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Kindergarten class summary

Kindergarten class summary

Time is rushing, blink of an eye, the end of the semester is over. Looking back on this semester, there is bitterness, success, and happiness. The bitterness is from the hands of the parents is a small face, I heard a cry, "teacher, I want to go home" "I want a mother" ... children never want to go to school to be happy In kindergartens, I don’t want to eat myself until I eat it. I love eating from picky food to all kinds of food. I never wear clothes to learn to wear myself. I never dare to participate in activities until I want to show my hands in front of the group... In this, it includes how much effort the teachers have, and of course, the support and cooperation of the parents. This is the cumbersomeness of our small class teacher. In a short semester, the children have such a big change, can the teacher be uncomfortable? Can the teacher not give the group a little thumbs up? Can the parents not Saying "Small class teacher is really hard"? With that warm heart, our small class teachers are harder and harder to add value! But while seeing the harvest we have worked hard, we have also found many deficiencies. Place, let me briefly review the work of this semester:

First, stabilize the mood of young children, help children adapt to the life of kindergartens as soon as possible, and cultivate good living habits for children.

At the beginning of the new semester, for small class children, this semester is the first time that these three-year-old children formally contacted kindergartens and teachers. For the first time, they left their parents and lived and studied in a strange environment. Unfamiliar teachers and friends came together, and they were difficult to adapt physically and psychologically, which caused emotional instability. On the first day of school, the children cried and cried, making us The two teachers are helpless, but we are faced with the children's incompatibility. We try to divert their attention, build blocks and play games with them. Gradually, our love appeases those children with emotional instability. After a month, the children are basically happy to come to the park, and the mood is also stable. Most of the children can still say hello to the teacher under the guidance of the teacher. They are willing to get along with their companions and lay a favorable foundation for future teaching and life. In the case of most children's emotional stability, in order to enable children to live and learn in the park better, we use various opportunities to carry out regular education, so that children can learn basic self-care ability in the collective, such as: washing their hands and washing their hands. After wiping your hands with a towel, gargle after a meal, etc., cultivate their good living habits. Through this semester of education and help, children can now live and study independently in kindergartens. With the help and encouragement of teachers, they are also happy to learn and try their own things. By the end of the semester, this group Children have made great progress in their living ability, living habits and hygiene habits: they have been able to use their own small towels and small cups correctly and will eat for themselves.

Point, under the supervision of the teacher, you can still do serious and not talk, the bad habits of picky and waste are also made significant progress under the supervision and education again and again; every child is quieted by the teacher's comfort and accompaniment. The habit of taking a nap is also trying to learn self-service before and after nap; under the collective education, the young child also knows that he should be a child who is hygienic, wash his hands before and after meals, rinse his mouth after meals, and throw waste into the trash can. and many more.

Second, in the education and teaching, promote the development of all aspects of young children.

1. Strengthen the training of classroom routines

Good classroom routine is also a reflection of the class style of the class. In the regular training of the classroom, we have made two points: asking the children to face the teacher and quietly attend classes. Develop a good habit of raising your hand in class. On the one hand, we attach importance to and emphasize classroom routines in daily teaching activities, and correct bad behavior habits in a timely manner. On the other hand, we often carry out some appraisal activities, for children who have progressed and performed well in class, stick to the five-pointed star, and please show good children to do small class. Through continuous encouragement, the classroom routine of our class has been greatly improved. The class has been carefully listened to, boldly spoken, and there have been fewer speeches and shortfalls.

2, starting from the children's interests and needs, using the story to develop the language of young children.

Through the observation of children's daily life and learning, we found that the children in the class especially like to listen to the story, every time the story is told, the classroom is silent. Therefore, we often tell young children stories with simple plots and clear roles, cultivate their feelings of concern, sympathy, likes and dislikes, guide them to feel some beautiful language in some stories, and encourage children to boldly tell stories. After a semester of hard work, some young children have been able to tell the story. As a result, the ability to express language has also been improved.

3. Cultivate their strong and courageous qualities in sports activities.

With the advent of the cold winter, many young children have delayed their time in the park. Some children always put their hands in their sleeves even when they came to the kindergarten. In response to this situation, we have educated young children in a timely manner and ensured the time of outdoor activities every day. Through some sports activities, on the one hand, children can feel various ways to warm themselves, on the other hand, through the practice of walking, running, jumping, climbing and drilling

The body of the child is a vegetarian. In addition, we have strengthened our brave education in sports to cultivate their strong qualities.

Third, strengthen the creation of the theme wall, making it a platform for teachers and children to interact.

As the theme of the teaching changes, we change the theme wall in a timely manner. In the process of creation, we constantly explore new ideas, pursue a bright spot every time, and insist on the creation theme of “the theme wall is the interactive platform for teachers and children”. The teachers have carefully designed and participated in the children’s personal participation. Every time the children will proudly announce to the parents: This is what I painted! Hey! We arranged the classroom with the teacher so beautifully.

Fourth, strive to do a good job of parents, build a bridge of friendship between homes.

As the saying goes, "A hard work, a harvest." There is no bile and liver, what is the heart of the heart? Without the cooperation of parents, where can we achieve? After the school, we communicate with parents through various ways and channels. For example, we will use the parents to pick up the children to come to the park to exchange the children's recent performances in the park and at home, exchange experiences and explore effective and effective educational methods; we will publicize some parenting experiences to parents through the parent bar every week. Knowledge, or notice of activities to get parental cooperation. In addition, the new parents are always eager to see the children's performance in the park, to fully understand the children's life and learning, in order to meet the parents' ideas, and let parents better understand the support of our work, at the beginning of the school, we also Take pictures of the children's daily life and show them to them when they open the parent meeting, so that they can feel the changes after the children enter the park. We also conduct home visits in a timely manner to discuss with our parents the performance of children at home and to communicate with some homes. In order to shorten the distance with parents as much as possible, we smile to the parents and let the parents feel a kind of affinity. For the problems with the children, we always report to the parents and then euphemistically put forward the child's attention points and parents.

In addition, in the Double Ninth Festival, we also carried out the parent-child activities of respecting the elderly and loving the elderly. This activity was strongly supported by the parents. Through the parent-child activities of the grandparents and grandchildren, not only did the children know that the Double Ninth Festival was the festival of the elderly, but also in the mind. I have left a deep imprint of my love for Ah Gong, and cultivated their love for the old and the old.

The above is my review of this semester. I reviewed the bits and pieces of this semester. Although we have done a lot of work and gained some gains, we know that there are still many shortcomings, such as: the children’s routine Unsatisfactory, there are still many phenomena in class. In terms of lunch, some children are still more picky. The performance of children in health is not satisfactory. After dinner, children wipe their mouths and mouths often forget, always ask teachers. Reminders, etc., all of which are waiting to be continuously explored and continuously strengthened in our future work.

In short, the intense and busy work will come to an end, let us face the above deficiencies in the future work, and study the spirit of the "Outline" in depth, starting from the children, doing all the work carefully, so that our The aspects will be higher in the coming year!

Kindergarten class summary

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it’s been a semester. Looking back on this semester, although it’s very busy, it’s very fulfilling and enjoyable. With the solidarity and cooperation of our two teachers, the children are constantly improving and teaching. It is also basically perfect, summarized as follows:

First, the situation analysis

I have 30 people in my class. There are 29 young children, 16 boys and 13 girls. There are several children who took time off after various reasons. After this semester of study and life, the children have made different degrees of progress on their own basis. During this semester, we pay special attention to the cultivation of each child's life ability, such as wearing shoes, buttoning, pulling and dressing. Their self-care ability is also improving, and love labor is particularly active. There are mainly advantages and disadvantages in the following aspects:

Advantage performance:

1. Most of my class children are more cheerful, lively, and happy. They can actively interact with people and are willing to express their feelings in various ways.

2, curiosity, willing to perform. I like to help the teacher to do things and dare to be a little teacher.

3, especially like game activities, the curiosity of the game is particularly strong, like to explore, love brains.

4. Entering the middle school semester, the awareness of the rules of the children in my class is further enhanced. Most children can realize that they have grown up, knowing to help others, and knowing the difference.

5, very polite to people, people who know each other will say hello, and are very happy to help others.

Weak performance

1. There are some young children in the class who have a little shy performance in front of strangers.

At the same time, the damage of books in this semester is serious, and some children have poor reading habits. In the next semester, they need to further develop good habits for children to read.

, teaching objectives and specific measures

In this semester, I worked as a class teacher in the middle class, teaching art in language and math activities. Basically got the goal.

science field

1. Interested in the phenomenon of things around, curiosity and curiosity.

2, can use a variety of senses, manually brain to explore the problem.

3, can use appropriate methods to express the process and knot of communication exploration

4, love animals and plants, care about the surrounding environment, get close to nature, cherish the word heat according to resources, have a preliminary environmental awareness

5, know 5 to 8 species of animals and plants, can understand their living habits.

Health field

1, good health, emotional stability in the collective life.

2, the health of living has been greatly improved, and the ability to take care of themselves has increased a lot.

3, know the necessary safety and health knowledge, protect yourself in outdoor activities, and like to participate in sports activities.

4, have a good schedule, sleep habits, eating habits. It is a good habit to cultivate food that is not picky eaters.

Language field

1, like language activities, can politely interact with people in language.

2, can be willing to talk with people, pay attention to listening to others, can clearly say what they want to say, can communicate with people in Mandarin

3, can feel the beauty of the language, the content of beauty understands the content of the story.

4, can recognize 50 Chinese characters, will write 20, the children's songs in the book can basically recite. Like to read pictures and tell stories.

Mathematical field

1, like mathematics, understand the meaning of the number, the basic ability to perceive the distribution of the numbers within 10. The relative size of the number. Especially the double and singular masters are particularly good. There is a lot of interest.

2. Perceive the relationship between mathematics and your own life, and appreciate the importance and fun of mathematics.

3, can understand the common patterns in life.

4, can count 1---50, will write 1--20.

Social field

1, can feel that they have grown up and experience the joy of growth.

2, I believe that I can do what I can, and I can finish one thing from beginning to end. Also like to help others.

3, willing to participate in labor, will clean up the toys and their own living items. Can care for helping companions and younger siblings.

4, can know some simple security awareness and signs.

Art field

1, the initial feelings and like the environment, the artistic beauty of life, like to participate in art activities, and boldly express their emotions.

2, can use a variety of senses to appreciate the main features of songs, dance, painting, hand-made and other works of art.

3, will sing all the songs taught by the teacher. And with dance moves, especially like art. During the semester, our two teachers worked very well together. Through the education and experience of the teachers, they also learned a lot of things and improved their teaching. I often reflect on my own shortcomings, hoping to do my best, and I hope to continue to work hard in the next semester. At the same time, I also hope that there is something in my class that needs improvement. I ask the directors to give their opinions immediately.

Second, the parents work

The family is an important partner for kindergartens. In the principle of respect, equality and cooperation, we should strive for the understanding, support and active participation of parents, and actively support and help parents improve their educational capabilities. In the spirit of this kind of guiding ideology, we contacted our work in the home garden, paid attention to communication and understanding with parents, and timely transmitted our educational philosophy to the parents from the secret network. We held a parent meeting to let parents Understand the education plan of this semester, the situation of children in the park; on the other hand, discuss the experience of early childhood education with parents, and bring us closer to the distance between parents and parents. In addition, we use the time of parents to pick up children in the morning and evening, home school, home The contact book and other means communicate with the parents. We give timely answers to the questions raised by the parents, and with the support and cooperation of the parents, the activities of our class can be carried out smoothly and effectively.

Three|, lack of existence and direction of efforts

After a semester of hard work, the children in our class have developed in various aspects, the knowledge is rich, and the independence is enhanced, but there are also deficiencies:

1. Individual children have a picky eating phenomenon. Some children are not focused on eating, and the speed is slow. The eating habits still need to be improved.

2. The thinking is not open, and the child's imagination and creativity cannot be better played.

3. Strengthen the observation and guidance of special children and cultivate children's awareness of “self-management”.

In the next semester, we need to let the children know more about the new things with the help of the parents, so as to grow the knowledge of the children. With the goal of the advancement, coupled with everyone's efforts, I believe that children can grow stronger and healthier, and tomorrow we will create more brilliant sunshine!

4. At the same time as summing up, I also established the direction of my efforts for myself:

1. Strengthen your own training, pay attention to the cultivation of children's abilities, and improve their ability of random education.

2. Improve the level of theoretical and scientific research.

3, work hard in teaching, and strive to make the children in the class have greater progress on the basis of the original.

The society is developing, and the times are advancing. As a responsible educator, we must do our job with due diligence and self-responsibility with high sensitivity and consciousness to complete the sacred historical mission we shoulder. On the road of teaching and educating people, I I paid for sweat and tears. However, what I harvested was the fullness and the heavy emotions. I love the education of early childhood education. I also deeply appreciate the lofty work of preschool education, the greatness of responsibility, and the experience in practical work. In short, this semester, I am trying my best to do my job. But in the work, it is inevitable that there will be deficiencies. I will improve it in the future work, develop strengths and circumvent weaknesses, continue to work hard, do a good job, and strive to be better. On the first floor! I will dedicate my most precious love to the children. I believe that today's flower buds will be blooming, and tomorrow will be able to bloom beautiful flowers.

Kindergarten class summary

Education In my teaching, I know that to improve the quality of teaching, the key is to take good classes. In order to take a good class, I prepare every class. Do your own teaching drawings and teaching tools. Understand the quality of the children's original knowledge and skills, their interests, needs, methods, habits, difficulties in learning new knowledge, and take appropriate measures. Pay attention to all young children, pay attention to individual education, keep it relatively stable, and at the same time stimulate children's emotions, make children have a happy mood and create a good classroom atmosphere. Actively participate in open classes and various competitions. Look at books that are helpful to the business, and constantly expand the knowledge to inject new vitality into the teaching content. 1. In the education and teaching activities, create good opportunities and conditions for young children and provide sufficient operational materials. According to the age characteristics of the children in the class, the various sensory perceptions are fully mobilized to recognize and grasp the characteristics and attributes of the objects in the process of participating in the activities. In the day-to-day activities, pay attention to teaching children to have shallow, simple life knowledge and experience, and to develop the ability of children to solve problems independently. 2. Prepare lessons carefully in education and teaching activities, and do a good job in material preparation and knowledge preparation before class. Pay attention to the theory throughout the teaching practice, be good at summing up experience, and write an educational essay every month to improve your ability and writing ability. 3. In the teaching, we must deal with the child's dominant position and the dominant position of the teacher. In a variety of ways, we guide the children to participate in the activity with interest, and take the initiative to learn, better teach students according to their aptitude, and teach the students to seriously understand the new outline. "spirit. 4. Fill in the weekly and monthly plans and various forms carefully. 5. Do a good job in the case records of special children, so that there are analysis, goals, records, and feedback. 6. Organize all aspects of education and teaching activities according to the objectives, contents and requirements of the activities, ensure the daily game activities and outdoor activities of the children, provide materials for children's activities, and better cultivate the children's comprehensive development ability.

In the daily life, the childcare work guides the child to understand the relationship between the child and the group, let the child know that he is a member of the group, and is willing to participate in the group activity. Educate young children to care for the collective, caring for their peers, and being polite. Conduct moral education for young children so that young children can develop good children with morality, wisdom and courtesy, and keep close contact with parents, listen to parents' opinions, and teach children according to their performances at home, because they teach, and parents Correct the bad habits of young children together. 1. Strengthen the daily development education of young children, strengthen the training and training of children's various behavior habits, and make the children's living habits and study habits have a certain development on the original basis. 2, do a good job in the environmental sanitation work of the class garden, so that there is no dust, paper scraps on the ground, the windows are clear, and the bedding is clean and comfortable. 3. Strict health care system, according to the system requirements, all kinds of play and utensils should be carefully cleaned and disinfected to ensure the sanitary and safe use of play and utensils. Actively cooperate with kindergarten health doctors to do disease prevention and vaccination work. 4. Strengthen the health awareness of young children and ensure that children have a good mood when eating. Pay attention to cultivating children's good eating habits, not picky eaters, not partial eclipse, do not make a speech when eating, do not drop rice. 5, diligently cut nails for children, to avoid the occurrence of a safety accident. Pay attention to the different destructive behaviors of the children, the teacher will give timely stop, and conduct random education. 6. Through the joint cooperation of the class teachers, the body and health of the children are well developed.

Safe work safety is one of the most important tasks. It is the responsibility and responsibility of every teacher to protect the physical safety of every child. In order to reassure parents and let them live and grow in a safe environment, I have done the following: 1. Teach children some safety. Knowledge strengthens children's safety awareness and self-care ability. Do not swallow foreign bodies, do not play with fire, water, electricity, do not jump from high places, do not climb high places, do not eat things of strangers, do not go with strangers, when there is danger, will cry out for help. 2, strict morning inspection system, do not allow children to bring unsafe items into the park. Manage the medicines of sick children and prevent them from taking the wrong medicine. 3. Strengthen the management of all aspects of the day's activities, strengthen the management of children's daily life, and make people feel attentive to prevent accidents.

Parents work 1, actively and cordially communicate with parents. I made full use of the morning and after school hours to communicate with parents to let parents know about their children's presence in the park. 2. Use the home contact book and telephone to access. This has made me more aware of the situation of young children at home, so that I can carry out the teaching of young children in a targeted manner, and also promote my mutual understanding with parents and make the relationship closer. 3. Let parents participate in my work. In the theme teaching activities, I launched an open day event to let parents come to the park to observe the children and work together with the children to complete a job that not only promotes my relationship with the parents, but also allows parents to better understand my work. Close contact with parents of special children, so that the records get better results and really help the children. 4. Do a good job in home visits for most young children, keep abreast of the development of young children, develop appropriate educational measures, and record home visits. Better achieve home synchronization education. 5. Communicate closely with parents to publicize kindergarten maintenance tasks and scientific parenting knowledge, improve parents' and society's understanding and understanding of early childhood education, and cooperate with kindergartens to do well in education. In short, this semester is very busy and very tired, and the harvest is certainly not small. I enjoyed the joy of harvesting at work and found some problems in my work. In the future work, I should constantly learn new knowledge, strive to improve my thoughts and business ethics, boldly innovate teaching methods, and learn the teaching experience of old teachers. Strengthen moral education for young children, strengthen routine education for children, and pay attention to the cultivation of young children's own abilities. And close contact with parents to achieve home synchronization. Work together with the teachers in the class to determine the theme of educational activities. Choose the form and method of activity that matches the age of the child. In accordance with the teaching activities, students are taught according to their aptitude, and individual education is given to individual children. We will work hard to improve our thinking and business ethics, actively conduct special research, and actively participate in various competition learning activities, and strive to do better in the future!

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