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School-based curriculum summary

School-based curriculum summary

First, the purpose of the event

In order to inherit Chinese classical culture, improve students' cultural accomplishment, enhance students' understanding and love of the traditional culture of the motherland, and cultivate their positive attitude towards life, we will make the "Three Character Classics" and "Ancient Poetry Reading" as our first grade school. course.

And in response to this, we have developed a detailed plan and implemented it carefully. The following is a summary of our implementation of this semester.

First, integrate ancient poetry and unify the content of the textbook.

Because the ancient poetry textbooks were not unified, the self-selected textbooks for each grade were not conducive to the students' systematic study, and also brought inconvenience to the final summary and report. In order to make the school-based curriculum better developed and utilized in the future, our group selected ancient poems suitable for our students according to the characteristics of students, and compiled a book entitled "First-grade School-based Curriculum" to determine the teaching content.

Second, the use of multiple forms of teaching ancient poetry

We have divided the two stages in the teaching of ancient poetry reading. The first stage is based on teacher education, and the second stage is based on self-study. In the first stage, we mainly adopt the method of “entry + 吟诵”: not only guiding the teacher to lead the students into the artistic conception of the ancient poetry, but also allowing the students to enjoy the beauty of the ancient poetry in the artistic conception, and let the students roughly understand the meaning of the poetry, then, On this basis, let the students learn the ancient poems and feel the rhythm and rhythm of the ancient poems.

When guiding students to study ancient poetry, we also pay attention to cultivating students' reading ability and teaching students some recitation techniques, such as the length of the rhythm of the rhythm, the speed of the speech, the level of the intonation, and the change of the language and the accent of reading the accent. Grasp the wait, constantly improve the students' ability to read and strengthen the memory. After this, students' interest in learning ancient poetry is growing. Therefore, we proceeded to the second stage in time to carry out the activities of "I am a little teacher." Let students find their favorite ancient poems, understand the meaning, and teach other students in vivid and interesting forms. This form of activity deeply attracts every child, and the children are enthusiastically demonstrating their talents in ancient poetry. Since the school-based curriculum, our school has carried out in-depth reading activities throughout the school. In the past year, both teachers and students have gained a lot, and they have thoroughly understood the profoundness of traditional culture.

The reading activities have become a form of traditional activities with far-reaching significance and formed its own characteristics.

1. My class basically guarantees a reading time of 3--5 minutes before class. Every week, I recite four sentences and three words, an ancient poem.

2. In order to make the students harvest a lot, we use the newspapers and columns to create a good atmosphere for reading, so that students can familiarize themselves with Tang poetry and Song poetry in the eyes and ears, and create an atmosphere for reading.

3. The purpose of the school-based curriculum is not only to let students remember famous works, but more importantly, to make students understand a truth, develop a quality, and learn a skill.

Of course, while encouraging students to memorize, we do not forget to help students understand some meaningful and meaningful sentences, so that students can learn the moral principles in the ages and the beautiful, so that students are influenced and influenced in the subtle.

4. For each passage of the ancient poetry, we have to pass the self-back, study group inspection, and the whole class to check the quality to ensure the quality of reciting.

5. We insisted on taking the school as the main body and the family-assisted reading as the auxiliary mode, which made the school-based curriculum of our class more successful.

Nowadays, the reading of ancient poetry in my class has gradually deepened and has been integrated into the body of the school, becoming an important part of school education. It is causing changes in the school from the inside out. It is playing an increasingly important role in the formation of the school's refined atmosphere, the reconstruction of school culture, and the growth of students.

In short, the opening of school-based curriculum to read ancient poetry and poetry is a great achievement of promoting traditional culture and revitalizing the Chinese nation. We will continue to carry out the seeds of traditional culture and promote the students' all-round development of the merits and deeds of the people, so that the Chinese excellent traditional culture will blossom in the East Guanguo.

School-based curriculum summary

This semester, according to the school-based curriculum teaching plan at the beginning of the period, our fifth grade has carried out active exploration and practice under the guidance of the school leaders. After one semester of school-based curriculum teaching practice, it is summarized as follows:

1. Strengthen learning, change concepts, and keep pace with the times.

The development of school-based curriculum conforms to the trend of people-government decision-making in the current era. The school-based curriculum development is a school that pays attention to the school's curriculum autonomy and reflects the spirit of the people-owner's participation in the curriculum decision-making. First of all, using teaching and research time, learning and training in various forms, effectively changing the teacher's curriculum concept, re-shaping yourself and defining the role of the role, from the replica of the curriculum norm to the creator of the new curriculum. I have gained a deep understanding of the school-based curriculum, further established the idea of ​​teaching the people and the master, mobilized the enthusiasm of active participation, and laid a solid foundation for the participation in the development of school-based curriculum.

2. Focus on the development of students.

By learning the new curriculum concept, I have further clarified the responsibility of the educator, that is, to provide students with the conditions for independent development as much as possible. The development of students should also be multifaceted. Starting from the actual situation of the students, pay attention to individual differences and provide the possibility of development. Therefore, in the school-based curriculum development project and content, the teacher, student, and parent questionnaires were printed to understand the requirements of students and parents. According to the survey results, safety, health, ancient poetry reading, reading, and greenhouse watermelon technology were determined. School-based curriculum system. Really realized "everything for the students, for the students everything."

Third, the implementation content and requirements:

Determine the structure of the school-based curriculum. We establish school-based curriculum based on the following aspects.

1 The needs of students' development, respecting the wishes of students, and contributing to the sustainable development of students

2 The age characteristics of the students, taking into account the students' hobbies and cognitive rules.

3 The actual situation of the school, including the school's characteristic goals, teachers and facilities.

Specific practice

1. Strictly follow the new curriculum plan to set up a section, not occupying and appropriating the time of the school-based curriculum, to ensure that the class is open.

2. School-based curriculum teachers should strengthen their study, study hard, and dare to explore, and do their best to do a good job in school-based curriculum education. The school-based curriculum teaching and research group timely inspected and supervised the teaching routine work of the teachers, and ensured that the school-based curriculum teaching work was truly implemented.

3. The teaching and research group of the school-based curriculum conducts teaching and research activities on time, continuously explores the development of school-based curriculum rules, and strives to improve the theory and teaching level of the teachers in the school-based curriculum. While doing a good job in teaching and research activities, it actively organizes teachers to participate in training and study. After the activities, we will make great efforts to create a team of teachers with high quality, confidence and enthusiasm to participate in the development of school-based curriculum.

4. Do a good job in the evaluation of school-based curriculum. The development of school-based curriculum should be practical, not in the form, and the assessment is an important part of the development of school-based curriculum. To this end, it is proposed to improve the evaluation rules in the current period, and carefully evaluate, reward and punish at the end of each period, and enter the evaluation results into the teacher's year-end target management evaluation.

5. Establish a school-based curriculum development work system, so that the curriculum development work is gradually on the right track and effective.

6. In the implementation of the school-based curriculum activities, timely summary, continuous learning and lessons, continuous development, improvement, and update in the summary. First, the school-based curriculum teaching and research group will conduct a comprehensive summary in each issue, summarize the achievements in the previous paragraph, improve the imperfections in the work, and propose future tasks; second, the teachers in the department will summarize and reflect, improve the mistakes in the teaching, and enrich Develop school-based curriculum content. At the end of each period, whether it is a teaching and research group or a teacher individual, we must carefully collect relevant information and organize it.

7. Follow the principle of school-based curriculum development to meet students' interests, hobbies and social needs. In the development of school-based curriculum activities, organize teachers to conduct social surveys in a timely manner, solicit opinions from students, parents and community groups, and make full use of the school's own reality. Local resources, continuous improvement and enrichment and improvement of school-based curriculum content, so that the school-based curriculum content of our school is truly developed into a special curriculum that fosters students' individuality development and adapts to social development.

Looking back at the school-based curriculum work of this semester, we have summed up a lot of experience, which is inseparable from the support of school leaders and many teachers. We will learn from each other and make students become a culturally rich generation.

School-based curriculum summary

First, the guiding ideology of school-based curriculum development:

Based on the "Basic Education Curriculum Reform Outline" and other archives, the "maintenance of students, innovation and practical ability as the focus" as the basic concept of the curriculum, transforming educational ideas, combined with the advantages of the school, students' interests and needs Carefully organized and opened a school-based curriculum with the characteristics of our school to promote students' all-round development. To realize the school's "focus on life education, laying the foundation for a wonderful life".

Second, the goal of school-based curriculum development:

1. Under the premise that the school-based curriculum is consistent with the national curriculum and the local curriculum in terms of training objectives, according to the school's training objectives and curriculum resources, according to the needs of students' diverse development, school-based curriculums of different categories and levels are set. To create better conditions for improving the overall quality of students;

2. To meet the needs of teachers' professional development, to build a platform for teachers to develop diversified, to give teachers the opportunity to participate in curriculum development, and to improve teachers' ability of scientific research reform;

3. Highlight the school's school-running characteristics and develop distinctive courses.

Third, the main ideas formed by our school in the development of school-based curriculum

1. Fully understand the connection and difference between the “school-based curriculum”, the “national curriculum” and the “local curriculum”, and deepen the understanding of the “school-based curriculum”. The school-based curriculum should focus on the development of courses that reflect the school's philosophy and develop independently according to the school's own conditions. We believe that all the courses that can improve the comprehensive quality of our students are also self-developed by our teachers, all of which are school-based courses.

2, the school-based curriculum should be diverse, suitable for the school's local area, and is conducive to the development of students' needs. The curriculum should be based on planning, non-academic, interest, student personality, and more emphasis on processes and activities. Give students more opportunities to learn, practice and perform. In the preparation and review of school-based curriculum, emphasis should be placed on the principles of subjectivity, openness, practicality, cooperation, innovation, activity, interest, democracy, selectivity, and flexibility. School-based curriculum should not be too "informative and systematic". It should not be teacher-centered, not subject-centered, but should focus on students' original life experiences and learning experiences, and conduct experimental, exploratory activities and learning. Forcing "planning", the school-based curriculum should be a process of dynamic development, and it is a process of constantly generating changes in practice. It is not necessarily the same as the standard textbooks. It is not necessary to compile the textbooks first. Sometimes a lecture can be done. Continuous accumulation is very important. It is more important to meet the needs of students.

Fourth, the leadership attaches importance to the organization

The school has established a school-based curriculum development committee composed of the principal, the secretary, the vice president, the teaching director, the teaching and research team leader, and the backbone teachers. Leading group meetings are held regularly to discuss and formulate goals and systems for school-based curriculum development.

V. Important links in the development and implementation of school-based curriculum

1. Clear goals

The development of school-based curriculum is not only a task of completing a teaching, but more importantly, it is regarded as a breakthrough in quality education, closely combined with the school-running characteristics of the school, with a view to making each student’s moral cultivation and comprehensive quality Practical improvement; not only to meet the students' existing interests and hobbies, but also to stimulate and cultivate students' new interests and hobbies, not only to cultivate and develop the students' existing strengths, but also to find and explore the potential abilities and advantages of the students. Train it to make it a new specialty. In short, the development of school-based curriculum is to let every student grow up healthily and let every student succeed.

2. Implement the teacher

The development and implementation of school-based curriculum requires a group of highly qualified teachers with innovative abilities. First of all, according to the existing faculty of the school, we will implement the tasks of development and implementation to the outstanding backbone teachers. Our school's Han Li, Zhao Xu, Yang Aihua, and mathematics group, the art group took on the development and research work of the school's first round of school-based curriculum, and achieved certain practical experience and school results.

3. Regularly organize student achievement presentations to promote and promote the development of school-based curriculum.

6. The main school-based curriculum catalogues opened by our school in recent years:

According to the school resources of our school and the specific conditions of the students, the school-based curriculum plan is divided into three series:

Art: We developed stickers, hand-folded papers, and headlines. The children's aesthetic literacy training and edification have cultivated students' innovative spirit and practical ability.

Science and technology: relying on scientific disciplines, small-scale production of science and technology, under the guidance of teachers, children can create, reflect environmental awareness and innovation awareness.

Discipline teaching class: We developed mathematics in life. On the one hand, students feel the close connection between mathematics and life, embody the learning value of mathematics, and on the other hand, build a bridge between life thinking and mathematical thinking.

The inheritance of Chinese studies: We let the calligraphy class and the "disciple of the disciples" enter the classroom, and enrich the learning style of the "discipline", with the initiative of "learning the discipline of the disciples, taking the road of life" and innovating the way of learning the "discipline" Incorporate the content of the disciples into the inter-curricular exercises and school songs of the school, so that the disciples can be integrated into the children's consciousness and actions.

Seven, problems and countermeasures:

1. Main issues:

The curriculum is not systematic and scientific.

The knowledge of teachers is urgently needed to be updated and broadened, and there is a lack of control over the ability of the classroom to lead students.

Individual students do not take enough initiative to learn, and it is difficult for teachers to mobilize the enthusiasm of students to participate.

The contradiction between the development of school-based curriculum and the lack of ability of teachers to construct their own curriculum

2. Solution:

Grasp the implementation and improve teachers' awareness of curriculum construction. Change the teacher's single stereotype of the course. Multi-organizational training allows teachers to first accept the concept of school-based curriculum, and link the development of school-based curriculum with their own educational and teaching practices.

Promote development and improve teachers' curriculum construction ability. Enhance the ability of curriculum construction as the most important aspect of a teacher's professional development. Use all available resources to organize effective learning activities and promote the development of teachers' curriculum construction capabilities.

First-line teachers, school leaders and experts and scholars work together. The concept of the expert should be conveyed to the school and the teacher in a simple and simple way. The school leaders should fully support the development of the teacher's curriculum construction ability, provide the best conditions for the teacher's professional development, and the teacher should overcome the inertia and actively participate in the new curriculum reform. To explore the characteristics of oneself, and strive to grow into a teacher with the ability to construct courses to adapt to the new curriculum reform requirements.

Integrate school-based curriculum development into day-to-day management.

The school-based curriculum development of our school has made a preliminary attempt with the joint efforts of all teachers. We will further broaden our thinking, actively, proactively and steadily increase the intensity of reforms, and gradually form an alternative school-based curriculum that focuses on the comprehensive and individual development of students.

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