can convey the company's advanced culture and show the spirit of unity and cooperation.

About distribution

After each period of publication, it will be distributed to the company's chairman, general manager, deputy general manager, assistant president's office and various departments; provincial and municipal branches, distributors, farmers, administrative departments, local professional markets, industry exhibitions will be distributed to Prospective customers, etc.

Second, the newspaper layout

Based on the company's development scale, external image and propaganda effect, color printing with coated paper, the format of the publication should be four open tabloids, four editions per issue, the publication cycle is in monthly units, monthly, in the following month. The newspaper was sent to the reader in the first week.

Third, the cost calculation

Editor: At least one editorial staff member is responsible for the editing and outreach of the newspaper. Salary: *** yuan / month

Typesetting staff: At least one typesetting staff is responsible for the typesetting of the newspapers and the editors. Salary: *** yuan / month

Printing cost: XX0 copies printed, coated paper printing, printing costs per *** yuan. Newsprint printing, the cost of printing per issue is around *** yuan.

The cost of the manuscript fee: the communication fee for the correspondent + the contribution fee for the employee. Assume that there are 25 manuscripts in each period. The average draft fee for each article is 40 yuan, and the draft fee is about 1,000 yuan.

Fourth, the newspaper content

Through the development trend of the internal magazine and the analysis of the structure and content of some well-known domestic journals, as well as the analysis of the company's internal publications and customer groups, the contents of the corporate newspaper will start from production, management, sales, market information, corporate image and other aspects. Rich, specifically covering the company's corporate goals, business philosophy, core values, people-oriented modern corporate culture management theme, marketing strategy, customer satisfaction strategy and many other aspects. The specific column setting, the preliminary plan is as follows:

The first edition of the "News"

1. National policies, policies, and industry dynamics. The choice of news should be industry, closeness, and reference in order to make the newspaper attractive and readable to readers. The main source of news is the Internet and newspapers. Every report on the selection must be modified by the editors.

2. Report on major events of the company. The company’s internal affairs announcement of the month and the company’s business performance report, good people reported good things. Through the "Company News" to pass the company's latest developments, to convey the latest information of the management, is the company's event information exchange platform.

Opening remarks: The first issue is a publication. Editor-in-chief or company executive

Manuscript source: Interviews by editors or excerpts from other websites and newspapers.

The second edition of "Technology"

Focus on a series of technical knowledge related to enterprise products.

Manuscript Source: Mainly to draft an expert or technical staff.

The third edition of the "Products"

Product recommendation: introduction of new products and regional products. It is an important window to showcase the company's products and introduces the series of products launched by the company.

Brand Story: Brand Story, Brand Experience, Brand Watch, etc.

Manuscript source: company experts and technicians feed.

The fourth edition of "Culture"

Corporate culture shows that this is the most collaborative layout for employees.

Most of the layout manuscript requirements are the work of the employee. Subdivided small columns, the draft is more targeted. Make sure to give the manuscript notification to all employees at least three times a month, respect the author, and allow anonymous publication. The content of the manuscript is positioned as family, friendship, and reflects the people and things around the staff, at work, and the subject matter is varied. The style of the article is easy and lively, or humorous, and has a strong readability. Interesting.

At the same time, you can also publish *** business management concepts and models, and other corporate management articles.

Source of the manuscript: Call for the manuscript, including text and photo drafts; in addition, editors of the journal should also write a part.

V. Source of sources

Ample source is the guarantee of the newspaper. The most troublesome problem in starting a corporate magazine is that the quantity and quality of manuscripts cannot keep up, which brings great inconvenience to the editorial work. The quality of the newspaper cannot be guaranteed without the source of multiple channels of manuscript. The problem should be solved mainly from the editing and editing of editors, the management of correspondents, and the draft of employees.


To form an editorial department of the internal journal, you must have a full-time editorial staff. The company's activities, conference news are written by the editors, and the meetings that the editors are not convenient to attend are provided by the conference recorders or directly drafted, and the supervisors approve.

The company's conference news, major events should promptly inform the editors to follow up the report. Because if the editors are not on site, the news content will be difficult to write, and the readability, accuracy and information content will be reduced.

Communication staff

Submitted monthly according to regulations. Determine the company's communications staff list and strive to get the support of the company's main leaders. Each correspondent will contribute at least two articles per month. Develop a corresponding reward and punishment system.

Employee and dealer draft

Employee appointments are issued periodically to employees at least three times a month. Develop a draft fee standard. Layout articles use employee manuscripts as much as possible to reduce the selection of materials. Arrange the layout for each manuscript.

6. Member of the Editorial Board

The editorial committee of the internal journal, which is mainly based on the cultural center, is established. The list of members is as follows:

Special Consultant: 1-2


Executive Editor: 1 Editor: 1-2 Correspondents: Several

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