Work summary > work summary essay

Summary of 2015 class work

Class work summary

Looking back, I don’t think it’s the end of the school year. Looking at the past academic year, as a class-level study committee member, the work of this year is always visible in front of the eyes. Since entering the Liaoning special division, I have learned a lot since entering the 06 English class, and I have felt a lot. However, it is less than half a month to end the work of the class study committee of this school year. Looking back at the road that I have traveled this year, the footprints that are left behind or deep or shallow, are not only full of joy, It is also full of bitterness. I have learned a lot in the work of a school year. Now I will summarize the work of this school year as follows:

Learning articles

As a class committee member, I have the most feelings about my work:

Collect teaching dynamics. In many cases, the teacher can't deal with so many students directly. The study committee is a bridge between the teacher and the students. The school committee should promptly and practically put forward the suggestions and questions of the students to the professional teachers; Understand the professional setting of the curriculum, and report the assessment of the quality of the teaching of the students, etc., so that the instructor can answer the questions of the students.

Entertainment articles

While studying, you must not ignore entertainment. Since my class is more active, entertainment has always been good. In this school year, organized by the class committee, lead everyone to go to summer tour; and share the happiness of the Dragon Boat Festival with everyone; not long ago, my class also held a "Happy Grand Fitness" activity, the students played together on the playground Badminton, kicking, playing games. These fun and exciting activities not only can exercise and strengthen the system, but also provide a platform for everyone's communication, establish friendship between students and strengthen the cohesiveness of the class.

In short, in the class work of a school year, I know how to implement various tasks, how to effectively work with the class committee, how to communicate with students and improve their enthusiasm for learning, and carry out rich class activities. Of course, there are still many shortcomings in my work. Sometimes I can't get everyone's response, and everyone does not actively support. I think I will make further corrections in my future class work. Even if I am no longer a class committee, I can still communicate with you as an ordinary student, and all the members of the 06 English class will build my class into a good style. Work hard in class.

I am grateful to the 06 English class for giving me a platform to show myself, exercise myself and improve myself. Here, I sincerely hope that we can work together to build a good style of study style. At the same time, I also hope that every student can take the English class of Liaoning Special Teacher 06, from the new starting point of Liaoning Special Teacher, and finally find their own. The sky, flying wings!

After a semester of work and study, each member who has not learned well has been well trained, and both in terms of understanding and action have improved.

Finally, I wish you all a good grade in the final exam!!

Class work summary

The three teachers in my class are well aware of the importance of safety work and do not spare the effort to do safe work. The safety education work is summarized as follows:

First, the conversation leads, the teachers and children jointly formulate rules and abide by the rules.

We have carried out a series of behavioral rules activities and safety theme activities, and use the unexpected events in daily life to discuss with children and jointly formulate behavior rules, so that the rules of behavior are accepted by young children and develop the habit of obeying rules.

Second, strictly implement the sanitation and safety disinfection system.

1. The classroom and dormitory are ventilated and kept clean daily, and closed for half an hour after closing the window;

2. Ensure the safety and hygiene of the tables and chairs;

3. Clean and disinfect toys every week;

4. Ensure that the children's cups and towels are cleaned and disinfected daily;

5. Prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases in a timely manner.

Third, when outdoor activities, remind children to ask for activities, pay attention to safety. Check the safety of the event site, eliminate unsafe factors in time, ensure the safety of young children, find that the large toys have loose screws, report in time, and eliminate hidden dangers in time to ensure the safety of young children.

Fourth, through the mark, carry out subtle education.

Create "electrical, do not touch", "do not touch the plug switch", "small voice" and other icons, prompt the child: be careful of electric shock, do not play plug switch, whisper, protect the scorpion.

Fifth, the cooperation of homes, make full use of home columns, class blogs, publicize safety education to parents, reach a consensus on homes, and resonate.

6. Learn the necessary self-help common sense.

Learn to dial the special phone number correctly: 110, 119, 120, learn the correct presentation of difficulties, get rescued. Learn simple self-help skills and learn from self-help through fire drills. Can recite the parent's phone number, home address, etc.

7. Use children's songs and stories to introduce children to play safety, ride safety, traffic rules, etc.

Eight, pay attention to the details of young children, educate young children not to do dangerous things.

Do not put things in your mouth, lest small objects block the trachea. You can't stuff small things into your nose or ears. Often cut nails for young children.

Nine, strictly take the road off.

Organize young children to participate in quiet group activities before leaving the park, such as: singing, reading songs, etc. If you don’t pick up a child for someone you don’t know, you need to make an appointment in advance, with a pick-up card. For those who do not have an appointment, first contact by phone, get a positive reply, and then ask the pick-up person, "children's parents' names and basic family situation. Strictly prevent children from being lost and abducting children."

When the teacher leaves the park, he checks in various places in the class, such as: water, electricity, doors, windows. The late children and the duty teacher will make the handover to ensure the safety of the children.

Under the joint efforts of the three teachers in the class, there was no safety incident in my class. We will continue to work hard to make safe work and ensure the safety of young children.

Class work summary

In a hurry, another semester has passed. After a year of getting along, the accounting class 02 has become a united and united group. Know each other and get to know each other. In order to further enhance the class cohesiveness and enrich the students' learning life, we have planned many wonderful and beneficial activities to improve the overall quality of the classmates and the comprehensive strength of the class. During this semester, the students obviously adapted to the previous semester. In college life, arrangements are made in terms of study, work, and entertainment. Classmates live in harmony and help each other. The class committee maintains a high degree of consistency with the college in all aspects of work and is committed to building a united and positive class. Mainly summarize the following three aspects:

First, the theme class meeting

Since the last semester, our class has opened nearly ten classes in large and small. Every time everyone participated and actively spoke, so the class meeting was very successful and provided many suggestions and opinions worthy of reference for class construction. The class meeting with the theme of "love and love" was opened to help classmates. The students actively participated and gave deep care and love. And the money donated is very helpful to the hard-working classmates’ home.

Second, study life

In terms of learning, my class has a higher attendance rate. And the students asked to have their own class study room, my class 104 in the first class is the class study room of my class. In the spare time, the classmates in the dormitory will make an appointment to go to the library or study room to study. This is the aspect of the students' outstanding performance in the university study life. In addition, the dormitory is for my class girls. Words are also a good place to learn. Every night there is a fixed study time, which fully guarantees a good learning environment. This method is highly praised by our class.

The number of scholarship recipients in my class last semester accounted for one-third of the total class size.

Third, the aspect of activities

Class and Youth League cadres are united as one, and work hard to do a good job. Betting on the work, we have cultivated a good understanding in the semester, and improved the teamwork ability. Therefore, our class and group cadres can be said to be one. The team that dedicated the class service fully confirmed the success of the class election. Every time I organize an activity, every time I hold a class meeting, the class committee has not been absent, and has made a great role in the class. Now, we are still persistently improving our work ability and quality of work.

In order to increase the extracurricular life of the students, my class organized the whole class to go to the Expo Spring Tour during the “Eleventh” to strengthen the friendship of the students and visit the gardens of Shencheng. Received positive comments from the students. And we have extracurricular activities in the afternoon of the 7th and 8th classes every Thursday to enhance the physique of the students.

In our class, girls account for the majority, only a small number of boys, but their contribution to our class is also worth mentioning.

Boys usually actively help girls, if girls need help, such as: moving books, sending books and removing snow, etc., my class boys are always very helpful, especially the snow removal is the task of boys to take the role of snow removal, for girls Providing a lot of convenience, like the heavy work of moving books, they are always actively taking it.

Summary improvement phase:

1. In the class, combined with self-examination and rectification measures, summarize the gains and deficiencies against their own thoughts and behaviors.

2. Some students are not enthusiastic about certain activities of the college;

3, some students pay less attention to the late self-study.

4, the overall grade of the class needs to be improved.

Overall, since the beginning of the semester, the students in the class have worked together and worked hard to create a good atmosphere. I believe that in the next university study life, our classmates will be more united and more effective, and create the characteristics of the accounting 0802 class!

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