Work Plan > Moral Education Work Plan

The second half of the national small moral education work plan

In the second half of the year, the national ministry moral education work plan is related, can refer to the reference: · 2019 spring moral education work plan · 2019 spring safety work plan · 2010-2011 second semester moral education work plan · moral education work ideas and all staff education mobilization · 2019 spring semester moral education work plan · 2019 spring moral education work plan · National Small 2019 moral education work plan · 2010-2019 first semester sports work plan
View more>> Der's work plan related to the second half of the national small moral education work plan, can refer to the reference: · 2019 spring moral education work plan · 2019 spring safety work plan · 2010-2011 second semester moral education work plan · Moral education work ideas and nurturing of all employees · 2019 spring semester moral education work plan · 2019 spring moral education work plan · National Small 2019 moral education work plan · 2010-2019 first semester sports work plan
View More>> Moral Education Work Plan

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the scientific outlook on development, with the spirit of implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and taking the lead in realizing educational modernization as the work center, further implementing the "Central Committee of the Communist Party of China" on deepening education reform, comprehensive "Decision on Implementing Quality Education" to thoroughly implement the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening and Improving Minors' Ideological and Moral Construction" and the spirit of instruction to strengthen and improve school moral education , highlighting "what to train and how to train people" The focus of work, adhere to "cultivating people-oriented, moral education first", the "Leide tree people" as the primary task of moral education . With the principle of being close to students, close to life and close to the society, with the goal of comprehensively improving students' ideological and moral quality and civilization quality, through continuous innovation and integration of moral education resources, the overall structure of China's small moral education system, the ideal education, national spirit education, Honesty education, behavioral development education, legal education, and mental health education have been pushed to new heights, improving the effectiveness of school moral education , and bringing moral education to a new level.

Second, work ideas

1. Establish a consciousness: take students as the main body.

2. Grasp the two main lines: mental health education, life safety education.

3. Realize three combinations: the combination of education and teaching, the combination of traditional and modern educational methods, and the combination of ideological education and environmental edification.

Third, the work target

1. Further improve the awareness of the school's teachers on the importance of moral education .

2. Further play the role of class teacher, team leader and class in school management.

3. Standardize routine work and strive to create moral education .

4. Handle emergencies correctly and create a safe and stable campus.

Fourth, specific measures

1. Strengthen the guidance of the moral education of the whole school teachers, especially the class teachers, and establish a new concept of moral education . In terms of educational ideology, we strongly advocate the concept that adults are more important than success, and growth is more important than achievement. In the work of moral education , actively advocate the "innovative, pragmatic" style. In the class management, we actively advocate the concept of “quality to moral education ”.

2. Accelerate the construction of the school's moral education talent team. Further improve the school's moral education management network, deepen the "three-round education" model of "all staff education, full-time education, all-round education", and strengthen teachers' understanding of the importance of moral education . Adhere to a weekly work meeting; organize an experience study every month; check the class teacher's manual once; hold an experience exchange meeting every semester; conduct a "regular management excellent class", "civilized class" and excellent class teacher, excellent young pioneers counseling every semester Member evaluation. Strengthen system construction, tap resources, and cultivate moral education talents in schools.

3. Improve the system of ideological politics and moral conduct education in schools. Further strengthen the education of students' ideals and beliefs, national spirit education, honesty education, civilized manners and behavioral norms, education, safety education, democracy and legal education, and strengthen life education and mental health education. Strengthen ideological and moral education and subject infiltration education research, improve the quality of ideological and moral education, play the role of the main channel of the classroom; organize students to carry out social practice activities; select "three good students" or "star student selection", students with excellent academic performance Make recognition; pay attention to the transformation work of the undergraduates, establish the archives of students with learning difficulties, pay attention to the growth of students every step; establish a file of student growth.

4. Actively expand, integrate and utilize social education resources. Strengthen the connection with the off-campus moral education base, speed up the construction of the school moral education base, give full play to the educational function of the off-campus moral education base, and make full use of the functions of the parent school. Through the parent conference, parent school, parents' book, home-school exchange visits and other forms to guide the content, methods and methods of parent-child education, and effectively improve the education level of parents and the quality of tutoring. Special attention should be paid to the guidance of tutoring work for special families such as single-parent families, divorced families, and poor families, and the education and management of such family students.

5. Improve the moral education evaluation mechanism. Evaluate the development of star-rated or good students, outstanding student cadres, and excellent class groups to encourage students to grow up healthily.

6. Strengthen the research work of moral education . Paying attention to the school moral education research work is the guarantee for deepening the school moral education work, especially the moral education research work of the nine-year consistent school is the direction and focus of our school moral education research. Therefore, teachers are encouraged to write moral education papers, strengthen the study of student cases, pay attention to the psychological counseling work of students with psychological problems, and study how to give full play to the role of “heart language cottage” to create a harmonious and stable environment for school teaching.

V. Arrangements for each month


1. Hold a grand opening ceremony.

2. Carry out the flag-raising ceremony for the first time in the new semester.

3. Hold the first class teacher meeting for the new semester and arrange the new semester work.

4. Formulate the spring moral education work plan for 2019

5, the eagle eagle chapter series activities

6. Carry out commemoration and learn Lei Feng activities.

7. Hold counselor meetings, team cadre meetings, and arrange the Young Pioneers work plan.

8. Carry out the “Tree Planting Festival” series of activities to strengthen students' environmental education.

9, primary school skipping competition


1. Luxi culture enters campus activities

2. Organize teachers and students to sacrifice the martyrs cemetery and cherish the memory of the martyrs

3. To organize a blackboard report with the theme of “Revitalizing China is our responsibility”.

4. Hold a small school representative meeting.

5. Conduct a legal lecture.


1. The squadron actively prepared for the celebration of the "June 1" recreational activities.

2. A blackboard newspaper with the theme of “labor creates everything”.

3. Develop a group of young pioneers.


1. Selection of schools for "advanced individuals in moral education " work

Summary of school moral education work in the first half of the year, school moral education work plan in the second half of the year

2. Celebrate the "June 1" series of activities.

3. Hold a class meeting and counselor work experience exchange meeting, and commend and commend outstanding class teachers and counselors.

4. Do a good job at the end of the semester.

5. Issue summer life guidance.

Moral education work plan '>2010-2011 second semester moral education work plan moral education work ideas and full staff education mobilization'> moral education work ideas and all staff education mobilization moral education work plan '> 2019 spring semester moral education work plan moral education work Project '>2019 Spring Moral Education Work Plan Moral Education Work Plan'>Guo Xiao 2019 Moral Education Work Plan 2010-2019 First Semester Sports Work Plan Moral Education Work Plan>>2010-2011 School Year Middle School Moral Education Work Plan Painting Moral Education Work Plan'>The first semester of the 2010-2011 school year moral education work plan to the moral education work program column to see more>>
First, the guiding ideology

In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the theme of "practical, new, and cultural power" as the theme of educational activities, adhere to the principle of "safety first, prevention first", further strengthen the accountability system for safety work, and continue to implement "school safety" The three-year action plan for education and management main responsibility creates a good campus security environment for teachers and students throughout the school, and strives to ensure the sustainable, healthy and harmonious development of school education.

Second, the main work

Strengthen the construction of a safe work system and incorporate campus safety and comprehensive management into the normalized track

1. Improve organization and implement responsibilities. Establish and improve the school safety work leading group and determine the principal responsible for the safety work. Clear the responsibilities of the post staff, sign the responsibility letter for safety work at all levels, strictly implement the accountability and responsibility investigation system, further clarify and strengthen the safety work responsibilities, and jointly do a good job in school safety and comprehensive safety.

2. Establish and improve various rules and regulations, so that there are arrangements, records, and summaries for safety work, and it is necessary to set people, set up posts, and appoint.

3. Implement a regular inspection system. Strictly follow the 16-character policy of “in time for investigation, responsibility, work ahead, prevention first”, taking inspection as an important aspect of doing a safe job, the school conducts a comprehensive safety inspection in the third week of each month. And according to the investigation of hidden dangers, formulate corrective measures, timely rectification and report to the Education Office.

Strengthen the internal management of the campus and strive to create a peaceful and detailed campus environment

1. Strengthen door security management. Strengthen the monitoring of visiting students during the period of going to and from school. It is strictly forbidden for strangers to enter the campus. If suspicious people are found to be disturbing the order of education and teaching, they should stop it in time, or contact the superiors to call 110. Strict door guard registration system must be completed. Registration and proper grounds are required to enter the campus.

2. Strengthen the comprehensive management work around the campus, actively coordinate relevant departments to increase the governance of the campus and surrounding environment, prohibit the school gates from stalling, piles and debris, and strictly prohibit the small business hawkers away from the campus to sell expired, rotten and deteriorated food to students. And dangerous items, it is strictly forbidden to have activities that interfere with normal education and teaching around the campus.

3. Strengthen the safety management of school buildings. The school regularly conducts school surveys and inspections and finds that the danger should be dealt with immediately. The school started from the actual situation and staggered after the assembly. The instructor arranged the instructor to maintain order in the corridor.

4. Strengthen sports safety management. Practically strengthen the organization and management of physical education classes and inter-class activities, and conscientiously do a good job in guiding and safety protection in terms of technical essentials, sports preparation, and finishing activities to prevent accidents. The establishment of a student health record should be discouraged for students who are not suitable for sports competitions and other strenuous sports.

5. Strengthen the leadership of administrative value work. On the day of the administration, it is necessary to strengthen the sense of responsibility, do a good job of gathering students up and down the stairs, orderly maintenance work, and actively deal with various emergencies and risks on the day. The guidance teachers should not leave the job and keep the information flowing.

6. Teachers of all disciplines should establish a good teacher-student relationship with students, educate students with scientific methods, actively study the psychological and physiological changes of students, strengthen psychological counseling, and strictly prohibit corporal punishment and corporal punishment.

7. The activities organized by the school determine the principle of “who arranges, who is responsible”, and carefully consider the safety issues involved in the activity, and the responsibility is to people.

8. Strictly implement the system of leave formalities. For students who do not arrive on time, they should actively contact with their parents to clarify their whereabouts. Parents who are leaving school should also be notified in time.

Strengthen education and strengthen teachers and students' safety awareness

1. Work together to prevent and control the H1N1 flu.

2. Use the morning meeting, the national flag speech, the red scarf broadcast, the team meeting, etc. to conduct targeted safety education for teachers and students. The contents include: traffic safety, electricity safety, fire prevention, flood prevention, prevention of food poisoning, opposition to xx, prevention of various infectious diseases, family life, outdoor activities and safety activities, etc., and vigorously strengthen the cultivation of students' good behavior habits and overcome paralysis.

3. Use parents' meetings, home visits, etc. to educate parents about safety, and sign a safety agreement with parents to clarify their respective responsibilities, so that parents can participate in school education management to help schools do safe work. .

4. Safety Education Day Schools and classes should focus on safety work topics and use various forms to carry out safety education activities to create a safe education atmosphere.

5. Educate teachers and students on self-help and self-care knowledge through safety activities.

6. Adhere to the emphasis on daily safety matters, and leave the school a “safe word” in the afternoon. Strengthen the class name record. For the absent students, the class teacher should contact the class teacher at the first time, and the class teacher should contact the parents in time.

7. Intensify education and supervision of food hygiene and safety in schools, actively cooperate with the health department to do a good job in prevention of infectious diseases in different periods, and strengthen the hygiene management of canteens.

8. Make full use of the educational resources of the earthquake prevention and disaster relief room of our school to conduct safety publicity and education for all teachers and students.

9. Hold fire drills and earthquake-resistant evacuation drills.

Safe work is the top priority of the school. Let all our faculty and staff take active actions. Everyone talks about safety, safety everywhere, safety in everything, safety in time, and always tighten the string of safety. Do a good job in safety and work hard to build our school into a safe and secure campus with a guaranteed quality!

Related to this spring 2019 safety work plan:
Moral education work ideas and full staff mobilization | 2019 spring semester moral education work plan | 2019 spring moral education work plan | National Small 2019 moral education work plan | 2010-2019 first semester sports work plan | 2010-2011 Annual Middle School Moral Education Work Plan | 2010-2011 School Year First Semester Moral Education Work Plan | Middle School Moral Education Work Plan |
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Conscientiously implement the spirit of the district education bureau's moral education work, focus on behavioral habits, and strengthen the detailed education and improve the professional level of the teaching staff, and strive to make breakthroughs in the effectiveness of moral education , and put forward "let moral education into children" The moral education concept of the soul, let the students grow up civilized and happy, strive to build moral education that is full of educational rationality and educational wisdom, embody understanding and respect, and has the characteristics of our school. It insists on being close to reality, experience-oriented, full participation, and pragmatic. Principles, vigorously strengthen patriotic education. Taking the school-running school as the main line, we will continue to do a good job in cultivating students' good habits so that students can benefit for life.

First, the general goal of moral education work

Teaching and educating people, people-oriented, moral, intellectual, physical, and moral education are the first. Focusing on cultivating students' good habits and promoting students' harmonious development, students will benefit for the rest of their lives.

Second, work measures

In order to improve the moral education work of our school, we urge the school teachers to complete the work of moral education in each stage according to the work plans of each semester of the school. Improve the ideological and political quality of our teachers and students and cultivate talents for modernization. Our school has specially formulated the near-stage moral education measures and incorporated them into the mid-year assessment. details as follows:

1. All teachers must actively participate in the ideological and political learning activities organized by the school and the higher authorities, and must not be absent without any excuse. Otherwise, deduct points as appropriate during the semester and re-take the relevant content.

2. Teachers must not participate in illegal activities such as pornography, gambling, and poisoning that harm the image of teachers. Otherwise, take the necessary punishment according to the severity of the plot. Serious cases are handled by the relevant departments.

3. Each class teacher must formulate a work plan according to the School Work Plan at the beginning of each semester.

4. Each class should carry out various and lively team activities around the “Class Plan”.

5. The school will conduct regular moral education assessments, conduct assessments, etc., and each class teacher should do the relevant work on time according to the requirements.

Third, the main points of work

Implement routine work

1. Strengthen the construction of the moral education team, conduct targeted training for the class teacher team, especially the young class teacher, and improve the theoretical level and management level of the class teacher. Class management is carried out scientifically, legally, reasonably, reasonably and effectively.

2. Regular management work is often unremitting.

Class construction is promoted through the examination and evaluation of students' daily behavioral norms. Give full play to the role of all employees. Using the class meeting with good form and clear theme in the class school, the school will take a “pick-to-door” form to check the situation of each class.

3. Continue to strengthen the development of students' study habits and educate them in various activities. Develop students' good study habits through theme class meetings, lectures, radio, board publicity and various small cultural and sports activities.

4. Promote mutual understanding between teachers, parents, and students through different forms of home visits, build a bridge of understanding, and form a synergy of education.

Educational activities

1. Young pioneers work

With patriotism as the core, combined with the main line of school education activities, a variety of young pioneers activities will be carried out.

1 Strengthen the training of team cadres and implement the cadre rotation system so that everyone has the opportunity to participate in school and class management, and build a platform for students to build self-management capabilities.

2 Organize the Young Pioneers to carry out the theme activity of “I Love My Motherland” and carry out the theme squadron meeting of “My Growth with the Motherland”.

3 Grasp the small squadron's small housework, run the class blackboard newspaper, etc., and do a good job in training the literary team.

4 Make full use of the red scarf to vigorously recognize good deeds and establish good civilized habits.

2. Class teacher work

Practically strengthen the construction of teachers' morality, promote the construction of spiritual civilization in our school, establish a good professional image and social image of the cadre teachers, further improve the satisfaction of the whole society and the people's education, and further consolidate and expand the educational achievements of the "three virtues" and continue Carry out a series of educational activities in the school, "learning the best, telling three virtues, and being a messenger of communication civilization".

1 Grasp the position and improve the system. First, the "three virtues" education work is specifically responsible for the person. The second is to adopt the method of combining the "three virtues" education activities with the party members' learning activities, and incorporate all the contents of the "three virtues" education into the study plan.

2 to achieve time, personnel, and implementation of results. First, adhere to the study day system, organize and study the archives of the higher-level spiritual civilization creation work, carry out thematic education activities such as “telling civilization, building a new style” and “I add brilliance to the creation of civilization”, and effectively enhance the content of “three virtues” education. Everyone learns and let the knowledge of civilization reach people's hearts. The third is to establish a learning system, register the time, content, and participants of each learning activity to ensure that education and learning are not leaking.

3 Strengthen organizational leadership and improve various measures. First, we must pay attention to the "three virtues" education activities and carry out relevant content learning. Second, we must organize the "three virtues" activities in a timely manner to promote learning and contact the actual discussion to test the learning outcomes of everyone. The third is to require each person to establish study notes, and the study will be included in the annual work evaluation.

3. Strengthen mental health education.

1 Establish a team of teachers in mental health education. Effectively strengthen the cultivation of teachers' psychological quality, so that the class teacher becomes the main force of mental health education. Mainly from the psychological theory to cultivate mental health education methods and techniques, the training of the class teacher is started. Through case analysis, experience exchange and other forms to explore, and gradually improve the education level of teachers.

2 Establish a post-entry file, and carry out in-depth activities between teachers and students, paying attention to their study, life, growth and progress. And fill in the relevant records.

4. Grasp the work of parents' schools

1 Open a parent meeting and hold more than two parent meetings

2 Establish a new parent committee and hold regular parent committees

Daily management work

1. Strengthen the management of the value of the red scarf, and carry out regular competitions and competitions.

2. Continue to strengthen students' civilized and polite education and consolidate the achievements of civilized and polite education.

3. Strengthen the safety of students' campuses, educate students to take care of the various facilities of the school and protect the school environment.

4. Make a good record of the class meeting, so that the class meeting time is dedicated and effective.

5. Do a comprehensive evaluation of the weekly behavioral norms of the class, and publish the evaluation results to the school, and commend them at the end of the period.

Fourth, the specific work arrangements:

March: Develop education

1. Formulate a moral education work plan and a team work plan;

2. Conduct class environment layout;

3. Students learn to develop habits;

4. Hold the 1~2 grade parent meeting;

5. Welcome the March 8th series of educational activities;

2010-2011 second semester moral education work plan>>View more · 2019 spring semester moral education work plan · 2019 spring moral education work plan · National Small 2019 moral education work plan · 2010-2019 first semester sports work Project · 2010-2011 school year middle school moral education work plan · 2010-2011 school year first semester moral education work plan · middle school moral education department work plan · 2010 - 2011 school year second semester national small moral education work plan
View More>> Moral Education Work Plan

First of all, I will briefly exchange ideas on moral education in this semester:

1. Grasping the implementation of the core work of developing political and religious education is to grasp the behavior of students. The cultivation of the "six major routines" relies solely on the inspection of the political and religious departments and the red scarf supervisors. It is passive, external management, and external constraints. It is our pursuit to be able to change into a student's conscious behavior. This semester, we will take more measures and work hard to make the flower of civility and etiquette bloom on campus.

2. Sticking to the “Educational Education” activity is an important way of moral education . The valuable experience and harvest in the activity are more likely to leave traces in the students' memory and become part of life. The idea of ​​this semester activity is the "January 1 theme." Large-scale activities such as the Sports Fitness Festival and the Campus Culture and Art Festival are all infiltrated, and the students are given a theme education in conjunction with the flag-raising ceremony and class meeting. Expected results: more integrated content, more distinct themes, more educated, and more productive students.

3, on the class management and class teacher team construction class management objectives: management science and standardization, work time-saving and efficient, the class goes hand in hand. Continue to improve the overall ability of the class teacher and improve the effectiveness of class management through various channels.

4, home and school together with "education hand in hand" as a carrier, innovative forms, to promote the integration of school education and parent-child education, the formation of synergy, to take a step towards all-round education.

5, create a "safe campus" This is also our top priority, safe and no accident is the minimum requirements, the highest standards, continue to do a good job of influenza prevention and control, do a good job in student management, do a good evacuation drill, do all kinds of hidden dangers Investigate and ensure the safety and stability of the campus and ensure the safety of teachers and students.

The above is a thick line of ideas. The importance of school moral education is self-evident. However, to achieve the results and achieve results requires the joint efforts of all of us, we need to establish a sense of education for all members, here, three requirements:

1. Defining the low starting point of moral education Moral education is noble, but moral education is trivial at the same time, because moral education involves some trivial things in the process of student growth. Especially due to the influence of the family environment and the surrounding environment, there are still bad habits such as spitting and throwing, throwing and throwing, not understanding etiquette, uncivilized language, fighting, etc... We need every educator to sink their hearts. Come and tirelessly, from the most "low" requirements, together with the heavy responsibility of education and guidance, so that every student can feel: "I am on campus, my words and deeds are being watched by every teacher. "".

2, intensive teaching and education classroom is always the main channel of moral education, teaching and educating people is one. The students' favorite teachers are teachers who can combine teaching and management in the classroom and teaching, and can teach both knowledge and “learning reason”, strict requirements, and dedication to human care.

3. Continue to advocate “who is responsible for the class” From the perspective of the teacher of the department, it is necessary to “many self-management, less 'transfer'”, in short, it is the problem of own class and self-constrained. Do not push, solve it yourself; in addition, we are also in control of the first-hand information of students, to find problems in time, communicate with the class teacher, contact, often feedback, and assist the class teacher to manage the class.

In short, moral education has a long way to go. We hope that through our joint efforts, the school will form a good atmosphere of “nothing on campus, educating people in everything”, so that every student can get the nourishment of education and become a civilized and healthy person. Elegant people with high moral character and high quality.

List of moral education work ideas and related articles on mobilization of all employees :
·2019 Spring Moral Education Work Plan ·Guo Xiao 2019 Moral Education Work Plan ·2010-2019 first semester sports work plan ·2010-2011 school year middle school moral education work plan ·2010-2011 school year first semester moral education work plan Painting · Middle School Moral Education Department Work Plan · 2010-2011 school year second semester national small moral education work plan · 2010-2019 school year last semester national small moral education work plan
View more>> Der's work plan I, guiding ideology

Adhere to the guidance of the important thinking of the 'Three Represents', strive to implement the scientific development concept, take comprehensive evaluation as the guide, focus on establishing a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, earnestly respect the laws governing the development of children's mind and body, and improve moral education . Targeting, effectiveness and initiative, build a model of “all-person education, whole-course education, all-round education”, broaden the space for moral education , create a harmonious campus, innovate activities, and strive to cultivate socialism with all-round development of morality , intelligence, art and work. Builders and successors, take the road of the characteristics of the country's small moral education work.

Second, the work objectives

Taking patriotism as the main line, taking the moral education as the guarantee, focusing on the development of education, taking the activities of the Young Pioneers as the carrier, combining schools, families and social education, strengthening the daily behavioral education of students, deepening the activities of the Young Pioneers, and promoting development through activities. Cultivate and improve the quality of students in activities; strengthen the regular management of moral education and the construction of moral education teams, mobilize the enthusiasm of educating people in the school, educate all the staff, educate the whole process, comprehensively promote moral education , and promote the all-round development of students.

Third, work measures

We must pay close attention to team building and strengthen the awareness of moral education .

1. Strengthen the standard education of teachers' morality. Teacher's morality is the soul of teachers' quality. We must gradually improve and perfect the system, constantly enrich the content of teacher's moral education, strengthen the construction of teachers' morality through education guidance, study training and assessment rewards and punishments, so that every teacher can care for students and understand students. Respect the students, always be teachers, and always be the table, and actively guide the teachers to establish the fine style of "strict teaching, dedication, love, love, dedication, honesty and integrity".

2. Strengthen the team building of the class teacher. We will carry out commendation activities for outstanding class teachers and excellent class collectives, and adopt the forms of theoretical study, on-site observation, work exchange, and special lectures to improve the moral education work level and ability of the class teacher.

3. Pay attention to the team building of the Young Pioneers. Establish a counselor's job performance evaluation system, select "excellent counselors", and give full play to the important role of counselors in class building. Strengthen the guidance and training of counselors' work, improve the work level of the squadron counselors, and make the squadron work solid and effective.

Strengthen basic education and cultivate civilized students.

1. Strengthen education. Based on the Code of Primary School Students and the Standards for Daily Behavior of Primary School Students, we will strengthen the cultivation of students' daily behavioral norms, and pay attention to the development of health habits, health habits and self-care ability for boarding students. , red scarf towel etiquette, supervision post system, increase inspection efforts, timely release of the situation, to maintain a good order and atmosphere on campus.

2. Vigorously carry out legal system and safety education. Schools should continue to focus on safety education and legal education as a long-term focus of moral education . All teams must put safety education and legal education throughout the semester and often work hard. It is necessary to enhance students' awareness of self-discipline and self-protection through special lectures, theme class team meetings, publicity columns, blackboard reports, and security drills.

Enrich the form of activities and improve the mechanism for educating people.

1. Carry out the regular activities of the Young Pioneers. The Young Pioneers Brigade Committee and the Squadron Committees of each school should carefully organize the team activities so that the Young Pioneers can improve their moral literacy in practice and experience.

2. Carry out good holiday activities. Using the important festivals such as the Ching Ming Festival, the May Fourth Youth Festival, and the Children's Day, the theme class will focus on the traditional Chinese virtues and revolutionary traditions, and combine the school's actual speech, essay writing, and handwritten newspaper competitions to enable students to understand. The content of traditional virtues.

3. Conduct good campus cultural activities. Integrate moral education into the activities of the Sun Sports, Sound, Body and Beauty Interest Groups, and strive to return the moral education process to the students so that they can educate themselves and let them grow up happily.

4. Make full use of the inter-class activities to strengthen education for students. Organize the daily inter-class activities, select the best games to promote the whole school, let the children enjoy the happiness of childhood, experience the progress and development of life, let each student move in the brain, improve his ability and exercise.

5. Combine the actual development of moral education theme activities to lead students to healthy growth. The formation of moral education awareness in various subject practice activities, so that students' moral education and cultivation are improved and improved in the continuous enrichment and deepening of practical activities.

Strengthen the construction of positions and optimize the environment for educating people.

1. Optimize the flag-raising ceremony. Adhere to the weekly flag-raising ceremony and the speech under the national flag, requesting rich content. On the basis of retaining traditional patriotism and inspirational content, we strive to closely connect with social life, current affairs politics and school reality, and strive to closely integrate with students' practical thoughts.

2. Run a red scarf radio station. The red scarf broadcast requires a variety of content arrangements, in a variety of forms, to be close to the student's campus life. In the selection and organization of content, it is necessary to give full play to the main role of students, and let the red scarf broadcast become an important way for students to understand the world's events, campus news, conduct patriotic education and cultivate sentiment.

3. Make full use of the school's propaganda column, class blackboard newspaper and other moral education positions, fully demonstrate the style of students, establish a role model, and promote competition and cooperation.

Pay attention to the collective construction of the class and cultivate the complete personality of the students.

1. Create a class management system that meets the requirements of the new curriculum, and establish and improve a class management mechanism that is suitable for student development. Such as: the implementation of job rotation, training, training students' self-education and ability to adapt to future social life, enhance students' sense of responsibility; implement class conventions, guided by class teachers, class students jointly to develop, to cultivate students' democratic awareness.

2. Enrich the cultural connotation of the class, take the class culture construction as the carrier, aim to create excellent class groups, enrich the class cultural connotation, and create the moral education characteristics of the class and campus. Encourage the class teacher to use the team strength and the principle of student subject education to carry out characteristic class activities according to their personal strengths and class characteristics, so that students can be edified, infected and enlightened in the group.

3. Select and train excellent class cadres. At the same time as the class teacher chooses to use the talents, he should hold regular class cadre training sessions to improve the work level and ability of the small assistants, and let them increase their knowledge and courage in bold practice, and enhance their consciousness and initiative.

4. Teachers of the department should actively assist the class teacher to implement class management, make full use of the characteristics of the subject, and infiltrate the content of moral education.

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[2019 Spring semester moral education work plan] related reference:

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First, the guiding ideology:

Adhere to moral education , conscientiously implement the "Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors" of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, strengthen the construction of moral education teams, and focus on fostering education based on the cultivation of good moral quality and behavioral habits. Self-awareness and responsibility awareness, focusing on students' spiritual growth and physical and mental health; taking the promotion and cultivation of national spirit as the core, taking the cultivation of basic civilized behavior as the starting point, continuously enhancing the initiative and effectiveness of moral education , consolidating and Improve the overall level of moral education in our school, so that our school's moral education work can take a new step.

Second, the main work:

Strengthen the awareness of moral education

All teachers must fully recognize the importance and urgency of the current moral education work, insist on putting moral education work at the forefront of quality education, establish a people-oriented thinking, and strengthen the awareness of educating people. All work must be based on the healthy growth of students. Focus on the center of school education to do a good job in moral education , and strive to train students into "four have" newcomers.

1. Pay attention to the teacher's morality.

Teachers always keep a clear head, abide by the professional ethics of teachers, pay attention to the cultivation of teachers' morality, preach and preach, and establish the concept that everyone is a moral education worker. Teachers throughout the school should always practice "a good class teacher is an educator" and "teacher is a student's moral book." Be a student's example, be a student's friend, and care for the students wholeheartedly, so that they can feel a strong teacher's love.

2. Strengthen penetration.

In addition to attaching importance to the ideological and moral class and the morning meeting class, the main channel of moral education , we must attach great importance to the infiltration education of various disciplines. Subject teachers should make efforts to explore the rich moral education factors of teaching materials, and do a good job of "two preparations" and "three combinations". The methods should be scientific and carefully designed.

3. Constantly summarizing.

Strengthen the study of moral education, learn and innovate new ideas and methods of moral education . In particular, in view of the new problems arising in the moral education work in the new era, it is necessary to combine the characteristics of students, activate the main body of students, and improve the moral education quality of students. Subject teachers should study and summarize in theory and practice to form written materials. Collect representative materials of students' behavioral habits and develop education, and enrich their educational experience.

Standardize moral education management

This semester will further strengthen the moral education leadership, strengthen the team building and routine management work, adhere to the relationship between home and school, and expand social education.

1. Strengthen team building

(1) Strengthen the sense of responsibility of the class teacher and standardize class management. The head teacher's ideological and moral quality, teaching business level and organizational management ability directly affect the development of moral education . The class teacher should have a sense of responsibility, class management should be standardized, teachers' "one ambition", "two cards", "one bag" and other work, so that there are plans and effective.

(2) Strengthen routine inspections and improve the evaluation mechanism. This semester should guide and supervise the class teacher to improve their own quality level as soon as possible in business study and work practice. At the same time, they should do a good job of “class work month assessment” and adopt self-examination, mutual inspection and spot check methods to improve the class teacher evaluation mechanism.

2. Strengthen the connection between home and school. Host a "parent school." The parent school is the basic position for the school to guide the parent education. This semester should improve and perfect the work system of the parents' school, use the information publicity column to increase publicity and expand the influence, so as to win the trust and support of the parents.

3. Strengthen social education. Carry out activities such as labor education, legal education, safety education, and patriotism education. Through activities such as “please come in” and “go out”, we will ensure the time and number of activities and cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability.

Expand moral education activities

School moral education work should take rich and colorful educational activities as an important carrier, and strive to cultivate students' sense of social responsibility and dedication. According to the laws of students' physical and mental development, moral education is used in educational activities. Mainly through the lively education and teaching activities inside and outside the school, the students will carry out the education of socialist public morality education, social common sense education and civilized behavior habits based on the basic content of "love the motherland, love the people, love labor, love science, love socialism". . This semester will start with patriotic education, fostering education, and legal education, correctly educating and guiding students, and cultivating a new generation.

1. Patriotism education activities

(1) "Speech under the flag" activity. Continue to do the "Speech under the National Flag" campaign every Monday, strengthen the theme education, and cultivate students' patriotic sentiments. The flag-raising ceremony must be done neatly, full of energy, dignified manners, and singing the national anthem to make it sound louder.

(2) Carry out the national education activities of “Promoting and Cultivating the National Spiritual Month”. Through a variety of ways, we should help students understand the great achievements China has made since the reform and opening up, correctly understand the existing contradictions and difficulties, and enhance students' patriotic enthusiasm. At the same time, combined with major anniversaries, we will carry out special education activities.

(3) Festival activities. Using festivals, teachers' day, National Day, New Year's Day and other festivals, through the theme class meeting, blackboard newspaper, small broadcasting and other positions, the theme education activities will be carried out to stimulate students' love for the motherland.

2. Develop educational activities

(1) Behavioral norms education activities. Students develop education with the content of “student inside and outside the school”. It is necessary to say the most basic aspects such as saying Mandarin, writing Chinese characters, standing a good team, singing good songs, doing exercises, sweeping the land, loving classes, and being polite. Grab. In each grade, combined with the characteristics of students, it is necessary to formulate the stage objectives, through learning, demonstration, training, and truly internalize into the conscious behavior of students.

(2) Self-education activities. It is necessary to let students become small masters, give play to students' subjective initiative, cultivate their self-education and self-management skills, and do a good job in individual education to form a good class style.

(3) Campus cultural education activities. Teachers should make full use of good campus culture and artistic atmosphere, use good classes and school positions, and carry out a variety of campus and cultural activities such as art and sports, so that students can develop good behavior habits and promote the healthy development of students' physical and mental health.

3. Legal education activities

(1) Legal education activities. All teachers should strengthen the education of students, let students master certain legal knowledge, and promote their conscious compliance. Students are especially forbidden to enter the Internet cafes. They should contact the parents, communicate with each other, work together, do a good job in the education of the students, and resolutely put an end to all illegal crimes. The following contents are related to the 2019 spring moral education work plan , which can be found in the reference: 2010-2019 first semester sports work plan | 2010-2011 school year middle school moral education work plan | 2010-2011 school year first semester moral education work plan Middle School Moral Education Department Work Plan | 2010-2011 school year second semester national small moral education work plan | 2010-2019 school year last semester national small moral education work plan | school year first semester moral education work plan | 2010-2019 Year of next semester moral education work plan|
Go to the Moral Education Work Plan to see more>>

First, the guiding ideology:

Guided by the "people-oriented" thinking, we will give full play to the students' subjective consciousness, combine the "Yellow River Culture" characteristic schools to further deepen, and pay attention to the organization and implementation of moral education activities. The activities are built with the goal of serialization of activities, diversification of forms, re-experience of the process, and content targeting. Moral education activities should be practical and important, and strive to make students happy to participate, actively participate, gain experience, and be educated. Consolidate the achievements of campus culture construction, strengthen individual students, develop good habits and behaviors, explore the rules and methods of students' formation of good psychological quality, improve aesthetic education and labor education to promote students' all-round development and healthy growth.

Second, the main points of work:

1. Play the main role of school moral education . Continue to improve the management mechanism of the moral education system and conduct regular management and education with a strict system. Create an atmosphere of “all staff education” in the whole school, establish the awareness that “everyone is a moral education worker”, and promote and promote school moral education .

2. Combine the key points of the school work in this semester, further strengthen the team building of the class, and train a team of high-quality, capable and effective, pioneering and enterprising. First, continue to do the training of the class teacher and counselor, strengthen the follow-up guidance, carry out the leading, radiation, and guiding role of the excellent class teacher, and promote the work level of the class teacher management class through the class teacher's regular meeting, experience exchange, and class meeting. Increased ability. Secondly, do a good job in the ideological education of students with learning difficulties. Through three-minded visits, they often communicate with parents to form a joint effort to teach, and it is strictly forbidden to have corporal punishment and disguised corporal punishment.

Third, the work objectives:

(1) Strengthen the daily behavioral education of students.

Strengthen legal education, strengthen safety education, and ensure that no accidents occur during the semester.

Deepen the activities of the Young Pioneers and cultivate and improve the quality of students from the activities. Organize and carry out comprehensive practical activities to continuously improve the overall quality of students and build a school moral education brand.

Adhere to the "three strengthenings", that is, strengthen regular management, strengthen team building, strengthen moral education research, and mobilize the enthusiasm of educating people in all lines of the school, educate all members, educate the whole process, and strive to create advanced schools for moral education .

Further strengthen the management of regular work in moral education and strengthen inspections.

1. Strengthen the value of weekly work management. The school will continue to improve various rules and regulations, strengthen the inspection of students' meter appearance, wearing red scarf, late arrival and early retreat, chasing snacks, etc., and increase penalties for students who seriously violate the school rules and regulations. The members of the etiquette guards and the school’s leaders are standing at the school gate to ensure a good order and culture.

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