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2019 National Small Moral Education Work Plan

First, the guiding ideology

Conscientiously implement the "Opinions on Further Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors" and the Spirit of Hubei Province Moral Education Work Conference, with "Guidelines for the Education of National Spirit Education of Students in Hubei Province" and "Guidelines for Life Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in Hubei Province" In order to grasp the hand, combine the spirit of the county government, the Education Bureau and other archives. Cultivate young students with national self-confidence, social responsibility, honesty and civility. Pay attention to the growth of students' life, enhance the consciousness of teachers' life, actively promote the characteristics of school-based moral education and class, and effectively improve the initiative, pertinence and effectiveness of school moral education.

Second, the main work

1. Thoroughly implement the requirements of the "two outlines", actively carry out the national spiritual education with the focus on "national consciousness, cultural identity, and citizen personality", initially explore the in-class ethics of national spiritual education, and construct an extracurricular system of national spiritual education. In combination with legal education and mental health education, we actively carry out life education practice activities on the theme of “knowing life, cherishing life, respecting life, and loving life”, and closely integrate with the second phase of curriculum reform to integrate knowledge transfer and personality education.

According to the requirements of the archives of the provincial, city and county education bureaus, organize the faculty and staff to study the relevant spirit of the "two outlines", especially to organize the class teachers to focus on learning, to clarify the development of students, to establish a national spirit, to improve the personality of students, and to play " The role of life navigation. The teacher in charge of the class should formulate a plan for the promotion of the “two outlines” of the class, and use the thinking class, the class meeting, and the morning meeting to educate and preach the students.

Meet the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and focus on social morality. With the theme of "the motherland is in my heart" and focusing on "trees in the new wind, in addition to the habits", combined with the school's code of conduct education, the series of practical activities of "promoting civilized etiquette and creating a happy campus" will be carried out on campus to help students establish public awareness. Standardize public behavior and practice public morality. The focus of practical activities is to carry out the education of "ceremonies, courtesy, etiquette", and pass on the traditional virtues of the Chinese people to "speak civilization and emphasize etiquette" through education, and improve the awareness rate of students' etiquette knowledge. The theme practice requires “five ones” and engages in a small survey; a theme team meeting will be held in conjunction with traditional festivals, anniversaries, and changes around them; a “street new wind, in addition to bad habits” original essay competition will be launched: use the Internet to find A story or motto of civilized etiquette; a social publicity campaign.

Conduct seminars on “two outlines”, and exchange learning experiences and practical experiences in each class.

Third, regular work

1. Grasp the team building and strengthen the awareness of moral education

Further strengthen and improve the school moral education work, give play to the integration function of moral education work, and enhance the education awareness and education ability of all teachers. Continue to carry out good old and new class teacher &ldq
Uo; one-on-one, hand in hand, the teacher and the teacher paired up the work, strengthened the training and improvement of the young class teacher, and continuously improved the work level and ability of the class teacher through communication, visit, study and training. Taking the opportunity of “excellent class teacher” as an opportunity, Carry forward the advanced and give play to the demonstration and radiation role of the class teacher.

2. Emphasis on basic behavior education and promote the construction of campus culture.

Continue to strengthen the education of behavioral norms, and carry out a series of activities of civilized etiquette education based on the "Standards of Daily Behavior of Primary School Students". Combine the commitments of this class and the class conventions, strengthen education and training, follow the principle of “small steps, no stopping, strict requirements, and frequent arrests”, so as to always supervise and urge, Zhou Zhou summary, monthly check, and effectively train students to do A small school owner who talks about civilization, etiquette, and etiquette.

The brigade department should strengthen the intensity of feedback inspection and play the functions of "red scarf broadcasting," and blackboard newspapers, and play the evaluation in time. The inspections were announced in a timely manner, and the trees were typical and created an atmosphere.

Fully tap the resources of civilized etiquette education in traditional morality, give the atmosphere of the times, combine the Internet, and combine the classrooms to make the students know the civilization and understand the etiquette, and create a pure campus environment with the theme of “Campus etiquette” in the school. At the same time, the cultivation education is integrated into the activities of the students, and a series of colorful education series activities are carried out in combination with traditional festivals and anniversaries.

Focusing on national education and life education, we will promote the squadron's electronic management as a means to give full play to the network education function, regularly update and update the website, and cultivate the team members' self-management ability, and strive to make our squadron publicize its personality during the construction process. , highlighting the characteristics, truly become a happy squadron.

Actively carry out the campus culture month activities, hold the reading festival activities of "Knowing Chinese famous artists, admire the classic fairy tales" and "jumping notes-------- group dance competition", giving full play to the students' individuality and speciality. The versatile side creates the stage.

3. Promote the national spirit and be a good teenager with roots and souls

Combining the national spiritual education program, giving full play to the network education function, continuing to train and develop the ability of students to learn independently on the Internet, continue to carry out educational activities according to the characteristics of the class, and timely enrich the content of the national shackles.

Give full play to the role of the main channels such as the classroom, combine the thinking class, the morning meeting, the flag-raising ceremony, the broadcasting propaganda, etc., and strengthen the national spirit education with the history of China's five years ago as the main line. It is necessary to make full use of the moral education base and rich human resources, carry out patriotism and team spirit education, and improve the effectiveness of moral education through rich and colorful Young Pioneers activities.

4. Pay attention to the growth of students, strengthen personality education, and play the role of “life navigation”

Carry out life education and guide students to establish a harmonious relationship between life and self, life and nature, life and society, and help students to understand life, cherish life, respect life and love life. Guide students to understand and understand the value of life, and then respect, care for, appreciate the lives of others, and establish a positive outlook on life.

Pay attention to students' mental health education, actively carry out psychological class research, pay attention to students' psychological development, play the role of "spirit of the soul" and "class sunshine words", determine the theme of monthly forums, and promote interactive platform for home school, students, teachers and students. To guide students to always have a confident, upward, enterprising and healthy mental state.

Class teachers and students set up student tracking cards for difficult students, and carried out seminars on “educational strategies for students with growing difficulties” to truly implement the help and transformation work for students with difficulties.

5. Intensify scientific research in moral education and actively transform research results

Do a good job in moral education research. Under the premise of the school project "Cultivating and researching students' self-management ability under the network environment", according to the actual situation of the class, the sub-topics are proposed and practical research is carried out.

In combination with the educational countermeasures for students with difficulties, they actively participated in the study of the "Development of Personality in Growth Difficulties", wrote typical cases, formed practical research results, and continuously improved the level of scientific research.

6. Improve the Trinity network system and establish a new open moral education system

Regularly carry out the work of parents' schools, give full play to their supervision and evaluation of school education and teaching management, and promote the process of democratic management of our school.

Actively carry out home visits. Each class teacher's home visit rate for one semester strives for 100%, and achieves "early, diligent, sincere, precise, and practical", so that home visits truly serve as a bridge between teachers, parents, and students.

To make full use of online resources, parents can interact online through parent school forums, principal mailboxes, emails, etc., and build a platform for home-school communication. At the same time, continue to carry out a good "care, gratitude" discussion.

Rational use of community education resources, guide students to engage in socially rich social practice activities, often use the form of "going out, please come in" to carry out various activities to broaden horizons, increase knowledge, and cultivate sentiment.

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