Work Plan > Personal Work Plan

2019 new semester teacher teaching work plan

In this season of flowers and fragrances, we have ushered in a new semester to harvest hopes and dreams. Education and teaching workers in the new era are facing new challenges and challenges. In the new semester, I have drawn up a work plan around the following three aspects.

Pay attention to the image of teacher

With the increasing status of teachers, the demands and expectations of the society and the public for teachers are getting higher and higher. Therefore, we strive to achieve: pure thinking, positive and enterprising, hard work, and tireless; strive to achieve: Degao is a teacher, and is a norm. Efforts to be a role model for students, and strive to be the forerunners and advocates of modern society's progressive civilization.

Focus on teaching results

The quality of teaching is related to the vitality of the school. Similarly, the quality of teaching is also the embodiment of any teacher's intellectual charm and personality. So in the new semester, I am trying to do:

Continue to explore the path of the new curriculum reform, understand the spirit of the new curriculum reform, and truly integrate into the practice of classroom teaching. Optimize classroom teaching structure and improve classroom teaching efficiency.

Form a new teaching concept, abandon the traditional teaching methods, and focus on cultivating students' language expression ability, thinking ability and innovative spirit in the classroom.

Efforts should be made to guide students from the study method, to cultivate students' interest in learning, to optimize the language structure of students, and to improve students' comprehensive language quality.

In the composition teaching, make full use of the learning opportunities of the people's livelihood classes, and strengthen counseling and training. In the usual teaching, systematic training in extracurricular reading is carried out to improve students' reading ability.

Do a good job
In this season of flowers and fragrances, we have ushered in a new semester to harvest hopes and dreams. Education and teaching workers in the new era are facing new challenges and challenges. In the new semester, I have drawn up a work plan around the following three aspects.

Pay attention to the image of teacher

With the increasing status of teachers, the demands and expectations of the society and the public for teachers are getting higher and higher. Therefore, we strive to achieve: pure thinking, positive and enterprising, hard work, and tireless; strive to achieve: Degao is a teacher, and is a norm. Efforts to be a role model for students, and strive to be the forerunners and advocates of modern society's progressive civilization.

Focus on teaching results

The quality of teaching is related to the vitality of the school. Similarly, the quality of teaching is also the embodiment of any teacher's intellectual charm and personality. So in the new semester, I am trying to do:

Continue to explore the path of the new curriculum reform, understand the spirit of the new curriculum reform, and truly integrate into the practice of classroom teaching. Optimize classroom teaching structure and improve classroom teaching efficiency.

Form a new teaching concept, abandon the traditional teaching methods, and focus on cultivating students' language expression ability, thinking ability and innovative spirit in the classroom.

Efforts should be made to guide students from the study method, to cultivate students' interest in learning, to optimize the language structure of students, and to improve students' comprehensive language quality.

In the composition teaching, make full use of the learning opportunities of the people's livelihood classes, and strengthen counseling and training. In the usual teaching, systematic training in extracurricular reading is carried out to improve students' reading ability.

Do a good job in training and making up the difference. Improve the English learning scores of outstanding students in the class, and do not affect the total score due to English scores. Use the replenishment class to strengthen tutoring for students with weak foundations to ensure that at least one class has an average lead.

Focus on ideological education

The class teacher is the organizer and builder of an excellent class, and is the shaper of the students' beautiful mind. In the new semester, I will put the education of "eight honors and eight shame" in the first place, and strive to cultivate students' patriotism education, team spirit education and idealistic education. Closely cooperate with the school to carry out the "striving for a beautiful environment school" activities, striving for outstanding class collectives.

Personal goals for the new semester: Dedication, hard work, practicality, and strive to be a teacher who satisfies students, satisfies parents, makes leaders satisfied, and makes society satisfied.

Make up the difference. Improve the English learning scores of outstanding students in the class, and do not affect the total score due to English scores. Use the replenishment class to strengthen tutoring for students with weak foundations to ensure that at least one class has an average lead.

Focus on ideological education

The class teacher is the organizer and builder of an excellent class, and is the shaper of the students' beautiful mind. In the new semester, I will put the education of "eight honors and eight shame" in the first place, and strive to cultivate students' patriotism education, team spirit education and idealistic education. Closely cooperate with the school to carry out the "striving for a beautiful environment school" activities, striving for outstanding class collectives.

Personal goals for the new semester: Dedication, hard work, practicality, and strive to be a teacher who satisfies students, satisfies parents, makes leaders satisfied, and makes society satisfied.

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