Work Summary > Annual Work Summary

Company annual work summary essay

Corporate annual work summary essay

Under the correct leadership of the company's leadership, our company's trade unions fully seized the opportunity to celebrate the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the party, focusing on optimizing the investment and development of the service environment, taking innovative thinking and serving enterprises as an initiative to further solve the impact on our company's industry. The actual problems of economic development have highlighted the adjustment of industrial economic structure, the transformation of economic development mode and service enterprises, and have successfully completed the annual work objectives. The following is a summary of the following work:

First, the main work throughout the year

1. Strengthen situation education and promote awareness of implementation.

The company's trade unions actively promoted the city's major policies, combined with the actual analysis of our company, identified the key points, closely followed the work of the trade unions, focused on the construction of the executive force, and promoted the company's "three constructions" work, integrated resources to enhance implementation. Together, further promote the stable development of the company. The company's trade unions actively organized the company's employees to conduct "two transformations", "three constructions", situational task education and other special studies, and constantly create a public opinion atmosphere through meetings and class learning, and guide employees to recognize the current situation and tasks facing the company. Enhance the sense of self-consciousness and responsibility of employees; unite and mobilize employees to effectively unify thoughts and actions into corporate decision-making.

2. Strengthen the construction of democratic management and conscientiously implement the system of employee conferences.

The company's trade unions conscientiously implemented the "Work Standards of the Workers' Congress of the *** Provincial *** Company" and organized the three-time three-person workers' meeting. The meeting comprehensively reviewed the company's work in 2019, and carried out a profound analysis of the situation faced by the company from the perspective of long-term development; determined 2019 to "soliden one foundation, improve two capabilities, strengthen the three major sectors, and improve the four-oriented thinking Adhere to the work of the five main lines to ensure that the whole production achieves "double zero", the team maintains harmony and stability, civilized construction strives for greater honor, and the production and operation of the enterprise is sustainable, realizing the steady and rapid development of the company. The leaders of the city company visited the meeting in person, gave high praise to the company's work performance, and put forward specific requirements for future work, helping all employees to further clarify their work ideas and clarify the work direction.

3. Strengthen the quality improvement of employees and vigorously promote the standardization of team construction.

In order to further implement the work arrangement of the “three prominent and five-place” construction of the city's corporate team, improve the overall quality of the team as a starting point and deepen the execution of the team. The company's trade unions have improved the management information of the team construction, and also carried out a cross-checking activity of learning records that takes the role of the trade union cadre as the leader and strengthens the training core based on the post. Encourage employees to strengthen their studies, make good study records, and write reading experiences. Taking this event as an opportunity, the company's trade unions organized trade unionists and trade union team leaders to observe the employee's learning records and select the winners to encourage them. Trade union cadres look at the learning records through cross-cutting, find gaps and make up for the shortfalls, and ensure that learning is effective.

The company's trade unions conscientiously implemented the spirit of the superior archives and actively carried out the "safe class group trip" activities. First, it took the lead in holding a safety knowledge contest in the city company. The competition centered on the daily safety work of the two security key units of the station and the company, and organized eight teams to compete for one, two and three. During the competition, the team members of the participating teams strictly abide by the rules, and responded enthusiastically with a full enthusiasm and serious attitude. The atmosphere of the competition was intense and intense. The second is to carry out the "I provide a strategy for team safety" and the "Collection of typical case management of team safety" activities. The company's trade unions have collected 11 excellent rationalization proposals and 3 typical cases. These excellent suggestions will promote the safety management level of the team. Further improvement.

4. Strengthen the care of employees and carry out warm work in depth.

The company's trade unions thoroughly implemented the "National Fitness Program", innovated work ideas, organized employees to take physical and mental health as their purpose, and extensively carried out various forms of popular cultural and sports activities. This year is the 104th anniversary of the "March 8" International Women's Day. The company's trade unions organize women workers to visit Chaiqi River, and jointly carry out the "advanced female employees" commendation activities, and also organize female employee representatives to participate in the city's company to celebrate the "March 8" International Women's Day. The party organized a badminton training event and actively participated in the 4th “Safe Class Team” Cup Badminton Badminton Competition of the Municipal Company. The team members have been deeply impressed by the spirit of training and unity and hard work. They have been awarded the “Organization Award” for the “Safe Class Team” Cup Badminton Competition of the Municipal Company; to enrich the entertainment life of employees, cooperate with the company’s administration for all employees and A total of 154 family members of the family handled the “** Tourism Year Card”. Through the development of the activities, the corporate culture and entertainment atmosphere was invigorated, the spiritual and cultural needs of the employees were met, the physical and mental health of the employees was enhanced, and the cohesiveness of the employees to do their work was improved. The company's trade unions attached great importance to the extremely poor workers and the “Jinqiu Aid” workers. The file archiving and management work carried out the investigation and declaration of the extremely poor workers in a solid and meticulous manner. During the peak summer period, the company’s trade unions set up a heatstroke prevention and cooling condolence group to actively prepare for the heatstroke prevention and cooling condolences, and went deep into the company’s work sites and production teams. Conducting heatstroke prevention and cooling activities; organizing physical examinations for all employees, women workers' gynecological examinations, and constantly improving employee health records; relying on existing staff cultural and sports activities, extensively carrying out employee reading activities, issuing book vouchers for employees, and organizing the construction of "worker bookstores", Actively create a "star staff club", the company's trade union plans to create a five-star "star staff club" for the staff of the Yongyao Residence Property Management Office, and updated the supporting management facilities and books for the club; Living conditions to improve the health of employees The company launched a grass-roots union canteen standardized construction activities, declared **** Management Office, Management Office ****, *** management office three staff canteen for the standard canteen.

In order to build the trade union into a caring home for the employees, the company’s trade unions always gave condolences to the inpatients and workers with difficulties in life, and promptly sent the party, government, and workers’ greetings to the employees. In the past year, a total of 8 inpatients and their families have been condolenced, and 3 people have been members of the major holiday condolences and difficulties, and the blessing activities for the birthday of the employees have been continued. The condolence fee has exceeded 10,000 yuan.

Retirement work is an important part of the company's work. The company's trade unions are ideologically concerned about retired employees and take care of retired employees from life. Cooperate with all relevant functional departments to implement the various treatments of retired employees in a timely manner according to policies; the company's trade unions timely visit the retired employees who are hospitalized and hospitalized, and retired employees who are concerned about family life difficulties; adopt flexible and diverse forms to organize old comrades to carry out various activities. The cultural and sports activities actively provide the necessary conditions for the various cultural activities of veteran comrades. In March, the team participated in the 19th old gateball match of the city company; in May, the old employees were organized to participate in the city company fishing competition and Taijiquan training class. In October, organize retired veterans and their families to visit Qingjiang Gallery and celebrate the Chongyang Festival.

The company's trade unions stand at the height of politics and the overall situation, and carry out "love activities". The purpose is to vigorously advocate the good practices of employees caring for enterprises, caring for others and caring for the society. In April, the company's trade unions organized employees to donate to the “Yushu Earthquake”. The company's 37 employees actively participated in the donation activities and raised a total of 4,450 yuan.

5. Strengthen self-construction and improve the execution of the trade union team.

The company's trade unions have fully played the role of a bridge between trade union cadres and further standardized the work of trade unions. The trade unions regularly hold group leader meetings, arrange for the deployment of recent trade union work, convey trade union files, and promote trade union policies. The head of the trade union team also made full use of the time of the group to publicize the trade union policy to employees, carry out training on trade union laws and regulations, and convey the archives of the trade unions. The staff and workers can timely understand the trade union information and the work of the higher-level trade unions, including the work of the company’s trade unions. The head of the trade union team actively recommended it, and then the democratic selection of trade union officials. The head of the trade union team promptly reflected the thoughts of the employees to the trade unions, let the trade unions grasp the ideological dynamics of the employees in a timely manner, and carried out targeted work to resolve the contradictions in the bud.

Strengthen the training of trade union cadres and further promote the work of trade unions. In order to improve the quality of trade union cadres and adapt to the requirements of the situation, the company's trade unions regularly organize trade union cadres to learn, and encourage trade union cadres not only to learn the trade union business knowledge, but also to strengthen the study of law, management and other knowledge to optimize their knowledge structure. Broaden the knowledge and enhance the ability to speak and speak for employees.

In order to give full play to the important role of trade union theory and policy research in the overall situation of service enterprises and trade union work, the company's trade unions actively organize trade union members to focus on the company's key work and actual conditions, extensively carry out theoretical research and investigation and research work, and collect excellent papers. More than ten articles, including three articles by the municipal company "2019 Annual Trade Union Theory Research Collection".

This year, the company's trade unions have further improved the labor insurance information of employees, and timely completed the transfer of member files, standardizing and strengthening the membership management of trade union members.

Second, the main task of 2019

In 2019, the company's trade unions will give full play to the role of trade unions, help the company's cadres and workers to unify their thinking, identify the situation, find gaps, enhance motivation, implement actions into various tasks, and ensure the full completion of the goals in 2019. The task is to accelerate the "two transformations" and promote the company's good and fast development.

1. Continue to carry out in-depth team building activities. Doing a good job in team building is an objective requirement for improving the cohesiveness and competitiveness of enterprises, and it is also one of the key assessment projects for the city's corporate civilization inspection. The company's trade unions will continue to carry out self-inspection and self-examination in accordance with the "Assessment Rules for the Standardization of Trade Unions" and the work requirements of the "three outstanding five-positions" of the city company team, in accordance with the principles of seeking truth from facts, self-assessment and self-improvement, aiming at existing problems and Weak links will further improve the construction of standardized teams. Carry out good job training, improve the quality of employees through training, employee self-study, knowledge competition, skill competition and other forms. It is also necessary to give full play to the role of the union leader and the team leader in bridging the chain, guiding the grassroots cadres in the front line of the team, closely surrounding the company's development goals and business strategies, and doing a good job in the ideological work of the employees, truly reflecting the wishes of the employees, stabilizing the team, and actively assisting. The company's trade unions solve problems involving the immediate interests of employees.

2. Continue to run the staff bookstore activities. The implementation of the "worker bookstore" construction and the staff reading activities is an important measure to learn to strengthen the ideological and moral construction of employees, deepen the "creation of learning organizations, and strive to be knowledge workers" and implement the quality of employees. The company's work accounting painting was created. The company's staff bookstore is a three-star “worker bookstore”.

3. Do a good job of “sending warmth”. First, continue to carry out poverty alleviation and help to send warm activities, and actively do a good job of visiting condolences for inpatients, employees, workers and widows; second, pay attention to socially disadvantaged groups, advocate the concept of charity, and do a good job of helping the socially disadvantaged groups. jobs.

4. Continue to strengthen the building of spiritual civilization, and continue to carry out year-end summary appraisal and praise and push the preferred tree work. Continue to do a good job in the selection and commendation of grassroots advanced collectives and advanced model figures.

Company new person personal sales work summary essay

Today is July 10th, XX. It has been one and a half months since I entered the US-Japan Tianjin branch on May 26th. After more than half a month of training, our third-stage members will be on June 18. On the first day of the official launch of the day, it has been nearly a month since then, and I feel a lot. Here is a brief summary of the individual's recent work situation and the team's situation, as well as the goals and prospects for future work.

Let me talk about myself first. I really didn’t think that I would do sales work before. I used to interview the interviewer and said that I am not suitable for sales, because my personality is more introverted. In comparison, it is not a lot. So first of all, I would like to thank the United States and Japan for giving me such an opportunity. In less than a month, I sold insurance through telephone calls, contacted people of all kinds, and exercised my ability to express myself. The words gradually became less cautious and blunt. It can be expressed in its own language. It is not like the beginning of the words on the paper. It can be said that this is a change! Let me talk about my performance for more than three weeks. Well, I only made three orders, but the actual underwriting brush has only one single, only nearly 5,000 achievements! I want to cause such a result. The reason is multi-faceted. First of all, I feel that my target responsibility is not very strong. The motivation for work is not very big. I don’t think of long-term interests. I just look at my eyes. This is actually not the case. I must go forward with high goals and high treatment. Secondly, because of the short time, my own words and expressions are sometimes Not very skilled, giving customers a vague feeling, sometimes too weak, not forming a strong atmosphere, so that customers feel their persuasive power is still slightly Some, and sometimes feel the lack of patience for individual customers, not enough persistence, the customer's consecutive reasons for rejection makes me feel incoherent, do not know how to say, affecting the chance of becoming a single! So that the return visit When the customer did not answer the phone, it was originally sold at the time, but when the underwriters dialed again, the customer always shuts down, stops, and does not answer the phone. There must be part of it because of its own reasons! In short, I believe that these points will be As time goes by slowly, because I believe that time can change everything, to be "the one that comes with it!"

Through this period of work, I have to admit the huge pressure of sales work. In the face of tremendous pressure, I think that the personal mentality is very important. The winners can be persisted until the end! As He Dan’s leader said: When you place a bill, you have to work happily every day; now, if you don’t make a bill, it doesn’t mean you don’t make a bill in the future; as long as you set your goals and mind, the bill is inevitable! I can say that I’ve been thinking about these words every day. Working hard! Faced with all kinds of customers every day, facing all kinds of ugly words and all kinds of rejections, I always treat them with the most common heart. I think if I can't accept this, I can't do it. This work, it is always regarded as a very ordinary thing, and then, no pressure, no motivation. Write this, by the way, whether our three-stage class is Taikang’s headquarters or Our US and Japan II have lost a lot of people so far. Our group has recently resigned a lot of people. From the beginning of training to the present, I always think that our third class is one. The whole, but now there are so many people who have lost some emotions and helplessness! But after all, they are their own choices. No one can do anything. Although they don’t work together, there are fewer opportunities to meet, but friendship will never change! They all come out by themselves, as long as no regrets are enough!

Let me talk about the "Golden Diamond League" group that I am in. Although we have the least number of people in this group, we feel that the atmosphere is more active than when we first entered the group. Everyone is working hard and progressing, so I can't fall behind, only rise up. Directly chasing, moving toward the goal! Also thanks to the leader of He Dan for helping everyone and helping me, rest assured, we will use performance to prove our strength, time will change everything, with the accumulation of experience, everyone will Changed even better!

Regardless of whether the past is good or bad, with the end of this month's monthly end, the new month is about to begin. To be honest, my current performance this month is not very good. As for the reasons, I have already self-satisfied. In the middle of the month, I have to achieve a performance of about 50,000 in 22 working days. Although the target is not high, I am confident that it will be completed! In addition to correcting the attitude and persistence, the most important thing is to complete this goal. Efforts should be made to change the above-mentioned deficiencies, absorb the strengths of others, insist on listening to excellent recordings, use their own words, and usually communicate with He Dan team leader and excellent partners to find out their shortcomings in time. And strive to improve, and strive to move toward the goal! The perfect combination of faith and ideal, high standards, and strict endeavor! Must be better than this month!

Partners, everyone remembers: We are the best! For the US-Japan Tianli company, for the "Golden Diamond League" group, for our personal future, work hard! Because I believe that I am me, I believe tomorrow, I believe that youth has no horizon! Things are artificial, people will win the day! Believing that you are the best is enough!

Company Administration Department 2019 Annual Work Summary essay

In the style of work, we can obey the rules and discipline, unite our colleagues, be realistic and realistic, and be optimistic, always maintain a rigorous and serious work attitude and meticulous work style, diligent and diligent, and work hard. In the life, we will carry forward the fine tradition of hardship, simplicity, diligence, and willingness to help others. We will always be honest, diligent and diligent, work hard and simple, and strictly demand ourselves to play an exemplary role at any time.

The direction of future efforts: With the implementation of the company's various systems, we can expect that our work will be more arduous, the requirements are higher, and the knowledge to be mastered is higher and wider. To this end, I will work harder, study hard, and strive to improve cultural quality and various work skills, and make due contributions to the company. In the coming year, with the correct leadership and assistance of the company's leaders and department managers, our work focuses on the company's business policy, purpose and efficiency objectives, focusing on the key tasks, in addition to intense work. Strengthen team building and build a team with comprehensive business and enthusiastic work. As a manager, the subordinates are fully committed to "seeing the length of the people, the length of the people, the length of the people, the length of the exhibitors", giving full play to their subjective initiative and work enthusiasm. Improve the overall quality of the team and establish a new image of the department that is innovative, pragmatic and efficient. I fully realize that I am both a manager and an executive. In order to bring a team together, in addition to being familiar with the business, you also need to be responsible for the specific work and business. First, you must lead by example, so as to ensure that everyone can take the initiative in the case of tight personnel. In this regard, I will do the following to the leader:

First, strict with the law, consciously strengthen the party spirit, party spirit and political ideological awareness further improved

Over the past year, I have consistently applied Marxist-Leninist standpoints, viewpoints, and methodology, using dialectical materialism and historical materialism to analyze and observe things, to distinguish between right and wrong, to uphold the truth, to adhere to a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, and to use the correct worldview. , life outlook, values ​​guide their own study, work and life practices, and actively build a strong defense against the erosion of bourgeois democracy and liberalization, money worship, liberalism and other decadent ideas. I love the motherland, love the Chinese Communist Party, love socialism, support the leadership's management ideology, and firmly believe that socialism will eventually defeat capitalism and be full of confidence in socialism. We must conscientiously implement the party's line, principles, and policies, and earnestly do our job in order to accelerate the cause of socialist construction. Work proactively, work diligently, not afraid of hardships, do their due diligence, and make contributions within the ordinary jobs.

Second, strengthen theory and business learning, and constantly improve their overall quality

I attach importance to strengthening the study of theory and business knowledge. In the work, I insist on studying while working and constantly improving my overall quality.

I will seriously study the important thinking of "xxxx", profoundly understand the scientific connotation of the important thought of "xxxx", and enhance the consciousness and firmness of practicing the important thought of "xxxx"; seriously study the party's xx report and the third and fourth schools of the xx session. The spirit of the plenary session, consciously adhere to the guidance of the party's xx, and make its own efforts to further accelerate the improvement of the socialist market economic system and build a well-off society in an all-round way.

It is a serious study of business knowledge, focusing on document writing and document processing and computer knowledge. In the learning method, we should focus on the key points, grasp the key points, and combine their own shortcomings in document writing and document processing, computer knowledge, and carry out targeted learning to continuously improve their office business ability. .

It is to study legal knowledge earnestly, combine the actual characteristics of their work, use spare time, selectively carry out learning, and learn the "Law of the People's Republic of China", "Regulations on Forest Fire Prevention", "Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China", "Guangxi The Regulations on the Mediation and Dispute Resolution of Land and Forest Water Conservancy Rights in the Zhuang Autonomous Region, through learning, further enhance the legal consciousness and the legal concept.

Third, work hard, complete the task on time

Over the past year, I have always insisted on strictly demanding myself, working diligently, keeping in mind the company system, creating the interests of the company wholeheartedly, striving to implement the important ideas of the company's goals, and working hard in our ordinary and ordinary jobs. jobs. In the specific work, be a good assistant to the boss:

Carefully collect all kinds of information and data, comprehensively and accurately understand and master the development of all aspects of work, analyze the main problems in the work, summarize the work experience, report to the leaders in a timely manner, and let the leaders understand and master the recent work as comprehensively and accurately as possible. The actual situation is to make scientific and correct decisions for solving problems.

Every task assigned by the leadership is divided into priorities, scientifically arranged, and tasks are completed on time, quality and quantity.

In the work of receiving visiting customers, we insisted on receiving the customers according to the work requirements, listening carefully to the problems reflected by the visiting customers, and making requests and suggestions. At the same time, we should carefully explain the problems that customers need to solve but can't solve them at the same time, and be patient and do the ideological work of customers, so that customers can believe in Xiesheng.

Under the care, support and help of the leaders and colleagues, the excellent results of the various tasks of the service work have been affirmed by the leaders and customers.

Looking back on the work in the past year, I have made new progress in my thinking, study, and work, but I also recognize my own shortcomings, the level of theoretical knowledge is still relatively low, and modern office skills are not strong. In the future, I will conscientiously overcome the shortcomings, carry forward the achievements, and consciously put myself under the supervision of the company's organization and customers, study hard, work diligently, be a qualified manager, and make my own contribution to the goal of building a comprehensive prosperity. !

I have strong guidance, management and coordination skills. In the guidance work, I always carefully understand the spirit of the archives, think carefully, and draw up a set of work plans; then seek opinions from all sides, brainstorm ideas, combine the spirit of the file with the actual situation, and combine personal wisdom with collective wisdom. . In the course of work, we must persist in front of the command, identify the key points and difficulties, grasp the main contradictions, solve the problems in a targeted manner, resolve the contradictions, and firmly grasp the initiative of the work. In the management work, we insisted on holding a meeting of responsible persons in charge of the management and management departments at the beginning of each month, listening to the work report of the previous month, studying the work plan for the month, strengthening management, and supervising the implementation of internal control. In the coordination work, adhere to the people-oriented, give full play to people's subjective initiative and team spirit, and jointly complete complex and heavy work tasks.

Fourth, in terms of diligence:

I have a strong sense of professionalism, a strong sense of responsibility, and I am struggling to make progress. I work hard, work positively, be aggressive, be brave and burdened, dare to take responsibility, not care about personal gains and losses; work diligently, conscientiously, work hard; no delay, no delay, no early leave . In the past year, I have basically had no working leave, and I have been on duty and overtime on holidays, coordinating related work and reviewing relevant statements.

5. In terms of performance:

I have a clear work plan, planability, forward-looking, and strong leadership; pioneering and enterprising, often put forward rationalization proposals and be adopted, complete heavier work tasks and other tasks assigned by the leaders; pay attention to working methods, high efficiency; The work assigned by the leadership was completed on time or in advance, and the results were outstanding and the results were good.

Sixth, in terms of cheap:

Strictly implement and maintain the party's "four major disciplines and eight requirements", discipline, economic work discipline, and work discipline. Consciously achieve a high degree of consistency with the company, not arrogant and arrogant, self-discipline; abide by democratic centralism, not arbitrarily special, weak and laissez-faire; exercise power according to law, do not abuse power, neglect duty; honest and honest, do not accept any interests that affect the fair execution of official duties; Allow others to use their own influence to seek personal gain; fair and decent use of people, not to be crony, to engage in malpractice; hard work, not extravagant waste, greedy to enjoy; pragmatic for the company, employees, do not falsify, and the company to compete.

In the selection and appointment of cadres, the relevant provisions of the Interim Measures for the Management of Executives were earnestly implemented, and the principles of openness, equality, competition, and merit-based were adhered to, and the reform of the employment mechanism of the Association was promoted and gradually moved toward the rule of law.

Strictly implement various rules and regulations and resolutely correct the unhealthy trend of the industry. I set an example by strict practice, insist on employing people in the system, and manage people by system, and guide and educate employees to consciously implement the various rules and regulations of the Association, and establish a good trend of loving the company as a family and loving the family.

Closely contact customers and strive to achieve, maintain and develop the fundamental interests of the company and its customers. I firmly establish the correct view of power, status, and interests, establish the idea of ​​serving the people, dissatisfied with customer satisfaction, support and disapproval, and support disapproval as the starting point and end point of work, and strive to do practical things and do good things for the company. . Creating profit for customers is creating value for the company.

Implement a personal reporting system for major events as required.

In general, over the past year, I have a large number of departments in charge of and management, and have a wide range of tasks, heavy tasks, and great responsibilities. Since I understand the work deployment of my superiors, I firmly implement the company's and leaders' business policies and policies, and strictly enforce the company. The rules and regulations have better fulfilled the duties as an administrative position and as a professional and technical position, and have exerted the leadership management and organization and coordination capabilities, fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the staff, and successfully completed the management and management room throughout the year. Work task.

In the new year, I set a new goal for myself, that is, to step up learning, to better enrich myself, and to meet the challenges of the new era with a full spirit. There will be more opportunities and competition waiting for me next year, and my heart is secretly encouraging myself. To stand firm in the competition. Being down-to-earth, your eyes should not be limited to the small circles around you. You should focus on the overall situation and focus on future development. I will also learn from other colleagues, learn from each other's strengths, exchange good work experience, and make progress together. Get better job results.

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