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2015 governance commercial bribery work summary

Summary of governance commercial bribery work

Provincial bribery office:

Since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the requirements of the provincial bribery office, the city has further consolidated and deepened the results of self-examination and self-correction work, and maintained the strong momentum of investigating and handling commercial bribery cases in accordance with the law, focusing on self-examination and self-correction, case investigation and long-term mechanism construction. Business bribery is prone to occur, multiple areas and industries, and investigate and deal with commercial bribery cases that seriously undermine market order and harm the vital interests of the people. At the same time, actively innovate and enrich the work carrier, and closely combine the governance of commercial bribery with the construction of a system of punishing and preventing corruption, strengthening the construction of leading cadres, correcting the unhealthy practices that harm the interests of the people, adhering to comprehensive governance, treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and focusing on consolidating Deepen and improve, and steadily push the bribery work deeper. According to the requirements, we have carefully combed and summarized the work throughout the year. The report is as follows:

First, increase the intensity of work, self-examination and self-correction work "back to look" and steadily advance.

All departments and counties in the city have seriously carried out self-examination and self-correction work to look back, carefully search for and analyze problems, dig deep into the root causes of commercial bribery, and rectify and correct problems in a targeted manner, so that self-examination and self-correction work "look back "Do not go through the field, do not leave a dead end.

1. Leaders attach importance and make careful arrangements. All levels and departments can conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the archives of higher authorities, and raise awareness of the importance, necessity and urgency of “reviewing” the self-examination and self-correction of key areas and industries. Check the work, decompose the work tasks in a timely manner, and make detailed and meticulous arrangements for the work progress, methods, and steps, and organically integrate the work of self-examination and self-correction into the work. The main leaders of the city's bribery office have repeatedly listened to the progress report of the activities, and put forward targeted suggestions based on the actual work; the main leaders of the bribery offices in various departments can consciously organize self-examination and self-correction "look back", Focus areas and industries have seriously looked for problems, formulated rectification measures, and established regulations. On the basis of the actual work of the local and the department, all localities and departments have also carried out a thorough investigation, carefully analyzed the characteristics and laws of commercial bribery cases, and studied the specific ideas of governance at the policy, legal and work levels. Countermeasures, conscientiously solve new situations and new problems encountered in the work, and sum up successful experiences and effective practices in a timely manner.

2, around the focus, four to see the three combined. In the process of self-examination and self-correction, we can closely focus on the key links and main objectives of self-examination and self-correction, and achieve four “look and see” and “three combinations” to maximize the understanding and mastery. All sectors and industries are prone to key positions and key links of commercial bribery, and all key positions and key links are investigated, and the main problems, forms of expression and main links involving commercial bribery are carefully searched; the reasons for poor supervision and supervision are found. Weaknesses and loopholes exist, defects or deficiencies in the means of supervision; find out whether or not to use the power to intervene in business operations, to obtain illegal interests, to ask for bribes, etc.

3. Supervise and inspect and promptly rectify. Always regard the supervision and inspection as an important starting point, running through the whole process of the work, and organizing the development of the self-examination and self-correction work, which is not tight and unrealistic, the effect is not obvious, and the people reflect the larger departments and units. "Replenishment". At the same time, through inspection and timely grasp of the progress of self-examination and self-correction and existing problems, to ensure that the self-examination and self-correction work "look back" does not go through the scene, and achieve tangible results. The city's bribery offices and various departments have sent more than 200 inspection teams, more than 500 inspections, and more than 300 inspection departments and units. I also carried out a phased, focused and irregular inspection and self-examination of the "review" work, in-depth focus on key industries and key departments, and strengthen inspection and guidance. In response to the existing problems, all localities and departments have carried out timely and effective rectification, further improved some work that is not in place, and formulated effective rectification measures, clarified the time limit for rectification, and implemented responsible units and responsible persons. It’s not a good thing, not going through the game.

Second, increase the investigation and punishment of cases, and the commercial bribery governance work progressed steadily.

By the end of last month, the city had filed 66 cases of commercial bribery cases, and 57 cases had been investigated. The amount involved was 4.28 million yuan, involving 32 national public servants, including 5 leading cadres at the deputy department level.

1. The form of bribery is diverse and its characteristics are obvious. First, the proportion of major cases is relatively high. The investigation and handling of large cases accounted for 54% of the total number of cases, and the investigation of cadres at or above the department level accounted for 56% of the total number of cases. Second, the systemic case is outstanding. So far, the cases investigated by the city mainly involve engineering construction, mine resource development and management, and computer network equipment purchase and sales. The third is the relative set of cases. It is basically concentrated in the field of engineering construction, including the subcontracting, construction management, project acceptance, project payment settlement and other aspects of various construction projects and highway projects, as well as the use of powers in the procurement of computer equipment and mine management, restructuring, and rectification. Obviously, it is a typical power transaction. Fourth, the bribery means are diversified. Some have used the "gifts" and "red envelopes" to make bribes in the form of "gifts" and "red envelopes"; some have carried out emotional "contacts" in the name of "making friends"; and investigated new types of bribery crimes involving specific people. Fifth, the criminal means are concealed, basically one-on-one, bribery mode, and it is generally difficult for non-systematic personnel to find the market or unspoken rules between bribery.

2, sudden "heavy" to talk about "law" communication "tight", the formation of synergy. The first is to highlight the key points of handling cases, focusing on investigating the use of examination and approval powers, law enforcement powers and judicial powers by state civil servants in business activities to engage in collusion between officials and businessmen, to accept bribes and bribes, to seriously damage the interests of the state and the people, and to cause major losses to the state and society. . First, highlighting the investigation and handling of systematic cases, taking the initiative to attack, selecting the breakthrough of the case-handling work, digging deep into the source of the case, vigorously investigating the case of the case, and leading the investigation of commercial bribery crimes. The second is to highlight and investigate major cases, focusing on investigating large-scale commercial bribery cases involving large amounts of cases, wide scope of cases, and a large number of people involved in the case, seriously undermining the socialist market economic order and jeopardizing the vital interests of the people. For example, Du Songyou, deputy director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of the Municipal Economic Development Zone, and other major cases of commercial bribery crimes were investigated and achieved good results. The second is to emphasize the method of handling cases and enhance the effect of handling cases. Always adhere to the case-handling as the center, and persist in handling the case as the basic means of serving the overall situation and serving a harmonious society, and paying close attention to implementation, ensuring the legal and social effects of handling cases. The first is to strengthen the overall situation and communicate with the report in a timely manner. Adhere to the overall situation, correctly handle the relationship between the party committee leaders and the law-based independent handling of cases, in the handling of cases to change the position of thinking, good communication and reporting, effectively prevent the simple case view, create a good external environment for handling cases. The second is to adhere to the principle of tempering leniency and strict treatment. We must correctly implement the criminal policy of lenient and strict treatment and differentiated treatment, and be lenient, appropriate, and lenient. While severely punishing commercial bribery crimes, we will maintain normal production and operation order, maintain social stability, and promote the building of a harmonious society. The third is to pay attention to the way of working and improve the effect of handling cases. Always pay attention to the ways and means of handling cases, grasp the timing of handling cases, and achieve the unity of handling cases according to law and service development. Once again, it is to strengthen communication and form a combination of punishment and punishment. All localities and departments have consciously integrated the investigation and punishment of commercial bribery crimes into the overall deployment of the special work on commercial bribery carried out by the party committee and the government. The first is to strengthen cooperation. In accordance with the division of functions, on the basis of their respective duties and their respective responsibilities, we will work together and cooperate closely to strengthen information communication and exchanges and form a combined force for punishment. Discipline inspection and supervision organs, public security, courts, and various levels of commercial bribery leading agencies and relevant administrative law enforcement departments, auditing, banking and other departments to strengthen mutual ties, further improve information sharing, case handling joint meetings, important case investigations, clue transfer and acceptance, case supervision Check and other mechanisms, cooperate with each other, complement each other, effectively form a joint force to manage commercial bribery work, and improve the overall effectiveness of special work. The second is to strengthen guidance. Strengthen the guidance of the next work, strengthen the study of specific difficulties and problems in the special punishment activities, and promptly guide and promote the steady and in-depth development of special activities. Xiaobian recommended articles related to the management of commercial bribery work summary: see more >> unit work summary

Third, increase the intensity of system construction, and the construction of long-term mechanism is progressing steadily.

We will conscientiously implement the spirit of the central government on strengthening the construction of long-term mechanisms, and further promote the system of normative construction with the concept of reform and development, and implement the long-term mechanism construction throughout the special governance work.

1. Highlight key points and target them. The bribery offices at all levels and the relevant departments are able to focus on the weak links and loopholes in the system and management, as well as the prone areas of commercial bribery. We continued to regulate a number of public service systems, such as public utilities, engineering construction, government procurement, public services, and property rights registration, and promoted in terms of administration by law and openness of government affairs, disclosure of factory affairs, disclosure of village affairs, and financial disclosure. The administrative behavior and public service behavior norms are publicized, and they are supervised by all walks of life, and they are truly open, fair and just.

2. Improve the mechanism and promote prevention. Deepen the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, optimize the setting of administrative examination and approval projects, streamline the examination and approval process, improve the administrative examination and approval supervision mechanism, prevent "power rent-seeking" and abuse of power; conscientiously implement the government information disclosure regulations, and increase the openness of government affairs in the investment field, Effectively promote the open system of public institutions such as schools and hospitals; further promote the reform of management systems in the fields of project construction, land transfer, property rights transactions, pharmaceutical purchases and sales, government procurement, resource development and distribution, and prevent and contain business by playing a platform role. The occurrence of bribery.

3. Standardize operations and actively promote. Deploy and carry out the work of building a market credit system and consciously resist commercial bribery. First, conscientiously implement the "Opinions on Promoting the Construction of Market Credit System in the Special Work of Governing Commercial Bribery", and actively promote the construction of social credit system, and carry out enterprise credit rating, credit assessment, credit publicity education, and self-discipline. Commitment and other industry regulatory activities. Second, continue to implement the process supervision system of the National People's Congress, the CPPCC, the discipline inspection, and the supervision, establish a system of meetings with the procuratorate, use judicial, auditing and other social forces to coordinate prevention and control, regulate commercial transactions, and timely collect relevant departments to supervise. The relevant information generated by the operators in the transaction activities, such as the implementation of the business, accepting commercial bribery and other unfair competition, has formed some basic information and data of the enterprise credit. Third, for those enterprises that violate the law and regulations that have serious commercial bribery, once they are discovered, they will cancel their market access qualifications such as bidding and government procurement, thereby increasing their disciplinary efforts, eliminating the conditions for re-commercial bribery, and promoting enterprises according to law. Standardize operations. At the same time, it will increase the information disclosure of bad credit records of enterprises and strengthen the supervision of public opinion.

Fourth, increase the implementation of measures to ensure that all work is progressing steadily.

In order to further carry out commercial bribery work, various localities and departments continued to crack down on commercial bribery crimes and adopted various effective measures to ensure that all work was implemented.

1. Improve the network and improve the system. Under the unified leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government and under the unified leadership of the Municipal Commercial Commercial Bribery Leading Group, the Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission, the Procuratorate, the Court, the Public Security, the Industry and Commerce, and the Auditing Department have been formed as the core of bribery, responsible for organizing and coordinating. Inspect and guide the daily work, the general matters are borne by the rectification room, and major issues will be resolved at the meeting, and the work of the organization will be guaranteed. In accordance with the requirements of the city, the county and city direct units also have an organization responsible for daily work, forming an organizational leadership system of “horizontal to the side, vertical to the bottom” to ensure that the giant view is managed and microscopically caught. Xiaobian recommended articles related to the management of commercial bribery work summary: see more >> unit work summary

2. Deepen understanding and widely publicize. Taking the governance of commercial bribery as the focus of this year's work style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work, organize and study the important decisions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on carrying out special work on governance of commercial bribery, study and implement the spirit of the archives of higher authorities, and improve the special work Awareness of importance, necessity and urgency. At the same time, with the promotion of laws and regulations, typical case disclosure, and expressions of expressions as the key methods, the characteristics, performance and harm of commercial bribery will be vigorously promoted to the society through various media channels such as television, newspapers and radio, and the determination of the central government to rectify commercial bribery will be implemented. In the propaganda, we carefully created a public opinion atmosphere that the government severely cracked down and attacked hard, vigorously built a social environment against commercial bribery, and created a high-pressure situation of anti-commercial bribery in the whole society.

3. Identify tasks and implement responsibilities. It is clear that the bribery office is responsible for the management of commercial bribery. The procuratorial, court, public security bureau, industrial and commercial bureau, health bureau, industrial park management committee, development and reform commission, audit bureau and other relevant units shall, in accordance with their respective functions, handle commercial bribery within the scope of their duties. Responsible, and timely issued to the various departments in the form of the bribery file at the beginning of the year.

4. Communicate with each other and promote each other. We will inform and exchange the basic practices and progress of special work carried out by various localities and departments, and timely announce the relevant situations of investigation and handling of commercial bribery cases, new situations and new problems encountered in special work, and we will hold timely meetings on governance of commercial bribery leadership or relevant departments. The joint meeting will discuss and exchange, and coordinate and resolve difficulties and problems in a timely manner.

5. Deepen governance around “two creations”. We will combine the governance of commercial bribery work with the rectification system to implement the “two innovations” strategy and carry out the “three services and one satisfaction” theme activities, focusing on the theme of “service development, serving people's livelihood, serving the grassroots, and satisfying the people”, adhering to the people-oriented principle and paying attention to people's livelihood. Taking the principles of treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and taking the people's satisfaction as the fundamental purpose of managing commercial bribery work, we strive to create a clean and up-to-earth entrepreneurial environment, and provide a strong guarantee for promoting scientific development and promoting social harmony.

Fourth, the problems and deficiencies.

In general, the city's awareness of the importance of governance of commercial bribery has been enhanced, and the tasks and objectives of the work have been basically clear. Self-examination and self-correction, case investigation and long-term mechanism construction have all contributed. But while seeing the results, we are also clearly aware of the problems and deficiencies.

1. There is a gap in understanding and the governance work is not balanced. A small number of cadres have insufficient understanding of the importance and necessity of managing commercial bribery work, and pay insufficient attention to it. There are fears and wait-and-see attitudes. The special governance work of various localities and departments is not balanced, and some of the work is relatively sluggish and has not been carried out very well.

2. There are not many ways to manage commercial bribery. A few units have little or no understanding of the characteristics of commercial bribery in this industry. There are not many ways to control commercial bribery, and the governance work is not targeted.

3, heavy form, light and effective. Some units have a certain form of heavy, light and effective, and have gone through the field. They have done more and less, and there are fewer in-depth investigations. In the investigation, there are cases of heavy bribery and bribery.

4. The construction of regulations is obviously lagging behind. Some units themselves still have imperfections in system construction, and their implementation of the system is not in place. There is no real system management, system management, and system management.

Fifth, work ideas for next year

Focusing on the investigation of cases and the construction of long-term mechanisms, we will continue to carry out the management of commercial bribery in areas and industries where commercial bribery is prone to occur and frequently, highlight key points, strengthen measures, and effectively achieve effective results in bribery work.

1. Continue to maintain a strong momentum in anti-commercial bribery publicity and education. Regularly or irregularly conduct commercial public bribery publicity reports, make full use of publicity media such as radio, television, paper, and internet, and continue to carry out publicity on the importance and urgency of managing commercial bribery.

2. Strengthen policy and theoretical research. Strengthen the prevention of commercial bribery and pay attention to the formation of research results. Taking deepening theoretical research as an important part of special governance, earnestly implement it and strive to achieve some theoretical results. Strengthen research on the rules, characteristics and prevention strategies of commercial bribery crimes in key industries, actively carry out case prevention, special prevention and system prevention of commercial bribery crimes, and propose countermeasures to prevent and contain commercial bribery, for party committees, governments and related Supervisors and regulators provide a reference for decision-making in the management of commercial bribery.

3. Continue to highlight the key points of handling cases. Further investigation and handling of three types of cases: First, in the areas of project construction, land transfer, property rights transactions, pharmaceutical purchases and sales, government procurement, resource development and distribution, as well as publishing, bank credit, securities and futures, commercial insurance, telecommunications, Commercial bribery crimes in industries such as electricity; second, criminal cases in which state employees use their powers to obtain and accept commercial bribery. In particular, it is necessary to seriously investigate and deal with cases in which state organs use administrative examination and approval, law enforcement and judicial power to obtain commercial bribery crimes; third, major commercial bribery crimes that seriously undermine the market economic order and harm the vital interests of the people.

4. Continue to strengthen measures to handle cases. First, actively expand the channels for discovering cases. By further improving and implementing the reporting confidentiality and reward system, mobilize the public to reflect and report clues about commercial bribery crime cases; strengthen the coordination and coordination of departments, and strive to discover and investigate criminal cases from administrative law enforcement agencies to control commercial bribery, from the abnormal phenomenon of commercial activities Excavate case clues and effectively promote the in-depth development of commercial bribery crime investigations. The second is to enrich the power of handling cases and further increase the intensity of handling cases. Strengthen the unified command and coordination of case handling work, increase the guidance for major and complex cases, and implement the supervision and supervision of major impacts to ensure the smooth investigation and punishment of cases. The third is to pay attention to the methods of handling cases. While seriously investigating and handling commercial bribery crimes, we must adhere to the law, civilized, standardized, and safe handling of cases, correctly handle the relationship between cracking down on protection and punishment of crimes and maintaining economic development, and strive to achieve the unification of legal effects and social effects.

5. To build the market credit system as an important task for the special governance work next year. As an important part of the construction of social credit system, the establishment of market credit system is to establish a market credit mechanism based on morality, based on property rights and protected by the legal system, so as to promote self-discipline of enterprises and industries and form effective market constraints. Vigorously promote the construction of information system for preventing commercial bribery crimes, improve the file search system for bribery crimes, strengthen the construction of bribery personnel database in key areas, and comprehensively initiate the investigation of bribery crime files.

Summary of governance commercial bribery work

First, strengthen learning and raise awareness

Governing commercial bribery is a major decision-making and deployment made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. It is an urgent need to achieve rapid economic and social development. It is an important part of establishing and improving a system for punishing and preventing corruption. It is also a guarantee for the deepening reform and development of the logistics socialization of colleges and universities. . The special work of managing commercial bribery is to further standardize the market order, promote the transformation of the efficiency of the organs, improve the transparency of work and work efficiency, and gradually move toward the requirements of standardization and institutionalization. Through study, all employees fully understand the purpose and significance of the special treatment of commercial bribery, and the nature of commercial bribery, which is the purchase and embarrassment of a just social order environment. In the past, in terms of habit, people regarded commercial bribery only as unfair competition, not as corruption, and the existence and spread of commercial bribery, which not only undermined the socialist market economic order, hindered fair competition, and increased transaction costs. Poisoning the social atmosphere, breeding corruption and economic crimes has become an impact on the normal operation of the economy and society. In accordance with the contents of the implementation plan, we carried out self-examination, self-examination, inspection, and rectification, and effectively promoted the effective implementation of commercial bribery. All employees have further improved their understanding of the importance and necessity of conducting commercial bribery, strengthened their leadership, and increased their awareness of participation in democratic management, democratic decision-making, and joint supervision. The overall work has been promoted, with outstanding emphasis and powerful measures to promote and promote The construction of the organization, the efficiency construction, the construction of the party's style and clean government, the leadership level and management level have been greatly improved.

Second, measures to prevent problems, build defense lines

Carry out self-examination and self-correction. I took the self-examination and self-examination and special inspection as the main way of this governance action, focusing on material procurement and infrastructure project bidding projects as special inspections and special treatments, focusing on infrastructure projects, student apartment furniture and desks and chairs, and bulk Self-examination and self-correction were carried out in repair work, sporadic procurement and maintenance, and pharmaceutical procurement.

1. Strengthen education, raise awareness of integrity and self-discipline, and build a moral defense line. Based on positive guidance education, improve legal knowledge and moral literacy, take the specific case of commercial bribery in colleges and universities as a teaching material, carry out negative warning education, educate the broad masses of cadres to correctly exercise their power, consciously abide by party discipline and state law, and overcome the existence of luck.

2. Improve the system, improve the mechanism, and build a strong defense line. Establish and improve various rules and regulations for material procurement and infrastructure project bidding, especially the program system, implement “sunshine engineering” for all trading activities, accept supervision by all parties, establish an effective control mechanism for power operation, and avoid excessive concentration of power from the source. Prevent commercial bribery from happening.

3. Strengthen supervision and prevent problems before they occur. In the form of supervision, substantive supervision, foreign body supervision and overall process supervision are carried out. By supervising the advancement of the gate, early detection of problems, early correction, the problem is eliminated in the bud.

4, severe punishment, shocking crime. For the commercial bribery that took place in colleges and universities, through the recognition of the relevant departments in a timely manner, the "latecomers" did not dare to go to the pool.

Third, improve the system and strengthen supervision

1. Improve the bidding system for procurement projects such as administrative office, teaching, and apartment furniture. The office, teaching and apartment furniture of the school are all operated by means of government procurement. They are reported to the Quanzhou Municipal Government Procurement Office for approval and procurement according to the standard procedures. Entrusted qualified bidding companies to open tenders to the public. The procurement evaluation team is from Quanzhou. The municipal government procurement office expert library or the school personnel evaluation team is randomly selected to strictly implement the Interim Measures for the Management of Materials Purchase of Quanzhou Normal University. Purchasing small items, sporadic repairs According to the regulations of the school, organize the personnel of relevant departments to conduct market inquiry negotiations or open bidding for off-campus, and publish them on the campus online and school affairs public column. The entire procurement process is supervised by the school supervision office. Pharmaceuticals and medical equipment are directly purchased from the Pharmaceutical Business Department of Quanzhou Pharmaceutical Branch and the Central Business Department of the Pharmaceutical Company.

2. Strictly implement the completion acceptance and final settlement system of the project. Projects such as large and small materials procurement, sporadic repairs and maintenance must be completed and accepted. The acceptance team consists of the school supervision office, the school material procurement office, the academic affairs office, the relevant secondary colleges and the logistics management department. At the time of acceptance, the relevant standards shall be strictly implemented and carefully accepted. The defects and problems existing in the project shall be supervised and the project leader shall be urged to carry out rectification and repair until the acceptance is qualified. In the final accounts, carefully calculate the engineering quantity, the fixed price, and the total cost, and strive to be accurate and try to save engineering costs.

3. Improve the bidding system for construction projects. According to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Construction, more than 500,000 yuan of engineering construction projects will be implemented in the school's construction projects, all of which will be implemented in the Quanzhou Construction Engineering Trading Center. Each project has issued a tender notice in the Quanzhou Evening News and Quanzhou Construction Website, and submitted the project according to the 16-word construction policy of the “Developed Design, Grade A Supervision, Grade I Construction, and Excellent Project” of the Donghai Campus. Construction enterprises must have first-class housing construction qualifications. After the announcement, the public registration will be carried out. After the qualification examination, the finalists, the bidding, the bid opening, the bidding of the construction system experts, and the preliminary determination of the highest score, the winning bidder will operate in the Quanzhou Construction Engineering Trading Center. The bidding project shall be examined and approved according to the prescribed procedures, and shall be publicized in the public notice column of the trading center for five days. The no-objection shall be the winning bidder. After the bidding for the bidding process of the infrastructure project is completed, it shall be publicized on the public notice column of the school. The supervision room is involved throughout the process.

4. Implement the completion audit system for engineering construction projects. After completion of each single project of Donghai Campus, completion acceptance must be completed, and the acceptance criteria are strictly in accordance with the completion acceptance requirements issued by the Ministry of Construction. Before the acceptance, the construction unit must provide the relevant unit with the self-assessment report on the project quality. The supervision unit must provide the project quality inspection and assessment report to the school. The survey unit and the design unit must provide the project with the project completion acceptance report; the infrastructure office organizes the relevant units on behalf of the school. The completion and acceptance of the completion project; the acceptance team consists of the leading group and the professional group and the relevant departments of the school. The Quanzhou Construction Engineering Quality Supervision Station and the School Supervision Office supervise the acceptance process; after the completion of the project, it must report to the relevant government departments. Filing.

Fourth, increase governance to curb commercial bribery

1. Strengthen the prevention and supervision of monopolistic industries and key personnel in key sectors. Combining the different natures and characteristics of industries and departments, focusing on the monopoly industries and key personnel in key sectors, effectively strengthen internal prevention and supervision, effectively suppress improper intervention of power on the market economy, and minimize the soil on which commercial bribery is generated. With space. The focus of governance of commercial bribery should not be placed on punishing criminal activities that have already occurred, but should be prevented from happening in the first place to prevent the occurrence and spread of commercial bribery from the source.

2. Perfecting the regulatory system and curbing commercial bribery from the source is the key to managing commercial bribery. Accurately grasp the characteristics of commercial bribery at this stage, actively explore anti-commercial bribery countermeasures, improve administrative supervision laws and regulations in the field of high commercial bribery, improve regulatory institutions, improve system construction, implement regulatory duties, formulate departmental regulations, and form anti-commercial bribery. For the departments that are likely to have commercial bribery, specify the specific forms of commercial bribery in this field, determine the corresponding disposal measures, administrative responsibilities and preventive measures, maintain the market economic order, and promote the healthy development of society.

3. Strengthen organizational leadership for self-examination and self-correction. We must do a good job in self-examination and self-correction of unfair trading practices, so that we can mobilize a wide range of publicity, comprehensive investigations, accurate problem finding, appropriate classification and processing, corrective measures in place, grasping policy boundaries, implementing every measure, and managing commercial bribery. Self-examination and self-correction work progressed in a solid and orderly manner.

4. Governing commercial bribery is a long-term and arduous task, and we must resolve to resolve the weak links in our work. Further recognize the dangers of commercial bribery, improve the initiative and effectiveness of governance, enhance the understanding of the importance of investigating and handling commercial bribery cases, increase the punishment for commercial bribery, strengthen the root function of investigating commercial bribery cases, and vigorously promote At the source of governance work, increase the prevention of job crimes, grasp the boundaries of legal policies, and promote the in-depth development of special work.

5. Focusing on the key parts and key links of commercial bribery, and strengthening the investigation and research on new situations and new problems encountered in practice, summarizing work experience and practices in a timely manner, and cooperating with the governance business currently being carried out nationwide. Bribery special work will enable commercial bribery governance to proceed smoothly on the rule of law and promote the establishment and improvement of a long-term mechanism for managing commercial bribery.

Summary of governance commercial bribery work

In order to further implement and comprehensively promote the development of commercial bribery and ensure the effectiveness of commercial bribery, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the governance of commercial bribery and the unified deployment of XXX on the special work of managing commercial bribery, I We have earnestly implemented our responsibilities, refined our work tasks, carefully organized them, and steadily advanced. Source: Free Fan Wenwang combined with the actual work, carry out self-examination and self-correction work, the work progress is summarized as follows:

First, clear the train of thought, clear the focus of work

According to the relevant spirit of special work on commercial bribery at all levels, combined with the actual work of ship inspection, it is clear that the self-examination and self-correction work time will be from June 1st, 2006 to the end of November, mainly to find out whether there is any improperness in this year. The transaction behavior focuses on self-examination and self-correction of whether there is commercial bribery in the ship inspection work. The following questions were self-examined and corrected.

Look for the behavior of deliberately harassing the people and eating the card during the drawing review process;

Find out if there is a participating intermediary activity in the ship inspection;

Find out whether there is any intention to kill the people and eat the card in the ship inspection and certification;

Finding whether there are benefits in bribery and purchase of items in the infrastructure;

Finding whether there is any charge in the collection of fees and charges that is not charged according to the contents of the ship inspection fee notice or not charged according to regulations;

Find out whether to use the authority or administrative resources, participate in or interfere with the business activities of enterprises and institutions, and seek illegal and bribery;

Find weaknesses and vulnerabilities in internal oversight management.

Second, working methods and steps

The Institute's self-inspection and self-correction work has carried out comprehensive investigations, found outstanding problems, timely handled problems, and conscientiously implemented the four stages of rectification.

In the work, the first is to adhere to the combination of self-examination and correction. It is necessary to do a good job in self-examination of the unfair trading behavior of the unit, and to do a good job in correcting and correcting the problems, improve the management and supervision of the staff of the unit, and correct it while checking. The second is to adhere to the combination of self-examination, self-correction and promotion work. It is necessary to combine self-examination and self-correction with business work, not only to conscientiously manage commercial bribery, but also to ensure the normal order of ship inspection work, so as to achieve "two mistakes, two promotion." I consciously combine the self-examination and self-correction work with the unit efficiency construction, efficiency monitoring, and work style construction to achieve mutual promotion and coordinated development. By issuing “investigations, self-inspection forms, etc.” to the relevant units and all employees according to the “Management of Commercial Bribery Self-examination and Self-correction Contents”; setting up a report box in the office, publishing a report phone number 0020-4932669, holding a symposium, etc., broadening and smoothing The petitioning and reporting channels actively explored the clues of commercial bribery, widely mobilized the public to participate, carefully conducted investigations, accurately grasped the situation, listed a list of possible problems, and grasped the basic situations of posts, links, personnel, funds, etc. The individuals involved conduct self-examination and truthfully report unfair transactions.

Third, the basic situation of self-examination and self-correction

Our company attaches great importance to the management of commercial bribery work, and conducts self-examination and self-correction work in areas where commercial bribery may exist. Our main work has been as follows:

In accordance with the contents of the XXX Governance of Business Bribery Self-examination and Self-correction Leading Group, the leaders will go deep into the shipyards, water transport enterprises, and ships to visit and understand, issue questionnaires, and encourage the presence of unscrupulous behaviors or eating and taking of our employees at work. , card, and other violations.

Each employee is required to conduct self-examination and self-correction work in accordance with the “Regulations on the Control of Commercial Bribery Self-examination and Self-correction Leading Group”. At the same time, the leaders separately asked employees to talk about the weak links in the management of commercial bribery.

XXX personally checked the collection of fees, focusing on whether there are charges such as not charging, invoicing, infringement, and free of charge.

Through self-examination and self-correction, there is no commercial bribery, and no commercial bribery exists.

Fourth, there are problems

In this “Governance Bribery Self-examination and Self-correction Work” activity, through extensive study and understanding, we deeply understand the necessity and urgency of “governing commercial bribery”. Through self-examination and self-correction work, although we did not pay bribes and eat, take, card, and other violations of law and discipline, we found weak links that are difficult to attract attention in daily work. Our office ..... must set up full-time toll posts, so that the issuance of certificates and the collection of fees and fees are subject to mutual supervision.

In short, we must recognize that managing commercial bribery is a very difficult and complicated task, and we must also see the favorable conditions for managing commercial bribery. We will combine the three civilizations of the transportation industry to educate and guide the broad masses of cadres and workers to firmly establish the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and regard the socialist concept of honor and disgrace as an important part of the construction of the traffic industry and the construction of spiritual civilization, and the social moral education of the industry. Professional ethics education, disciplinary education, legal education, clean government education, ideological and cultural education, family virtue education, etc., combine the promotion of truth, goodness and beauty, abandon false ugliness, create high morality, abandon the social atmosphere of evil spirits, and promote the style of our work, The construction of political style and party style has promoted the construction of a harmonious ship inspection and made greater contributions to the healthy and rapid development of the ship inspection industry in our region.

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