Jesus Quotations
Jesus Quotations:
1. Also stick to the hopes we have acknowledged, not to shake, because that promises us to be faithful.
2. I tell you, don't worry about life, what to eat, what to drink, what to worry about, what to wear for your body; is life more than eating? Is the body more than clothes? You see the birds on that day, don't plant, don't accept And don't save in the warehouse, your heavenly Father still feeds him; how much more expensive are you than the birds? You can use your thoughts to add extra life to your life.
3. When the date is full, the kingdom of God is near! Repent and believe in the gospel.
4. Come follow me! I want you to be like a fish.
5. We can go elsewhere, to the neighboring villages, and I will preach there because I came out for this.
6. Kid, your sin is gone.
7. Why do you talk about this in your heart? Or say 'your sin' to the blind man, or say 'get up, walk with your nephew', how easy is it? But let you know that the Son of Man is on the ground. The authority of sin.
8. Healthy people do not need doctors, and sick people can use them. I am not calling the righteous, but calling the sinner.
9. The Sabbath is established for men, and not for the Sabbath. Therefore, the Son of Man is also the Lord of the Sabbath.
10. I tell you the truth: all sin and all sinful words of the world can be forgiven; those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but will bear eternal sin.
11. From the inside of the people, that can defile people, because from inside, it is evil thoughts, cohesiveness, theft, murder, x sin, greed, evil, deceit, embarrassment, jealousy, pride, arrogance. All these evils come out from the inside and can taint people.
12. If someone wants to follow me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever saves his life will lose his life; whoever loses his life for me and the gospel will save his life. Man is earning the whole world, losing his life, what good is it? What can people change for life? Whoever treats me and my way as shameful in this fornicating sinful generation, the Son of Man is in him In the glory of the Father, when the Holy Angel comes, he must also regard the person as shameful.
13. I tell you the truth: Someone standing here, before they have tasted death, must see the power of God's kingdom to come.
14. The Son of Man has not yet risen from the dead, and you should not tell anyone what you see.
15. If you can believe, everyone who believes can do everything.
16. Why do you call me good? There is no good except God.
17. How difficult is it for the rich man to enter the kingdom of God!... How difficult is it for the boy to rely on the riches of money to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for the camel to pass through the eye of the needle than the rich man’s kingdom. .
18. It is not possible in man, but not in God, because God can do everything.
19. I tell you the truth: man and I will leave the house, brothers, sisters, parents, children, and fields, and will be persecuted, and will have eternal life in the coming life. However, there are many who are in the front and will be in the back; in the latter, they will be in the front.
20. Behold, when we go to Jerusalem, the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, who will condemn him to the Gentiles. They have to tease him, spit on his face, whipping him and killing him. After three days, he is going to be resurrected.
21. What do you want me to do for you?... You don't know what you are asking for. Can you drink the cup I drink? Can you accept the wash I have received?... You must drink the cup I drink, and you will receive the baptism that I receive. Just sitting around me, not what I can give, but who to prepare for, who to give.
22. You know that Gentiles have the honor to be kings, to govern them, and to have ministers in charge of them. Just among you, this is not the case. Among you, whoever is willing to be great will be your servant; among you, whoever is headed, will be the servant of all. Because the Son of Man comes not to be served by people, but to serve the people, and to give up his life and to make a ransom for many people.
23. All of you who are hardworking and heavy, come to me, I want you to be comforted.
24. For you, you are a person; but for someone, you are the whole world.
25. How difficult it is for the rich to become the people of the empire! It is even harder for the rich to become the people of the empire than the camel through the needle eye!
26. I ask the Father, and the Father gives you another Comforter, that he will be with you forever, the Holy Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept: because he does not see him or know him; you know him, Because he is always with you, he is also in you.
27. Your father is willing to give you the country.
28. Be alert to yourself! Don't let the wine and the worries of life numb your soul, I am afraid that the day will come to you suddenly. Because that day is like a net, and it will come to all the people of the world. Be alert, keep praying, and give you strength to endure everything that is going to happen, to stand in front of the Son of Man.
29. I am a true vine; my father is a gardener. All the lines that connect me, the fruitless branches, he cuts them off; the fruitful branches, he prunes, makes it bear more fruit, and the information I have told you has cleansed you, You must always connect with me, I will always connect with you. If you don't connect with me, you can't bear fruit, just as the branches don't connect with the vines and you can't be fruitful.
30. When you are close to God, God will be close to you.
31. You have not asked for anything in my name, but now you will be satisfied, so that your joy can be satisfied.
32. The Son of Man will be handed over to the people. They will kill him. After being killed, he will be resurrected after three days.
33. If anyone is willing to be the first, he will be the last of all, and he will be the servant of all.
34. Whoever receives a child like this for me is to receive me; whoever receives me is not to receive me, but to receive the one who sent me.
35. Don't ban him, because no one is doing my best in my name, but it is easy to ruin me. What is not against us is to help us. If you are a Christ and give you a cup of water to drink, I tell you the truth: He can't be rewarded.
36. What is Moses commanding you?... Moses wrote this regulation for you because of your hard heart, but from the time of creation, God made man and woman. Therefore, people have to leave their parents and join their wives, and the two become one. In this case, the husband and wife are no longer two people, but one. Therefore, if God cooperates, people cannot be separated. . . . whoever divorces his wife and slanders is committing adultery and disappointing his wife; if the wife leaves her husband to marry again, she commits adultery.
37. Let the children come to me, don't ban them, because in the Kingdom of God, it is such a person. I tell you the truth: if you want to inherit the kingdom of God, if you are not like a child, you can't go in.
38. Who is my mother? Who is my brother?...Behold, my mother, my brother. Those who do the will of God are my brothers and sisters and mothers.
39. You should pay attention to what you are listening to. What kind of measuring device do you use for you, and what kind of measuring device will you use? And give you more. Because there are, I have to give it to him; no, even he has to take it away.
40. Don't be afraid, just believe!
41. God loves the world and even gives his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life.
42. If you pray, give it to you; if you look for it, you will find it; if you open the door, you will open the door for you. For those who pray, they will have it; if they find it, they will find it; if they are, they will open the door.
43. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. In this way, you can be the son of your Father. Because he called the sun to shine as a good man, and to take care of others; the rain gives the righteous, and the unrighteous.
44. I am the light of the world. Follow me, do not walk in the dark, you must have the light of life.
45. I am here to ask the sheep to have life and to be richer.
46. My heart is meek and lowly, and you should bear my yoke and learn my style, so that you will have rest in your heart.
47. I am the way, the truth, the life, and no one can go to the Father unless I am by me. If you know me, you will know my father. From now on, you know him and have seen him.
48. I tell you these things, that you are to have peace in me. You have suffering in the world, but you can rest assured that I have won the world.
49. You are the salt of the world. If the salt loses its taste, how can it be called salty? It will be useless in the future, but it will be thrown outside and thrown away. You are the light of the world. The city is built on the mountain and cannot be hidden. People light up, not under the bucket, they are placed on the lampstand, they illuminate the family. Let your light shine before the people, and let them see your good deeds, and give glory to your Father in heaven.
Personal profile of Jesus:
Jesus is the Savior predicted in the Bible, also known as Christ. Jesus is the Son of God and is often called "Jesus of Nazareth." Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Israel more than 2,000 years ago. He began to spread the gospel of the kingdom around the age of thirty. He was crucified when the governor Pontius Pilate was in power. Christ died for our sins according to the Bible. And buried, and according to the Bible, the third day was resurrected and appeared to the disciples. On the forty days after the resurrection, he rose to the high heavens. Now he is sitting on the right hand of God. He will come again in the future. The kingdom of glory.
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