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2019 Morning Training Association Society Semester Work Plan

This association is an autonomous community. I am both a community leader and a community teacher. I have never been a teacher. It is a challenge to complete this ten-week course, but I decided to try it. In order to clarify the work objectives, the lectures are well completed, and this lecture plan is specially formulated.
1. Teaching sports knowledge about long-distance running, reducing physical exertion and sports injuries during long-distance running.
2. Cultivate community students' interest in long-distance running and let them fall in love with this sport.
3. Teach some common sense and things to be aware of when living and studying in college.
4. Improve and improve the psychological status of the students, transform their introverted outward orientation, and boring toward optimistic and cheerful.
5. Teaching some philosophy of life, we should have excellent quality and life values.
6, look at each person 's registration form to understand them, and they go closer, teach students in accordance with their aptitude.
1, to explain the rules of the community, a good discipline is the guarantee of class.
2. Training to improve their long-distance running ability and cultivate their hobby for long-distance running.
3, play games, teach sports knowledge, talk about the topic of learning life. Increase mutual understanding.
1. Take time to go to the library to check out the knowledge about sports and sports games.
2. Incorporate your usual knowledge into the screen and teach them valuable and meaningful knowledge.
3. Let everyone know each other by playing games. Know by learning and living, expand your knowledge.
4. Take the initiative to contact with them and let some introverts open their hearts. Enhancing the distance between people is conducive to teaching.

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