Classic Quotations > Classic Quotes

Real life quotation

1. What others say is in your head, and your own is in your heart.

2. Try not to talk about the gossip of your colleagues and friends.

3. Believe in the Buddha, believe in cause and effect, in the face of true cause and effect, the power of man is insignificant.

4. Accept the gift of life to you, whether it is good or bad.

5. Really understand the meaning of impermanence. When you are suffering, you must think that this pain is not eternal. When you are happy, you must think that this happiness is not eternal.

6. Be happy, be cheerful, be tough, be warm, be sincere to others.

7. Study when you are boring, but you must have your own life goals and plans.

8. Have a clear understanding of the weakness of human nature, but believe in sincere love, always have a simple yearning for love.

9. Don't rely too much on people other than yourself, because only you will not abandon yourself.

10. Always hopeful for life, face the difficulties and hardships, smile.

11. Read more books and look at books.

12. Eat less and eat well.

13. Gu Long said that girls who love to laugh, luck will not be too bad.

14. Make more friends and make good friends. Women must be meticulous.

15. Please remember that the definition of a good friend is: You are mixed, she is happy for you in the eyes; you are not well mixed, she is sincerely worried for you.

16. Have a dream, even if it is far away.

17. Try to love someone. If you pay, you don't necessarily have to gain; if you don't pay, you will not gain anything. Don't expect a miracle.

18. Commitment is a wonderful thing, but good things often don't turn into reality.

19. Everyone has their own distinct ideas and personalities. Don't know how to change others. Similarly, don't be changed by others. I will not be myself if I changed.

20. There is no perfect thing, no perfect person, the key is to know exactly what you want. If you get what you want, you will definitely lose another part. If you want everything, just nothing.

21. The most vulnerable of the world is life, good health and importance.

22. God is fair to everyone.

23. Don't try to control others, don't ask others to understand you

24. Live in the moment, don't waste your life in the past or in the future.

25. Don't forget this, anytime, anything

26. Be sincere, be calm, be generous, be tolerant, have a normal heart

27. Learn to forget, forgetting is a good thing

28. Be optimistic, be positive, laugh more, look in the mirror

29. Believe what he said, but don't take it seriously.

30. How long is everything.

31. There is no real love in this world... time can dilute everything

32. Don't be a hedgehog. If you don't hate people, you won't be enemies. No one will ever be with you. Some things don't have to be remembered.

33. Sometimes you have to learn to listen to the opinions of people around you, and more often you will not hurt yourself.

34. Forget the past to have a new beginning.

35. The world is very unfair.

36. Don't rely too much on friends. Human nature has a bad side.

37. Love is beautiful, believe in love. If even love does not believe that life is not too bitter?

38. If you want to get it, you will lose another thing.

39. Pain grows, it is an opportunity for you to progress, a challenge. Don't be afraid of painful things, it has another positive effect.

40. A person is alone, and the only way to alleviate the pain it brings is to accept it calmly.

41. Those who have not experienced it can never understand these reasons, but it is good to hear.

42. Can not be beautiful, can not be cute, can not be gentle, but must be honest and kind.

43. Love all good things, praise and enjoy the beauty they bring.

44. When difficulties come, face them with a smile and solve them with wisdom.

45. Be brave enough to admit your mistakes and assume the responsibilities they bring.

46. ​​Love family, love friends, love partners, love children, however, to live for yourself.

47. Never worry about what has happened and what has not happened. There have been fait accompli and worry, and it has not been done by subjective speculation. It is impossible to infer the direction of the matter and increase the troubles.

48. Don't talk to your predicament in front of others to reveal your vulnerability.

49. Don't think about relying on others, you have to have goals and pursue them, which has nothing to do with age.

50. Be a simple person, practical and pragmatic. Do not indulge in fantasy. Nothing to disturb yourself.

51. Learn to think, clear your mind, understand your own smallness, and avoid self-indulgence. Shoot the birds in the guns, don't be strong in everything, because they are not as strong as you think!

52. Everyone is an independent individual, and no one can live without anyone who leaves!

53. Don't overestimate your strength in the collective, because when you choose to leave, you will find that the sun rises even without you!

54. Society is hierarchical and many things are unfair. Don't complain, because it's useless.

55. Don't be smart.

56. Make your own decision. Then be prepared to bear the consequences. Remind myself from the beginning that there is no regret in the world.

57. People who don’t like it can report it with a silent smile; if you like someone, then you can do it, because your love will not stop.

58. Believe in karma! Believe in reincarnation!

59. Learn to be patient and persistent!

60. Don't underestimate anyone.

61. You don't have so many viewers, don't be so tired.

62. Moderate is right for people. Don't lose your temper at will, no one owes you.

63. It’s very painful now, and when I look back, I’ll see that it’s not a problem.

64. Desperate with someone who is malicious to yourself. People have a good relationship, only to have the best.

65. Learn to tolerate people who hurt themselves, because they are very poor, everyone has their own difficulties, and everyone is not easy.

66. Learn to give up, the tighter you are, the more you are suffering.

67. Low-key, trade-offs, there must be gains and losses.

68. Don't try to find any excuses for yourself. No one likes to listen to those excuses before the mistake.

69. Be cautious, independent, and learn to compromise, but also adhere to your most basic principles.

70. Paying does not necessarily have results. Persistence may lead to more loss.

71. The past can not be forgotten, but it must be put down.

72. Live easily, make the best plan and the worst plan for everything.

73. Be a simple person, practical and pragmatic. Do not indulge in fantasy. Nothing to disturb yourself.

74. There is no lie, because there is always a day to be dismantled.

75. Behind the glamour of others, there are too many unknown pains

76. Try to enrich yourself. Don't stop learning. No matter what you study, language, cooking, and various skills.

77. Pay attention to your self-cultivation, you are the child's first teacher.

78. Filial piety to parents. It’s not just a mouthful, it’s good to have a few more calls.

79. Love parents, because they have given you life, but also the most selfless person who loves you.

80. Occasionally, there must be reality and hypocrisy, because if you don’t do that, it’s hard to mix.

81. Convergence your temper, and occasionally deliberately silence, because the impulse will do things that make you irreparable.

82. Whenever you do something, think about it.

83. Never give a second chance to betray your friend's betrayal.

84. Whoever is, has its own limits. Especially trust.

85. Know how to listen to the advice of others.

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