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Summary of the work of the national primary education

Summary of the work of the national primary education

Under the care and meticulous guidance of the higher education department, the teaching work of our school takes the new curriculum reform as the breakthrough point, takes all the growth of the children as the starting point, takes the comprehensive implementation of quality education as the fundamental purpose, and relies on the joint efforts of all the staff and staff. Certain achievements are summarized as follows:

First, attach importance to learning, innovation concepts, and enhance ideas.

In order to further transform the educational concept of teachers and promote the educational philosophy of all teachers to a new situation, this semester, we have strengthened the theoretical and business learning of teachers, and adopted a combination of collective and self-study to promote post-school reflection. Advanced educational thoughts are firmly rooted in the hearts of every teacher, so that they can better guide their teaching practices and better serve education and teaching. We make full use of the business study time every Thursday afternoon, organize teachers of various disciplines, interpret the teaching objectives, requirements, key points, difficulties, teaching methods, etc. of all grades, watch videos about classroom teaching, learn, communicate, summarize, etc. The series of activities, the teacher's concept is updated, the knowledge is advanced, the theory is improved, and the school is really good at learning and learning.

Second, attach importance to research, reform methods, and promote curriculum reform.

In order to comprehensively promote teaching and research work, and carry out collective lesson preparation activities, the teachers' new curriculum reform concepts and business capabilities have been further enhanced. Continue to implement leadership in-depth classroom lectures, on-site instructional teaching, research classes: notify teachers in advance, teachers are ready to attend classes, organize teaching research after class, check the effect of class. Pushing the class: Don't inform the teacher beforehand, and feedback the feedback to the teacher after the class. Through classroom research, all teachers can actively explore the new teaching method, and most of the teachers' classroom teaching ability has been greatly improved. Conduct a demonstration class with “point-to-face” and open class activities. A total of 3 teachers in the Chinese language, mathematics, and English have a good demonstration class. The open class requires all teachers to actively participate in the preparation, class, and class evaluation, and achieve the goal of “taking points and gradually improving”. The "Teacher Classroom Evaluation Contest" was held. Fully tapping human resources and giving full play to the leading role of academic leaders and backbone teachers, so that our teachers have made great progress in preparation, evaluation, and evaluation, and have a deeper understanding of the use of new textbooks. There is a breakthrough in the new teaching method, so that teachers can better control today's classroom teaching.

Third, strengthen management, implement measures, and improve actual results.

While strictly implementing the curriculum plan and opening the course, we will conscientiously do a good job in teaching routines to standardize and institutionalize teaching practices. Pay special attention to the preparation of teachers, classroom teaching, homework correction, extracurricular tutoring, examination and other basic links. During the semester, four census teachers' teaching plans and students' homework are regularly organized, and the teachers are supervised and promoted to prepare lessons for the two aspects. In normal times, teachers' work, counseling and examinations are not regularly checked to master the teaching situation and play a supervisory role. Through the implementation of the routine, the teachers have been standardized and improved in the preparation of lessons, classes and other aspects, but also improved the professional level of teachers, so that the school's teaching management work gradually towards standardization. In order to improve the quality of teaching, our school has an understanding of the students' academic achievements. We conduct monthly monthly examinations and summarize and evaluate the monthly examinations, which lays a good foundation for future teaching work. In order to form a strong learning atmosphere in our school, our school continued to carry out the “Four Ones” activities and the school activities in the class. Through these activities, students' awareness of learning is strengthened, so that students can achieve pre-study at school, concentrate on class, work carefully, and review patience. Each class conducts student learning evaluation activities, and each class sets up a study group, so that the leader of the study group can inspect and supervise the students of the group, so that the students can manage themselves and develop good habits of learning, thus forming the classes. A positive and upward learning atmosphere. Actively do a good job in helping students to help students, and ask teachers to truly selfless dedication in the process of transformation, truly learn to care, learn to understand, learn tolerance, learn to inspire each student, and enable them to establish the confidence and courage to learn. During the semester, the undergraduates of our school have been improved at different levels in terms of thinking, learning, and human life. Actively carry out various competition activities. 1 composition competition; 2 writing competition; 3 calculation contest; 4 English hundred words contest; 5 English textbook drama performance; 6 handwritten newspaper competition; 7 idiom hundred words contest.

Fourth, the test results.

During the semester, our school continued to strictly control the examination style and create an honest examination room. With the joint efforts of all teachers, the quality of teaching in the school has steadily improved, the skills of students have been cultivated and formed, and the overall quality has been significantly improved. The scores of various subjects such as language, mathematics, and English are still ranked in the front of the town. The scores of each class are relatively balanced, and the average score and excellent rate are all exceeded by the requirements of the town.

Looking back at the teaching work of one semester, under the leadership of the town and culture, relying on the joint efforts of all teachers, we have achieved good results, but the requirements of the higher authorities are still far from each other. Looking forward to the new semester, we are full of confidence and believe in the town and culture. Under the correct leadership, there will be a lot of gimmicks and further progress.

Summary of the work of the national primary education

Under the correct leadership of the higher education authorities, with the great care and support of the township party committee and government, we adhere to the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "Scientific Outlook on Development" as the guide, and "new ideas". "The "new measures" carried out work, achieved "new breakthroughs" in many aspects, created a "new situation" and created "new glory." At the same time, our school actively promotes the new curriculum reform, comprehensively implements quality education, strengthens the construction of teachers' morality, actively optimizes the overall structure of teachers, attaches importance to the management of teaching routines, comprehensively improves the quality of teaching, and improves hardware facilities and logistics services for our school. The creation of a distinctive rural center country has laid a solid foundation. In the past year, we have mainly done the following work:

First, strengthen the building of the leadership team and give full play to the leading role of the new and old team

During the semester, due to personnel changes, the leadership team of our school has newly adjusted four young lesbians. In the past year, no matter whether it is a new team or an old team, everyone can unite as one. Do your best to do a good job in the internal management of the school.

All members of the team have a strong sense of professionalism and a high sense of responsibility. Every day, they arrive early at school, leave school at night, and take the school as their home. School leaders can take the initiative to contact local party and government and report to school work. At the same time, the school also requires teachers to maintain close contact with parents of students, to understand parents' opinions and suggestions on the school, and to truly integrate the education network of school, society and family.

Strengthening teaching management and comprehensively improving the quality of teaching are the unshirkable duties of school leaders. The leadership team went deep into the classroom to listen to the lessons, understand the teaching dynamics, master the first-hand teaching materials, and lay the foundation for the classroom teaching. Under the leadership of the leaders, the teachers have learned the lessons from each other. Everyone really studied the problems often faced by classroom teaching and formed a problem. Good teaching style and study style.

Second, strengthen moral education and build a civilized school spirit

1. Thoroughly implement the "Outline for the Implementation of Citizen's Moral Construction" and strengthen the moral education and moral practice activities of children and adolescents.

2. Continue to carry out major festivals and traditional festivals, and use the New Year's Day, March 8th, Qingming Festival, Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and June Day, Teacher's Day, National Day, etc. to carry out national culture and revolutionary traditions for students. And patriotic education, singing the songs of the motherland, and carrying out a variety of activities. For example, in March, we adhered to the combination of “learning Lei Feng, speaking civilization, and building a new style” and creating a civilized school theme. Many volunteers and teachers were organized to carry out the “Love My Peak” to clean up the street activities and the elderly to offer love activities. On April 3rd, students were organized to carry out the activities of “Essence of the Qingming Online Festival and the Online Flower Festival” to cherish the heroic and heroic activities of the national culture. High-profile and high-inputting to hold the "Flying Dreams, Happy voyages" campus art festival series celebrations, so that the left-behind students are not alone and happy. The novel program form and high-quality performances have won unanimous praise from parents. At the same time, in the "June 1" celebrations, many "four good boys" were also commended.

3. Organize the Young Pioneers to participate in social practice activities in the nursing home to care for the elderly. Organize the team members to watch the most beautiful rural teachers and other educational publicity and education films. After reading, the team members write a simple post-view and educate the students on "four loves".

4. Grasp the moral education of the players and do a good job in the education of the players' etiquette, behavioral norms, health, and public welfare. Continue to carry out the "Civilization and Courtesy" into the campus series activities, combined with the civilized class evaluation, the team members will be cultivated into a series of good behavior habits such as civility, study, labor, health, etc., and finally deliver high-quality qualified citizens to the society.

5. Successfully held spring and winter sports games to enhance students' physique.

6. Organized the educational activities of socialist core values ​​through the theme class meeting and other forms.

7. Organizing the school's teachers to open a “moral lecture hall” to improve the moral cultivation of teachers.

8. Organize the teachers and students of the whole school to select good people and good things, and publish them in time to increase the intensity of study and publicity.

9. Organize middle and high school students to carry out honest and self-cultivation education to improve students' ideological realm.

10. Actively carry out activities to care for left-behind children, so that left-behind children can feel the warmth of the school family.

11. Adhere to the flag-raising ceremony and speak on the flag every Monday.

12. Held a special lecture on mental health education to help students evacuate the psychological shadow.

Third, adhere to the teaching as the center, the quality of education and teaching is improving steadily

1. Effective implementation of the curriculum plan

At the beginning of the school year, according to the work requirements of the higher education authorities, our school has opened various courses. Supervise and urge all teachers to implement the curriculum plan in a timely manner, and prepare lessons and classes. To lay a good foundation for cultivating students' comprehensive ability and improving their overall quality.

2. Seriously grasp the reality and do a good job in teaching routine work.

In accordance with the actual situation of the school, the school's teaching, teaching and research programs shall be formulated, and various disciplines and teaching and research groups shall formulate academic programs according to school-level plans. The teacher then develops a personal teaching plan based on the disciplinary plan.

We must pay close attention to the implementation of the teaching routine, and do a weekly check, a monthly inspection, and a comprehensive examination at the end of the semester. According to the results of the inspection, feedback to the teachers in a timely manner will enable the regular work to be carried out in a solid manner.

The teaching and research work is carried out according to the plan. A number of county-level and school-level teaching and research topics are being implemented according to the plan.

Encourage teachers to actively write papers. In the past academic year, there have been many essays from teachers in our school, which have won awards from provincial and municipal XX counties. Among them, there are 1 second prize in the city, 2 third prizes in the city, 3 first prizes in the province, 2 second prizes in the province, and 4 third prizes in the province.

3. Do a good job in teacher training and strive to improve the quality of teachers.

In the past year, according to the superior arrangement, the teachers of our school have carried out the training of the national training and the online training of all the staff. In August of the same year, the school dispatched Yu Shuixiu to the Jinggangshan for “care for left-behind children” training; in November, Zhang Dan and other four The new teachers participated in the new teacher training in the county training school, and the teacher Liu Zengyi conducted the training of the boarding school class teacher in Jinggangshan. In December, the newly-entered kindergarten teachers of our school went to Jinggangshan to participate in the training of kindergarten teachers. The teacher's vision has been broadened, knowledge has been increased, and ideas have been updated.

4. Conduct quality class teaching competitions

There are many young teachers in our school. In order to get good quality competitions, they have extensive access to information, looking for pictures, and making courseware. Young teachers and old teachers explore each other's teaching methods and form a gratifying scene of competition between young and old. Actively encourage all teachers and students to participate in various types of competitions at all levels, learn from each other's strengths, and constantly improve their own quality.

5, strive to do a good job in the graduating class teaching

The graduating class work is a major focus in the school teaching work. In order to make every student graduate smoothly, they are qualified to enter the middle school. In order to complete the “three rate” index task issued by the XX County Education Bureau, the school leaders attach great importance to it. go. At the beginning of the school, the school's leadership team has conducted serious research to enable teachers who have years of strength and teaching experience to serve as sixth-grade teachers, and strengthen the sixth-grade teachers. Put the graduating class work into one of the key work of the school, and hold the graduating class teacher work meeting from time to time to understand the student's situation, ask about the teaching situation, understand the teaching progress, formulate the teaching methods, and solve the problems for the graduating class teachers. Teachers are required to focus on teaching materials, lay a good foundation for students, and formulate systematic, scientific, and thoughtful review plans, and adopt a method of grasping the middle of the two heads in order to comprehensively improve the quality of education in the graduating class.

6. In the last school year, in the evaluation of the school-level level organized by the County Education Bureau, our school has achieved good results in the first place in the national small township. And was rated as "Excellent School" by the County Education Bureau.

Summary of the work of the national primary education

At the end of the period, I summed up the time. In this semester, I have always adhered to the party’s educational policy in education and teaching. I am teaching all students, teaching and educating people, establishing a teacher-oriented curriculum, and establishing a teaching philosophy centered on students and fostering students’ active development. Pay attention to the development of students' individuality, attach importance to stimulating students' creative ability, cultivate students' all-round development of morality, intelligence, body, beauty and labor, work with strong sense of responsibility, obey the division of labor, actively do their jobs, and carefully prepare lessons, class, and lectures. , evaluation, extensive access to a variety of knowledge, a relatively complete knowledge structure, strict requirements for students, respect for students, promote teaching democracy, enable students to learn income, and constantly improve, so as to continuously improve their teaching level, and successfully complete education and teaching tasks .

Political thinking:

Seriously study new educational theories and update educational concepts in a timely manner. Actively participated in school-based training and made a lot of political notes and theoretical notes. The new form of education does not allow us to repeat the lectures in the classroom. We must have advanced educational concepts in order to adapt to the development of education. Therefore, I not only pay attention to the collective political theory, but also pay attention to taking nutrition from books, and carefully study how to be a good teacher in the new situation.

Second, education and teaching:

The key to improving the quality of teaching is to take good classes. In order to get a good class, I did the following work:

1. Preparation before class: Prepare a class.

2, seriously study the teaching materials, the basic ideas, basic concepts of the textbook, every sentence, every word are clear, understand the structure of the textbook, key points and difficulties, master the logic of knowledge, can use freely, know what information should be added, How can I teach?

3. Understand the quality of students' original knowledge and skills, their interests, needs, methods, habits, what difficulties may be encountered in learning new knowledge, and take appropriate preventive measures.

4. Consider the teaching method and solve how to pass the mastered textbooks to students, including how to organize teaching materials and how to arrange the activities of each class.

5. The situation in the classroom.

Organize classroom teaching, pay attention to all students, pay attention to information feedback, mobilize students' intentional attention, keep them relatively stable, and at the same time stimulate students' emotions, make them have a happy mood, create a good classroom atmosphere, and the classroom language is simple and clear. Overcome the previous repeated problems, the classroom questions for all students, pay attention to the interest of students to learn mathematics, the combination of lectures and practice in the classroom, homework assignments, less homework, less burden on students.

6, to improve the quality of teaching, but also to do a good job after-school counseling, primary school students love, fun, lack of self-control ability, often can not complete the homework on time in the study, some students copy the homework, in response to this problem, we must grasp Good students’ ideological education, and this work is used to the students’ learning guidance. It is also necessary to do a good job in counseling and helping students to learn, especially in the transformation of the underachievers. Start with kindness, for example, holding his hand, touching his head, or helping to organize clothes. Starting from praise, all people are eager to get the understanding and respect of others, so when talking with poor students, they have a deep understanding and respect for his situation and ideas, and before he criticizes students, talk about his own shortcomings. .

7. Actively participate in lectures and class assessments, learn from the peers with humility, learn from others, and improve the teaching level.

8, love students, treat each student equally, let them feel the teacher's concern, a good teacher-student relationship promotes student learning.

Third, work attendance:

I love my career and never delay my work because of my personal affairs. And actively use effective working hours to do their own work within the division. In the work, I strictly demand myself, work hard, and can complete the tasks assigned by the school. In order to improve my own quality, I not only actively participate in various trainings, but also go to various places to study, and usually check the relevant teaching materials. At the same time, I often contact students outside the classroom, and always care about them. Of course, there are some shortcomings in the teaching work, and further efforts are needed in the future.

All in all, the society now has higher requirements for the quality of teachers. In the future education and teaching work, I will strictly demand myself, work hard, carry forward the advantages, correct the shortcomings, open up the progress, and make my own contribution for a better tomorrow.

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