Work Summary > Class Work Summary

Summary of class work in the last semester of 2012-2013 school year

The busy semester has passed like this. Looking back at the class management path that has passed, there are gains, achievements, and regrets. Whether it is harvesting or lacking, it is a fortune to guide future work. Now summarize them as follows: Because I personally advocate the education of people-oriented and human nature, I also take students as the basis in the class management, so that students can learn to learn independently and cooperatively; learn to be independent and cooperate with each other, and mobilize everything in class. Positive factors.

First, the class situation

The first 231 class is a new class that has just been formed under the guidance of the concept of “standard fairness, fair number of people, fairness of men and women”. There are 42 students, including 27 males and 15 females; 20 in the 100 grades, 15 in 200 to 300, 4 in 100 to 200, and 3 in the top 100; Divorced families account for almost half. Most of the parents are individual work, and the overall level is low. In particular, there are more students with poor behavioral habits.

Second, the main methods and measures

1. Grasp behavioral habits.

The behavioral norms and good habits of student performance are not enough. Mainly from these aspects: self-study, queuing in class is more noisy, especially some boys are too slow, collective ideas are lacking. There are basically many cases because discipline and health work are not done well. It also affects the honor of a class and class . In response to these unsatisfactory performances, I stepped up my reminders and conducted a collective awareness education. With the use of class meetings, I have also added some examples of collective cooperation, unity among students, and mutual help. There are also students who have very poor self-control, such as Wang Nanxiang, to conduct more patient education and analyze the seriousness of the problem. One person represents the collective and guides them to make mistakes. In addition, we strengthen the seriousness of the system, learn the rules and regulations of the school and the rules and regulations of the class , and require every student with a strict system.

2, cultivate a good study style

The main task of the students is to learn, especially in class, to establish the concept of quality in the classroom, and to cultivate their ideas of “learning to learn independently, cooperative learning; learning to be independent and cooperative management”, to mobilize all positive factors in the class , and to fully contribute. Go to the "I want to learn for me, I want to learn". Train students to respect the teachers and carry out competitions to create a good learning environment. Conducted a school-study exchange program to introduce students to the advanced experience of some outstanding students.

3. Develop personality training expertise

Use every opportunity to develop students. This semester, we have a sports meeting. Before I mobilized, I asked each student to start from the overall situation, consider the class honor, give full play to their individuality, actively prepare, actively participate, and finally won the third grade. Good grades. In addition, in the process of class environment setting, the students' ingenuity is fully utilized, and the class slogans are determined. Students have a guide to action and have developed themselves.

Third, there are problems

The mentality is not peaceful enough. When doing some work, it tends to be a bit emotional, especially when I want to do it well. I have failed because some methods and measures have been improperly taken, but I am not rational enough. I gave up without analyzing or even improving. Sometimes students do not perform well in some work or competitions. I did not conduct good analysis and encouragement. I was only depressed and disappointed. It affected my mood and affected the enthusiasm of my work. Therefore, I must adjust my mentality in a timely manner, face students with a positive and optimistic attitude, face teaching work and class work. In the future, I must pay more attention to the shortcomings in these areas, strengthen my individuality, and often remind myself in the future work, to stop swearing, not to form inertia, to learn lessons, change myself, and strive for progress!

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