Work Plan > Personal Work Plan

2013 school year school work plan essay

This school year is coming to an end and a new school year is coming. In order to make the work of our school in the new school year work smoothly and steadily, we are now working on the school's new school year.
I. Steadily promote the construction of standardized schools
1. Improving the construction of archives standardization schools is the key work of the Jiexiu Education System in 2019, and it is the continuation and deepening of the "two basics" work. Our main job in the new school year is still to continue to improve the archives and materials work of standardized school construction. At the beginning of July, the Municipal Education Bureau will send a special person to the school to conduct preliminary acceptance of the archives. We will carefully absorb the deficiencies pointed out by the inspection personnel and further improve them. At the same time, we will also organize relevant materials with the characteristics of our school in combination with the actual situation of the school, making our school a highlight school for the construction of standardized schools in the city.
In short, in the new school year, we will further ensure the acceptance and acceptance of the standardization construction of compulsory education in Shanxi Province, and ensure that the high standards pass the acceptance. With this acceptance, the overall level of schools in the compulsory education stage of Mianshan Town will be better improved, and compulsory education will be promoted to achieve new development and improvement on the basis of popularization.
2. Vigorously improve school conditions. The improvement of school education and teaching quality is inseparable from the improvement of school conditions, strive for the government to increase investment, and give priority to the development of education. It is to further adjust the level of basic education and promote the balanced development of basic education. A strong guarantee.
In the new school year, we will continue to improve the physical and chemical laboratory equipment, sports, art education equipment, books and materials and other facilities. The implementation of these aspects will greatly improve the basic conditions for running our school. During the summer, we will concentrate on the preparatory work to ensure that the preparatory work is completed immediately after the end of the semester. The construction of the school building and the venue will be completed before the fall semester. All rural countries will complete the construction tasks by the end of this year.
3. School appearance and campus culture construction School Rong School appearance is a school's external image. A good school appearance can play a part in the function of students' environment education. At present, we are fully painting the walls of student residences and teachers' and students' restaurants, painting and painting in the agricultural science and education exhibition room, paving bricks in front of the dormitory building, repairing and replacing the leaking water in the teaching building, further trimming the wall, replacing the flagpole and the school card, and making the campus look Greatly improved. During the summer vacation before the start of the new school year, I am correcting further funds, painting the building building area, hardening or paving the campus roads, leveling the playground, and repairing and painting or tinning all the wooden doors and windows. I believe that after being fully implemented, the campus will be completely new.
Paying attention to civilization and environmental sanitation in the construction of campus culture, stressing that civilization is the basic quality of cultivating students' ideology and morality, the Ministry of Political Affairs and Education has achieved a fair, impartial and objective and civilized health situation for all classes of students in the process of enacting quantitative management standards. Conduct an evaluation score and publish the wall in time,
Each class teacher will improve and correct the students' shortcomings after mastering the situation of the class on the same day, and cultivate students to form a good learning style.
Second, carry out the teaching reform experiment in a solid manner, open a full curriculum, and comprehensively improve the quality of teachers and students
1. Pay attention to Dulangkou, Yangsi, curriculum reform experience and the actual combination of the school. In the previous school year, our school introduced the "Mianshan Yizhong" Yangsi, Dulangkou experience and local classroom teaching integration experiment. Project Research Implementation Plan. The main research ideas are: starting from the classroom teaching, researching the "lead case" and "tangtang" materials. Study the improvement of students' basic knowledge and basic ability, study the relationship between classroom reform and teaching achievements, and solve the relationship between immediate interests and long-term interests.
In the new school year, we will further implement it on this basis. After solving the teacher's concept, we will start from a part of the teacher and then push it all out. We will regularly open seminars to solve the teacher's confusion during the experiment. The school's teaching and research section selects key teachers to launch demonstration seminars. Through in-depth classrooms, teachers are carefully analyzed and summarized, and individual experiments are raised to the common model of the whole school.
2. Open the full course of the national curriculum, local curriculum, school-based curriculum is an organic whole, complement each other. In the new school year, we will further strengthen the supervision of local courses and the opening of school-based courses. We will follow the national curriculum plan, open the whole course, and start the class. Especially weak subjects, such as: comprehensive practice, music, sports, art, morality and life, etc., try to open and create conditions to open. Weak disciplines should be included in the mid-term and end-of-term quality inspection and peacetime testing as one of the important conditions for teachers to evaluate, evaluate and promote their positions.
The school teaching and research section will organize full-time teachers to take relevant courses. At present, each subject group has already had a teaching plan for the school-based curriculum in the new school year. Before the start of the school, we will use the summer vacation to arrange some teachers to prepare school-based curriculum plans. Guarantee the smooth opening of all courses after the start of school.
Third, strengthen the function of educating people and build a harmonious and civilized campus
1. Determine the "three winds of school motto" and strengthen the "Code of Middle School Students" and "Standards of Daily Behavior of Middle School Students"
In the last school year, our school combined with the actual situation of the school to determine the school motto of “Slimming the Li Dewen Wengqiang” and the “School Style of the School”. In the new school year, we will further use the class to organize students to deeply understand their connotations and work hard to students. Cultivate students who have developed in a comprehensive manner, and deliver qualified personnel to higher schools and society.
2. Continue to attach importance to the safety education of students. We must further establish that every faculty and staff member of the school is responsible for school safety work. At the same time, one school leader and male teacher are responsible for the safety of the school every day, and do not leave the post 24 hours a day. Solved in time. While paying close attention to the prevention of potential safety hazards, the school has established a “responsibility target management and prevention mechanism” between the school’s responsible person, the in charge of the leadership, the safety management personnel, and the responsible persons. Responsibility book, effectively implement the responsibility of safety to the management of the school, implement it in various rooms, and implement it to specific people; form a safe work principal to take the lead, take charge of the leadership personally, and the safety management personnel specifically grasp, the school staff and staff are common Grasp the implementation of the safety work responsibility system.

3. The construction of teachers' morality and style is always unremitting. In the new academic year, we will continue to carry out in-depth education activities on the theme of 'dedication and dedication, and be a teacher's teacher', and effectively solve the strong reflection of the people in the faculty and staff. The problem is to establish and improve a long-term mechanism for team management, and strive to create a faculty and staff team with strong political integrity, professional proficiency, good work style, coaching for the people, and the people's satisfaction, and establish a good image of education.
Strengthen school management, standardize school-running behaviors, vigorously carry out ideological and moral construction of non-adults, effectively reduce the burden of students' schoolwork, vigorously promote quality education, and comprehensively improve teaching quality. Actively promote open government affairs, open school affairs, expand grassroots democracy, and fully implement democratic management. Strengthen property and financial management, increase internal auditing and supervision, adhere to the implementation of the “one-fee system”, effectively reduce the burden on the people, and truly make our school a school that is deeply satisfied by the villages of Mianshan Town from top to bottom and villagers. .
4. The organic combination of people-oriented and school-based management adheres to the organic combination of people-oriented and school-based governance. It is an objective need to promote the democratization and scientific management of school management. The two complement each other, which is conducive to the normal operation of the school organization system and is conducive to the normal operation of the school organization system. To mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of teachers and students, to promote the quality of school education and the improvement of school-running benefits, in line with the characteristics of the school system and management rules.
We know that in school management, people are the most basic and core factor. Emphasis on people-oriented is to pay attention to the main role of human beings, to be able to act, to respect people, to understand people, to care for people, to care for people. Only by adhering to the people-oriented principle can we further improve and perfect the democratic management mechanism, enable everyone to participate in management, and actively participate in management, and truly implement the rule of law.
At the same time, in school management, we must let all teachers have a "law" in their hearts, and everyone must know the law and abide by the law, so that the goals, plans, implementation, supervision, guidance, summarization and evaluation of the school work are realistic, standardized, scientific and orderly. . If there is no rule of law and no rules, then management will be chaotic, and control will be lost. There is no guarantee for "people-oriented"; people-oriented, management regulations, rules and regulations, and power control will also make people passive, generate internal friction, and be difficult to control,
If you can't coordinate, people's enthusiasm will not be realized, and rules and regulations will lose their meaning.
In short, in the management of teachers, we must do everything possible to mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers, and give full play to the subjective initiative of teachers. It not only allows teachers to have a sense of accomplishment in their work, but also can fully devote themselves to the teaching of the school, and do their best for the improvement of the quality of education and teaching in the school.
Fifth, steadily improve the quality of teaching
1. Implementing regular teaching management Teaching routine management is the top priority of teaching management and a strong guarantee for improving teaching quality. In the new semester, we will continue to strengthen the process management of teachers from the aspects of collective lesson preparation, lecture evaluation, centralized training, homework teaching inspection, and teaching reflection teaching essay collection. Among them, the examination of the teaching plan of the operation classifies the teachers in the sub-disciplinary group, so that the teachers have a sense of competition, correct the working attitude, and start the usual work from the details.
2. Bringing into the classroom efficiency The most optimal use of classroom efficiency when teachers are in class is an important guarantee for improving teaching performance. Improving the efficiency of classroom teaching is more than just a question of teacher's teaching behavior. To quality in 40 minutes is not just a question of quality to teaching behavior. As far as classroom teaching itself is concerned, in addition to teaching behavior, there is also the attention to the development of students' psychology in teaching. This requires teachers to carefully prepare the teaching content before class, but also pay attention to the understanding of the academic situation.
We encourage teachers and teachers to communicate with students more closely, knowing that students have needs in those areas, so that the teaching organization in the classroom will be more targeted. At the same time, in the new semester, we ask teachers to organize student groups to cooperate and exchange learning as much as possible in the classroom, try to use "study-style" teaching, let students have autonomy in class, teachers only guide and let students become masters of learning.
3. Strengthen individual counseling In a class, students are inevitably exposed to one or the other because of their influence on factors such as IQ, EQ, acceptance, and family background. Because of the differences, we have to take care of everything in one class, so it is impossible for the whole class to achieve the expected teaching results. Therefore, according to the actual situation, we will continue to arrange individual counseling in the school in the new school year.
Individual tutoring is a useful supplement to classroom teaching. At the beginning of the semester, the last class of the afternoon is accompanied by a tutoring class. When attending the tutoring class, the teacher enters the classroom to provide targeted counseling to the students, and as far as possible, to achieve “day and day” for the students.
4. Implementation unit detection and analysis summary unit detection and analysis is an important means to test the quality of teaching, analyze and find problems, and adjust teaching in a timely manner. Our school requires the same level of teaching progress in the same subject of the same grade, and simultaneously implement unit testing to achieve timely detection, correction, and comment. After each end of the monthly examination, the teaching office will summarize in time, and the director of the grade level and the leaders in charge of each grade will organize the quality analysis meeting of the teachers of this grade in time to propose corresponding measures and strengthen the supervision of implementation. Each monthly test will also compare the number of students in the class and the ranking of each subject, so as to achieve dynamic management and strengthen teachers' competition awareness.
5. Implementing the teaching methods of teachers' basic skills training and solid basic teaching skills is an important way to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. To this end, according to the actual situation of teachers, our school has organized teachers to carry out "three strokes", "national language", "resource download", "courseware production", "multimedia application" and other skills. Special training.
VI. Grasping the Body and the Arts Work In the new academic year, we will fully implement the "School Sports Work Regulations", "School Health Work Regulations" and "Students' Health Standards" spirit, earnestly do a good job in the school's physical and aesthetic work, and cultivate students' good health. Habits to ensure the healthy development of students' physical and mental health. In combination with the actual situation of the school, strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization in schools and create a good environment for educating people. Improve the quality of education, enhance the physical quality of students, improve students' awareness of hygiene, and cultivate students' artistic talents. In order to improve the quality of teaching, we will create distinctive schools to promote the all-round development of students.
Seventh, steadily promote the integration of teaching resources after the integration of school districts "School integration, the state-controlled small country, the implementation of nine-year consistent system" is a new idea for the city to explore rural education reform in recent years. In the new school year, we will combine the actual situation of Mianshan Town to further withdraw one or two small schools and integrate teaching resources. A school district forms a whole from the national small to the middle of the country, with the central school as the center, unifiedly equipped with subject teachers, unified curriculum, unified student status management, and unified use of experimental instruments, forming a “relative concentration of management, overall planning of objectives, and implementation step by step. The management pattern of independent establishment of schools has truly strengthened the construction of weak schools and weak disciplines in rural areas, and the overall education level of Mianshan Town has been improved.
8. To play the management function of the small and medium-sized ministries, and steadily promote the all-round and rapid development of the work of the small and medium-sized countries. At the teaching work meeting in August last year, Deputy Director Wen Dayong clearly pointed out that "the city has implemented a nine-year system of management, and the state has added a responsible country." The small full-time vice-president, as the principal of the school, must grasp the big things, but must grasp the middle school, but should not ignore the national small, fully trust and use the full-time vice-president of the small country, give them a certain financial power, guarantee their work expenses, clear responsibility, It is necessary to combine the teaching work of the small country with the school-based teaching and research and their work assessment, give full play to their role, and do a good job in teaching the small section of the country."
There is a middle school in Mianshan Town Central School, and nine schools in the six school districts. The quality of teaching in the middle school is mainly captured by the principal. The quality of the teaching of the small country in the jurisdiction is the responsibility of the vice president. In order to strengthen the small management of countries, the Ministry of National Affairs has set up a teaching and research section to conduct unified management of all small businesses. Regularly organize examinations to organize examinations, and calculate scores to rank test scores.
In the new school year, we will further clarify the duties and powers of the leaders of the Ministry of State. Put forward clear rules and objectives for the work of the Ministry of State, and implement quantitative management of the target, so that the Ministry of State and the People's Republic of China under the leadership of the school's giant leadership to implement relatively independent management, the principal of the Ministry of State is responsible for the nine-year-old principal. The heads of state ministries and related personnel are required to be familiar with the characteristics of the work of the national ministry, the "curriculum standards" and textbooks of various disciplines, and then form a correct school-running idea that is suitable for the rapid development of the country and the medium- and long-term work goals of the ministry. Improve the responsibilities of each position, improve the management system of the state ministry, form a management system, and achieve refined and standardized management.
The above is the school work plan of our school's new school year.

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