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Xunzi Cai Classic Quotations

Xunzi Cai Quotations:

1. From my point of view, I am still; but in the eyes of God, I am at the same speed as the train. This is the concept of relative speed in physics. Will it be that when I think I am living smoothly, God thinks that I am throwing away quickly?

2. If you miss the weight and the direction is up, then the thought is the only thing in the world that violates gravity.

3. It’s cold, I miss someone, so it’s not cold!

4. No matter where I am, I am only a distance away from you! I have been there, in front of you, in your shadow, waiting for you on the floor!

5. Time is like a train, flying away quickly, but I am as unaware as a passenger who is sleeping in the carriage. Once you wake up, you have missed a lot of things and even missed the stop.

6. The first cup of Irish coffee is a taste of fermentation.

7. The sky without clouds or the sky, but the clouds without the sky, is no longer the cloud.

8. I danced gently and gently, and you cast the same look, and you could appreciate it. Because it is not your gaze, but my young heart.

9. Do you want to add tears?

10. Waiting like the night of insomnia, helpless and long.

11. The purpose of survival is to make money, and the goal of struggle is women.

12. People want to fly, but it does not mean that people want to become birds.

13. I think that loneliness and loneliness are really different. Being alone, only representing no one around, loneliness, is a psychological state in which the inner feelings cannot communicate with others. The true loneliness is that even I forget the feeling of being alone.

14. No matter how difficult the present is, it is memories and the past.

15. When it rains, don't just pay attention to the water droplets on my face, I want to see my constant smile.

16. I think. Lonely and lonely are really different. Lonely means no one around. Lonely. It is a state of mind that can't communicate with people. The true loneliness is that even you forget the feeling of being alone. - "Mistletoe".

17. When it rains, don't just pay attention to the water droplets on my face, I want to see my constant smile -- "Mistletoe".

18. I am alone, not alone when I miss you.

19. "No matter how difficult the present, it is the memory and the past."

20. I hope that I will not think of her all the time, and this hope is like I hope the sky is not blue; it is as if I want the trees not to be green; it is as if I want the stars not to shine in the night; it is as if I wish The sun is not shining high during the day.

21. I am alone, not alone! When I miss you, I will be alone. Because I am lonely, I smoke, because I am so lonely because I smoked. I don’t know if I am smoking or smoke.

22. Where is the love, just in the blue eyes of your eyes, when the sun shines, it will be warm and splendid, and when the breeze blows, it will be soft and tender.

23. I have a feeling of PH less than 7 in my nose.

24. If I have ten million, I can buy a house. I have ten million? No. So I still don't have a house. If I have wings, I can fly. Do I have wings? No. So I can't fly. If you pour out the water of the entire Pacific Ocean, it will not extinguish the flame of my love for you. Can all the water in the entire Pacific Ocean come out? No. So I don't love you.

25. The most lonely person is that no one thinks that he is a lonely person.

26. Loneliness has always been my closest brother and sister. I won't go looking for it, but it will always come to me. If it is gone, it is just because it is hiding, not because it is leaving.

27. The flower language of rosemary is “memories”. One day in the future, if you have forgotten me... I will use Rosemary to wake up memories that are hidden in your heart.

28. It’s cold, I miss someone, so it’s not cold!

29. The Buddha said that the past five hundred times of returning to the past, in exchange for this life to pass by. I firmly believe that we must look back more than five hundred times in the past. Therefore, I am not good to say goodbye to you, and it is not easy to agree with you. One day in the future, we must meet again.

30. There are many kinds of love, and the level of love can also be high or low. But there is only one love, no high or low.

31. Because we don't understand love, we are not likely to say love, we have to use the universe super invincible love to approach love.

32. I danced gently, and you cast the same look, and you can appreciate it. It’s not the eyes you look at, but the young heart.

33. People want to fly, but it does not mean that people want to become birds.

34. Life is full of crossroads. When the green light at the crossroads begins to flash, what decision should I make at this moment? Accelerate the transmission? Or step on the brakes? My feet will step on the brakes and stop at the white line of "crossing the line". Usually the yellow light just lights up at this time. I am probably such a person. I have neither the courage to rush and the sigh of yellow light.

35. I expect that the self will not think of her all the time, and this expectation is like I expect the sky not to be blue; it is as if I expect the trees to be not green; it is as if I expect the stars not to shine in the night; it is as if I expect the sun Not taking photos during the day.

36. In other words... girls can not mind that you are not high enough... can not care that you are not handsome enough... can forgive you not gentle enough and considerate... can endure not enough care for you... can accept you not smart enough... but never forgive you enough romantic……"

37. We all know the power of memories, sometimes as diamonds shine, sometimes like rust, but you are in my heart, always radiating a gentle glow.

38. I think that loneliness and loneliness are really different. Lonely means that there is no one around. Loneliness is a state of mind in which the inner feelings cannot communicate with others. The true loneliness is that even the self forgets the feeling of loving one person.

39. If I have 10 million, I can buy a house. I have ten million? No. So I still don't have a house. If I have wings, I can fly. Do I have wings? No. So I can't fly. If you pour out the water of the entire Pacific Ocean, it will not extinguish the flame of my feelings for you. Can all the water in the entire Pacific Ocean come out? No. So I don't love you.

40. I always feel that I am carrying something to live, and those things are heavy and heavy. The deepest is probably something called expectation. Usually given by others, then moral.

41. Originally, I just wanted to precipitate my thoughts in the dark, and carefully taste the memories we shared. I didn't expect that in the darkness, I only felt lonely.

42. I am alone, not alone! When I miss you, I will be alone. Because of loneliness, I smoke because I am so lonely because of smoking. I don’t know if I am smoking or smoke.

43. For me, before I know you, the front is the direction. I just have to move forward. After I know you, where you are, is the direction.

痞子蔡's personal profile:

Xunzi Cai, formerly known as Cai Zhiheng, was born in 1969. He is a famous Taiwanese online novel writer and a doctor of water conservancy engineering at Taiwan University for Success. In 1998, he wrote "The First Intimate Contact", which caused the scorpion Cai in the global Chinese region. The novel "First Intimate Contact" and "Night Rose" have been made into the film "First Intimate Contact" and "Night Rose".

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