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English teaching work plan essay

1. Guiding ideology In the English teaching of this semester, adhere to the following teaching philosophy as the guide: First, to truly understand the true level of students, pay attention to convergence, and adapt students to my English teaching as soon as possible; second, teaching should be oriented All students pay attention to students' emotions and stimulate their interest in learning English. Third, students are the main body, respect individual differences, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Fourth, under the guidance of the new curriculum standards, students are encouraged to participate in learning and complete design goals. Fifth, pay attention to process evaluation, and establish a comprehensive evaluation system that encourages the development of students' independent learning ability.
2, student situation analysis This year's students are very weak in English, because in the process of learning English in the past, did not study the phonetic symbols in a very detailed and comprehensive way, the basic phonetic symbols and letter spelling are not mastered. There are many gaps in vocabulary, grammar rules and so on. Therefore, there are great differences in the level of students in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
In addition, students also have a number of problems that need to be further addressed in terms of learning strategies and emotional attitudes. For example, many students cannot clearly understand the purpose of learning English, lack of initiative and consciousness; most students do not develop good study habits, can not do pre-class preparation and after-school review work, learning is not planned and strategic, Do not pay attention to the accumulation and consolidation of knowledge.
Finally, students lack a certain degree of understanding of the new textbooks, and still do not adapt to some teaching methods under the guidance of the new curriculum reform. In the classroom, the habit is passively accepting the knowledge imparted as in the past, not good at discovering and summarizing the laws of language, and the subjectivity of learning is not prominent.

3. Analysis of teaching materials and teaching aids (1) Content and structure: In addition to focusing on reading, writing, listening, audio-visual and other language practice activities, each unit also pays attention to language knowledge, emotional attitudes, cultural awareness and learning strategies. Among them, the textbooks enhance the improvement of cultural awareness and the cultivation of students' learning strategies, which is quite different from the previous textbooks.
(2) Characteristics and difficulties of the textbook:
First, highlight the development of learners, including the cultivation and use of learning strategies; focus on improving students' language cognition; provide personalized choices for teachers and students; and secondly strive to improve students' ability to think and express in English. Specifically: to provide students with more opportunities to experience the real language; carefully design teaching activities, so that students can see clear goals and clear results; provide students with detailed language support for the development of language skills; pay attention to recurrence.
This set of textbooks emphasizes the cultivation and improvement of students' comprehensive language use ability, so the focus is on cultivating students' ability to access information and process information in English; the ability to analyze problems and solve problems in English; and the ability to think and express in English. The difficulty lies in the changes in students' emotional attitudes and learning strategies, and achieves the goal of thinking and expressing in English.
4. Teaching Objectives (1) Overall goal: to stimulate students' interest in learning English and establish self-confidence. Throughout the teaching process, students are rich in common sense of life, multicultural background, and form a correct outlook on life, values, positive emotional attitudes and intercultural communication skills. At the same time, develop self-learning ability and accumulate learning methods.
Specific objectives: In combination with the fact that the basic knowledge of students is too weak, at the beginning of teaching, pay attention to the connection between high school and Chinese knowledge, such as reviewing the phonetic transcription and alphabetic spelling rules, accumulating basic vocabulary, word collocation, sentence patterns, familiarity with different The grammar rules presented by the unit grasp the actual usage. I hope that after the first semester, students will develop interest in learning, develop better study habits, and have a certain grasp of the basic knowledge.
5, teaching measures (1) let students accumulate several words every day, use "mutual testing and teacher spot checks" to check in time to ensure the effect and stick to it.
(2) Conscientiously implement the morning reading system: stipulate the contents of morning reading, strengthen supervision, and ensure the effect of morning reading.
(3) Implementing process evaluation, mobilizing students' enthusiasm, and through different methods of testing, let progressive students realize the sense of accomplishment, let the backward students find the gap and feel the pressure. This creates a strong learning atmosphere in the class and fosters students' healthy and up-to-date personality and competition.
(4) Pay attention to students' emotions and create a relaxed, democratic and harmonious teaching atmosphere.
(5) In the teaching, according to the goal and combined with the teaching content, creatively design the teaching activities close to the students' actual situation, attract and organize their active participation. Through learning, investigation, discussion, communication and cooperation, students learn and use English to complete their learning tasks.
(6) Regular reflection on teaching, timely adjustment of teaching methods, in line with the real situation of students, and conducive to the effective learning of students.
Starting from the actual situation of the class and the conditions of the class, seriously think and correct. Pay more attention to the development of teaching and research in disciplines, and learn more from the experienced teachers. Learn from them, exchange ideas with colleagues, exchange teaching ideas and methods, avoid shortcomings, and make continuous progress. Actively participate in research related topics, write papers, participate in teaching and research groups, and prepare for teaching and research activities.
In addition to teaching, pay more attention to educational websites, read more education books and publications, etc., carefully study new educational ideas and teaching concepts, constantly enrich knowledge, improve professional theoretical knowledge and comprehensive quality. Actively participate in subject training activities, update their teaching concepts, and adjust teaching methods in a timely manner. There are also convenient places to use the information society to participate in remote training activities. In short, continue to self-learn and accept continuing education, improve themselves, and become the "source of living water" to teach good students.

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