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Summary of investment promotion work in the first half of the year and work plan for the second half of the year

Since the beginning of this year, the county party committee and county government have closely focused on the overall goal of “hard work for five or six years and strive to enter the top 100 counties”, closely follow the development theme, continuously innovate investment ideas, improve investment methods, expand investment promotion, and pay close attention to responsibility. To further improve and optimize the investment environment, the county's investment promotion work has maintained a good development trend and achieved new results in attracting investment.

First, the first half of the work summary

Overall situation

In the first six months of this year, the county introduced a total of 75 projects, the actual funds in place of 890 million yuan, of which more than 10 million projects in place of 490 million yuan, completed 60% of the annual task, achieved more than half of the time, more than half of the task. The key investment projects for the new construction this year include: “Four hundred” project, the new multi-functional plastic film project of Qiluweisu Group, the bagged infusion production line project of Hualu Pharmaceutical Company, and the new synthetic infusion of Hualu Pharmaceutical Company. The bag production project, Xinleweisu's new annual production of 100,000 tons of sulfuric acid project, Xinleweisu compound fertilizer project, Meida Textile Company computer embroidery project, 1200m commercial pedestrian street development project.

Main practice

1. Revise the file and redeem the policy. In the first half of this year, we organized a mobilization meeting for the investment promotion of the whole county, which was attended by various townships, counties, and enterprises. The original investment promotion assessment method, assessment rewards and punishments, and encouragement of foreign investment preferential policies were revised. Perfect, for the project referees in 2004 to reward the cash in accordance with the policy, to the advanced individuals emerging in the investment promotion work to give a big commendation. Through the implementation and fulfillment of preferential policies and incentive policies, investors are encouraged to give incentives to attract investors, forming a good situation for the whole county to discuss investment, want to attract investment, and actively engage in investment promotion work, which laid the foundation for the development of the whole year. solid foundation.

First, continue to implement the "number one project." The work is dispatched to the “top leader” and the rewards and punishments are honored to the “number one”. The second is to decompose the target task. In the county's target assessment method, the proportion of investment promotion work in various work has been increased, and all units have been encouraged to incorporate investment promotion into their daily work scope. Townships, departments and enterprises are generally felt that investment promotion is duty-bound, and the county party members, cadres and employees are pushed to the front line of investment promotion. The third is to honor the reward. At the beginning of each year, the awards were given to the referrals of investment promotion, and the advanced individuals emerging in the investment promotion work were commended and praised, which greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of all levels and departments to attract investment and negotiate investment. The fourth is to strengthen dispatch and strengthen supervision. Adhere to the implementation of the "one-third" working mechanism, monthly scheduling, quarterly notification, half-year observation and evaluation, year-end reward and punishment system.

2. Initially established a system for key investment projects at the county level.

In order to further promote the effective and effective development of investment promotion activities, the county-level leadership subcontracting key investment project system was initially established, and the whole process of investment promotion was implemented. All new key industrial projects are started by a county-level dry part, and the leaders in charge are set up offices on the construction site to make the construction site where the leader is moved, and to ensure that 2/3 is taken out. The above energy is placed on the project construction. At least once a month, the project progress scheduling meeting will be held to listen to the leaders of the key projects and the report of the company's key personnel, analyze the problems, study the countermeasures, help solve the practical difficulties and problems encountered in the progress of the project, and urge the enterprises to speed up the project construction.

3. Constantly break through new investment fields

This year, through continuous expansion of the investment promotion field, we have achieved new breakthroughs in attracting investment in agriculture, commerce, urban construction and other fields. In agriculture, we have introduced the pollution-free production and industrialization development project of the round bell jujube. The total investment of the project is 10 million yuan, and the capital of 5.2 million yuan has been put in place. In the field of trade and commerce, we have attracted 6 large supermarkets such as Shanghai Hualian Supermarket, Shanghai Lianhua Supermarket and Zhejiang Zhongda Furniture Shopping Mall. In terms of urban construction and development, we have completed the construction of a large number of investment projects including Jidong Water Diversion, Zaoxiang Street, Zhenxing Road Development, People's Square, Natural Gas Pipeline Network and Miramar Hotel.
4. The small group group investment and network investment have achieved remarkable results.

Since the beginning of this year, our county has seized the opportunity of investing in developed cities in the south, and gradually stepped away from the small group, multi-batch, and professional outbound investment activities. It has been led by county-level leading comrades more than 20 times, signed 26 contract projects, and the contractual investment amount is 850 million yuan, of which 18 projects have started construction. Since April this year, we took the Liaocheng online trade fair as an opportunity to concentrate our efforts and organize them to achieve a new breakthrough in online investment promotion. Since the opening of the conference, more than 1,000 people have been interviewed online, and 13 cooperation intentions have been reached. The field visits by foreign businessmen to our county have reached more than 20 people.
5. Combine investment promotion with recruiting talents and introduce a group of professional managers and professional and technical personnel. After introducing six Korean engineers and technicians, Xinxin Aluminum Company improved its production process, and its product quality and quality improved rapidly, and it entered the Korean market.

Second, the existing problems

Since the beginning of this year, although we have made arduous efforts in attracting investment and achieved certain results, there are still some problems, which are highlighted in:

1. The investment structure is not optimized enough. Some investment projects have too low a threshold, the investment structure is not reasonable, and the problem of low-level redundant construction is more prominent, which is not conducive to the formation of industrial agglomeration benefits. There are certain breakthroughs in the introduction of sharp, high and external projects, but the number is small and the technical content is relatively low.

2. The environment and services need to be further optimized. Individual units and a small number of government cadres also have problems of weak service awareness, weak overall concept, low work efficiency, and inadequate service commitments and preferential policies.

3. The phenomenon of the absence of the main body in the work of attracting investment is still outstanding. Although all levels and departments actively operate organizations to attract investment, most enterprises are not aware of investment attraction, have poor initiative, lack the motivation mechanism for attracting investment, and lack awareness of openness and market competition.

4. Enterprise financing difficulties. The follow-up role of industrial policies and credit policies in the regulation of the state's giants makes it difficult for enterprises to lend and has fewer financing channels, which makes it more difficult for funds to be put in place and the introduction of projects.

Third, the next step is to work

We will continue to improve the investment environment and strive to build a strong magnetic field for attracting investment.

First, we must start from the outstanding problems affecting investment and development, take the innovation mechanism and improve the system as a breakthrough, and effectively implement the system of first-question responsibility system, time-limited system, complaint acceptance system, etc.; transform government functions, simplify examination and approval matters and procedures. Improve service levels. The second is to carry out "integrity" throughout the various aspects of investment promotion. Whether it is the competent leader or the general cadre, the policy is thoroughly adopted at the beginning of the contact, and the commitment is cautious; after signing the contract, the policy should be implemented and the commitment should be fulfilled. Adhere to administration according to law, increase the openness of government affairs, improve the transparency of government work, and promote the improvement and optimization of the investment environment. The third is to establish a strong pro-business awareness, improve administrative efficiency, improve service quality, consistently do a good job in various environmental construction, and strive to create a fair and competitive market environment for the merchants, a fair legal environment, a stable policy environment and efficient services. The environment will enable the introduction of projects to be quickly put into production and put into effect. Fourth, all relevant departments should lay down their shelves, sink their bodies, strengthen their service functions, and effectively go deep into the enterprises that have settled in, conduct visits and investigations, and truly help enterprises coordinate and solve some problems. At the same time, it is imperative to do what is necessary, and to implement the various preferential policies for attracting investment, so that investors can get real benefits and truly realize the investment in good faith in the early stage of the project. In the mid-term of the project, the high-quality service will attract investment, and the project will attract investment in a good environment in the later stage of the project. The fifth is to increase the regular supervision, dispatch and inspection of investment promotion. It is necessary to timely coordinate and solve problems encountered during the project introduction process through the form of project dispatch meeting and on-site office meeting.

Do a good job in the construction of key investment projects. First, focus on the main forces and increase the construction of the “four hundred” project, focusing on the second phase of 600,000 tons of alumina projects, investing 150 million yuan of liquid alkali projects, and investing 200 million tons of 2 million tons of cement projects. Second, we will do a good job in Hualu Pharmaceutical's synthetic bagged infusion device project, Xinfa Xutai's alloy aluminum and electrical switch project, and Cinda's annual production capacity of 1 million tons of alloy iron production, and promote its completion as soon as possible. The third is to increase efforts and seize the construction of 1200 meters commercial pedestrian street.

Taking small group group investment as the main method, we will gradually expand the results of overseas investment promotion. First, with Xinxin Aluminum Company as the window, expand exchanges and cooperation with South Korea, and strive to introduce a batch of industrial aluminum processing projects in Korea. Second, we must do a good job in the construction of the fastener park, and strive to have more than five fastener companies at the end of the year. The third is to further expand exchanges and exchanges with Wenzhou, Xiaoshan, Ningbo and other places, to build Zhejiang Industrial Park, and strive to make several projects such as pesticide, cement and stainless steel production settled in Fuping.

Do everything possible to solve the difficult problem of restricting foreign investment. First, break through the bottleneck of land use and create space for investment. We will revitalize the stock of land, make good use of the existing idle land, and use the abandoned land. In accordance with the principle of levying the right to rent, renting, and trading the stocks, we should solve the land problem and ensure the construction of investment projects. The second is to break through the financing bottleneck and service project construction. Through the establishment and improvement of the credit guarantee system and credit evaluation system, we will enhance the credibility of enterprises, do everything possible to obtain credit support from the financial sector, and actively strive for a series of funds and support funds from the state, provinces and municipalities to support the development of SMEs.

We will vigorously introduce various talents and upgrade the grades and levels of existing enterprises. Select a part of MDF and aluminum processing enterprises as a pilot, and focus on introducing a group of professional managers and senior technical workers from Zhejiang and Guangdong to carry out joint ventures, cooperation or entrusted operations, and use their advanced management concepts and production techniques to enhance our management level. And product grades, seize the market's highest point, and expand the impact of Zhangping in the province and the country.

In short, the situation of investment promotion in our county is still very serious this year, but it also faces opportunities and challenges, and it requires creative work. We believe that with the strong leadership of the county party committee and the county government and the joint efforts of the whole county, this year's investment promotion work will certainly achieve new breakthroughs.

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