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2019 Party Branch Work Plan Model

In accordance with the relevant requirements of the Party committee construction work of the county party committee, in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee, continuously improve the party's ability to govern, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of the party organization's battle bastion and party members, and promote the county's economy. Steady and rapid development provides strong ideas and political organization guarantees. The plan for the work of the Party branch of the 2019 is now formulated as follows:
1. Seriously carry out activities to study and practice the scientific development concept. In accordance with the deployment requirements of the central and provincial cities for carrying out in-depth study and practice of the scientific concept of development activities, closely focus on the overall work of the "three two one" project proposed by the municipal party committee, focusing on promoting economic development, improving people's lives, strengthening institutional construction, and promoting society. Harmony and other content, solidly carry out study and practice activities, further emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, reform and innovation, focus on changing the ideological concepts of party members and cadres who are not adapted to and not in line with the scientific concept of development, focus on solving outstanding problems affecting and restricting scientific development, and party members and cadres In the wind party discipline, the people have a strong reaction to the outstanding problems, and strive to build a land and resources management work system that is conducive to scientific development, and implement the scientific development concept to all aspects of land and resources management.
2. Grasp the regular education of party members in the organs and continuously improve the overall political and theoretical qualities of party members and cadres. Formulate learning plans, innovate learning forms, enrich learning methods, establish learning systems, educate party members and cadres for lifelong learning concepts, adopt “lead leadership leadership, expert and scholarly tutoring, study in their spare time, conduct training, concentrate on learning, work practice and transfer to chemistry The establishment of typical incentives and other forms, to stimulate the majority of party members and cadres to learn interest and learning motivation, enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of learning, while paying attention to the learning effect of the majority of party members and cadres in practical work. Each leading cadre will complete more than 10,000 words of study notes and write more than one article in the year.
3. Make full use of various activity carriers and strive to improve the service level of party branches. First, work around the city center, and take the work carried out by the party branch as the starting point and foothold for serving the overall economic development of the city, innovating work ideas, working methods and working mechanisms, and enhancing the initiative and consciousness of the party branch service center. Continue to carry out the “Best Practices in the Selection of Branches” and strive to create “Best Service Brands”. In combination with the actual situation, we will take an effective form and carry out the "five-send" activities in an in-depth manner, highlighting the theme of "being a heart and serving the grassroots", truly doing things for the people, doing good things, and effectively giving the party's warmth to the people. The second is to close the entry of party members, strictly follow the "16-character" policy of developing party members, strictly control the "entry barrier" of party members, and pay attention to the quality of party members. We will earnestly do a good job in the development of party members and education management, continue to implement the training system for development targets, develop a public notice system for party members, improve the dynamic management mechanism for party members and activists, and supplement the party's team with fresh blood at any time. The third is to establish and improve the leading mechanism for party building work in the government, implement the "first responsible person" system of the party branch secretary, and earnestly perform the "one post and two responsibilities". The branch secretary or other members of the team are party members and cadres and activists once or twice in the party class. . At the same time, we will do a good job in comprehensive management, the "five-five-year" law-enforcement work and confidentiality work to ensure that there are no major accidents during the year and to prevent the occurrence of confidentiality and theft.

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