Work summary > work summary essay

2015 information center work summary

Information Center Work Summary

First, work responsibilities

Information management is a service work. Without the full understanding and cooperation of various units, it is impossible for the company's network informationization to be connected. Information management is a technical work. We have always maintained a strong professionalism, exerted our personal expertise, and worked hard to create a work team with both division of labor and collaboration, discipline and interest. In the actual work, I will learn honestly. If I don't understand, I will not go to school. I will work hard, and I will work hard to coordinate up, down, left and right, inside and outside. From software, hardware, personnel to procedures are all in place. According to the unified requirements of the company's rules and regulations, on the one hand, the company's computer software and hardware application and operation procedures; on the other hand, the equipment optimization and network transformation, the realization of the software and hardware construction mutual advancement, Efforts to make the work programable in a natural, cyclical manner.

Second, the main work

1. Equipment maintenance, management and use of company equipment is the primary task of the information center. Ensure the normal use of the equipment, improve the utilization rate of the equipment, make the equipment better serve the office area, and assist the completion of the work tasks of all units. Switch, network cable, computer, projector, etc., if there is a problem, it will be dealt with in a timely manner. If it is broken, try to repair it yourself. Save the company unnecessary expenses.

2. Actively promote the company's informatization, networking, and paperless development process, and strengthen the maintenance of the network, website and various management systems.

3. Actively cooperate with the activities carried out by the company, and carry out equipment commissioning and installation from conference to employee education retraining.

4. For the company's Kingdee K3 system, mail system, IELTS system data, we have done a backup every day, a monthly archive, for the entire company's office area data has also been compiled and archived, for the future to establish company information The database has laid a good foundation.

Third, the direction of future efforts

1. Continuously strengthen the study of business knowledge in information technology.

2. Diligent in learning, good at thinking and summing up, accumulating experience, and constantly innovating, providing suggestions for the company's informatization construction, and meeting challenges and tests with a good attitude.

3. Improve working methods, improve work ability, and improve service awareness. Improve the level of work, and earnestly complete the work assigned by the leadership with excellent skills.

4, do a line, a line, work must be creative, and to be practical, do fine and constantly improve their comprehensive quality, work hard for the network information construction.

5. Strengthen the study and communication with other colleagues, completely eliminate the phenomenon of shoving and smashing in the work, so that all kinds of problems can be solved in a good and timely manner.

The above is my report of debriefing. If it is not appropriate, I would like to ask the leaders and colleagues to give criticism and testimony.

Information Center Work Summary

In 2019, under the correct leadership of the leadership of the district government, with the strong support of the leaders of the information center, with the mutual assistance of the colleagues in the department, combined with personal efforts, the work I am responsible for is based on information technology, adhering to comprehensive Accurate and efficient purposes, constantly improve each link and ensure smooth completion. The work of this year is summarized as follows:

First, learn-based, improve political awareness

Society is progressing, social management methods and models are changing, but political beliefs are firmly unchanged. If one wants to make a difference in his actions, he must first take an advanced step in his thinking. Today, under the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", thoroughly implement the scientific development concept, and conscientiously study General Secretary Hu Jintao at the "17th National Congress" An important speech. Through learning to establish a "people-oriented" harmonious social values, enhance the sense of social responsibility and mission of the times, and unite ideas and actions. The business is meticulous and conscientious; work closely with colleagues in the work, work together and get along well.

Second, do your due diligence and do your job well

Part of the website: At the beginning of the year, the leaders of the information center proposed a detailed division of work, with a clear division of labor and specific people. Part of the website I am responsible for leadership introduction, personnel appointment and dismissal, political and civil interaction, government affairs disclosure, XX district new city, electromechanical industry and Internet public opinion. The information of the leadership introduction section is to copy the documents to the district committee office, the government office, the people's congress office, and the CPPCC office. The relevant information will be announced at the first time after the consultation. The information of the political and civilian interaction section is related to the office of the National People's Congress and the CPPCC office at the end of each month. Unit communication, broadening information channels, mastering comprehensive information; the district chief's mailbox is regularly selected, and the information is replied to and reported to the respondent, and is released in time after the leadership's instructions; XX New Town is the new city office to provide timely information, efficient and timely, We provide first-hand information and display the new appearance of XX New City through the government portal website; the information of the electromechanical industry sector is inquired through the website of “Yichun SME Network”, and it is also responsible for relevant industry information with the private enterprise bureau. Director Xu Zhicheng communicated, from the official policy to the enterprise benefits, horizontal to the side, vertical and vertical, three-dimensional presentation of XX investment performance and progress.

Internet public opinion starts from two levels: macro view and micro level. The giant view is through the domestic authoritative browsers such as Baidu, Google, from home to abroad, from the central to the local as a whole to search for relevant XX lyrics; the micro-domain involves major forums, from the "Powerful Forum" "People's Network local leadership message board "To "Dajiang Net", from "Tianya Forum" to "×× Forum", from the official website to the folk forum, the local information is browsed one by one, especially related to XX heavy fire, traffic, mine disasters and other related news reports, first Time to report all information for the leadership's reference.

Network part: I and XX are responsible for the maintenance of the computer hardware and network of the four leading groups, and provide network technical support and guarantee to the units in the whole district. In 2019, network maintenance and hardware maintenance services were provided for a total of × times. The service scope mainly involved network debugging, hardware equipment inspection and maintenance, computer virus prevention and processing, data recovery, building a regional network, and setting up a server. , office software maintenance and update, and provide operational guidance for the old leadership online. With the past experience and new and enriched knowledge, we can find out the cause of the computer in a timely and accurate manner, and solve the problem by helping the relevant units to solve the problem. In order to ensure stable, continuous and efficient operation of the entire network, equipment security inspections are often carried out in 12 distribution rooms on the first floor to the tenth floor to ensure the normal operation of the aggregation network hardware devices, and the network is smooth, especially in the central computer room. It is a place that must be inspected and cleaned regularly. In order to cooperate with the district to promote paperless office and build an e-government platform, I and my colleagues will jointly learn the operation and maintenance of the new system and provide technical services and guidance to other units.

Video conference call: I and XXX are jointly responsible for the physical connection and signal response of the equipment related to the video conference. According to the workflow, the person in charge is responsible for the video conference. It is necessary to ensure that the signal is stable, the picture is smooth, and the sound is clear. Even if something goes wrong, someone is responsible for the first time. There is no dead corner in the work, leaving no hidden dangers. Ensure that video conferences from the central to local levels can be successfully held in advance or in advance. In order to cope with the troubles caused by accidental power outages to video conferences, the UPS system has been prepared and ready to go. A total of 127 video conferences were held throughout the year, all of which were held as scheduled.

In general, in 2019, the responsible work was basically completed. Despite his dedicated and diligent work, there are still some shortcomings. There are many domestic forums, and some information corners cannot be fully grasped. The information on the website is not satisfactory. Part of it is also limited. In particular, some text reports on the website can only be reproduced, copied, and not organized to organize text reports. This is something that I need to strengthen in the future.

2014 has quietly passed, looking forward to 2015. In the new year, my work will start from the following aspects:

1 Web page information: Start researching and collecting information software, and strive to collect the information needed in the work in the shortest time.

2 Network operation: In conjunction with the center to increase the network bandwidth, continue to do network operation guarantee work.

3 Video conference: Strengthen communication with the city information center, continue to do the video conference signal connection debugging, implement the village-to-village project in the province, and provide relevant technical support for the township units.

4 Learning: It is necessary not only to strengthen the study of political theory, but also to study relevant policy files, and to improve the level of business. Network technology is a hand, the website technology is also a hand, both hands must be grasped, both hands must be hard. The IPv6 era is coming, cloud technology is coming into life, planning ahead, and preparing from now on.

The road is long and the road is long, and I will search for it. There is still a lot to learn from the information work. Please help the leaders and colleagues to help me a lot, and let me improve as soon as possible. Finally, I would like to join hands with all my colleagues to contribute to the information center!

Information Center Work Summary

In 2019, under the care of the General Office of the Municipal Government, the XX Information Center, with the care and support of the leaders of the county party committee and the county government, closely focused on the center and key work of the municipal and county party committees and governments, with the aim of serving leadership decisions. Actively adapt to the needs of the new situation, constantly innovate work ideas, and strive to improve the quality of information work and service level. At the same time as doing good service for this level, we will focus on strengthening information reporting and receiving good results. It shows a good development situation, the number of reported information and the degree of attention of the leaders have been greatly improved, and it has been determined by the provincial government as a provincial information reporting county. Looking back at the work of the year, I mainly focused on three aspects:

First, seize the "bright spots" and work hard to enhance the information features. When we edit and submit information, we always pay attention to playing "characteristic cards", sing "local operas", and develop and excavate "boutique" information. The first is to highlight the characteristics of the county. Our county is known as "the hometown of Chinese pears" and "the hometown of edible fungi in Hebei". The county's population ranks second in the city and is a typical agricultural county. We firmly grasp this unique county characteristic, adhere to periodic and staged submissions, sing good winter and spring work, summer and autumn harvest "four season songs", collect and compile information about "agricultural" information every year. More than 60% of the amount, such as "※ ※ pear flower viewing week activities show brand effect", "※ ※ Qiao time difference between the Spring Festival during the export of more than 3,000 people", "※ ※ actively explore the land transfer mechanism" and other information,

It provides an important reference for the leaders at all levels to know Wei County, guide Wei County, and make decisions for the whole city. It has played a positive role in solving the "three rural issues" under the new situation. The second is to grasp the characteristics of development. Although the county's economic aggregate is relatively small, the county's economy has increased rapidly, and the characteristic industries have developed rapidly, and bright spots have emerged. Focusing on these highlights, we actively researched and explored and transformed into information advantages and achieved remarkable results. Such as "※ ※ Aile company AOLE continuous foaming machine to fill the domestic gap", "Hebei's largest concentrated fruit and vegetable juice production company Yongfeng Fruit and Vegetable Juice Co., Ltd. settled ※ ※", "※ ※ building billion candy city to build candy industry development flagship After the information was submitted, it was adopted by the province and the city and achieved good response. The third is to tap the "experience" of the work. Focus on the creative work initiatives and successful practices in the hotspots and difficult issues that the people care about at all levels of the county, and organize them into information reports and promote them in time. For example, the "※ ※ implementation of the "five ten" project to coordinate urban and rural development", "※ ※ highlights the construction of key projects to promote county economic development", "※ ※ take a number of measures to revitalize the company's stock assets of 300 million yuan" and other information, The full affirmation and attention of the leaders of the provincial and municipal governments.

Second, cut the demand, work hard to reflect the information service. First, it is close to the party committee and government work center. In response to the different central work of the party committees and governments at different levels and different key tasks at the same time, the information on availability is continuously adjusted and screened. For example, after major decision-making by the central and higher-level party committees, government, and the deployment of work, or after the important meeting, we will quickly submit the implementation, or the grassroots reflections, voices, suggestions, etc., in order to further optimize the superiors. decision making. The second is to follow the leadership thinking. Qi Jinghai, the county magistrate, and Yang Xiaohe, the deputy head of the government, personally questioned and guided the information work many times to create loose conditions for us. The internal working conditions of our information center in the office are always first-class. We also asked us to increase the empathy when making information, take the initiative to enter the leadership "role", and analyze and analyze the problem from the perspective of the leader. By attending conferences, listening to leadership speeches, timely capturing the ideas and viewpoints of leaders; by studying archives, listening to leadership opinions, accurately understanding the work and problems that leaders care about, and making the information provided truly connected with the leadership thinking and needs. For example, according to the agricultural development ideas put forward by the main leaders of the county government, we have compiled and reported "※ ※ Government County Magistrate Qi Jinghai proposed to build four economic pillars to help farmers increase income", the city "government information" will be published. The third is to stay close to the grassroots. "The text has changed into the world." In actual work, we are always paying attention to what the people are thinking, what they are looking for, what they need, what they are opposed to, and timely writing some original social and public opinion information. Last winter, we conducted a survey on the sales of Chinese cabbage in the county Tianxian fruit and vegetable market, and found that the price is low, seriously damaging the enthusiasm of vegetable farmers, and the people are eager to get market guidance and timely treatment, so we wrote "※ ※ reflects this year's big The information that the price of cabbage fell to the lowest price in four years has attracted the attention of the provincial government. In addition, according to the implementation of the national macro-control policy at the beginning of the year, we conducted in-depth investigations, carefully analyzed the impact of the county economy, and wrote a research article entitled “Impact of the National Giant Control on the Economic Development of Our County”, which was obtained by the county party committee and government leaders. Highly valued and researched and improved the corresponding measures.

Third, flexible mechanisms, work hard to improve the effectiveness of information. The first is to improve the working methods and change the "waiting for the rabbit" as the "active attack." Ancient people's cloud: Those who are involved in shallow water get fish and shrimp, and those who enter deep water have to get rid of dragons. In fact, the information that is effortlessly obtained can only be fur or even false. Information personnel must pay special attention to the discovery and excavation of real life. We adopt the "going out" approach, focusing on the difficulties of leadership attention, the hot spots reflected by the society, spending a lot of energy on "focus perspective", or in-depth field research, or coordinating departments to cooperate with research, collecting and capturing first-hand materials, providing a high perspective. The high-grade, high-effect information makes the staff service truly “see” to the idea, and “make” is at the key point. The second is to improve the operational mechanism and change the "sole alone" to "hands-on". If you rely solely on full-time information personnel to do information, subject to the constraints of the number of personnel, work energy, knowledge structure, etc., the information is greatly reduced in breadth and depth, affecting the effectiveness of service decision-making. In practice, under the premise of clarifying the staff of full-time information, we will focus on the network of outlets at all levels, foster backbones, and promote the comprehensive collection of information to achieve information collection and networking. In the horizontal direction, 30 units including the County Finance Bureau, the County Water Conservancy Bureau, and the County Local Taxation Bureau were selected as contact points in the county, and regular contacts, appointments, and conference exchanges were adopted to give full play to the comprehensive reflection of a certain aspect of the county. The advantage of the situation, the fusion of information. In the vertical direction, the government offices of 21 township party committees in the county are the main body, taking the methods of follow-up study, issuing key points, and quarterly scheduling, etc., to give full play to their advantages and advantages, so that the information tentacles truly "rooted" at the grassroots level. At the same time, select 10 leading enterprises from the key enterprises with large profits and taxes as the target of economic information collection; go inside the office to complete the information road, increase the information capacity, and initially form the information grid line in the vertical and horizontal directions. Bureau. In order to standardize the operation of the network and give full play to the role of the network, we have established and improved a set of systems such as the target management system, the information reporting and notification system, and the evaluation and reward system, which have further enhanced the vitality of information work. The third is to expand the information effect and change "internal communication" to "open to the outside world." Information work is not only about collecting, compiling, reporting, and providing information. It is also necessary to strengthen the transformation and use of information to guide the work. In practice, we have mainly cleared four channels, that is, the combination of information and propaganda, enhance the reference role, and provide typical experience information that has guiding significance and reference for the development of the center work, widely publicized through newspapers, radio, television, etc. Promote work; combine information and research, enhance enlightenment, find good ideas, set up special classes, conduct in-depth investigations, deepen work; combine information with supervision, enhance warning function, and pass leadership instructions on some hot and difficult issues Track and supervise, focus on supervision, and implement the work; pass the information results through further enrichment, synthesis, and extension, and form normative files such as resolutions, opinions, and regulations, and enhance the guiding role.

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