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Mao Zedong's Quotations

Mao Zedong Quotations:

1. People are always dying, but the meaning of death is different. In ancient China, a writer named Sima Qian said: "People are inherently dead, or heavier than Taishan, or lighter than Hong Mao." For the sake of the people's interests, it is heavier than Mount Tai; for the fascists, for the exploitation of the people. To die, it is lighter than a feather. - "Serving the People"

2. The power of the people. The people, the people, and only the people are the driving force behind the creation of world history. - "On the coalition government"

3. The people are real heroes, and we ourselves are often naive and ridiculous. If we don't understand this, we can't regain the minimum knowledge. - "Preface and Proverbs of "Rural Investigation"

4. The people of the people have unlimited creativity. They can organize themselves and march into places and departments where they can exert their strength, march into the depth and breadth of production, and create an increasing number of welfare businesses for themselves. - the phrase "The extra labor has found a way out"

5. The revolutionary war is a war of the people. Only by mobilizing the people can we fight. Only relying on the people can we fight. - "Caring for people's lives, paying attention to working methods"

6. To make the Chinese of hundreds of millions of people live well, it is a very difficult task to build our economically backward and culturally backward country into a prosperous, strong and highly cultural country. We must rectify the wind, we must rectify the wind now, we must rectify the wind in the future, and we must constantly remove the wrong things from us, just to enable us to better take up this task and better carry out all the reforms outside the party. Zhishi Renren work together. - "Speech at the National Communist Party-Party National Propaganda Work Conference"

7. Our party has stipulated the general line and general policy of the Chinese revolution, and has also stipulated specific work routes and specific policies. However, many comrades often remember the specific individual work lines and policies of our party and forget the general line and general policy of our party. If we truly forget the general line and general policy of our party, we will be a blind and completely awake revolutionary. When we implement specific work routes and specific policies, we will lose our way and will swing around. Will delay our work. - "Speech at the Jinci Cadre Conference"

8. “Interoperable information”. That is to say, the members of the party committee must inform each other and communicate with each other. This is important for achieving a common language. Some people do not do this, but like Lao Tzu said, "The sound of chickens and dogs, the old and the dead do not come and go", the result is a lack of common language between each other. - "The Working Methods of the Party Committee"

9. If you don't know what you don't know and don't understand, ask the subordinates. Don't easily agree or disagree. . . . We must not be convinced that we should know that we should be "not ashamed to ask" and be good at listening to the opinions of the cadres below. Be a student first, then be a gentleman; ask the following cadres first, then make an order. ... If there are cadres below, there are correct and incorrect ones. I will analyze them later. For the correct opinion, you must listen and do it according to it. ... I have to listen to the wrong opinions below. It is not right to listen at all; but I listened to it instead of doing it, and I have to give criticism.

10. What is the real wall of the copper wall? It is the people, and millions of people who truly support the revolution. This is the real wall of the copper wall, and what the amount can not be broken, can not be broken. - "Caring for people's lives, paying attention to working methods"

11. We should be modest, cautious, arrogant, defensive, and serve the people wholeheartedly...--"Two-one-China-Fate"

12. Serve the people wholeheartedly, and never leave the people; everything starts from the interests of the people, not from the interests of individuals or small groups;

13. The most profound source of the great power of war exists among the people. Japan dares to bully us. The main reason is the unorganized state of the Chinese people. Overcoming this shortcoming, we placed the Japanese aggressors in front of our millions of people who stood up, making it like a wild boar rushing into the fire, and we will also be shocked by it. The bison is not burned. - "On the Protracted War"

14. The guerrilla warfare of the people, from the point of view of the whole revolution, is the year of the year with the main Red Army. Only the main force of the Red Army and no people’s guerrilla warfare is like a one-armed general. According to the conditions of the people in the base area, specifically, especially for the war, there are people who are armed. The enemy is seen as a fearful way, mainly at this point. - "Strategic Issues in the Chinese Revolutionary War"

15. After the political line is determined, the cadre is the determining factor. - "China's Communist-Ganzi-Party in the National War"

16. The Communist-Party-Party cadre policy should be based on the ability to resolutely implement the party's line, obey the party's discipline, have close ties with the people, have independent working abilities, be willing to work hard, and do not seek personal gain as a standard. This is the route of "being a meritorious person". - "China's Communist-Ganzi-Party in the National War"

17. Unite to participate in productive and political activities to improve women’s economic status and political status. - Inscription for the publication of "New China Women" magazine

18. The party’s discipline must be reaffirmed: the individual obeys the organization; the minority obeys the majority; the lower class obeys the superior; the entire party obeys the central. Whoever destroys these disciplines will break the party's unity. - "China's Communist-Ganzi-Party in the National War"

19. The Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, led by the Communist Party-Party and the Communist-Party-Party, are revolutionary teams. Our team is solely for the purpose of liberating the people and is working thoroughly for the benefit of the people. - "Serving the People"

20. Our responsibility is to be accountable to the people. Every sentence, every action, every policy must be suitable for the interests of the people. If there is a mistake, we must correct it. This is called the people. - "The situation after the War of Resistance Against Japan and our policy"

21. We must learn the spirit of his lack of selfishness. From this point on, you can become a person who is greatly beneficial to the people. A person's ability is small, but as long as there is this spirit, it is a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who is out of the low-level taste, a person who benefits the people. - "Commemorating Bethune"

22. One of the most shocking words in the world - the Chinese people have stood up since then!

23. One sentence that best suits the current situation - abandon fantasy and prepare for struggle.

24. The most warning word - people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes; if people commit me, I will commit crimes!

25. One of the most important words to keep in mind - imperialism is not dead, and we must always be vigilant.

26. The most irrefutable sentence - the political power inside the gun!

27. The most heroic and proud word - all reactionaries are paper tigers!

28. The most inspiring sentence - Dongfeng blowing, war drumming, who is afraid of this world?

29. The most ugly enemy's sentence - a small ball, a few flies hit the wall. Howling, a few screams, sobbing a few times.

30. The most sober word - strategically despise the enemy, tactically pay attention to the enemy!

31. The most philosophical sentence - we must support the enemy.

32. One of the most willing and determined words - nuclear submarines must be made in 10,000 years!

33. The most cohesive sentence - the military and the people are united as one person, and try to see who can be enemies in the world!

34. The most bloody sentence - the Chinese nation has the spirit of bloody battles with its own enemies, and the decision to recover the old things on the basis of self-reliance

35. Heart, the ability to stand on the forest of the nations of the world!

36. The most proud poem - cold eyes to see the world!

37. The most ironic word - no, Stuart.

38. The most convincing sentence - blockade! Block it for ten or eight years, all problems in China have been solved!

39. The most "word of self-determination" - self-reliance and hard work.

40. The biggest oath - we must liberate Taiwan!

41. The most inspiring word - the fire of the stars, can be punished.

42. One of the most war art words - the enemy enters me, the enemy is in my trouble, the enemy is tired, I fight, the enemy retreats.

43. The best word to fight - to fight with the sky is endless! Fighting with the land is endless! Fighting with people!

44. One of the most profound words in the officialdom - serving the people!

45. One of the most managerial words - when the right policy is formulated, cadres are the key!

46. ​​The most "economically conscious" sentence - corruption and waste is a great crime!

47. The most predictable sentence - the bourgeoisie is in the Communistparty.

48. One of the most grateful words - Long live the people!

49. One of the most praises of the people - the spring breeze willow thousands of dollars, 600 million Shenzhou do their best.

50. One of the most praised words of the working people - like watching the thousands of waves of rice, the heroes everywhere!

51. One of the most depressing words for the elites - the people only have the people to be the driving force behind history!

52. The most ambitious sentence - for the sacrifice of more ambitions, dare to call the sun and the moon for a new day.

53. One of the most motivating words to overcome difficulties - make up your mind, not be afraid of sacrifice, overcome all odds, and fight for victory!

54. One of the most apt to give directions to vulnerable groups - where there is oppression, there is resistance.

55. The most exemplary sentence - learning from Comrade Lei Feng.

56. One of the most revolutionary wills - the greatness of life, the glory of death!

57. The most weighty sentence - heavier than Taishan, lighter than Hong Mao.

58. The most like a sentence of the elders - study hard, go up every day.

59. The coolest sentence - independent cold autumn, Xiangjiang North, Orange Island head.

60. The most modest sentence - this is only the first step of the Long March!

61. The most sad sentence - the whistle of a whistle has been broken, from then on the horizon!

62. The most tragic sentence - Cangshan is like the sea, and the sun is like blood!

63. The most freehand sentence - Jiangshan so much Jiao!

64. The most modest sentence - the enemy of learning is your own satisfaction, to learn something seriously, you must never be complacent!

65. One of the most angry words - pointing to the mountains and rivers, stimulating the text, the manure was tens of thousands of households.

66. The most beautiful description of the scenery - it must be sunny, look at the red dress, and be extraordinarily enchanting.

67. The most wild description of the situation - turned out to be born, Kun Kunlun, read the spring of the world.

68. The most enjoyable sentence - Xiongguan Man Road is really like iron, but now step by step!

69. The most "satisfied" sentence - a few romantic figures, still look at the present!

70. The most succinct word - no matter how the wind blows, it is better than walking in the air!

71. The most entertaining sentence - the twilight sky sees the pines, the chaotic clouds are still calm.

72. One of the most time-conceived words - 10,000 years is too long, just for the day!

73. The most conceited sentence - confident life for two hundred years, will hit three thousand miles!

74. One of the most cosmic imaginations - sitting on the ground for 80,000 miles, watching the thousands of rivers.

75. One of the most "love" words - I lost my arrogance to Yang, and I lost Liu; the willows were light and straight.

76. The most conceivable sentence - red orange yellow green blue blue purple, who is holding the color dance.

77. One of the most vocal words - the song of the international sad song, the arrogance for me from the sky.

78. The most heroic word - you can take the moon for nine days, you can catch the five oceans, talk about the triumphant songs, and there is no difficulty in the world, as long as you climb.

79. One of the most manly words - not the Great Wall is not a hero.

80. One of the most sense of ownership - ask the vast land, who is up and down?

Mao Zedong's personal profile:

Mao Zedong, the word Runzhi, the pen name. Hunan Xiangtan people. Poets, great Marxists, proletarian revolutionaries, strategists and theorists, the main founders and leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the People's Republic of China. From 1949 to 1976, Mao Zedong served as the highest leader of the People's Republic of China. His contribution to the development of Marxism-Leninism, military theory, and his theoretical contribution to the Communist Party was called Mao Zedong Thought. Because Mao Zedong’s main duties were almost entirely called the chairman, he was also known as “the Chairman Mao”. Mao Zedong is regarded as one of the most important figures in the history of the modern world. Time magazine also named him one of the 100 most influential people in the 20th century.

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