Work Plan > Personal Work Plan

2019 National Small Brigade Work Plan

First, the guiding ideology:
During the semester, the Young Pioneers will continue to implement General Secretary Hu’s requirements for “hardworking, happy life, and all-round development” for children and young people. Work around the school center, promote quality education, fully implement and consciously practice the scientific development concept, and strive to build harmony. The activities, organization and cultural system of the Young Pioneers have comprehensively strengthened the ideological and moral education of children and adolescents, strengthened the cohesiveness of the Young Pioneers, served the healthy growth needs of young children, built a good system of work for the Young Pioneers, and worked hard to open up a new situation for the Young Pioneers in our school. Work is pushed to a new level.
Second, regular work to improve the students' ideological and moral education, improve the ideological quality of the young pioneers.
We will conscientiously implement the "Outline for the Implementation of Citizen's Moral Construction" and earnestly strengthen the ideological and moral education of children and adolescents. Through the implementation of the "Practitioners' Etiquette", "Standards' Daily Behavioral Norms", "Practitioners' Code of Conduct" and other campus practices, we strive to transform the basic principles of doing things and doing things into the inner qualities of children, and cultivate students to love nature, love others, and love themselves. The emotions of being a self-speaking instrument, polite to people, hard-working, socially ethical, and filial at home.
Continue to strengthen the development of behavioral norms.
1. Strengthen the inspection and supervision of daily behavioral habits, improve the quality of value and value, strengthen the quality of the two exercises, and encourage students to develop the basic qualities of standardization, order and obedience.
2. Standardize the flag-raising ceremony. Adhere to all the teachers and students standing on the solemn five-star red every Monday, listening to the speech under the national flag in the majestic national anthem, so that students receive patriotic education.
3. Carry out the red scarf escort action. The squadrons must formulate a escort convention, educate the team members to care for the campus environment, organize the escort team to conduct irregular inspections, and minimize the damage to the campus environment.
4. Continue to strengthen the legal system and safety education of the players. Through lectures, watching documentaries, and broadcasting, the team members will gradually strengthen their awareness of the legal system and self-prevention, and enhance their self-prevention ability.
5, continue to play the role of red scarf to supervise the post. The team members are required to manage and serve others independently, and the brigade department strengthens the management of the supervisory members.
6. Comprehend the spirit of the higher authorities and do a good job of uploading and disposing of the temporary work. Receive the files in time and report to the school leaders, understand the spirit of the archives, and conscientiously implement the plan to achieve fast and effective.
Third, specific work measures
1. Standardized behavior: Do not eat snacks and drinks on campus, advocate everyone to save pocket money, pay attention to environmental sanitation;
In the classroom, on the campus, at the school gate, see the waste paper, take the initiative to pick it up and throw it into the garbage bin; the classroom should be green, beautified, and artistic;
Classmates love and unite, do not fight, swear, promote polite language and Mandarin; each squadron should guide the team to carry out inter-class games and activities that are beneficial to physical and mental health, enrich the life between classes, reduce the occurrence of uncivilized behaviors such as slaps and dangerous games;
Advocate "three different, four belts and five no". "Three" means to say goodbye to rudeness, bid farewell to bad habits, and bid farewell to bad things; "four belts" bring ceremonies to the campus, bring smiles to the players, bring filial piety to the elders, and bring humility to the society; "five nos" That is, there is no trace on the ground, no paper scraps on the campus, no picture on the table and stool, no footprints on the walls, no swearing words.
2. The value week inspection requires that each class select several members with good moral character and strong organizational ability, and train them. To do; to behave in a civilized manner, to see the teacher to be voluntarily greeted; to assist the value-based teachers to do a good job of this week's record of going to school, inter-class, and to seek truth from facts. Classes and existing problems that have performed well this week will be announced in a timely manner, and the assessment will be conducted objectively and truthfully.
3. Do a good job of joining the team members.
This year is the 60th anniversary of the founding of the team. On October 13th, the brigade department will carry out the knowledge education for the first-year students before entering the team, including: paying attention to the taste, recognizing the "six knowledge"; operating the norms and learning the "five sessions."
4, to strengthen security, cherish life, the head teacher should combine the actual situation of our school to educate students on safety knowledge. Do not climb the building facilities, play in the dangerous places, and ensure the safety of the students.
The use of the team will provide students with safety knowledge education, enhance the safety and responsibility of teachers and students, and cultivate everyone's self-care ability.
Seriously do a good job in class quantification, and find problems in time to correct and report.
5. Taking advantage of major festivals to enrich campus culture
On October 1st, it is the 60th National Day of China. The squadrons organize students to listen to the elders in the long holidays and talk about the past. From the changes in life, life and life, and the changes in life, we have experienced tremendous development in China since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In the class, organize a squadron meeting on the theme of “Talking about the development of the motherland” and educate students on patriotism.
On November 27th, it was Thanksgiving Day. The squadrons organized students to understand the origins of Thanksgiving and appreciate the meaning of “gratefulness”. They guided students to express their gratitude to parents, teachers, elders, relatives, society, country, nature, earth, etc. in various forms. Train students to learn to be human and to be a caring and grateful person.
On December 26th, it was the anniversary of Mao Zedong’s birthday. Organizing Chairman Mao, your people miss you! The poetry reading contest to stimulate students’ respect and love for the great leader Chairman Mao.

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