Work Plan > Personal Work Plan

2019 University Organization Department Work Plan

1) As a new member of the organization department, I am very honored. First of all, I would like to thank the organization department for your trust and support. I solemnly promise here: "I will do my best to complete the tasks assigned to me by the school leaders and students. Become a modern and active group, become the school's right-hand man and the organization that the students trust." In study and work, I want to learn from the seniors, learn how to behave, how to solve some contradictions, how to coordinate the organization department. How to deal with the relationship between the organization and other departments, how to mobilize all the forces that can be united, how to deal with the contradiction between learning and work. I believe that I will further improve myself, improve my quality in all aspects, improve my enthusiasm for work, treat every thing with full enthusiasm and positive attitude, boldly innovate in work, forge ahead, and openly and eagerly The members learned to further expand the influence and authority of our organizational department.
2) The above is my determination as a member of the organization department. Below I will present my future work plan. There are three main aspects.
3) First of all, in order to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of our great Chinese nation, I plan to hold a meaningful event with the school and other departments. The theme of the event is “Welcome to the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China. The event is different from the past. This is an organized and disciplined activity. Its main purpose is to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and to be an outstanding student of Harbin University. We must mobilize all the forces that can be united to our campus and Weihai. The city government, the streets, the urban area, conduct a one-day thorough cleaning. The requirements of this event are: every student and leader involved, plain and simple, with a serious work attitude and enthusiasm. The main thing is that every participating team member must bring the school badge of our school.
4) First, we can enhance our physical fitness through this charity event;
5) Secondly, we can fully realize that the environment and we must live in harmony, so as to enhance the awareness of each participant in protecting the environment and make a due contribution to building a socialist “new” city with Chinese characteristics. contribution;
6) Third, we can strengthen the influence and authority of our school in Weihai through this activity.
7) Four, let every citizen see the passion and enthusiasm of our dragon's descendants.
8) Organization of each activity requires funding. We can apply with the school leaders and negotiate with other departments. For example, the requesting external department can provide us with certain funds. The “Broad Sky” club provides some convenient bicycles. The Calligraphy Association wrote some radical articles, and the street dance skating community went to the urban area to conduct charity performances, thereby increasing publicity and influence. At the same time, our organization department also had to do a good job in promoting the event, designing some posters, news writing, and internet services. Station and other publicity activities. This event is not only for every student in flashman and Harbin, but also for some people of insight outside the school. As long as they are caring, quality, and obeying the leadership of the party, they can fully absorb and love me. China's fine traditions. This is also a precious gift and sincere blessing dedicated to the 60th birthday of the great motherland.

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